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Floating tephra was deposited together with ice core,snow layer,abyssal sediment,lake sediments,and other geological records.It is of great significance to interpret the impact on the climate change of volcanic eruptions from these geological records.It is the first time that volcanic glass was discovered from the peat of Jinchuan(金川)Maar,Jilin(吉林)Province,China.And it is in situ sediments from a near-source explosive eruption according to particle size analysis and identification results.The tephra were neither from Tianchi(天池)volcano eruptions,Changbai(长白)Mountain,nor from Jinlongdingzi(金龙顶子)volcano about 1 600 aBP eruption,but maybe from an unknown eruption of Longgang(龙岗)volcano group according to their geochemistry and distribution.Geochemical characters of the tephra are similar to those of Jingiongdingzi,which are poor in s.Jica,deficient in alkali,Na20 content is more than K20 content,and are similar to distribution patterns of REE and incompatible elements,which helps to speculate that they originated from the same mantle magma with rare condemnation,and from basaltic explosive eruption of Longgang volcano group.The tephra,from peat with age proved that the eruption possibly happened in 15 BC-26 AD,is one of Longgang volcano group eruption that was not recorded and is earlier than that of Jinglongdingzi about 1 600 aBP eruption.And the sedimentary time of tephra is during the period of low temperature alteration.which may be the influence of eruption toward the local climate according to the correlativity of eruption to local temperature curve of peat cellulose oxygen isotope.  相似文献   
The application of neural networks as classifiers of seismic events is described with the aim of developing an automatic system for the classification of explosion quakes at the Stromboli volcano. The architecture of the network that we trained to identify four different classes of shocks was a Multi-Layer Perceptron, using the Back Error Propagation algorithm. Five different approaches for representing the information embedded in the seismograms, both in the time and in the frequency domain, were considered, and the results compared. The direct use of the time series of the shocks was not satisfactory. The auto-correlation function worked well, but in some cases it was misleading. A better performance was obtained with a frequency domain representation. Finally, the use of the envelope function did not work well. Combining parameters such as the auto-correlation and envelope functions can improve one source of error, but it may introduce new ones. The performance obtained highlights the importance of the data attributes used for the training of the network. Topologies with eight neurons in a single hidden layer gave, on average, the best results among the considered neural network structures. The overall results provide a large number of events (89% with the best performance) correctly classified, indicating that this automatic technique is reliable, and encouraging further applications in the field of volcanic seismology.  相似文献   
Tenerife basically consists of three Miocene shield volcanoes, the Anaga, the Teno and Central shield, as well as the Pliocene Cañadas volcano. The temporal evolution and structural significance of each volcano with respect to the history of Tenerife is still a matter of debate. We present paleomagnetic results in order to enhance the view of the volcanic history of the Teno volcano by means of magnetostratigraphy. It is found that the initial subaerial phase shows reverse magnetizations throughout. After two major sector collapses, dominantly normally magnetized lavas extruded. Comparisons of observed magnetic polarities with the geomagnetic polarity timescale show that these volcanic activities occurred within 0.4 Myr between 6.3 and 5.9 Ma. Significantly younger flows, ~ 5.3 Myr old according to their radiometric age, revealed again normal polarity throughout. The absence of inversely magnetized lavas in-between the two normal periods indicates a volcanic hiatus or erosional phase. The evolutionary sequence and the estimated high production rates for the initial building phase are similar as would be expected for a hotspot volcano. The average geomagnetic field for 6.0 ± 0.2 Ma is close to an axial dipole field showing a slight far-sided/right-handed effect. The field strength, determined by Thellier-type intensity determinations, corresponds to a virtual axial dipole moment of 4.9 × 1022 A m2. This value is approximately half of the present day field strength, but similar to values obtained for the mid-Miocene. It also corresponds to the proposed tertiary low-field level of the geomagnetic dipole moment.  相似文献   
Remobilization of sandstones can dramatically reconfigure original depositional geometries and results in very unusually shaped sandstones, which resemble little, if any, of the original geometry. A number of deformational sandstone bodies, dykes and volcanoes from the upper part of the Carboniferous Ross Formation are described, which offer the opportunity to examine a suite of field-scale reconfigured sandstones. These structures are located in close proximity to the Ross Slide, which outcrops along a 2-km section on the northern coast of the Loop Head Peninsula, County Clare, Ireland. Dome- and ridge-shaped deformational sandstone bodies, dykes and volcanoes are interpreted to be the product of remobilization of a turbiditic sandstone. Liquification and remobilization were triggered by translation, cessation and loading of the underlying turbiditic sandstone by the Ross Slide. Deformational sand body, dyke and volcano development occurred in an asynchronous fashion with deformational sand bodies formed during slump translation. Sand dykes and volcanoes developed after the cessation of slump movement. During slump translation, the minimum principal stress (σ3) was orientated vertically and the slump behaved in a `ductile' manner. After slump arrest, the minimum principal stress was oriented horizontally, and the unit regained shear strength to behave in a `brittle' manner. The relative change in rheological states with changing applied shear stress is indicative of thixotropic-like behaviour within the slump mass. Ridge-shaped deformational sand bodies are aligned parallel to slump folds, and their morphology is inferred to be controlled by compressional slump deformation associated with heterogeneous cessation of slump movement that was initiated by frontal arrest of the translating mass.  相似文献   
Differential GPS (DGPS) and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analyses were applied to the Kos-Yali-Nisyros Volcanic Field (SE Hellenic Volcanic Arc) to quantify the ground deformation of Nisyros Volcano. After intense seismic activity in 1996, a GPS network was installed in June 1997 and re-occupied annually up to 2002. A general uplift ranging from 14 to 140 mm was determined at all stations of the network. The corresponding horizontal displacements ranged from 13 to 53 mm. The displacement vectors indicate that the island is undergoing extension towards the East, West and South. A two-source “Mogi” model combined with assumed motion along the Mandraki Fault was constructed to fit the observed deformation. The best-fit model assumes sources at a depth of 5500 m NW of the centre of the island and at 6500 m offshore ESE of Yali Island. DInSAR analysis using four pairs of images taken between May 1995 and September 2000 suggests that deformation was occurring during 1995 before the start of the seismic crisis. An amplitude of at least 56 mm along the slant range appeared for the period 1996 through 1999. This deformation is consistent with the two-source model invoked in DGPS modelling. Surface evidence of ground deformation is expressed in the contemporaneous reactivation of the Mandraki Fault. In addition, a 600 m long N-S trending irregular rupture in the caldera floor was formed between 2001 and 2002. This rupture is interpreted as the release of surface stress in the consolidated epiclastic and hydrothermal sediments of the caldera floor.  相似文献   
Karthala volcano is a basaltic shield volcano with an active hydrothermal system that forms the southern two-thirds of the Grande Comore Island, off the east coat of Africa, northwest of Madagascar. Since the start of volcano monitoring by the local volcano observatory in 1988, the July 11th, 1991 phreatic eruption was the first volcanic event seismically recorded on this volcano, and a rare example of a monitored basaltic shield. From 1991 to 1995 the VT locations, 0.5<Ml<4.3, show a crack shaped pattern (3 km long, 1 km wide) within the summit caldera extending at depth from –2 km to +2 km relative to sea level. This N-S elongated pattern coincides with the direction of the regional maximum horizontal stress as deduced from regional focal mechanism solutions. This brittle signature of the damage associated with the 1991 phreatic eruption is a typical pattern of the seismicity induced by controlled fluid injections such as those applied at geothermal fields, in oil and gas recovery, or for stress measurements. It suggests the 1991 phreatic eruption was driven by hydraulic fracturing induced by forced fluid flow. We propose that the extremely high LP and VT seismicity rates, relative to other effusive volcanoes, during the climax of the 1991 phreatic explosion, are due to the activation of the whole hydrothermal system, as roughly sized by the distribution of VT hypocenters. The seismicity rate in 1995 was still higher than the pre-eruption seismicity rate, and disagrees with the time pattern of thermo-elastic stress readjustment induced by single magma intrusions at basaltic volcanoes. We propose that it corresponds to the still ongoing relaxation of pressure heterogeneity within the hydrothermal system as suggested by the few LP events that still occurred in 1995.Editorial responsibility: H Shinohara  相似文献   
Caldera formation has been explained by magma withdrawal from a crustal reservoir, but little is known about the conditions that lead to the critical reservoir pressure for collapse. During an eruption, the reservoir pressure is constrained to lie within a finite range: it cannot exceed the threshold value for eruption, and cannot decrease below another threshold value such that feeder dykes get shut by the confining pressure, which stops the eruption. For caldera collapse to occur, the critical reservoir pressure for roof failure must therefore be within this operating range. We use an analytical elastic model to evaluate the changes of reservoir pressure that are required for failure of roof rocks above the reservoir with and without a volcanic edifice at Earth's surface. With no edifice at Earth's surface, faulting in the roof region can only occur in the initial phase of reservoir inflation and affects a very small part of the focal area. Such conditions do not allow caldera collapse. With a volcanic edifice, large tensile stresses develop in the roof region, whose magnitude increase as the reservoir deflates during an eruption. The edifice size must exceed a threshold value for failure of the roof region before the end of eruption. The largest tensile stresses are reached at Earth's surface, indicating that faulting starts there. Failure affects an area whose horizontal dimensions depend on edifice and chamber dimensions. For small and deep reservoirs, failure conditions cannot be achieved even if the edifice is very large. Quantitative predictions are consistent with observations on a number of volcanoes.  相似文献   
Mount Bangou, an Eocene volcano (40K–40Ar ages between 44.7 and 43.1 ± 1 Ma) is the oldest dated volcano of the Cameroon Line. In this region, two magmatic series, evolving by fractional crystallization, show transitional affinities that are exceptionally known in this sector. Mineral compositions of basaltic rocks (scarce modal olivine and occurrence of normative hypersthene) as well as geochemical characteristics (low Ba, La, Ta contents and high Y/Nb ratios) are in agreement with this trend. The succession of magmas evolving in time from transitional to more typical alkaline compositions is evidenced in a continental setting. To cite this article: J. Fosso et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
吉林省近代火山的特征及成因讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省近代火山分布广泛,数量较多,有近10个火山群,数百座火山锥,均是新近纪中新世至全新世火山活动的产物。火山岩石为碱性(含钾高)玄武岩及其相同成分的火山碎屑岩,并含幔源包体。喷发类型从溢流式至猛烈式,其次尚有一种特殊类型——侵出式。火山成因受板内大陆深大断裂的控制,并与大洋板块自中生代以来向西俯冲的运动影响有关。  相似文献   
Geothermalanomalyisaphenomenonthatundergroundtemperatureandgeothermalgradientincreasesmuchmoreintheareathanitssurroundings(Xia,1979).Abruptgeothermalanomalymeansthatundergroundtemperatureonsomespotsaswellastheaffectedtemperatureofsurroundingareaabr…  相似文献   
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