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由岩溶引发的地面塌陷具有灾害性大,隐蔽性高等特点,为了对其进行有效预报及治理,以某岩溶塌陷强烈发育地区为研究对象,提出采用等值反磁通瞬变电磁法(Opposing Coils Transient Electromagnetics Method,OCTEM)与工程地质钻探相结合的方法,对地层界面进行地球物理方法探测,由覆盖层埋深、电阻率大小、等值线变化等因素确定地层产状,并通过物探反演图及钻孔信息进行验证。结果表明,在岩溶塌陷强烈发育地段,等值反磁通瞬变电磁法可以有效查明地下溶蚀发育情况,在周围环境因素干扰强等常规物探方法无法开展的情况下,可以达到较好的应用效果。等值反磁通瞬变电磁法在岩溶、地面塌陷等地质灾害发育地区提供了有效的预测,为相似情况下的研究分析工作提供理论及实践基础。  相似文献   
The Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) is based on an abstract model of an incoherent scatter radar. This model is implemented in a hierarchical software system, which serves to isolate hardware and low-level software implementation details from higher levels of the system. Inherent in this is the idea that implementation details can easily be changed in response to technological advances. MIDAS is an evolutionary system, and the MIDAS hardware has, in fact, evolved while the basic software model has remained unchanged. From the earliest days of MIDAS, it was realized that some functions implemented in specialized hardware might eventually be implemented by software in a general-purpose computer. MIDAS-W is the realization of this concept. The core component of MIDAS-W is a Sun Microsystems UltraSparc 10 workstation equipped with an Ultrarad 1280 PCI bus analog to digital (A/D) converter board. In the current implementation, a 2.25 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) is bandpass sampled at 1 s intervals and these samples are multicast over a high-speed Ethernet which serves as a raw data bus. A second workstation receives the samples, converts them to filtered, decimated, complex baseband samples and computes the lag-profile matrix of the decimated samples. Overall performance is approximately ten times better than the previous MIDAS system, which utilizes a custom digital filtering module and array processor based correlator. A major advantage of MIDAS-W is its flexibility. A portable, single-workstation data acquisition system can be implemented by moving the software receiver and correlator programs to the workstation with the A/D converter. When the data samples are multicast, additional data processing systems, for example for raw data recording, can be implemented simply by adding another workstation with suitable software to the high-speed network. Testing of new data processing software is also greatly simplified, because a workstation with the new software can be added to the network without impacting the production system. MIDAS-W has been operated in parallel with the existing MIDAS-1 system to verify that incoherent scatter measurements by the two systems agree. MIDAS-W has also been used in a high-bandwidth mode to collect data on the November, 1999, Leonid meteor shower.  相似文献   
ZTEM(Z轴倾子电磁法)是一种天然场源的频率域航空电磁法,其特点是磁场垂直分量在空中机载平台测量,磁场水平分量在地面的固定基站测量,具有勘探深度大、速度快、成本低、覆盖面积大等技术优势。本文实现了ZTEM二维有限差分正演和二维非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)反演算法。研究对象是倾子资料,反演过程中通过解"拟正演"问题来避开雅克比矩阵的直接计算。通过理论模型合成数据反演试算,验证了ZTEM倾子资料二维NLCG反演算法的稳定性与可靠性。与大地电磁(MT) TE模式阻抗资料反演结果进行对比,发现在异常体横向边界的约束方面,ZTEM倾子反演比MT阻抗反演更具优越性。  相似文献   
We use numerically modelled data sets to investigate the sensitivity of electromagnetic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to spatial receiver sampling. Interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution retrieves the reflection response below the receivers after decomposition of the fields into upward and downward decaying fields and deconvolving the upward decaying field by the downward decaying field. Thereby the medium above the receiver level is replaced with a homogeneous half‐space, the sources are redatumed to the receiver level and the direct field is removed. Consequently, in a marine setting the retrieved reflection response is independent of any effect of the water layer and the air above. A drawback of interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution is a possibly unstable matrix inversion, which is necessary to retrieve the reflection response. Additionally, in order to correctly separate the upward and the downward decaying fields, the electromagnetic fields need to be sampled properly. We show that the largest possible receiver spacing depends on two parameters: the vertical distance between the source and the receivers and the length of the source. The receiver spacing should not exceed the larger of these two parameters. Besides these two parameters, the presence of inhomogeneities close to the receivers may also require a dense receiver sampling. We show that by using the synthetic aperture concept, an elongated source can be created from conventionally acquired data in order to overcome these strict sampling criteria. Finally, we show that interferometry may work under real‐world conditions with random noise and receiver orientation and positioning errors.  相似文献   
In this paper, we develop a general approach to integrating petrophysical models in three-dimensional seismic full-waveform inversion based on the Gramian constraints. In the framework of this approach, we present an example of the frequency-domain P-wave velocity inversion guided by an electrical conductivity model. In order to introduce a coupling between the two models, we minimize the corresponding Gramian functional, which is included in the Tikhonov parametric functional. We demonstrate that in the case of a single-physics inversion guided by a model of different physical type, the general expressions of the Gramian functional and its gradients become simple and easy to program. We also prove that the Gramian functional has a non-negative quadratic form, so it can be easily incorporated in a standard gradient-based minimization scheme. The developed new approach of seismic inversion guided by the known petrophysical model has been validated by three-dimensional inversion of synthetic seismic data generated for a realistic three-dimensional model of the subsurface.  相似文献   
A Fourier domain technique has been proposed previously which, in principle, quantifies the extent to which multipoint in-situ measurements can identify whether or not an observed structure is time stationary in its rest frame. Once a structure, sampled for example by four spacecraft, is shown to be quasi-stationary in its rest frame, the structure’s velocity vector can be determined with respect to the sampling spacecraft. We investigate the properties of this technique, which we will refer to as a stationarity test, by applying it to two point measurements of a simulated boundary layer. The boundary layer was evolved using a PIC (particle in cell) electromagnetic code. Initial and boundary conditions were chosen such, that two cases could be considered, i.e. a spacecraft pair moving through (1) a time stationary boundary structure and (2) a boundary structure which is evolving (expanding) in time. The code also introduces noise in the simulated data time series which is uncorrelated between the two spacecraft. We demonstrate that, provided that the time series is Hanning windowed, the test is effective in determining the relative velocity between the boundary layer and spacecraft and in determining the range of frequencies over which the data can be treated as time stationary or time evolving. This work presents a first step towards understanding the effectiveness of this technique, as required in order for it to be applied to multispacecraft data.  相似文献   
Damage to the top of coal seams, caused by incorrect blast stand-off distances, results in coal losses of up to 10–15% to the Australian open cut coal mining operations. This is a serious issue to be addressed. Here we propose to use a new forward-looking imaging technique based on the borehole radar technology to predict the coal seam top in real time while drilling blast holes. This is achieved by coupling the conventional borehole radar waves on to a steel drill rod to induce a guided wave along the axial drill rod. The drill rod ahead of the borehole radar behaves as a forward-looking antenna for the guided waves. Both numerical modelling and field trials simulating a drill rod as an antenna are used to investigate the feasibility of the proposed technique for prediction of the coal top under typical open cut environments. Numerical modelling demonstrated that conductivity of the overburden is the most important factor affecting our ability to see coal seams ahead of the drill bit, the guided borehole radar waves could be used for top coal prediction and a theoretical prediction error less than 10 cm and a forward-looking capability of 4–6 m can be achieved. Field trials at Australian open cut coal mines also demonstrated that guided borehole radar waves can be observed and used for prediction of coal top ahead of drill bit during blast-hole drilling in resistive, open cut environments (the average resistivity should be higher than 75 Ωm).  相似文献   
We carried out a magnetotelluric field campaign in the South–East Lower Saxony Basin, Germany, with the main goal of testing this method for imaging regional Posidonia black shale sediments. Two‐dimensional inversion results of the magnetotelluric data show a series of conductive structures correlating with brine‐saturated sediments but also with deeper, anthracitic Westphalian/Namurian coals. None of these structures can be directly related with the Posidonia black shale, which appears to be generally resistive and therefore difficult to resolve with the magnetotelluric method. This assumption is supported by measurements of electrical resistivity on a set of Posidonia shale samples from the Hils syncline in the Lower Saxony basin. These rock samples were collected in shallow boreholes and show immature (0.53% Ro), oil (0.88% Ro), and gas (1.45% Ro) window thermal maturities. None of the black shale samples showed low electrical resistivity, particularly those with oil window maturity show resistivity exceeding 104 Ωm. Moreover, we could not observe a direct correlation between maturity and electrical resistivity; the Harderode samples showed the highest resistivity, whereas the Haddessen samples showed the lowest. A similar trend has been seen for coals in different states of thermal maturation. Saturation of the samples with distilled and saline water solutions led to decreasing electrical resistivity. Moreover, a positive correlation of electrical resistivity with porosity is observed for the Wickensen and Harderode samples, which suggests that the electrical resistivity of the Posidonia black shale is mainly controlled by porosity.  相似文献   
Gas hydrates are a potential energy resource, a possible factor in climate change and an exploration geohazard. The University of Toronto has deployed a permanent seafloor time‐domain controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) system offshore Vancouver Island, within the framework of the NEPTUNE Canada underwater cabled observatory. Hydrates are known to be present in the area and due to their electrically resistive nature can be monitored by 5 permanent electric field receivers. However, two cased boreholes may be drilled near the CSEM site in the near future. To understand any potential distortions of the electric fields due to the metal, we model the marine electromagnetic response of a conductive steel borehole casing. First, we consider the commonly used canonical model consisting of a 100 Ωm, 100 m thick resistive hydrocarbon layer embedded at a depth of 1000 m in a 1 Ωm conductive host medium, with the addition of a typical steel production casing extending from the seafloor to the resistive zone. Results show that in both the frequency and time domains the distortion produced by the casing occurs at smaller transmitter‐receiver offsets than the offsets required to detect the resistive layer. Second, we consider the experimentally determined model of the offshore Vancouver Island hydrate zone, consisting of a 5.5 Ωm, 36 m thick hydrate layer overlying a 0.7 Ωm sedimentary half‐space, with the addition of two borehole casings extending 300 m into the seafloor. In this case, results show that the distortion produced by casings located within a 100 m safety zone of the CSEM system will be measured at 4 of the 5 receivers. We conclude that the boreholes must be positioned at least 200 m away from the CSEM array so as to minimize the effects of the casings.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to add confidence to existing methods using decay shape analysis to detect superparamagnetic responses in airborne electromagnetic data. While expensive to acquire, vertical spatial gradient measurements of the electromagnetic signals can discriminate near‐surface superparamagnetic sources. This research investigated the use of horizontal spatial gradients and amplitude information as further indicators of superparamagnetic. High horizontal gradients were shown both theoretically and in field data to help discriminate superparamagnetic from deep mineral targets. Further, superparamagnetic responses have characteristically small amplitudes inconsistent with realistic mineral exploration targets at shallow depths.  相似文献   
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