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The mid-Holocene (ca. 8000-4000 cal yr BP) was a time of marked aridity throughout much of Minnesota, and the changes due to mid-Holocene aridity are seen as an analog for future responses to global warming. In this study, we compare the transition into (ca. 9000-7000 yr ago) and out of (ca. 5000-2500 yr ago) the mid-Holocene (MH) period at Kimble Pond and Sharkey Lake, located along the prairie forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota, using high resolution (∼ 5-36 yr) sampling of pollen, charcoal, sediment magnetic and loss-on-ignition properties. Changes in vegetation were asymmetrical with increasing aridity being marked by a pronounced shift from woodland/forest-dominated landscape to a more open mix of grassland and woodland/savanna. In contrast, at the end of the MH, grassland remained an important component of the landscape despite increasing effective moisture, and high charcoal influxes (median 2.7-4.0 vs. 0.6-1.7 mm2 cm− 2 yr− 1 at start of MH) suggest the role of fire in limiting woodland expansion. Asymmetric vegetation responses, variation among and within proxies, and the near-absence of fire today suggest caution in using changes associated with mid-Holocene aridity at the prairie forest boundary as an analog for future responses to global warming.  相似文献   
Soil water repellency can enhance overland flow and erosion and may be altered by fire. The Christmas 2001 bushfires near Sydney allowed investigation of the relationship between fire severity, water repellency and hydrogeomorphological changes. For two sub-catchments with differences in fire severities in Nattai National Park, south-west of Sydney, this paper considers: (1) the links between fire severity based on SPOT image analysis and ground observation of fire severity and repellency; (2) the textural and organic/minerogenic characteristics of eroded sediment; and (3) erodibility, erosion and deposition of soils in both catchments. Ground surveys show that image analysis reflects well the degree of vegetation consumption by fire, but cannot adequately predict the degree of ground litter consumption, associated soil heating and repellency effects. Fire had varying effects on repellency, leaving it unchanged, destroying it or enhancing it, depending on the soil temperature reached. The main post-fire hydrogeomorphological changes have been widespread erosion and colluvial and alluvial deposition of topsoil in foot-slope locations and river systems, but only localised redistribution of the highly erodible, repellent sandy subsurface layer. The fire did not trigger major geomorphological change in the study area, but fires probably cause important topsoil and nutrient depletion and may also affect water quality.  相似文献   
黄靖  夏智宏 《湖北气象》2008,27(2):182-185
介绍了EOS卫星上携带的MODIS传感器的主要特点以及用MODIS资料进行林火监测的原理。根据近年来使用MODIS资料进行林火监测的应用情况,对自动判识火点所需设置的门槛值进行了分析和探索,找到了一种能快速、简便地设置ch21和ch21-ch31门槛值的方法,并通过实例证明该方法在林火监测中是可行的和有效的。  相似文献   
The increasing extent and frequency of fires globally requires nuanced understanding of the drivers of large-scale events for improved prevention and mitigation. Yet, the drivers of fires are often poorly understood by various stakeholders in spatially expansive and temporally dynamic landscapes. Further, perceptions about the main cause of fires vary amongst stakeholders, which amplify ongoing challenges from policies being implemented inconsistently across different governance levels. Here, we develop a spatially and temporally-explicit typology of fire prevalence across Kalimantan, Indonesia, a region with significant contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. Based on livelihood information and data on climate, soil type and forest degradation status, we find that in intact forest the density of fires in villages that largely coincide with oil palm concessions was twice as high as in villages outside the concessions across all years. Fires occurring in degraded land on mineral soil across all years were also most prevalent in villages with industrial plantations (oil palm or timber). On the other hand, in degraded peatland, where fires are most intense during dry years induced by the El Niño episodes, occurrence rates were high regardless of village primary livelihoods. Based on these findings we recommend two key priorities for fire mitigation going forward for policy across different governance levels in Kalimantan: degraded peatland as the priority area and industrial plantations as the priority sector. Our study suggests a fire prevention and mitigation approach, which accounts for climate, land type and village livelihood, has the potential to deliver more effective means of management.  相似文献   
东营市森林火险天气等级预报系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用9210传输的气象资料,选用国家气象中心T106和HLAFS数值预报产品中的要素作为火险天气因子,根据森林火险原因,建立了东营市森林火险天气等级预报系统。  相似文献   
针对年尺度热异常数据提取工业热源的方法存在数量和空间精细化程度不足的问题,使用VIIRS Active Fire数据,提出了一种基于温度特征模板的BP神经网络工业热源提取方法。该方法以京津冀及周边地区为试验区,首先,根据工业热源空间聚集性特征,使用OPTICS算法划分热源对象;其次,根据热源的热辐射特征,构建工业热源与非工业热源温度特征模板;最后,以温度特征模板、热源统计特征等作为参数,使用BP神经网络提取工业热源对象。结果表明:① 本文提出的基于温度特征模板的BP神经网络算法的工业热源提取精度达到了96.31%,与时间滤波、逻辑回归方法相比较,工业热源提取精度分别提高了8.45%、7.53%;② 2015—2020年京津冀及周边地区6省市工业热源数量整体减少了27.46%;河北省工业热源对象数量和热异常点数量年均减少了8.06%和7.44%,相对于其他省市减少幅度最大;山东、天津的工业热源集中度分别提高了25.72%、86.64%,说明两地工业转型升级政策取得较显著成效;③ 唐山、邯郸、吕梁和长治4个城市工业热源对象数量占试验区全部的31.37%,为京津冀及周边地区工业热源主要分布城市;临汾、太原等7个城市工业热源聚集程度和能源消耗程度高于其他城市;北京、周口等11个城市工业热源聚集程度和能源消耗程度低于其他城市;④ 2020年1—5月,京津冀及周边地区工业热异常点数量相对于2019、2021年同期保持不变或增加,新冠疫情对试验区工业热源无显著影响;2020年1、2月武汉工业热异常点数量与2019、2021年同期相比数量减少了66.67%以上,2020年3—5月工业热异常点数量低于2019年同期,2020年1—5月新冠疫情对武汉市工业热源影响显著。该研究反映了京津冀及周边地区工业热源发展的现状及趋势,能够为降低能耗和提高第二产业集中度等相关政策的制定与调整提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
林火扩展具有时间和空间特征。对火场模拟必须建立在空间背景数据库之上,即在地理信息系统和遥感技术的辅助下完成。森林火灾的发生发展有内在和外在因素的影响,内在因素包括了可燃物类型、可燃物湿度、地形,考虑这些因素形成了像元尺度植被燃烧基本历时图;外在因素主要是气候的影响,文中利用生成的植被起火概率图控制像元是否起火。在火场扩展中将Rothermel模型和经验模型结合使用,并考虑了坡度和风向带方向的因素的影响。最后利用迷宫算法在计算机上实现了火场在地理信息系统支持下的空间蔓延动态模拟。  相似文献   
Fires occur frequently in many biomes and generate high temperatures on the ground surface. There are many field examples of fire causing rock disintegration. The simulation of fire in the laboratory (using a furnace) and the monitoring of changes in rock modulus of elasticity (with a Grindosonic apparatus), reveal that different rocks respond differently to heating. Significant decreases in elasticity occur at temperatures as low as 200°C and granites display particularly marked reductions. Extended periods of heating are not required for significant reductions to occur. It is postulated that the degree of change in elasticity as a result of simulated fire is such that rock outcrops subjected to real fires are likely to be sufficiently modified as to increase their susceptibility to erosion and weathering processes.  相似文献   
Bjørn Sletto 《Geoforum》2011,42(2):197-210
Conflicts surrounding protected area management often emerge from contested processes of boundary-making. Such productions of bounded conservation spaces are contingent in part on processes of identity formation, where some social groups are legitimized as belonging to conservation units, while others are constructed as out-of-place. This article draws on the literature in postmodern geopolitics and the political ecology of fire to interrogate processes of boundary-making and identity formation in the savanna landscape of Canaima National Park, Venezuela. The institutional culture of the environmental management agency EDELCA is in part premised on narratives of history and indigeneity coupled with a desire for an imagined, forested landscape. Because of the social constructions shaping this institutional culture, the agency maintains an approach to fire management that emphasizes fire suppression. However, an ecological field study suggests that fire suppression is leading to increased fuel loads, especially in ecologically significant boundaries between grasslands and forest. Although these boundary zones are the focus of indigenous practices of prescribed burning, they fall in-between the state management categories of forest and ecotone. As a result, these interstitial spaces become theaters for performances of domination and resistance, leading to contradictory and inconsistent approaches to fire management that place gallery forests at risk.  相似文献   
Tropical rainforests, naturally resistant to fire when intact, are increasingly vulnerable to burning due to ongoing forest perturbation and, possibly, climatic changes. Industrial-scale forest degradation and conversion are increasing fire occurrence, and interactions with climate anomalies such as El Niño induced droughts can magnify the extent and severity of fire activity. The influences of these factors on fire frequency in tropical forests has not been widely studied at large spatio-temporal scales at which feedbacks between fire reoccurrence and forest degradation may develop. Linkages between fire activity, industrial land use, and El Niño rainfall deficits are acute in Borneo, where the greatest tropical fire events in recorded history have apparently occurred in recent decades. Here we investigate how fire frequency in Borneo has been influenced by industrial-scale agricultural development and logging during El Niño periods by integrating long-term satellite observations between 1982 and 2010 – a period encompassing the onset, development, and consolidation of its Borneo’s industrial forestry and agricultural operations as well as the full diversity of El Niño events. We record changes in fire frequency over this period by deriving the longest and most comprehensive spatio-temporal record of fire activity across Borneo using AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) satellite data. Monthly fire frequency was derived from these data and modelled at 0.04° resolution via a random-forest model, which explained 56% of the monthly variation as a function of oil palm and timber plantation extent and proximity, logging intensity and proximity, human settlement, climate, forest and peatland condition, and time, observed using Landsat and similar satellite data. Oil-palm extent increased fire frequency until covering 20% of a grid cell, signalling the significant influence of early stages of plantation establishment. Heighted fire frequency was particularly acute within 10 km of oil palm, where both expanding plantation and smallholder agriculture are believed to be contributing factors. Fire frequency increased abruptly and dramatically when rainfall fell below 200 mm month−1, especially as landscape perturbation increased (indicated by vegetation index data). Logging intensity had a negligible influence on fire frequency, including on peatlands, suggesting a more complex response of logged forest to burning than appreciated. Over time, the epicentres of high-frequency fires expanded from East Kalimantan (1980’s) to Central and West Kalimantan (1990’s), coincidentally but apparently slightly preceding oil-palm expansion, and high-frequency fires then waned in East Kalimantan and occurred only in Central and West Kalimantan (2000’s). After accounting for land-cover changes and climate, our model under-estimates observed fire frequency during ca. 1990–2002 and over-estimates it thereafter, suggesting that a multi-decadal shift to industrial forest conversion and forest landscapes may have diminished the propensity for high-frequency fires in much of this globally significant tropical region since ca. 2000.  相似文献   
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