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《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):287-302
Banded iron formations (BIFs) are the most significant source of iron in the world. In this study, we report petrographic and geochemical data of the BIF from the Meyomessi area in the Ntem Complex, southern Cameroon, and discuss their genesis and the iron enrichment process. Field investigations and petrography have revealed that the studied BIF samples are hard; compact; weakly weathered; and composed of magnetite, subordinate quartz, and geothite. The geochemical composition of the whole rock reveals that iron and silica represent more than 98 wt% of the average composition, whereas Al2O3, TiO2, and high‐field strength elements (HFSE) contents are very low, similar to detritus‐free marine chemical precipitates. The total iron (TFe) contents range from 48.71 to 65.32 wt % (average of 53.29 wt %) and, together with the low concentrations of deleterious elements (0.19 wt % P on average), are consistent with medium‐grade iron ores by global standards. This interpretation is confirmed by the SiO2/Fe2O3total versus (MgO + CaO + MnO)/Fe2O3total discrimination plot in which most of the Meyomessi BIF samples fall in the field of medium‐grade siliceous ore. Only one sample (MGT94) plots in the high‐grade magnetite–geothite ore domain. The high Fe/Ti (376.36), Fe/Al (99.90), and Si/Al (29.26) ratios of the sample are consistent with significant hydrothermal components. The rare earth elements (REE) contents of the studied BIF samples are very low (∑REE: 0.81–1.47 ppm), and the Post‐Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS)‐normalized patterns display weak positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*: 1.15–1.33), suggesting a syngenetic low‐temperature hydrothermal solutions, similar to other BIF worldwide. However, the Meyomessi BIFs show high Fe contents when compared to the other BIFs. This indicates an epigenetic mineralization process affected the Meyomessi BIF. From the above results and based on the field and analytical data, we propose that the genetic model of iron ores at the Meyomessi area involves two stages of the enrichment process, hypogene enrichment of BIF protore by metamorphic and magmatic fluids followed by supergene alteration as indicated by the presence of goethite in the rocks.  相似文献   
Petrographic investigations of serial ply samples from five high- to medium-volatile bituminous coal seams from Australia (4) and Canada (1) reveal substantial in-seam variations in the reflectance and monochromatic microfluorescence intensities of the maceral subgroup telovitrinite. The variations consist of one case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression, and four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The single case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression is due to the oxidation of the vitrinite nuclei at the sequence boundary between the Bayswater and Upper Wynn seams in New South Wales. The four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement result from the syn- and epigenetic absorption by the vitrinite nuclei of hydrogen donated by, presumably, anaerobic bacteria-generated lipids. Two of the coals are marine-influenced: the Liskeard Seam from the Bowen Basin by combined syngenetic and epigenetic effects, and the Greta Seam from the Sydney Basin mainly by epigenetic contact with sea water. For both coals, the results are strong vitrinite reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The remaining two coals, the Bulli Seam from the Sydney Basin and a coal seam from the Gates Formation in British Columbia, show moderate epigenetic effects on the optical properties of telovitrinite by fresh-water. In the Bulli Seam which was studied in two adjacent localities, the reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement of telovitrinite are stronger under sandstone roof than under shale roof. In some cases, the epigenetic effects are superimposed on syngenetic telovitrinite reflectance and fluorescence variations resulting from the cogeneration and mixing of different telovitrinite precursors, for example, autochthonous roots and hypautochthonous or allochthonous shoots. A measure of the degree of dispersal and mixing is the coefficient of variation of telovitrinite reflectance and/or fluorescence. This coefficient correlates well with detrital minerals and dispersed macerals, e.g., inertodetrinite and, to a lesser extent, sporinite. Some comments are made on slitted so-called pseudovitrinite which is regarded as a telovitrinite that was subjected to very weak post-coalification desiccation and possibly oxidation without losing much of its thermoplastic properties.  相似文献   
陕西凤太矿集区多金属成矿作用的构造控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陕西凤县-太白(简称凤太)矿集区铅、锌、金、银、铜多金属资源丰富,已发现二十余个大中小型矿床。在大地构造位置上,凤太矿集区位于南秦岭造山带北缘,紧邻商丹缝合带。以往的工作缺乏对矿集区整体的构造研究,本次工作通过比较系统的构造测量和解析,提出在南秦岭晚三叠世碰撞造山过程中,凤太矿集区南北两条边界断裂带的左行走滑运动导致在区内衍生了NNE向主压应力场,从而形成了NWW向复式褶皱、脆韧性剪切带、断裂和节理(纵向破裂)、B型线理,以及NNE向断裂和节理(横向破裂)、劈理、张裂隙等一系列构造组合,所有构造形迹都是在统一构造应力场下随着构造层次不断抬升,脆韧性和脆性递进变形叠加的产物,共同构成了一个大型压扭性走滑双重构造变形系统。在构造几何学上,凤太矿集区整体上表现为一个隔档式复式褶皱,由一组NWW向紧闭复背斜和一组相对宽缓复向斜组成。区内的多金属成矿作用、岩浆活动、动力变质变形作用的同位素年龄数据集中于230~190Ma。综合地质演化和成矿作用的研究成果,提出在南秦岭碰撞造山过程中引发的动力变质变形作用和岩浆活动提供了成矿元素和成矿流体,在温压梯度以及浮力效应的驱动下向上运移至走滑双重构造变形系统中的有利扩容空间中发生充填型和交代型矿化,即凤太矿集区多金属矿床是区域大规模变形变质-岩浆活动-流体作用的产物,是在构造作用这一主导因素控制下形成的一个多金属后生热液成矿系统。  相似文献   
岩石薄片鉴定和微观特征研究表明:碎裂岩体的组成以伊利石黏土为主,具有泥质结构,薄层状构造,页理发育; 区域构造特征分析说明区域构造作用对于碎裂岩体的形成具有控制作用,沿河城断裂经过挤压、引张、再挤压的反复加载-卸载过程及紫荆关沿河城断裂、房山八宝山断裂的扭动作用,形成了区内裂隙网络化,使岩体碎裂化; 岩体的正常卸荷作用和缓倾角结构面的卸荷回弹,使岩体碎裂化加剧。  相似文献   
瀑布沟水电站库首右岸深部裂缝成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水电工程常常建在高山峡谷地带,其天然岸坡通常由坡面向内有一个强卸荷带和弱卸荷带以及相应的强风化和弱风化带,内侧则为完整新鲜的岩石。对涉及的工程岸坡在正常卸荷带以内发育的一系列张性破裂或破裂带,称之为深拉裂缝。瀑布沟水电站库首右岸存在两个拉裂变形体,通过对其岸坡深部拉裂缝空间发育分布、变形特征的考察,综合分析造成深部裂缝发育规律与变形特征的因素。在此基础上提出,库首右岸深部拉裂缝是岸坡快速卸荷条件下浅表生改造的产物,其形成时期相当于河谷由宽谷深切为峡谷这一转换时期。  相似文献   

华北克拉通铝(粘)土矿是我国喀斯特型铝(粘)土矿的典型代表, 前人针对其物质组成、物质来源、成因机制开展了大量研究, 但对其成矿后生改造尚未开展系统研究。本文对嵩箕地区铝(粘)土矿进行了研究, 野外剖面显示, 含矿岩系由底到顶包括风化壳层、铁质粘土岩、粘土质铝土矿、粘土岩、块状铝土矿层。通过矿物空间穿插关系、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、电子探针分析显示, 铝(粘)土矿成矿期主要形成矿物包括硬水铝石、锐钛矿、伊利石、绿泥石等矿物。黄钾铁矾、赤铁矿、针铁矿、高岭石代表了后期改造矿物。矿物垂相分布指示赤铁矿和针铁矿随着深度变浅逐渐减少, 硬水铝石在粘土质铝土矿层显著富集, 黄钾铁矾广泛分布于铁质粘土岩层和风化壳顶部, 穿插于粘土矿物或围绕在硬水铝石周围, 以脉状、颗粒状分布, 且与伊利石含量呈消长关系。同时, 元素地球化学垂相分带显著, 大离子亲石元素(Rb、Cs、Ba、Sr)与K2O以及高场强元素(Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta、U、Th)与TiO2显示正相关。铝土矿层中Al2O3明显富集, 而SiO2则明显亏损。底板灰岩、风化壳、铁质粘土和粘土岩中, Al2O3和SiO2具有一致的变化规律。铁质粘土岩中黄钾铁矾明显控制了K2O、Fe2O3、S的含量, 但对微量和稀土元素的影响较弱。电子探针分析结果显示不同形态黄钾铁矾成分相似, 结合其空间分布特征, 确定黄钾铁矾是由黄铁矿氧化形成的酸性流体改造含矿岩系形成。因此, 嵩箕铝(粘)土矿成矿之后, 经历了构造抬升作用, 在地下水或大气降水影响下黄铁矿被分解、氧化为黄钾铁矾、针铁矿、赤铁矿等稳定矿物, 早期生成的粘土矿物分解为高岭石。

铁矿体赋存于中元古界大勐龙群疆峰旋回第二、四段。含矿岩石为变中基性熔岩、角闪(阳起)斜长变粒岩、透辉钠长(斜长)变粒岩,分为上(Ⅰ)和下(Ⅱ)矿层。上矿层不稳定,下矿层由4个矿体组成复式矿。铁质就地运移、聚集、变质,典型的受变质火山汽液磁铁矿床。  相似文献   
鲁奎山铁矿逆冲推覆系与成矿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄维全  刘毅  林菲 《云南地质》2004,23(1):60-66
对鲁奎山向斜东西两翼构造变形、赋矿特征、成矿规律、控矿因素的分析,及在东翼开展地质物探综合找矿中发现,早期鲁奎山裂陷槽中、昆明群大龙口组的含菱铁质矿源层。卷入构造变形变质后已经历不同层间剥滑构造多次错移或碾碎。后期次生淋漓富集,含矿热液交代蚀变和层间滑剥构造再次叠加改造,改变原来沉积变质含菱铁质矿源层或贫矿体的属性,形成类似于原生沉积、又具有热液交代蚀变和构造岩特征的层状富铁矿体。经坑道进一步揭露证实,沿鲁奎山向斜东西两翼断续分布、已经二次富集成矿的各矿床(点),实际上是在具层间构造性质的环形断裂带控制下所形成的沉积变质后生矿床类型。表~浅部脆性断裂形成的热液交代与充填脉状矿体,局部叠加在沿环形断裂带内“层状”矿体之上,增加了找寻厚大巢状矿体的可能性。这一新的成矿与控矿规律,为重新认识原“鲁奎山式沉积变质铁矿床”提供了实践基础,同时也为在该区域找矿指明方向。  相似文献   
The Mengqiguer deposit in the southern Yili basin Ili Basin is a large interlayer-oxidation-zone type uranium deposit. In this paper, we applied multiple methods including microscopic observation, scanning electron microscope and electronic probe, to analyze the systematical alteration characteristics of the ore-bearing sandstone layer. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies on the ore-bearing sandstone have also been carried out to discuss the internal relations between fluid activities, epigenetic alteration and the uranium mineralization. Major epigenetic alteration include clay alteration, carbonatization and pyritization, of which biogenetic pyritization is most closely related to the uranium mineralization. This suggests the existence of microorganism during the uranium mineralization process. The mineralization fluids of low temperature, medium density but varied salinities are suggested to be derived from multi-source, including the meteoric water and organic acidic vapor components from coal-bearing strata. Uranium mineralization, grain-dispersed kaolinite, limonite, colloidal pyrite, and the carbonate cements associated with sulfate-reducing bacteria were formed by meteoric water and vermicular-shaped kaolinite, autologous pyrite, and the carbonate cementation associated with the dehydroxylation of organic matter was formed by organic acidic. Based on these results, we consider that the uranium mineralization and epigenetic alteration both resulted from the reciprocity of organic–inorganic fluid and fluid–rock during the formation of the interlayer oxidation zone.  相似文献   
官地水电站坝区岩体的浅表生结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浅表生结构的研究 ,对认识河谷岩体的岩体结构特征、工程岩体结构建模及稳定性评价等具有重要意义。官地水电站坝区玄武岩体的浅表生结构极为发育 ,且其分布具有一定的规律性。本文通过对浅表生结构的发育分布及变形破裂形迹的调查分析 ,研究了浅表生结构的空间发育规律及其组合形式 ,结合地质地貌演化机制分析 ,探讨了浅表生结构的形成机制 ,建立了坝区浅表生结构的基本模式  相似文献   
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