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朱光  王薇  顾承串  张帅  刘程 《岩石学报》2016,32(4):935-949
郯庐断裂带晚中生代的演化历史是华北克拉通破坏过程的重要记录。中侏罗世末(燕山运动A幕),郯庐断裂带局部发生左行平移活动,而华北克拉通上出现了一系列北北东走向的缩短构造,指示了西太平洋伊泽奈崎板块俯冲的开始。晚侏罗世期间,郯庐断裂带没有发生活动,而华北克拉通出现局部伸展与岩浆活动及区域性隆升,应为弧后弱拉张背景。早白垩世初(燕山运动B幕),郯庐断裂带再次发生强烈的左行平移活动,华北克拉通北部与东部出现了一系列近南北向挤压产生的构造,应是鄂霍茨克洋最终关闭与伊泽奈崎板块高速俯冲双重作用的结果。随后的早白垩世期间,华北克拉通在弧后拉张背景下发生峰期破坏,郯庐断裂带呈现为强烈的伸展活动。早白垩世末的区域性挤压作用,结束了华北克拉通的峰期破坏,并使郯庐断裂带再次发生了一期左行平移活动。这期挤压作用出现在太平洋板块接替伊泽奈崎板块这一重大板块调整的背景之中。  相似文献   
大别山早白垩世变质核杂岩的结构与演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
大别山中部混合岩-片麻岩穹隆的构造属性认识方面一直众说纷纭.通过对中大别杂岩及其边界剪切带或断裂带的构造解析,并结合对前人相关研究的总结,我们将中大别杂岩厘定为早白垩世的变质核杂岩,其中商麻断裂与晓天-磨子潭断裂和水吼-五河剪切带构成了一个完整的拆离断层带,并将变质核杂岩的形成时间限定在145~120 Ma.中大别杂岩...  相似文献   
倪恒  李志建  张立萍 《岩土力学》2004,25(10):1655-1658
破坏概率与随机模拟理论在滑坡稳定性分析中得到了广泛地应用。然而,通过对传统破坏概率与随机模拟方法的具体操作发现,其没有考虑到因素相关性的影响,由此笔者引入主成分-逐步回归算法, 建立了PCR-SPA-MC耦合模型。并结合巴东县赵树岭滑坡研究,进行了工程实例分析。分析表明,PCR-SPA-MC模型给出的结果比传统破坏概率法得出的结果更为理想。  相似文献   
利用文登—阿拉善左旗长观测距地震宽角反射/折射剖面东段资料,辩识出4组地壳震相和3组地幔盖层震相.采用二维射线追踪走时反演和正演拟合交替计算方法,得到了包括鲁东隆起和华北裂陷盆地在内的地壳和地幔盖层二维速度结构.研究结果表明:华北裂陷盆地基底深达6km以上,研究区壳内界面C1埋深约15km,C2界面深约25km,Moho面平均埋深约35km.上地壳速度6.0~6.1km·s-1,且横向变化较大;中地壳速度相对均匀约为6.2~6.4km·s-1;下地壳速度为6.5~7.0km·s-1,速度梯度较大.地壳平均速度与隆起和坳陷构造相关.研究区岩石圈底界面一般为75~80km,西端接近太行隆起构造时深至90km左右,向西呈明显加深趋势,地壳厚度呈现相同的增厚特征.地幔盖层上部速度8.0~8.2km·s-1,具明显正梯度特征.岩石圈平均速度在郯庐断裂带附近显著偏低.PmP和PLP震相存在不同程度的复杂性,意味着在本地区Moho界面和岩石圈界面有较为复杂的结构,可能具有一定厚度或过渡带性质.结合其他研究结果认为,地幔盖层和下地壳速度梯度、界面性质差异与华北克拉通破坏相关,意味着破坏是一个渐变、缓慢和不均匀的过程.郯庐断裂带附近的低速应是其为软弱带的证据.  相似文献   
川藏公路拉月滑坡的块状破坏特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
孔纪名  张小刚  强巴 《山地学报》2003,21(2):228-233
拉月滑坡位于东久河左岸,为典型的高位岩质滑坡。1967—08—29拉月一带山体突然发生特大型滑坡,体积超过千万立方米,是川藏公路线上著名的“拉月大塌方”灾害。文章应用块状岩体稳定性分析方法,对同结构岩石块体相互嵌合、形成具不同稳定状况的的岩体结构、控制了滑坡的发生的特点进行了分析,证明该方法判别岩质滑坡的稳定性是非常有效的。岩质滑坡在西藏与西南地区都十分普遍,因此,通过对拉月滑坡块状破坏过程的分析,对其它岩质滑坡的稳定性判别具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
周庄古镇创造性破坏与地方身份转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜辽  苏勤 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1131-1142
地方身份通过内外部政治经济力量交互作用,成为当地社会关系的历史纹理,是利益相关者意识形态的反映。以周庄为案例地,借助创造性破坏模型深入分析古镇地方身份转化。研究发现:周庄满足该模型的3 个主要变量。与西方企业家主导模式不同,中国政府对旅游的推动作用是强大的,不仅履行决策制定者和投资者的职能,而且为象征资本的创造、社会资本的延伸和文化资本的维护做出贡献;伴随着游客数量的增加和动机的多样化,商业化景观迅速蔓延,不断冲击古镇遗产景观身份;居民对旅游发展的态度经历了积极—消极—积极的回归过程。从文化霸权与表征、游客凝视、人口置换与社会身份复杂性等角度对周庄古镇地方身份转化进行理论解释,认为地方身份是利益相关者之间相互"谈判"和妥协的产物,表征主流意识形态;为适应游客凝视,利益相关者以东拼西凑的形式改造古镇地方身份;人口置换的结果增加了"新周庄人"社会身份的复杂性,由此带来社会关系破碎、社会认同下降、地方感丧失等问题,导致周庄地方身份转化。  相似文献   
Forlongtime,theproblemaboutnaturalerosionandartificiallyacceleratederosionisindispute.HistoricalgeographersconsiderthathumaninducedecoenvironmentaldestructionisaccountablefortheseveresoilerosionandecoenvironmentdeteriorationonLoessPlateau[7,8].Somegeolog…  相似文献   
Archaeological sites, the material remnants of our human past, are finite and nonrenewable cultural resources that are under constant threat from environmental forces, development activities, warfare, vandalism, and looting. Site looting is the destructive removal of archaeological objects to supply the art market. Looting is part of an economic system, the antiquities market, that works to supply the demand of collectors for archaeological objects. The destruction of archaeological resources by looters is an international crisis and threatens to obliterate the world’s cultural heritage and our ability to understand past cultures. The scale and intensity of the looting problem can be estimated by studying the extent of site destruction in countries of origin and by investigating the sources of antiquities held by collectors. Finding a solution to the problem of looting will require a focus on the demand side of the market (i.e., collectors) instead of the traditional focus on the supply side (looters, dealers)  相似文献   
When the output of a complex chemical model is analysed, a typical topic isthe determination of pathways, i.e., reaction sequences, that produce ordestroy a chemical species of interest.A representative example is the investigation of catalytic ozone destruction cycles in the stratosphere.An algorithm for the automatic determination of pathways in any given reactionsystem is presented. Under the assumption that reaction rates are known, it finds all significant pathways, i.e., all pathways with a rate above a prescribed threshold.The algorithm forms pathways step by step, starting from single reactions.The chemical species in the system are consecutively considered as `branching points'.For every branching-point species, each pathway producing it is connected witheach pathway consuming it.Rates proportional to `branching probabilities' are calculated.Pathways with a rate that is smaller than a prescribed threshold arediscarded.If a newly formed pathway contains sub-pathways, e.g., null cycles, it is split into these simpler pathways.In order to demonstrate the performance of the algorithm, it has been applied to the determination of catalytic ozone destruction cycles and methaneoxidation pathways in the stratosphere.  相似文献   
As is well known, a high content of sulphur in coals is an effect of the post-depositional history of coal seams and one of the most important criteria of its use as a fuel. Sulphur in coals can cause a serious environmental and technological problem during their utilization. This problem is very actual for the Donetsk Basin because 734 mined seams out of the total of 1009 (73%) are comprised of coals with sulphur content -2%. The chemical pre-treatment as a first stage in their processing is widely used in order to effectively obtain the thermal destruction products of coals (such as semi-coke, coke, adsorbents, etc.) and to simultaneously utilize coal wastes. Development in pre-treatment methods for high-sulphur, low-rank coals is especially desirable for reducing the sulphur contents of the solid products. The aim of the present work is to investigate the influence of coal pre-treatment on the yield and composition of thermal destruction products, and the sulphur distribution among different components of the coals of different genetic types by reductivity (low-reduced LRC and reduced RC coals). The thermal behavior of the coals was studied by means of the Fisher method (heated to 520℃, at a rate of 7℃/min). The composition of the semi-coking gas was investigated by means of a VTI gas analyzer. The coal samples were chemically treated directly before thermal destruction by the introduction of 1-% solutions of radical polymerization initiator AAD (acrylic acid dinitrile C8H12N4) and products of coal-tar distillation (absorber oil). Coal pre-treatment increases the semi-coke yield and its coking ability, and changes the liquid/gaseous product ratio.  相似文献   
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