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不规则边界场地中方格法土方工程量的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合方格法计算土方工程量的全过程,介绍了一种不同于传统教材的确定高程权的方法。采用该方法,比较好地解决了不规则边界场地采用方格法计算土方量的难题,对该方法的实际应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   
随着全站仪在测量中的广泛应用,测量的精度有了很大的提高.特别是无棱镜技术的发展,改变了以往的测量手段和方法,提高了工作的效率.土方量测量是施工过程中不可避免的,为此本文介绍无棱镜测量技术在洛河电厂施工过程中测量土方量的应用情况,通过对比实验,我们对无棱镜测量技术工作效率和成果精度以及适用条件进行分析.  相似文献   
The paper considers the development of initially straight, steep rock cliffs, bounded above and below by horizontal surfaces, in which basal debris removal is zero and degradation occurs by the weathering away of fine debris from the cliff face to form a scree at its foot. Of the slope degradation models available, the two earliest and simplest, namely the Fisher–Lehmann and the Bakker–Le Heux models, are regarded as most relevant and are briefly summarized. The main purpose of the paper is to check the predictions of these models, particularly with regard to the shape of the rock surface buried beneath the scree, against field data. Such data are sparse. It is concluded that the best field case currently available, despite its small scale, is that provided by the 1·75 m deep ditch which forms part of the experimental earthwork in the chalk on Overton Down, Wiltshire. The predictions of the two models are checked against field measurements made of the stage of degradation reached on each face of the ditch by July 1968, eight years after its excavation. These stages were influenced to different degrees by the presence of a surface turf layer. For the NE face, where this influence was least, the agreement of the predictions of the Fisher–Lehmann model with the actual rock profile is excellent and that of the Bakker–Le Heux model only marginally less so. For the SW face, as expected, the agreements are somewhat less close. These results may be to some extent fortuitous because of the influence of the turves and because the scree slopes tend to be concave rather than rectilinear, as assumed. Also, the free faces decline with time in a manner intermediate between those assumed in the two models. Larger scale field checks are clearly desirable before firm general conclusions can be drawn. Rates of crest recession for the Overton Down ditch are logarithmic with time after a very rapid initial phase. Extrapolation from the early phase of this logarithmic behaviour leads to a close estimate of the time needed for the slope to develop fully. The associated ultimate crest recession is also closely predicted by equations derived from both models. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
规划总图设计软件GPCAD是基于AUTOCAD软件开发的,用于城市总体规划、控制性详细规划,主要功能有地形处理、地形分析、土石方量计算等。GPCAD软件采用方格网法进行土石方量计算,本文介绍了规划总图设计软件GPCAD计算土石方的基本原理,介绍了方格网划分、零点位置计算和工程量计算公式。矿山地质环境问题主要包括地形地貌破坏、土地资源占压和生态破坏等,矿山开采过程中形成的大量废弃土石方是造成上述问题的根源。因此,矿山地质环境治理工程项目设计、施工通常涉及到大面积的地形整治工程和大规模土石方量的计算,本文结合矿山地质环境治理工程设计实例,通过计算范围确定、方格网布设、自然标高采集、设计标高设定,介绍了各步骤的操作方法,运用GPCAD进行大规模土石方量计算,计算得出区块土石方挖、填方量和净方量。  相似文献   
Spent oil shale (or blaes) is a potentially valuable engineering material and is present in large quantities in the West Lothian area of Scotland. It can be used successfully as general fill or capping layer. However, due to its high quality it may be more suited to use as selected granular fill or sub-base. In particular, cement stabilisation will reduce frost susceptibility and may be a particularly appropriate outlet for spent oil shale for use as sub-base. However, an increase in control and testing may be required, having an effect on the cost of using such materials. Conditions under which spent oil shale should not be used are also identified.  相似文献   
针对大型园林景观工程土方计算特点,提出了考虑复杂边界确定的三角网的土方计算方法。为提高计算精度,针对几种特殊地形,提出了高程点离散化的主要措施。结合实际工程运用所提出的土方计算方法和处理措施,实现了复杂区域的精细土方计算,满足了实际园林景观工程需要。  相似文献   
本文以深圳市某场地土石方检测的成果为例,介绍综合运用地质雷达、钻探手段解决复杂场地准确计算土石方量的技术问题,值得推广应用。  相似文献   
土地开发整理项目土方量计算方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地平整工程是土地整理项目的核心,结合工程实际探讨当前全国开展土地开发整理项目涉及土地平整工程中的土方量计算的方法。  相似文献   
The combination of high strain modulus from conventional light weight deflectometer (LWD) analysis and low strain modulus from LWD-induced seismic analysis would move the pavement community towards field characterization of non-linear soil stiffness for use in mechanistic-empirical pavement design. This paper explores the experimental and numerical analysis of surface seismic waves during conventional light weight deflectometer testing. Field experiments were conducted on clay, silt and gravel soils to characterize the nature of LWD-induced surface waves and to determine both low and high strain moduli. The usable high frequency limit was found to be 300 Hz for LWD-induced surface waves, enabling the low strain modulus characterization of the top 0.3–0.5-m-thick soil layer. A numerical investigation revealed that modal interference is a significant contributor to near field effects, and that a distance of one wavelength between the LWD center and receiver array center is required to minimize these effects. The LWD-induced surface wave strain levels at a 1 m offset from the LWD were found to be on the order of 10−2 to 10−3% compared to the 10−3 to 10−4% strain levels associated with conventional small hammer-induced surface waves. The measured low and high strain modulus compares well with published modulus reduction functions.  相似文献   
土方计算精度与方格网边长之关系的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对方格网法在大比例尺地形图上计算挖(填)土石言精度的讨论,澄清了方格网边长与土石方量计算精度的关系,当土石方量计算精度一定时,对于不同的场平面积、地形图比例尺、地形坡度、施工高度,应采用不同的方格边长,一般情况下,不宜在1:2000或更小比例尺图上进行,方格网边长不宜小于1m。  相似文献   
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