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The paper records evidences of neotectonic activities in the Gangotri glacier valley that are found to be responsible for the present-day geomorphic set-up of the area since the last phase of major glaciation. Geomorphological features indicate the presence of a large glacier in the valley in the geological past. Prominent planar structures present in the rocks were later on modified into sets of normal faults in the present-day Himalayan tectonic set-up giving rise to graben structures. The block nearest the snout is traversed by the NW-SE trending Gaumukh fault. A number of terraces mark the entrenchment of Bhagirathi River in this part. The contrasting drainage morphometric parameters of two sides of the valley and asymmetric recessional patterns of the tributary glaciers further document movement along the fault. The distribution and orientation of debris fans also seem to be controlled by neotectonic activity. The neotectonic activity that followed the process of deglaciation has brought the glacially carved, wide U- shaped valley in contact with the present-day fluvially incised narrow and relatively deep valley. The wider segments have become sites of active deposition of glacially eroded debris. The low gradient and excessive filling has resulted in the river attaining a braided nature in these segments.  相似文献   
曹梅盛 《冰川冻土》1999,21(3):249-252
据世界冰川监测处(WGMS)收集,编辑和出版的全球冰川物质平衡序列资料,用序列平均滑动t检验,探测了北半球20a以上长序列33条冰川的10a尺度突变。结果表明,突变发生年代的区域特征与气候环流背景突变很相近。证实冰川年物质平衡序列反映气候背景突出的能力与灵敏性。  相似文献   
Landsat images, real-time kinematic GPS measurements, and topographic maps were used to determine changes in ice elevation, volume, and areal extent of the Laohugou No. 12 glacier (Qilian Mountains, China) between 1957 and 2007. The glacier experienced significant thinning and areal shrinkage in the ablation zone, but slight thickening in part of the accumulation zone. Elevation decreased by 18.6±5.4 m between 1957 and 2007 in the regions covered by the GPS measurements. The total volume loss for the entire glacier was estimated to be 0.218 km3 using a third-order polynomial fit method. The area diminished by 0.28 km2 between 1957 and 1994, 0.26 km2 between 1994 and 2000, and 0.28 km2 between 2000 and 2007, suggesting that the rate of loss in glacial coverage has increased since the mid-1990s. Significant increases in annual mean air temperature may have contributed to shrinkage and thinning of the glacier.  相似文献   
Ice and snow chemistry of alpine glaciers is crucial for the research of regional atmospheric environment change. Fresh snow samples were weekly collected from Urumqi Glacier No.1 in the Tianshan Mountains, Xin- jiang, China, and the chemical characteristics and seasonal variations of major ions, mineral dust, δ18O and trace metals were measured. Results show that the concentrations of major ions in the snow are Ca2+ SO42- NH4+ NO3- Cl- Na+ Mg2+ K+, in which Ca2+ is the dominant cation, and SO42-is the dominant anion. All major ions have close positive correlations with each other except NO3-. δ18O shows positive correlation with air temperature change during the study period. Mineral dust particle and major ionic concentrations in fresh snow have obvious seasonal change, with high concentration in spring but low concentration in summer and autumn, which indicates that the chemical mass input from Asian dust activity to snow is very significant. Temporal changes of trace metals in fresh snow, e.g., Cd, Pb, Zn, Al, Fe, have shown that human-induced pollution of central Asian region also has large contribution to the snow chemistry on alpine glaciers of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   
青藏高原纳木错流域扎当冰川度日因子特征及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据青藏高原念青唐古拉峰北坡纳木错流域扎当冰川2007和2008年消融期的物质平衡和气象观测资料,计算了冰川冰和雪的度日因子值,分析了冰川度日因子的时空变化及影响因素.结果表明:扎当冰川雪的度日因子值为5.3mm·d-1·℃-1;不同海拔冰的度日因子在4.0~14.0mm·d-1·℃-1之间,平均为9.2mm·d-1·℃-1.扎当冰川冰的度日因子值随着海拔的升高有所下降,但季节变化规律不明显.利用度日模型对扎当冰川物质平衡进行了模拟,得到2006/2007年度和2007/2008年度该冰川的物质平衡值分别为-534mmw.e.和247mmw.e.,其中2007/2008年度的模拟值接近观测值.  相似文献   
冰川擦痕在冰川遗迹的判断中具有极为重要的意义,其中以槽谷岩壁擦痕与冰碛砾石擦痕最为明显。槽谷岩壁擦痕具有细长密集、近似平行的特征;冰碛砾石擦痕具有短粗稀疏、方向杂乱的特征。除此之外,还有弧形擦痕、逆冲擦痕、新月形凿口、新月形裂纹、新月形裂口、颤痕等刻蚀遗迹的配套产出。经对比分析,蒙山发育的擦痕与四川海螺沟现代冰川谷内的擦痕具有完全的一致性,因此进一步确定了蒙山擦痕的冰川成因。  相似文献   
天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川物质平衡特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
统计了天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川自1980年以来冰川表面的单点物质平衡,分析了不同季节物质平衡及其冰川变化特征。研究表明,1号冰川厚度较之1959年平均减薄了9 599 mm;1997—2002年为实际观测以来连续的强负物质平衡时段,平均物质平衡为-739.6 mm /a。物质平衡与气温、降水的相关分析显示:1号冰川物质平衡主要取决于夏季平均气温的高低,二者具有较好的反相关关系(相关系数为-0.72),而与降水的关系相对较差。20世纪80年代末以来,1号冰川退缩速度明显增大,尤以2000—2002年为甚,西支冰川退缩速度为连续的高值(退缩速度分别为6.92 m/a、6.95 m/a和6.25 m/a);东支冰川的退缩速度与高度大于4 200 m的高度带区间的平均物质平衡值有较好的相关关系(相关系数为0.65),表明了1号冰川进退的动力主要源于冰川积累区的物质平衡大小。  相似文献   
游客满意度是衡量旅游地竞争力的关键因素之一,已受到众多旅游研究者的关注。在其热点研究中,有关冰川旅游游客满意度及不同游客属性间满意度差异的研究鲜见。选取达古冰川与海螺沟冰川为研究区,通过对游客属性细分,运用模糊多准则决策法(F-MCDM)及引入需求弹性理论对冰川旅游游客满意度进行了综合评价和敏感性分析,探讨了提升冰川旅游游客满意度的对策建议。结果表明:达古冰川游客实际满意度总体高于海螺沟冰川,两地均以管理与服务的满意度最高,消费状况与交通的满意度最低。就游客属性的相对满意度而言,两地均呈现男性满意度高于女性,高消费游客满意度高于低消费游客,高忠诚度游客满意度高于低忠诚度游客;两地相对满意度的差异表现在年龄、受教育程度、客源地和到访次数方面。相较于达古冰川,海螺沟冰川满意度敏感性更高,同等改进力度下游客满意度的提高更为明显高效,就两地满意度敏感性最高的景观特色而言,达古冰川1%的改善将提升游客满意度0.30%,而海螺沟冰川可提升0.45%;对于不同游客属性的满意度敏感性,两地均以不愿推荐、不愿重游和未达到期望的游客最高。最后依据满意度敏感性分析结果,为两地冰川旅游发展提出了关键属性改进、营销策略创新和旅游产品开发等针对性建议。  相似文献   
Recent changes occurred in terminus of the debris-covered Bilafond Glacier in the Karakoram Range in the Himalayas, Northern Pakistan was investigated in this research. Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ images were used for this study. Digital elevation models derived from ASTER GDEM and SRTM were also utilized. Visible, infrared and thermal infrared channels were utilized in order to get accurate glacier change maps. Three methods were tried to map this debris-covered glacier in this research. The glacier has been mapped successfully and the changes in the glacier terminus from 1978 to 2011 have been calculated. Manual, semi-automatic and thermal methods were found to give similar results. It was found that the glacier has undergone serious ablation during this period despite of the fact that many of the larger glaciers in the Hindu Kush and Karakoram mountain regions in the Upper Indus Basin were reported to be expanding. The terminus has been moved back about 600 meters during this period and there was an abrupt change in the glacier terminus during 1990-2002. We propose that debris thickness is not the only factor that influences the glacier ablation but the altitude of the debris-covered glacier as well. Many glaciers in the Karakoram region reported to be expanding were having higher altitudes compared to the study area.  相似文献   
自2002年9月14日至2004年9月28日,在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川积累区雪坑中连续观测取样,频率为1次/周。对表层雪样品和粒雪坑样品的pH值和电导率进行了分析。结果表明,表层雪的pH值和电导率具有明显的季节变化趋势,与本区域的主导山谷风风向NE和ENE密切相关。在春季,由于尘暴发生频率的增加,表层雪的pH值呈现较强碱性,电导率达到最大值;在冬季,由于原生气溶胶向次生气溶胶的转化,pH值呈现较弱碱性,电导率达到最小值。在后沉积过程中(2003年10月4日至2004年9月8日),雪坑中不同时期的pH值和电导率呈现不同的季节变化特征和淋溶过程。电导率的峰值P1进入粒雪冰的时间比与它相对应的大粒径(直径>10 μm)微粒的浓度峰值提前40天左右;在有的雪坑中,pH值和电导率的峰值出现在污化层附近,与污化层的位置有较好的一致性,说明污化层对可溶性离子的淋溶作用可能有一定的影响。相关分析表明,Ca2+是影响表层雪中pH值和电导率变化的最主要离子。  相似文献   
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