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藏北南羌塘盆地毕洛错地区下侏罗统曲色组石膏岩层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西藏自治区北部南羌塘盆地毕洛错地区下侏罗统曲色组石膏岩层进行了研究。根据岩石地层和生物地层资料,确认毕洛错地区的石膏岩层和油页岩为曲色组的一部分,地质时代为早侏罗世,并确认下侏罗统曲色组在区域上可能是寻找油气、油页岩资源的重要层位之一。  相似文献   
Mesozoic brackish-water bivalve faunas in Japan diversified in three steps: at the beginning of the Early Jurassic, Early and Late Cretaceous. The Hettangian Niranohama Fauna in northeastern Honshu represents the establishment of a heterodont-dominated brackish-water fauna that persisted until the early Late Cretaceous. No similar composition is known from the Triassic. The infauna consists mostly of non-siphonate and some short-siphonate heterodonts, while the epifauna is represented by diverse pteriomorphian families. In the Early Cretaceous Tetori Group in central Honshu, the long-siphonate heterodonts Tetoria (Corbiculidae) and the semi-infaunal soft-bottom oyster Crassostrea appeared. The evolutionary diversification of the latter, known as the most important element of modern brackish-water faunas, may thus originate at that time. In the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of the Goshoura and Mifune Groups in west Kyushu, several euryhaline deep-burrowing heterodont families, such as Veneridae and Tellinidae, further diversified in the brackish and marine environments. The Late Cretaceous is characterized by massive shell biolithic beds in which large Crassostrea species are common, a feature common for Cenozoic brackish-water faunas. The long-term changes in the composition of the brackish-water faunas in Japan represents thus an evolutionary record, irrespective of the severe physiological and environmental conditions imposed on the highly conservative nature of the fauna.  相似文献   
中国东北区古生代生物地层学几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者对东北区古生代地层中,几个人们关注的生物地层学问题,诸如麻山动物群、清河镇动物群等,作了比较客观的评价,可供今后的研究工作参考。  相似文献   
文章根据对周口店地区四个哺乳动物群的分析,讨论了该区早更新世气候及生态环境的变迁。第18地点显示了约1.90MaB.P.的干凉气候和森林—草原植被。第12地点指示了1.70MaB.P.的湿热气候和茂密森林生态环境。东洞则记录了1.20MaB.P.的干冷气候和草原景观。到第9地点时(约1.00~0.90MaB.P.),气候炎热,森林和草原植被同时发育  相似文献   
额济纳旗及其邻区中二叠统产丰富的腕足动物群,该动物群具有北方冷水动物和特提斯暖水动物混生的特点,划分为Spiriferella-Kochiproductus-Yakovlevia 组合,称为“哲斯动物群”。在生物古地理分区上,该区为北方生物大区和特提斯生物大区之间的过渡带,称为中蒙生物省。动物群的组成、丰度和分异度等特征在银-额(银根-额济纳旗)盆地的东西部有明显的差异:盆地西部北山地区海水较浅,腕足动物群丰度高,分异度略低,以个体较大、壳体较厚的冷水分子占优势,共生少量的双壳类和珊瑚;东部杭乌拉地区海水略深,腕足动物群丰度稍低,分异度较高,含有大量的小个体腕足,共生冷水型珊瑚和丰富的海百合类,世界广布分子和暖水分子超过一半。说明该腕足动物群在受纬度和温度控制的同时,也受水体深度的影响,在同一海盆的不同环境中表现出不同的特点。通过对该动物群的起源、区域分布特点和共生生物的分析,认为额济纳旗及其邻区的哲斯动物群的时限为罗甸期—孤峰期。  相似文献   
南京直立人研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许汉奎 《江苏地质》2001,25(2):82-86
简单地介绍了“南京直立人(猿人)综合研究专家组”近二年来的部份研究成果,如南京汤山葫芦洞内的地层可以分为4段;洞内的哺乳动物群可以分为时代不同的大洞动物群和小洞动物群;南京直立人的一号头骨与二号头骨层位不同,特征也不一;铀系测年也证明小洞的地层其年代在距今60万年-50万年间,大洞的地层年代在距今24万年-10万年间,大洞被堆石堆砾石层封闭的时间应在13万年-10万年间。从而补充和纠正了前人研究中的不足和错误。  相似文献   
张宗言    何卫红  邢光福  柯学    姜扬  余根峰  余明刚  陈志洪 《地质通报》2014,33(05):698-705
通过研究福建省建阳县虞墩剖面所采集的腕足动物化石,共获6属5种,2个未定种,其中Paracrurithyris pygmaea, Tethyochonetes quadrata和Acosarina minuta在虞墩剖面为首次报道。综合化石时代分布和区域对比,将该动物群的时代确定为晚二叠世长兴期,含该动物群的地层为大隆组,而非文笔山组或泉上组。通过对该腕足动物群的古生态分析,并结合该套地层的沉积特征,判断沉积环境为温暖条件下的浅海相。  相似文献   
中国土壤动物生态地理研究进展(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review summarizes main research findings in soil fauna eco-geography in China in the past 30 years.The subject areas and main results were overviewed including biodiversity and eco-geological distribution of soil fauna communities.Studies of ecological distributions of soil fauna and dynamic ranges in space from tropical,subtropical to temperate regions,and in categories from forest,grassland,desert,wetland,farmland to urban ecosystems,the responses and indications of soil fauna to soil environments.Ef...  相似文献   
The northern New England beach wrack community with special reference to the cosmopolitan amphipod crustacean, Orchestia platensis, was examined at estuarine and open coastal habitats. Beach wrack was dominated by the plant genera Ascophyllum, Zostera, Spartina and Chondrus, and was most abundant during spring and late summer. Animal community numbers, biomass and frequency in fresh to moderately decomposed wrack were dominated by O. platensis throughout the year at all habitats; oligochaetes and Collembola were also important. The abundance of O. platensis showed high spatial and temporal variability, with low abundance generally associated with decreased amounts of wrack during colder months. An exception was the winter presence of the species at one estuarine habitat, in patchy aggregations within gravel-cobble refuges. The abundance of O. platensis averaged 1280 (0.04 m2)−1, with a maximum of 7040 (0.04 m2)−1. The life cycle of O. platensis is bivoltine, with summer-hatched young reaching maturity within 1 month. Laboratory studies indicate females with up to 4 broods (30 days)−1, averaging 18 eggs brood−1.Orchestia platensis is omnivorous, eating fresh plant tissue, live oligochaetes, Limulus eggs and diatom ‘fuzz’. The rate of laboratory consumption of algae and Zostera was 0.05 mg plant mg−1 wet body weight day−1. Presumptive predators of O. platensis are juvenile green crab, Carcinus maenus, and the earwig. Anisolabis maritima. The mobility, aggregation and aggressiveness of O. platensis assist the species in establishing and maintaining populations in the rigorous wrack habitat. The general competitive superiority of O. platensis over its congener, O. gammarella, and the co-occurrence of these species on both eastern and western Atlantic shores is discussed.  相似文献   
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