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通过分析近几年青岛市地表,地下水水质监测资料,总结水环境污染地区分布规律,摸清水环境污染形成原因,对当前防污治污工作提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
The global weather of today is growing significantly warmer; this is an indisputable fact. However, the scientific community has not yet reached consensus on the causes of global warming and its possible consequences. This paper introduces the causes of global warming and summarizes its results, which both involve a series of huge and complex system issues. Our top priority is to pinpoint the main reason and the interrelated links between causative factors by adopting a macro-approach, or comprehensive comparison analysis. Its physical mechanism was then determined and its digital model established after quantitative study. __________ Translated from Green Leaf, 2007, (8): 34–35 [译自: 绿叶]  相似文献   
2002年8月12日,叶尔羌河再次发生因高原冰川阻塞形成的洪水。本文对叶尔羌河历次高原冰川阻塞性洪水的成因以及与气象的关系做了较详尽的分析,并提出了从气象角度预报该类型洪水的方法和利用卫星遥感技术对冰川阻塞湖进行监测的建议,期望对叶尔羌河今后的防洪工作有一些指导意义。  相似文献   
冬、春季的天气影响系统既有共同点,又有不同之处。通过近20a大-暴雪个例的物理成因及卫星云图等特征的分析,总结出有预报意义的指标。  相似文献   
Straight river is generally regarded as one of the typical river patterns in conventional classifications in terms of their channel plain landforms. However, very few straight patterns were found to be distributed in wider spatial and temporal spans in the self-adjusted fluvial rivers. Thus, the questions occur such as that is it possible for a channel takes on a stable straight pattern? What are the main factors controlling the processes of the river pattern formation and transformation from a straight to other patterns? Various theories and hypotheses including geomorphic threshold hypothesis, the extreme hypothesis on energy dissipation rate, the stability theory, etc. have been developed to explain the aforementioned questions, but none of them is sound for the explanation to the straight-river formation. From the modern fluvial plain patterns, the straight patterns are not as stable as other typical patterns which occurred in nature; from the historic records of the river sedimentation, no apparent evidence was found to support the stable straight river evolution. Based on the analysis of existing theories, observations, evolvement processes of the channel patterns in the experimental results, this paper concluded that the straight pattern should not be included as one of the typical patterns that are self-formed and developed. This study is of importance to understanding of the river pattern formation and transformation.  相似文献   
结合许家湾滑坡灾害点的地质背景资料和现场勘察结果,从滑坡区的地貌、区域地质构造、地层岩性、土壤特性、水文地质特征以及人类工程活动等方面分析滑坡成因机制。指出同向多层次结构的边坡类型、山高坡陡及地表水汇集走廊的地貌特征、发育多组密集节理的区域地质构造、软硬互层的地层岩性、土体的残余强度特性等是滑坡形成的内因;而人为削坡、强降雨和破坏植被营造水耕梯田等人类活动所造成的流水浸蚀,是滑坡形成的诱发空子。基于滑坡稳定性的定量计算,确定了采用抗滑挡土墙、格构式地梁和垫梁组成抗滑系统,并布置了由树枝笼渗沟构成的排水系统等工程治理措施。现场监测结果表明滑坡治理措施卓有成效。  相似文献   
分析洪灾成因 :长时间连续降雨和随后而至的暴雨 ,是山洪成灾主要因素 ;特殊的水系结构使洪峰流量在城区河流汇合处叠加 ;山洪的动能大 ,挟带泥沙和冲蚀能力强 ;泥石流、滑坡、崩塌强烈活动 ,为山洪提供大量泥沙、推移质 ;人类经济活动不当 ,加大了灾害损失  相似文献   
通过对阿勒泰地区1991~2000年西部区域性偏东大风天气的气候特征、环流形势及地形进行分析,归结出产生西部区域性偏东大风天气的成因及预报指标。  相似文献   
梅州山区频繁发生山体滑坡灾害是由该区特定的地质和气候等自然环境以及客家人特有的居住习惯等引起的。在此研究的基础上有针对性地提出适合梅州山区防治山体滑坡灾害的对策和建议。  相似文献   
概述了青海省省道S101线改建工程红土山段滑坡体的地形地貌及地层岩性,滑坡体变形特征以及变形原因分析;计算滑坡推力,并依据滑体推力计算值选择滑坡治理方案;对治理方案技术参数以及同类项目选择治理方案应注意的问题进行了描述。  相似文献   
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