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为加强地质探矿技术力量,改变地质装备落后现状,经国务院批准,1978年8月8日成立了探矿工艺研究所。30年来,经过新老两代工艺所人的艰苦奋斗、刻苦钻研、勇于创新,在科研攻关、成果转化、基地建设和管理等方面都取得了可喜的成绩,为国家的地质科学事业做出了贡献,目前已成为一个“以勘查技术为基础,以承担地质调查任务和科研项目、提供勘查与监测技术方法和技术服务为手段,以服务国家经济建设、社会发展和地质工作为目标,以探矿工艺技术和地质灾害监测防治技术研发为主业”的地质调查科研机构。回顾了工艺所艰苦创业、改革进取的发展历程,对科技体制改革、专业结构调整、人事分配制度改革、地质调查和科研工作进行了总结,展示了丰硕的科研成果和强劲的科技实力;指出了工艺所在“十一五”期间地质调查和科研工作的重点领域和优先发展方向。  相似文献   
以石油地球物理勘探为背景,对近年来信息处理中一些重要的新技术(模式识别、神经网络、信号重构、小波变换等)以及计算机网络在这一领域中的一些较典型的应用进行了简要的介绍,并对一些可能的应用方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
四川盆地碳酸盐岩油气勘探实践与认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川盆地烃源十分丰富。但油气演化程度高,大多已进入高成熟和过成熟阶段,至今只在侏罗系发现有油藏,三叠系及其更老地层皆为气藏。储层主要为碳酸盐岩,其特点是低孔低渗,平均孔隙度仅1.7%,平均渗透率小于1×10~(-3)μm~2,但其中的“孔洞发育层段”平均孔隙度可达3%~6%。根据四十年的勘探经验,加强预探并争取新发现是四川盆地油气勘探发展的关键。预探中,按构造带规划大中型气田勘探目标,将成藏条件相似、地域上相邻的局部圈闭群作为一个整体勘探对象,实行稀井广探,少井高效。“八五”以来,在高陡构造带勘探技术、储层横向预探技术等方面有长足的进步,勘探成效不断提高,实现了资源序列的良性循环。  相似文献   
林玉成 《云南地质》2004,23(4):503-508
煤层气的开发利用是集开发新的高效洁净能源、有利煤矿生产安全、有利大气环保于一身的崭新的绿色工程。本文概略介绍我省煤层气勘探及研究工作进展情况,强调云南丰富的煤层气资源,应是云南的资源优势。  相似文献   
The potential of radar imagery in geological exploration was investigated at a study site in Mauritania (Akjoujt region). Compared with optical images, the results obtained show how radar imagery can help not only in detecting surface geological structures such as dykes and veins, but also mapping subsurface structures beneath a shallow layer of sand (palaeochannels). The mapping potential was found to be much better at long wavelengths than at short ones (L-band, compared with C- and X-band). As for optical images, their contribution is much more limited in the mapping of surface geological structures, and inappropriate for detecting subsurface structures. We conclude that spatial remote sensing enables the improvement of existing geological maps and the optimization of cartographic surveying. To cite this article: N. Baghdadi et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
东河塘油田位于新疆库车县,构造上隶属于塔里木盆地塔北隆起轮台凸起东河塘断裂构造带,是我国发现的第一个高产高丰度海相砂岩油田,它的发现是中国海相砂岩油气勘探理论和实践的一次重大突破。油田发现于1990年7月,至1994年探明石油地质储量3323.13×104t,天然气地质储量15.5×108m3,至2009年底累计产原油825.75×104t。石炭系东河砂岩油藏是东河塘油田的主体,其储层东河砂岩段是一套滨岸相砂体,具有厚度巨大、埋深大、储集性能好的特点;其油藏类型为块状底水背斜油藏,产能高,储量丰度高。论述了东河塘油田勘探与发现的历程,剖析了取得勘探成功的实践认识与意义。  相似文献   
Marine controlled source electromagnetic(CSEM)data have been utilized in the past decade during petroleum exploration of the Barents Shelf,particularly for de-risking the highly porous sandstone reservoirs of the Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic Realgrunnen Subgroup.In this contribution we compare the resistivity response from CSEM data to resistivity from wireline logs in both water-and hydrocarbon-bearing wells.We show that there is a very good match between these types of data,particularly when reservoirs are shallow.CSEM data,however,only provide information on the subsurface resistivity.Careful,geology-driven interpretation of CSEM data is required to maximize the impact on exploration success.This is particularly important when quantifying the relative re-sistivity contribution of high-saturation hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone and that of the overlying cap rock.In the presented case the cap rock comprises predominantly organic rich Upper Jurassic-Early Cretaceous shales of the Hekkingen Formation(i.e.a regional source rock).The resistivity response of the reservoir and its cap rock become merged in CSEM data due to the transverse resistance equivalence principle.As a result of this,it is imperative to understand both the relative contributions from reservoir and cap rock,and the geological sig-nificance of any lateral resistivity variation in each of the units.In this contribution,we quantify the resistivity of organic rich mudstone,i.e.source rock,and reservoir sandstones,using 131 exploration boreholes from the Barents Shelf.The highest resistivity(>10,000 Ωm)is evident in the hydrocarbon-bearing Realgrunnen Subgroup which is reported from 48 boreholes,43 of which are used for this study.Pay zone resistivity is primarily controlled by reservoir quality(i.e.porosity and shale fraction)and fluid phase(i.e.gas,oil and water saturation).In the investigated wells,the shale dominated Hekkingen Formation exhibits enhanced resistivity compared to the background(i.e.the underlying and overlying stratigraphy),though rarely exceeds 20Ωm.Marine mudstones typically show good correlation between measured organic richness and resistivity/sonic velocity log signatures.We conclude that the resistivity contribution to the CSEM response from hydrocarbon-bearing sandstones out-weighs that of the organic rich cap rocks.  相似文献   
中朝边境天池破火山口湖底地形多波束测深探测   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为调查天池破火山口湖的基本参数和湖底地形特征,研究破火山口的内部构造、破火山口的组合样式和垮塌堆积分布,本文采用多波束测深方法,对天池湖底地形进行了探测。探测结果显示:天池最大水深值为373.2m,天池水域边界实测周长为13.44km,天池湖水面面积9.4km~2,天池总蓄水量约为19.88×10~8m~3。天池周边分布4个温泉,温度为7~47℃。根据湖底地形推断,现今的天池破火山口形成于千年大喷发。其后,在天池西侧形成一个喷火口,东侧形成一个熔岩丘。天池湖底存在5个较大的破火山口内壁垮塌堆积区,但在湖底未见熔岩流。天池边缘出露的温泉点对应环状断裂,同时反映深部存在岩浆体。  相似文献   
对河南固始县1989年1/20万区域化探扫面资料进行二次开发,将异常区中的Pb、Zn(A g)地球化学异常重新筛选,评序后提出以排序第二的13-乙1号Pb、Zn(A g)异常为重点评价对象。评价结果显示,在南、北、中三个异常带中,均找到了新矿体,取得了一定的地质找矿效果。  相似文献   
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