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In the locality of Rambla de los Gavilanes (Betic Chain Murcia, Spain), six new outcrops with dinosaur footprints are reported from an uppermost Cretaceous succession of coastal marine deposits. Four of these sites are found in the upper part of the lower Maastrichtian and the other two in the upper Maastrichtian, these latter located only a few meters below the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (K/Pg). Traces appear as impressions or as natural casts, on tabular limestone beds consisting of micritic carbonate facies, these deposited in coastal marine areas that include a variety of environments (coastal lakes, tidal flats, salt marshes, and shallow coastal lakes). Two main types of traces have been recognized, respectively attributed to sauropod footprints and large ornithopod footprints with remarkable pointed hoof marks. The Maastrichtian sites with large ornithopod footprints in Europe are reported from Spain, Poland and Romania. Sauropod (titanosaurian), theropod (Irenesauripus and other undetermined theropods), and ornithopod footprints have been found at sites located up to 20 m below the K/Pg boundary. The Spanish dinosaur ichnites known closest to the K/Pg boundary are in the Pyrenean upper Maastrichtian, and are tridactyl, theropod and ornithopod (Hadrosauropodus and Amblydactylus) footprints. In this work, the assignation of the Rambla de los Gavilanes ornithopod footprints has been made following the recommended synthesis in several recent papers which reduce the large ornithopod ichnogenus to four.  相似文献   
Cretaceous dinosaur tracks from Hunan Province are historically significant as the basis for three ichnotaxa: Xiangxipus chenxiensis, Xiangxipus youngi, and Hunanpus jiuquwanensis all representing theropodan tracks, described from a single site in 1982. Although the type locality has since been destroyed, the type specimen and replicas remained available for restudy in 2006, when paratype Hunanpus tracks and sauropod footprints were described from a second, nearby locality. Material from both localities is here re-described in detail. It is proposed that while Xiangxipus chenxiensis can be regarded as a distinct ichnospecies, probably representing an ornithomimid trackmaker, Xiangxipus youngi cannot be accommodated in the same ichnogenus. We consider it similar to the ichnogenus Wupus from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province, and therefore of possible avian affinity. We also find no justification for regarding Hunanpus jiuquwanensis as generically distinct from the widespread ichnogenus Grallator, and therefore rename it Grallator jiuquwanensis comb. nov. The Hunan track record is generally consistent with the sparse record of theropod skeletal remains in the province, but adds evidence of sauropods that was previously lacking.  相似文献   
A set of about 25 diminutive sub-parallel scrapes in the Cretaceous Haman Formation of South Korea fit the morphology of the small theropod track Minisauripus which is also known from this formation. The scrapes are interpreted as evidence of display behavior, and suggest that the trace maker was an adult engaged in avian-like courtship behavior. Although avian theropods are also known from this formation, the scrapes are inconsistent with their foot morphology. Although large theropod scrapes have been interpreted as evidence of display behavior they are only known from North America. Thus, the scrapes described here are the first reported from Asia, and the first interpreted as evidence of display behavior in such a diminutive species.  相似文献   
Two ichnogenus of “large-sized” ornithopods are found from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) Kitadani Formation in central Japan. Caririchnium isp. is characterized by the longer pes print than its width with strong mesaxony. Amblydactylus isp. is characterized by the wider pes print than its length with weak mesaxony. In the northern hemisphere, Caririchnium-type footprints are known from the Berriasian–Cenomanian strata, whereas Amblydactylus-type footprints are known from the Barremian–Maastrichtian strata. It is consistent with the temporal and geographic distribution of non-hadrosauroid iguanodontians and basal hadrosauroids. It suggests that footprint length-width ratio and mesaxony are important factors to indicate trackmakers (basal iguanodontian or hadrosauroid). Two “large-sized” ornithopod ichnogenus from the Kitadani Formation is also consistent with two iguanodontians from same site. It indicates a high diversity of the Kitadani ichnofauna and its importance to elucidate the ecosystem of the Kitadani Formation.  相似文献   
A sample of fallen blocks of fluvial sandstone from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Sichuan Province yielded an assemblage of dinosaur and pterosaur tracks preserved as natural impressions and casts. Collectively the assemblage reveals 132 tracks representing at least 30 trackways of tridactyl and didactyl theropods, sauropods, ornithopods and pterosaurs. Ichnotaxonomically, the trackways of small tridactyl theropods (pes lengths 7–18 cm) are indeterminable, whereas the trackway of a small didactyl dromaeosaur (pes length up to 7.5 cm) is tentatively assigned to cf. Velociraptorichnus. The sauropod trackways are assigned to cf. Brontopodus based on the medium to nearly wide-gauge pattern. Other characteristics are the U-shaped manus and strong heteropody. One sauropod trackway shows a peculiar pattern with a lack of left manus imprints, and an unusual position and rotation of right manus imprints. Different scenarios and explanations for this phenomenon are discussed. Ornithopod trackways are the most abundant in the sample and characterized by pes imprints of a small biped that are assigned here to the new ichnospecies Caririchnium liucixini. It is characterized by an unusual broad shape and weak mesaxony. Bivariate analysis of different Caririchnium ichnospecies reveals increasing mesaxony toward the larger forms, a trend that is the reverse of typical theropod ichnotaxa, where large imprints have weak mesaxony. Three isolated, small pterosaur tracks (two manus, one pes) are visible on a single surface. They show strong similarities to the widespread ichnogenus Pteraichnus. This is the ninth report of tetrapod tracks from the Jiaguan Formation in recent years and represents one of the most diverse assemblages recorded to date. It is also rare evidence of typical didactyl dromaeosaur tracks and the co-occurrence of sauropod and ornithopod tracks in a fluvial depositional environment representing arid climate conditions.  相似文献   
山东诸城地区是闻名世界的恐龙化石宝库,这里不仅保存有数量巨大的晚白垩世恐龙骨骼化石,还发现有数量众多的早白垩世恐龙足迹化石。到目前为止,诸城境内共发现的恐龙足迹化石点有3处,分别为南部的皇龙沟与北部的张祝河湾和棠棣戈庄。根据前人对这3处恐龙足迹化石点的研究,对其发现和研究历史、足迹类型(包括非恐龙足迹)、不同类型足迹的大小和特征,以及古地理和古气候等进行了总结,提出了诸城恐龙足迹化石研究中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
A previously unknown and morphologically distinct pentadactyl mammal track was recovered from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Laramie Formation at the Fossil Trace site, a National Natural Landmark which is the type locality for Schadipes crypticus, the only named mammal track known from North America. The track is different, and larger than S. crypticus, and thus is evidence of a diversity of mammal trackmakers at this site. Although Cretaceous mammal tracks are very rare, preliminary indications are that those currently known are all morphologically distinct and therefore indicative of a global diversity of different trackmakers, as the body fossil record suggests. Lack of well-preserved mammal trackways with morphologically distinct manus and pes footprints hampers efforts to name diagnostic ichnotaxa.  相似文献   
The diabolical and supernatural folklore traditions of geology are examined systematically for the first time. The following have all been suggested explanations for fossil remains: Devil's footprints, bones, toenails, fingers, thumbs, buttons, money and ninepins; Hobgoblin's claws; Fairy's fingers, heads, faces, hearts, beads, causeways, saltcellars, bottles, weights, money and loaves; elf arrows; witches’ beads and tongues. Twinned staurolite crystals have been called Fairy crosses.  相似文献   
Two natural casts of two-toed (didactyl) tracks from the Cretaceous (Albian) Plainview Sandstone (Plainview Member) of the South Platte Formation (Dakota Group) at Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado are attributed to deinonychosaurian theropod dinosaurs and placed in the ichnogenus Dromaeosauripus. This is both the first report of tracks from this unit in the Dinosaur Ridge area and the first report of deinonychosaurian tracks from Colorado. It is also only the third report of this track type from North America. The rarity of tracks from the Albian-aged, Plainview Sandstone (Dakota Group Sequence 2) contrasts with their abundance in the upper (Cenomanian) part of the overlying South Platte Formation (Dakota Group Sequence 3), which has yielded more than 120 sites mostly in Colorado, giving rise to the “Dinosaur Freeway” concept. As no deinonychosaurid tracks are known from the sequence 3 part of the South Platte Formation, despite the large vertebrate and invertebrate ichnological database available, it is evident that the sparse vertebrate ichnofauna from the Plainview Member (Sequence 2) is inherently different. This striking difference in both track abundance and track type reflects differences in both age and depositional environment. Based on the Albian age, and track type, the Plainview tracks invite comparison with the ichnofaunas of the Cedar Mountain Formation and not with those well-known from the upper part of the South Platte Formation known as the Dinosaur Freeway.  相似文献   
A total of more than 40 tridactyl and didactyl tracks were preserved as natural casts on four fallen blocks of sandstone representing the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Gulin County in southeastern Sichuan Province, China. While several trackways can be distinctly followed, others are isolated imprints only. All have been flattened by overburden pressures. Tridactyl tracks are present with three size-classes being <10 cm, 10–20 cm and >20 cm in length. Morphologically they are similar to the ichnogenus Eubrontes, considering the relatively weak mesaxony. Eight of the tracks on one of the blocks are clearly didactyl and are here interpreted as representing large and medium sized dromaeosaurids. The largest track is about ∼30 cm long and comparable in size to the type of Dromaeopodus (∼28 cm), from the Lower Cretaceous of Shandong Province, which was the largest dromaeosaurid track previously reported. This report adds new data to the growing number of dromaeosaurid tracksites reports from China, and from the Jiaguan Formation, suggesting that this theropod group had a preference for fluvial paleoenvironments.  相似文献   
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