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Jaehoon Yoo   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(8-9):1089-1095
A surface panel method treating a boundary-value problem of the Dirichlet type with the free surface is presented to design a three-dimensional body corresponding to a prescribed pressure distribution. The free surface boundary condition is linearized with respect to the oncoming flow, and computed by four-point finite difference scheme. Sample designs for submerged spheroids and Wigley hull are carried out to demonstrate the stable convergence, the effectiveness and the robustness of the method. The design of a 5500TEU container carrier is performed with respect to reduction of the wave resistance. To reduce the wave resistance, calculated pressure on the hull surface is modified to have the lower fluctuation, and is applied as a Dirichlet type dynamic boundary condition on the hull surface. The designed hull form is verified to have the lower wave resistance than the initial one not only by computation but also by experiment.  相似文献   
邓波 《测绘科学》2008,33(3):29-30
针对重力学随机Dirichlet问题,通过适当地对边界检验函数的分解,并在随机边界样本空间中提取确定性部分的对偶基,本文将随机Dirichlet问题的一般解展开为一随机系数的调和级数形式。  相似文献   
Green's function to the external Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation with data distributed on an ellipsoid of revolution has been constructed in a closed form. The ellipsoidal Poisson kernel describing the effect of the ellipticity of the boundary on the solution of the investigated boundary-value problem has been expressed as a finite sum of elementary functions which describe analytically the behaviour of the ellipsoidal Poisson kernel at the singular point ψ = 0. We have shown that the degree of singularity of the ellipsoidal Poisson kernel in the vicinity of its singular point is of the same degree as that of the original spherical Poisson kernel. Received: 4 June 1996 / Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   
This work deals with the geostatistical simulation of a family of stationary random field models with bivariate isofactorial distributions. Such models are defined as the sum of independent random fields with mosaic-type bivariate distributions and infinitely divisible univariate distributions. For practical applications, dead leaf tessellations are used since they provide a wide range of models and allow conditioning the realizations to a set of data via an iterative procedure (simulated annealing). The model parameters can be determined by comparing the data variogram and madogram, and enable to control the spatial connectivity of the extreme values in the realizations. An illustration to a forest dataset is presented, for which a negative binomial model is used to characterize the distribution of coniferous trees over a wooded area.  相似文献   

We attempt to describe the role of tessellated models of space within the discipline of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – a speciality coming largely out of Geography and Land Surveying, where there was a strong need to represent information about the land’s surface within a computer system rather than on the original paper maps. We look at some of the basic operations in GIS, including dynamic and kinetic applications. We examine issues of topology and data structures, and produced a tessellation model that may be widely applied both to traditional “object” and “field” data types. The Part I of this study examined object and field spatial models, the Voronoi extension of objects, and the graphs that express the resulting adjacencies. The required data structures were also briefly described, along with 2D and 3D structures and hierarchical indexing. The importance of graph duality was emphasized. Here, this second paper builds on the structures described in the first, and examines how these may be modified: change may often be associated with either viewpoint or time. Incremental algorithms permit additional point insertion, and applications involving the addition of skeleton points, for map scanning, contour enrichment or watershed delineation and simulation. Dynamic algorithms permit skeleton smoothing, and higher order Voronoi diagram applications, including Sibson interpolation. Kinetic algorithms allow collision detection applications, free-Lagrange flow modeling, and pen movement simulation for map drawing. If desired these methods may be extended to 3D. Based on this framework, it can be argued that tessellation models are fundamental to our understanding and processing of geographical space, and provide a coherent framework for understanding the “space” in which we exist.  相似文献   
Climate scientists overwhelmingly agree that the Earth is getting warmer and that the rise in average global temperature is predominantly due to human activity. Yet a significant proportion of the American public, as well as a considerable number of legislators in the U.S. Congress, continue to reject the “consensus view.” While the source of the disagreement is varied, one prominent explanation centres on the activities of a coordinated and well-funded countermovement of climate sceptics. This study contributes to the literature on organized climate scepticism by providing the first systematic overview of conservative think tank sceptical discourse in nearly 15 years. Specifically, we (1) compile the largest corpus of contrarian literature to date, collecting over 16,000 documents from 19 organizations over the period 1998–2013; (2) introduce a methodology to measure key themes in the corpus which scales to the substantial increase in content generated by conservative think tanks over the past decade; and (3) leverage this new methodology to shed light on the relative prevalence of science- and policy-related discussion among conservative think tanks. We find little support for the claim that “the era of science denial is over”—instead, discussion of climate science has generally increased over the sample period.  相似文献   
This paper presents the calibration of an experiment based on filtration tests, able to provide the cumulative constriction size distribution of granular materials. Here, simulations of these tests are performed using a discrete element method. Filters of same density but different thicknesses are created with a poly‐sized spherical material. Lateral periodic boundaries for the samples are used, and their size is calibrated so that a representative elementary volume is obtained. Fine particles are released on the created samples, and the particle size distribution of the collected material that successfully crossed the filters is computed. These particle size distributions are related to the underlying cumulative constriction size distribution (CSD) of the granular material involved in the samples. The CSD is derived using a probabilistic approach for the path length of individual particles through a granular material. We settle all the requisites related to the technique and to the fine particles that are released to allow reaching a correct CSD for the filter. The reference CSD used for the calibration of the experiment is obtained after a radical partition of the void space into Delaunay tetrahedra and a geometrical characterisation of constrictions on each tetrahedron face. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中低纬度地磁场平静太阳日变化Z分量的极小值出现的时刻常被用于地震预报,即"低点位移"法,但现有算法的时间格式和人工绘制突变界线的模式会产生较大的误差,本文在第一部分针对这些误差改进了原有算法.第一项是改进了地磁低点时间的格式,第二项是引入了Voronoi剖分技术替代人工画线.前者过滤了假的突变界线,消除了系统误差;后者建立了突变界线与地磁台网低点数据之间的解析关系,使它们一一对应,消除了随机误差.本文第二部分内容是提出了新的时间格式与数字化突变界线的计算公式,并用程序实现计算任务.本文第三部分内容是在对地磁台网的低点时间跟踪的过程中,捕捉到了甘肃省周边几次地震前的地磁低点位移现象,并分析这些案例,在结论中证明该方法的可靠性.  相似文献   
作为一种特殊的噪声,鬼波对一次波的波形及频带宽度产生极大的影响,鬼波压制是提高海上地震资料分辨率及保真度的重要因素.以格林公式为基础,详细论述了基于格林函数理论的鬼波压制方法,在不需要地下介质信息的条件下,进行地震数据驱动鬼波压制,并根据"Double Dirichlet"(双狄利克雷)边界条件,预测压力波场和垂直速度波场.建立了基于格林函数理论鬼波压制的处理流程,数值模拟和实际资料处理结果表明,基于格林函数理论鬼波压制方法在很好地去除鬼波的同时极大地拓宽了地震资料的频带,尤其提升了低频端能量,有利于后续资料的处理解释.  相似文献   

More than 10 years have passed since the coining of the term volunteered geographic information (VGI) in 2007. This article presents the results of a review of the literature concerning VGI. A total of 346 articles published in 24 international refereed journals in GIScience between 2007 and 2017 have been reviewed. The review has uncovered varying levels of popularity of VGI research over space and time, and varying interests in various sources of VGI (e.g. OpenStreetMap) and VGI-related terms (e.g. user-generated content) that point to the multi-perspective nature of VGI. Content-wise, using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), this study has extracted 50 specific research topics pertinent to VGI. The 50 topics have been subsequently clustered into 13 intermediate topics and three overarching themes to allow a hierarchical topic review. The overarching VGI research themes include (1) VGI contributions and contributors, (2) main fields applying VGI, and (3) conceptions and envisions. The review of the articles under the three themes has revealed the progress and the points that demand attention regarding the individual topics. This article also discusses the areas that the existing research has not yet adequately explored and proposes an agenda for potential future research endeavors.  相似文献   
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