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We present paleomagnetic results of Paleocene welded tuffs of the 53–50 Ma Bogopol Group from the northern region (46°N, 137°E) of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt. Characteristic paleomagnetic directions with high unblocking temperature components above 560 °C were isolated from all the sites. A tilt-corrected mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region is D=345.8°, I=49.9°, α95=14.6° (N=9). The reliability of the magnetization is ascertained through the presence of normal and reversed polarities. The mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt reflects a counterclockwise rotation of 29° from the Paleocene mean paleomagnetic direction expected from its southern region. The counterclockwise rotation of 25° is suggested from the paleomagnetic data of the Kisin Group that underlies the Bogopol Group. These results establish that internal tectonic deformation occurred within the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt over the past 50 Ma. The northern region from 44.6° to 46.0°N in the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt was subjected to counterclockwise rotational motion through 29±17° with respect to the southern region. The tectonic rotation of the northern region is ascribable to relative motion between the Zhuravlevka terrane and the Olginsk–Taukhinsk terranes that compose the basements of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形演变   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
王建  刘泽纯 《地质论评》1996,42(2):166-173
从孢粉植物分异及演变,干旱碎屑及膏盐沉积分布等方面,对柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形的演变进行了探讨。结果表明,盆地西部新生代两个极端干燥气候期(膏盐发育期)分别出现在始新世至渐新世及上新世至第四纪。前者与老第三纪行星环流控制下的副热带干燥带有关,而后者与青藏高原的隆升有关。早第三纪盆地西部及周围地区的地势不象以前所认为的那么低平。在第三纪,昆仑山比祁连山低。晚新生代盆地向北推移了7-11个纬距。  相似文献   
滇西北新生代逆冲推覆构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滇西北地区新生代逆冲推覆构造较为发育,从西到东可分出走向NS、相互平行的4带:澜沧江带,云岭带,石钟山带和剑川-洱源带。其中,澜沧江带与云岭带组成对冲格局,云岭带又与石钟山带组成反冲格局,石钟山带与剑川-洱源带又组成对冲格局。参与逆冲推覆的地层主要是中生代三叠系、侏罗系、白垩系及新生代云龙组、宝相寺组,推覆体由石炭系、二叠系、上三叠统岩石组成。逆冲推覆时间为喜马拉雅期。  相似文献   
通过对鲁西地区煤田的主滑面和次级滑面构造特征的分析,总结了次级滑面的发育型式对煤层赋存状况的影响。结合区域火山活动和构造演化认为,该滑动构造为伸展背景下的掀斜断块型,其滑动时间为白垩纪—新生代。   相似文献   
基于地震的发生与断裂的活动性密切相关,为了科学合理并尽可能准确地判定未来地震重点危险区域,以安徽为例,利用由深浅部对比、宏微观构造解析所给出的新生代构造活动性最新研究成果,结合地震活动性资料研究结果,对一些重点部位的地震危险性进行了综合研究。结果表明,根据长时间尺度的地质构造最新研究揭示的活动性较强区域,与根据近代地震活动性资料研究反映的危险性较大区域,呈现较好的一致性特征,从而为未来地震重点危险区域的判定提供了新的较为可靠的依据和方法。  相似文献   
运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素定年方法测定了金沙江-哀牢山断裂带内4个富碱斑岩的年龄.结果表明:剑川地区角闪正长斑岩形成时间为(37.6±2.2)Ma,姚安地区黑云母二长斑岩具有2组锆石U-Pb年龄数据,较年轻的一组为(36.86±0.63)Ma,较老的一组为(40.41±0.24)Ma,姚安黑云母角闪正长斑...  相似文献   
衡阳盆地是华南地区独具特色的中—新生代陆相沉积盆地,其形成机制与丰富的矿产资源都十分引人注目。衡阳盆地近等轴形态,地形上表现为典型的“盆山体系”,重力资料显示出地幔隆起的特征,构造形式上发育“棋盘状”和“环形(弧形)”格局,火成岩与成矿元素组合以及同位素特征均具有幔源特征,这表明衡阳盆地的形成与华南地区中生代地幔柱活动之间具有密切的成因联系。盆地及其周缘矿产资源具有长时期、多矿种、强富集的特征。不同时代和不同矿种组合的成矿作用与区域岩浆作用和盆地沉积作用具有明显的专属性。衡阳盆地及周边不但出现了丰富的有色金属和非金属矿产,也出现了钨锡铌钽铋碲铀等关键矿产,但后者的工作程度最低。因此,在深部矿产探测过程中应做到“四注意四加强”。  相似文献   
阿尔金断裂新生代活动方式及其与柴达木盆地的耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
肖安成  吴磊  李洪革  汪立群 《岩石学报》2013,29(8):2826-2836
位于青藏高原北缘的阿尔金左旋走滑断裂是世界上规模最大也是最重要的线性构造之一,其新生代以来的活动方式是限定高原生长机制的重要边界条件.本文在对阿尔金山中不同方向隆起构造进行分析的基础上,综合前人资料论证了阿尔金断裂在晚始新世-中中新世时以基底剪切为主,大规模地表走滑则发生在中中新世以后.对柴达木盆地内近东西向和北西向断裂系统的分布、形态、活动时间进行了详细的分析,发现它们是在不同时间、不同区域、不同控制条件下形成的两套断裂系统,与阿尔金断裂的两阶段活动方式存在很好的耦合关系.柴达木盆地西北侧的沉积和构造特征表明阿尔金山的隆升幅度和范围在中中新世达到最大,随后则逐渐减小,这种变化也与阿尔金断裂从基底剪切到地表走滑的转换非常吻合.  相似文献   
Paleoclimate modelling is one of the core topics in the Past Global Changes project under the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and has received much attention worldwide in recent decades. Here we summarize the research on the Paleoclimate modeling, including the Holocene, Last Glacial Maximum, and pre-Quaternary climate intervals or events performed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS) for over one decade. As an attempt to review these academic activities, we emphasize that vegetation and ocean feedbacks can amplify East Asian climate response to the Earth’s orbital parameters and atmospheric CO2 concentration at the mid-Holocene. At the Last Glacial Maximum, additional cooling in interior China is caused by the feedback effects of East Asian vegetation and the ice sheet over the Tibetan Plateau, and the regional climate model RegCM2 generally reduces data-model discrepancies in East Asia. The simulated mid-Pliocene climate is characterized by warmer and drier conditions as well as significantly weakened summer and winter monsoon systems in interior China. On a tectonic timescale, both the Tibetan Plateau uplift and the Paratethys Sea retreat play important roles in the formation of East Asian monsoon-dominant environmental pattern during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
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