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Abstract River avulsions are commonly considered to be driven by the aggradation and growth of alluvial ridges, and the associated increase in cross‐valley slope relative to either the down‐channel slope or the down‐valley slope (the latter is termed the slope ratio in the present paper). Therefore, spatial patterns of overbank aggradation rate over stratigraphically relevant time scales are critical in avulsion‐dominated models of alluvial architecture. Detailed evidence on centennial‐ to millennial‐scale floodplain deposition has, to date, been largely unavailable. New data on such long‐term overbank aggradation rates from the Rhine–Meuse and Mississippi deltas demonstrate that the rate of decrease of overbank deposition away from the channel belt is much larger than has been supposed hitherto, and can be similar to observations for single overbank floods. This leads to more rapid growth of alluvial ridges and more rapid increase in slope ratios, potentially resulting in increased avulsion frequencies. A revised input parameter for overbank aggradation rate was used in a three‐dimensional model of alluvial architecture to study its effect on avulsion frequency. Realistic patterns of avulsion and interavulsion periods (≈1000 years) were simulated with input data from the Holocene Rhine River, with avulsions occurring when the slope ratio is in the range 3–5. However, caution should be practised with respect to uncritical use of these numbers in different settings. Evidence from the two study areas suggests that the avulsion threshold cannot be represented by one single value, irrespective of whether critical slope ratios are used, as in the present study, or superelevation as has been proposed by other investigators.  相似文献   
长江巨洪前期物理因子的配置   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
冯利华 《地理科学》2002,22(4):504-507
提出了长江巨洪前期物理因子配置的概念,在每一次巨洪发生之前,影响巨洪的主要物理因子之间一般都会表现出相似的特征,即出现一些固有的配置,这些配置正是长江发生巨洪的强信号,对长江巨洪的预测研究具有重要的指示作用。  相似文献   
三峡大坝建成之后,大量泥沙滞留于库区,出库泥沙量减少,坝下河床冲刷而提供相当数量的泥沙,支流湖泊供沙也发生变化,这将使进入河口地区的泥沙有所减少。三峡大坝以上长江干流和支流建设新的大坝,南水北调、封山育林、退耕还林以及减少水土流失都将进一步减少长江进入河口地区的泥沙。由此估计,三峡大坝建成后的百年内长江输入河口地区的泥沙约为2.0×108~2.5×108t/a;冰后期长江三角洲形成和发育期间的长江年均输沙量为1.84×108~2.28×108t。二者的数值相当接近,然而与近50年的观测(4.33×108t/a)相差甚远,长江流域的气候变化和人类活动可能是造成这一现象的原因。文章着重说明中国和长江上游人口的增长、种植作物的改变可能是水土流失、长江泥沙量增长的主要原因。  相似文献   
Red tide,also called harmful algal bloom interna-tionally,is a disaster abnormal phenomenon of oceanecology with an explosive breed or dense assemble ofone or several phytoplanktons in a specific ocean en-vironment condition,colors the seawater,influencesand harms ocean living things.The formation of redtide is controlled mainly by a complex interplay ofbiological,physical and chemical processes,but themost main cause influencing the occurrence of red tideis the seawater eutrophication,i.e.,the…  相似文献   
The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods.The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   
China's eastern coastal area marine hazards (storm surge, erosion and deposition by tidal currents and seawater intrusion) and the history, present situation, experiences and problems of inhabitants in their fight against marine hazards are discussed in this paper, which also suggests counter-measures against, and scientific and rational management of, coastal area marine hazards in order to protect the coastal and estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   
 全球气候变暖给整个地球的生态环境带来巨大的影响,在全球气候变暖背景下,绿洲热场的变化严重影响绿洲的生态稳定性,利用遥感卫星影像来监测热场分布规律具有很强的现实意义。采用Landsat7 ETM+热红外波段定量反演晴空状态下干旱区典型绿洲地表真实温度,运用影像叠加分析、直方图比对、缓冲区分析、空间自相关分析及剖面线分析方法,分析其热场分布规律。结果表明,绿洲热场分布具有显著的正的空间自相关特性,Moran’s I值为0.5489,z检验值为48.44,同时呈现出显著的局部空间集聚现象; 就全局而言,热场分布规律为水体温度<耕地温度<林草地温度<城镇温度<裸地温度<盐碱地温度,均温分别为21.65 ℃、27.86 ℃、35.59 ℃、36.52 ℃、40.06 ℃、42.07 ℃; 就局部而言,盐碱地温度低于周边裸地温度,盐碱地平均温度比周边300 m、900 m、1 500 m缓冲区裸地的均温分别低0.59 ℃、0.44 ℃、0.26 ℃。水体、城镇、盐碱地、裸地的温度波动较小,热力景观单一,热场分布均匀,而耕地和林草地的温度梯度大,热力景观复杂多样,热场分布极不均匀。绿洲荒漠交错带的面积较大,它可以降低荒漠对绿洲的热力侵蚀,对保护绿洲有重要作用。  相似文献   

近年来渤海地区晚更新世以来沉积环境演化和地层划分存在争议。本文对现代黄河三角洲东南海岸带YRD-1401孔岩芯(长81.00 m)沉积物进行综合研究,旨在建立该孔晚更新世以来地层的沉积相序列和时间标尺,为解决地层划分争议提供新的证据。根据AMS 14C和光释光测年结果,并考虑到YRD-1401孔底部地层光释光年代的不精确性,本文主要研究YRD-1401孔MIS 5以来的沉积演化史。综合分析YRD-1401孔沉积地层的岩性特征和底栖有孔虫组合变化,结合测年结果,该孔可划分为6个沉积单元(从下往上DU 6~DU 1):最底部的DU 6(51.35~81.00 m)为受潮流影响的河流沉积(其形成时间有待进一步研究),DU 5(37.64~51.35 m)为MIS 5潮坪-近岸浅海沉积,DU 4(30.71~37.64 m)为MIS 3早期的潮坪沉积,DU 3(23.50~30.71 m)为MIS 3晚期至全新世早期形成的河流沉积,DU 2(14.22~23.50 m)为全新世早期(约10 cal.ka B.P.)至1855年形成的滨岸沼泽-滨岸浅水-近岸浅海~前三角洲沉积-海洋改造层,DU 1(0~14.22 m)为1855年以来发育的现代黄河三角洲沉积。晚更新世以来该孔有3个海相层(自下而上分别是DU 5、DU 4和DU 2),分别形成于MIS 5、MIS 3早期和全新世,表明晚更新世以来全球海平面变化是其主要控制因素。研究区MIS 4的沉积地层出现缺失。渤海沿岸地区多个钻孔地层的对比表明,区域性的差异构造沉降、沉积物供给和地层完整性等因素也是影响研究区晚更新世以来沉积地层发育的重要因素。

Sediment source and transport trends are influenced by various hydrodynamic factors, and thus play important roles in sedimentary evolution and coastal stability. To examine sediment transport trends around the abandoned Yellow River delta promontory and its erosion mechanism, we employ empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis to study sedimentary characteristics and transport trends of the abandoned Yellow River delta in northern Jiangsu Province, China. The results showed that: (1) the main sediment source in the abandoned Yellow River delta is the submarine coastal slope and both sides of the abandoned Yellow River Delta; (2) the main hydrodynamics controlling sediment transport is the current that runs along the shore, coupled with waves, especially southward currents; (3) the sediment of the study area was redistributed under hydrodynamics; coarse sediments were eroded and broadly transported to the south. Therefore, it is concluded that the sediment sources and transport have important influence on coastal evolution: the sediment source area shows mass loss of deposits and erosion; deposits in the submarine coastal slope provide the source and were continuously eroded to provide materials to other places as a sediment source.  相似文献   
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