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《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(8):452-463
Fracture process is investigated using finite-difference simulations with a new constitutive model. It is shown that both geometry and fracture mechanism itself depend on the preexisting heterogeneities that are stress concentrators. In the brittle regime (low pressure, P), Mode-I fractures propagate normal to the least stress σ3 from the imposed weak zones. At high P, shear deformation bands are formed oblique to σ3. At intermediate values of P, the fracture process involves both shear banding and tensile cracking and results in the initiation and propagation of pure dilation bands. The propagating band tip undulates, reacting on the failure mechanism changes, but its global orientation is normal to σ3. The σ3-normal fractures are joints. There are thus two types of joints resulting from Mode-I cracking and dilation banding, respectively. The obtained numerical results are in good agreement with and explain the results from previous similar experimental study.  相似文献   
Shear behaviour of regular sawtooth rock joints produced from casting plaster are investigated under constant normal stiffness (CNS) conditions. Test results obtained in this investigation are also compared with the constant normal load (CNL) tests. It is observed that the peak shear stress obtained under CNL conditions always underestimates the peak shear stress corresponding to the CNS condition. Plots of shear stress against normal stress show that a nonlinear (curved) strength envelope is acceptable for soft rock joints subjected to a CNS condition, in comparison with the linear or bilinear envelopes often proposed for a CNL condition. Models proposed by Patton (1966) and Barton (1973) have also been considered for the predictions of peak shear stress of soft joints under CNS conditions. Although Patton's model is appropriate for low asperity angles, it overestimates the shear strength in the low to medium normal stress range at higher asperity angles. In contrast, while Barton's model is realistic for the CNL condition, it seems to be inappropriate for modelling the shear behaviour of soft joints under CNS conditions. The effect of infill material on the shear behaviour of the model joints is also investigated, and it is found that a small thickness of bentonite infill reduces the peak stress significantly. The peak shear stress almost approached that of the shear strength of infill when the infill thickness to asperity height ratio (t/a) reached 1.40. This paper also introduces an original, empirical shear strength envelope to account for the change in normal stress and surface degradation during CNS shearing. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
随着服役时间的增长,侵蚀环境下钢筋混凝土框架节点因钢筋发生不同程度的锈蚀而造成承载性能下降,严重影响建筑结构的安全使用。本文在已有钢筋混凝土框架节点抗剪强度理论模型的基础上,考虑钢筋锈蚀对框架节点受力性能的影响,建立锈蚀钢筋混凝土框架中节点受剪承载力计算公式。通过11组锈蚀钢筋混凝土节点试验数据,对建议理论模型进行验证。研究结果表明,锈蚀钢筋混凝土节点受剪承载力试验值与理论计算值之比的平均值为0.951,方差为0.075,二者吻合较好,本文建议的计算方法可用于锈蚀钢筋混凝土框架中节点承载力分析。  相似文献   
以巢北地区发育的节理为研究对象,在前人研究的基础上,依据区内选取的15个观测点节理数据,对巢北古构造应力场进行恢复,发现该地区经历过2次主要构造运动:第一次为印支运动,控制该区所发育的NEE向主要大型褶皱,应力场方向以NNW—SEE向为主,主要方向为287°~355°,平均为319°;第二次为燕山运动,对前期形成的褶皱进行改造,应力场方向以NE—SW向为主,主要方向为23°~68°,平均为44°。  相似文献   
柱状节理岩体是一类典型的结构性岩体,具有柱状节理网络发育、岩体完整性差的特点,其力学和渗流特性呈现出显著的各向异性。在分析柱状节理成因的基础上,从现场试验、物理模型试验、数值试验和理论分析4个方面系统总结了柱状节理岩体力学和渗流各向异性的最新研究成果,分析了现有研究方法和研究成果的不足,探讨了今后柱状节理岩体力学和渗流各向异性特性研究的新方向,即:基于柱状节理冷却收缩形成机制研究一种模拟柱状节理岩体试件一次成型制备方法,在考虑柱状节理卸荷扩容特性的基础上重点开展卸荷条件下柱状节理岩体力学和渗流各向异性规律研究。  相似文献   
The granite tors of Dartmoor are characterized by using the regional spatial patterns of 21 geomorphic, petrographic, and structural variables. The data were derived from topographic maps, field measurement, and laboratory analysis of rock samples collected in the field. Identification of spatial patterns and comparison of patterns between variables were made on contour maps generated from the data using ARC/INFO. Three tor types—summit tors, valleyside tors, and spur tors—are semiquantitatively characterized using these data and procedures. The three types of tors are distinguished with respect to variations in relative relief, joint spacing and joint type, rock texture, grain size, and composition. Summit tors have the highest relative relief (mean: 125·7 m), contain the most potassium feldspar (>30 per cent), and have the most widely-spaced primary vertical (>300 cm) and secondary horizontal joints (> 10 cm). The rocks are the most megacrystic (> 15 per cent) and the coarsest grained. Plagioclase is also abundant in summit tors. Valleyside tors have the lowest relative relief (mean: 72·9 m) and the most widely-spaced horizontal joints (primary, 60-200 cm; secondary, > 10 cm). Grain size, vertical joint spacing, and quartz and potassium feldspar abundances are intermediate. The shapes of valleyside tors are controlled by horizontal joints and the rocks are either very feebly magcrystic or equigranular in texture. Spur tors have intermediate relative relief (mean: 115·4 m), the narrowest joint spacing (vertical joints, < 200 cm, 50-75 cm; horizontal joints <60 cm, < 10 cm) and the finest grain. In addition, the rocks are feebly magacrystic.  相似文献   
Throughgoing fractures play a major role in subsurface fluid flow yet the kinematics of their formation, which directly impact rock flow properties, are often difficult to establish. We investigate throughgoing fractures in the Monterey Formation of California that developed by the coalescence of pre-existing joints. At Lompoc Landing, throughgoing fractures fall into three main groups: linked, linked with aperture, and breccia zones. The segmented nature of their walls provides numerous piercing points to firmly establish the sense of displacement. Analysis of displacement vectors derived from piercing points demonstrates that the NW–SE trending throughgoing fractures, often interpreted as strike–slip faults, are in fact extensional structures in origin. We suggest that this method may be applied to throughgoing fractures that form by the same mechanism in other geologic settings. Establishing kinematics of throughgoing fractures will lead to a better understanding of their contribution to subsurface fluid flow.  相似文献   
We approach the reconstruction of the recent structural evolution of Stromboli volcano (Italy) and the analysis of the interplay between tectonics, gravity and volcanic deformation. By tying together structural, lithostratigraphic and rock mechanics data, we establish that since 100 ka BP, the edifice has faulted and jointed mainly along NE-striking planes. Faults mostly dip to the NW with normal displacement. Taking also into account the presence of a NW-trending regional least principal stress and of tectonic earthquake hypocenters inside the cone, we suggest that this fracturing can be related to the transmission of tectonic forces from the basement to the cone. Dyking concentrated along a main NE-trending weakness zone (NEZ) across the volcano summit, resembling a volcanic rift, whose geometry is governed by the tectonic field. In the past 13 ka, Stromboli experienced a reorganisation of the strain field, which was linked with the development of four sector collapses affecting the NW flank, alternating with growth phases. The tectonic strain field interplayed with dyking and fracturing related to unbuttressing along the collapse shoulders. We propose that tectonics control the geometry of dykes inside the cone and that these, in turn, contribute to destabilise the cone flanks.  相似文献   
近几年,山区地质灾害已得到有关政府部门的高度重视,治理地质灾害已成为一项重要工作。本文采用一个山区滑坡治理工程实例剖析,分析其形成机理。  相似文献   
岩石质量指标(RQD)的各向异性分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
各向异性是工程岩体的重要工程特性, 岩石质量指标RQD具明显的各向异性。本文运用结构面网络模拟技术, 通过结构面间距、倾角、相对夹角以及结构面组数的敏感性分析, 探讨了RQD的各向异性规律。结合实际工程应用, 提出正确引用RQD指标的建议。  相似文献   
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