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NSO杂原子化合物在烃源岩和原油中通常只占很小的一部分,但其包含重要的地质地球化学信息。由于组成复杂且难以分离,对该类化合物的组成研究相对薄弱。电喷雾电离源(ESI)结合傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)是一种新型检测石油组分的手段,具有选择性电离、超高质谱分辨率和质量精度等特征,非常适合检测石油复杂基质中微量NSO极性杂原子化合物分子组成,近年来开始应用于油气勘探领域。结合对塔里木盆地海相油与陆相油、辽河稠油等样品的FT-ICR MS分析,发现原油中NSO化合物受母源岩与油气成因类型、成熟度、油气运移示踪及硫酸盐热化学还原反应(TSR)控制,可提供相关的识别与评价信息,显示FT-ICR MS在油气地球化学理论研究和油气勘探中具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   
Molecular-level characterization of natural organic matter (NOM) has been elusive due to the inherent complexity of natural organic mixtures and to the fact that individual components are often polar and macromolecular. Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a “soft” ionization technique that ionizes polar compounds from aqueous solution prior to injection into a mass spectrometer. The highest resolution and mass accuracy of compounds within NOM have been achieved when ESI is combined with an ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometer such as the Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS). With this technique, individual molecules within a variety of natural organic mixtures can be detected and their elemental composition can be determined. At low mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio, the resolution is high enough to assign exact molecular formulas allowing specific components of these mixtures to be identified. In addition to molecular identification, we can now use ESI FT-ICR MS to examine molecular-level changes in different organic mixtures as a function of relevant geo-processes, such as microbial alterations and photochemistry. Here we present the results from the application of ESI FT-ICR MS to two geochemical questions: (1) the effect of photoirradiation on the molecular composition of fulvic acids and (2) the role of protozoan grazers in the modification of DOM in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
人类活动引起的富营养化对太湖的碳循环模式可能产生严重影响,精细描述太湖藻华暴发-消退周期的溶解性有机质分子是了解太湖碳库动态变化的关键.本研究利用傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱技术,以太湖北部梅梁湾2017年5月至2018年5月的表层水体为研究对象,解析藻华暴发-消退周期溶解性有机质的来源和分子组成特征,进而理解浮游藻类异常增殖对水体溶解性有机质的影响及其在区域碳循环中的角色.研究结果表明,藻华暴发期浮游藻类生产力显著增加,使得表层水体的溶解性有机质从含量到分子组成均发生剧烈改变.含量上表现为溶解性有机碳浓度升高,分子组成上表现为CHO类化合物和以脂肪族类化合物为代表的活性组分占比增加,特征化合物以相对高饱和度和高含氧的小质量数分子为主.而在藻华消退期,随着藻类有机质贡献的减少和有机质降解过程的持续进行,含量上表现为溶解性有机碳浓度下降,分子组成上表现为CHOS、CHONS类化合物和富羧酸脂环类化合物等惰性分子占比增加,特征化合物以大质量数分子和相对低饱和度和低含氧的小质量数分子为主.研究结果表明,太湖水体的溶解性有机质分子组成在藻华暴发期受藻类有机质输入控制,在消退期受藻类有机质降解的影...  相似文献   
我国南方桉树人工林区水库在秋冬季频繁出现黑水现象。现有研究指出,桉树叶中单宁酸等物质与金属离子(如铁离子)反应产生的金属-有机质络合物是导致这一现象的主要原因。然而,目前对于桉树叶中能形成金属-有机质络合物的潜在有机质前体物认识仍然有限,基于分子组成层面的桉树人工林区水库水体泛黑形成机理也尚不清楚。为此,本研究利用傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)等手段,对桉树叶浸泡液与典型桉树林区水库(金窝水库和天雹水库)水体中可溶性有机物进行了分子组成的分析。研究结果显示,桉树叶浸泡液主要由以苯三酚、没食子酸为母体的多酚类化合物及其多聚衍生物构成,其中最典型的化合物是鞣花酸(C14H6O8)。冬季水库水中鞣花酸强度远高于夏季,且表层水体高于底层水体,这表明秋冬季大量凋落的桉树叶释放出的这些芳香多酚类物质会显著促进水库黑水的形成。进一步的实验证明,鞣花酸、苯三酚和没食子酸都会与铁离子发生络合反应,生成黑色沉淀。这些结果均表明,桉树叶溶解出的芳香多酚类物质是导致水库变黑的核心因素。本研究基于分子组成层面提出了桉树人工林区水库水体泛黑形成机理,对于桉树人工林区的黑水治理和保障水库饮用水安全具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
溶解性有机质(DOM)在流域水环境中广泛存在,参与各种生物地球化学循环过程。快速的城镇化过程和人类活动显著改变了流域水体DOM含量和特性,从分子层面上解析DOM在流域尺度上的时空分异特征对流域水质管控具有重要的理论和应用价值。以长三角地区樟溪流域为研究对象,依据土地利用和人类活动强度布设采样点,于2022年7月采集水样。结果表明,樟溪流域水体溶解性有机物主要的分子式元素组成为CHO、CHON、CHOS,其中木质素/富羧酸脂环分子类有机物相对占比最高。在子流域空间分布上,人类活动强的子流域CHON、CHONS类型化合物含量更高。选取采样点距城镇距离、距源头距离以及土地利用类型所占采样点缓冲区的比例来表征人类活动的影响。结果表明,流域内DOM杂原子受人类活动强度影响,距源头的距离与水体DOM分子中氮原子的强度加权平均值(Nwa)和CHON化合物百分呈显著正相关,与碳、氢原子和荷质比的强度加权平均值(Cwa、Hwa、m/zwa)呈显著负相关。CHON分子的相对丰度与林地面积比例呈显著负相关,与农业用地比例呈显著正相关。比较具有典型土地利用类型的水体DOM:典型农田、城镇土地利用类型DOM含有更多独特的CHON分子式,农田DOM在木质素/富羧酸脂环分子区域出现CHON分子式的富集,城镇DOM在脂肪类和木质素/富羧酸脂环分子区域均出现了CHON分子式富集。研究表明在城郊流域中,人类活动显著改变了水体DOM的分子特征,增加了分子多样性,促进了特定分子式的富集。  相似文献   
Polarized macromolecular compounds in typical lacustrine and marine shale oils collected from the Ordos Basin and Tarim Basin of China were analyzed by FT-ICR-MS. Maturity was taken into consideration by diagenesis physical simulation experiments on shale oils, which had been collected at various temperature and pressure stages. The results showed that similar components existed in non-hydrocarbon and asphaltenes and the main peak compound classes of Nl and 02 were potential parameters for identifying typical marine oil and lacustrine oil in China. Nitrogen compounds/(nitrogen compounds and oxygen compounds), such as Nl/(O2+Nt), NL/(Oa+Nt), Ni/(NiO1+N1O2) are the maturity indicators, which are related with C-N and C-O bond energy. Differences in molecular components and weights between marine and lacustrine oils are the effective index to identify source maturity and sedimentary environment.  相似文献   
乍得Bongor盆地是受中非剪切带影响发育起来的中、新生代陆内强反转裂谷盆地,反转和走滑构造是盆地最显著的构造特征。所发现的原油主要为中质油(重度为20°~34°API),其次为重质油(重度小于20°API),普遍高含沥青质、高含蜡、高酸值、低含硫。为了探讨高酸值原油的成因,作者选择了该盆地15个不同酸值的原油样品,尝试应用高分辨率质谱分析原油有机酸的组成。分析结果表明,高酸值原油的有机酸主要由环烷酸组成;环烷酸碳原子数分布范围较宽,且以一环、二环、三环环烷酸为主。生物降解作用是形成高酸值原油的主要原因,而构造反转造成盆地抬升,则加速了生物降解作用的发生。  相似文献   
The acidic and neutral NSO compounds in a series of Duvernay-sourced oils in Canada, which are believed to have migrated extensively over relatively long distances such as along the Rimbey-Meadowbrook reef trends, were characterized by negative-ion electrospray (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). Heteroatomic compounds were characterized according to their class (number of nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur heteroatoms), degree of aromaticity [rings plus double bonds (DBE)] and carbon number distribution. The N1, N1O1, N1O2, N1S1, O1 and O2 classes were identified in Duvernay-sourced oils. With increasing migration distance, the relative abundance of O2, N1O1 and N1O2 showed a significant decrease, while the O1 class increased from < 10% to nearly 30% of the total. With increasing migration along the Rimbey-Meadowbrook reef trend, pyrrolic nitrogen compounds (N1 class) shows an enrichment of alkylcarbazoles (DBE = 9) relative to alkylbenzocarbazoles (DBE = 12), and of higher homologous relative to the lower homologous. O1 compounds show a relative enrichment of those with low DBE values. Additionally, the N1O1 and N1S1 compounds show a relative enrichment of those with high DBE values, and of higher homologues compared to the lower homologues, indicating great potential for developing new migration indices.  相似文献   
Routine GC/MS analysis may apply to the volatilized Low-Molecular-Weight compounds in saturate and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions;thus,relative studies using this technique inevitably bring about some limitations on distribution of miscellaneous sulfur atom.In this article,Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry(FT-ICR MS)with high resolution is employed to investigate the distribution of organic sulfur compounds(OSCs)in the crude oil typically derived from the Eogene carbonate-evaporite sediments with further chemical compositional characterization in molecular level by miscellaneous atomic type,carbon number,and double bond equivalent(DBE).A variety of miscellaneous atomic types with S1,S2,S3,OS,OS2,O2S,O2S2,NS,and NOS etc.(S1 means those OSCs with one sulfur atom in a molecule)were identified in OSCs in these oil samples.High levels of alkyl thioether series compounds with one ring structure were presented mainly in the crude oil in the Jianghan Basin whereas high amounts of benzothiophene,dibenzothiophene etc.compounds with higher values in DBE and carbon number range occurred in the sulfur-rich heavy oil in the Jinxian Sag.Although carbonate-evaporite sediments deposited in the saline lacustrine facies in the Eogene basin both occurred in the Jinxian Sag and Jianghan Basin,obviously,they possess different chemical diagenetic pathway of sulfur under various microbial reactions,leading to diverse distributional characteristics on biomarkers,OSCs,and even different hydrocarbon generation mechanism of immature crude oil.  相似文献   
研究石油中有机酸的生成过程对研究储层改造、石油润湿性及页岩油可动性评价具有重要意义。在热压生烃模拟实验基础上,对Ⅲ型烃源岩不同演化阶段生成油中的非烃馏分进行了负离子电喷雾傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱分析,研究了烃源岩生成有机酸过程。对样品生成有机酸分析表明,在整个演化过程烃源岩都能生成有机酸,在低演化阶段主要生成脂肪酸,随演化程度的升高,脂肪酸丰度快速减少,芳环酸开始大量生成。随演化程度的增加,芳环上短链取代基发生断裂,并促进了有机酸的缩合,使得生成的有机酸缩合度逐渐提高,高碳数有机酸逐渐减少;烃源岩生成脂肪酸系列中存在偶奇优势,生成的C16、C18脂肪酸存在异常高丰度, C16、C18脂肪酸异常丰度现象可能是污染造成的,是否与烃源岩类型及成熟度有关尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   
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