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Degradation in Cemented Marine Clay Subjected to Cyclic Compressive Loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of cyclic loading on the strength and deformation behavior of cemented marine clay has been studied. This marine clay is of recent Pleistocene origin and deposited in a shallow water marine environment. Open pits were dug in sheeted enclosures and from these pits, undisturbed samples were taken for strength testing. A series of standard triaxial shear tests and stress controlled one-way cyclic load tests were conducted at consolidation stress ranges below and above the preconsolidation pressure. For the stress levels below the preconsolidation pressure, the cyclic loading has brought about the collapse of the cementation bond through an increase in strains, and at higher pressure ranges, the soil behaves like typical soft clay. This experiment studied the rate of development of strain and pore water pressure and shows that rate is a function of number of cycles, applied stress, and stress history. In addition, soil degradation during cyclic loading is studied in terms of Degradation Index. Attempt has been made to predict stain, pore water pressure, and degradation index through an empirical model.  相似文献   
Permeability is one of the most important parameters in the design of hydraulic backfilling of mine stopes. A simple and reproducible method was developed for preparing reconstituted hydraulic fill sample in the laboratory, that is representative of the hydraulic fill in the mine stope, replicating the slurry sedimentation process taking place in the mine. Constant head and falling head permeability tests were carried out on the samples, giving consistent results. A brick permeameter was developed to study the flow characteristics of the porous barricade bricks under one-dimensional flow, simulating the flow conditions in the mine. Three different methods were used to determine the permeability of the brick and the results showed very good agreement. This is the first rational attempt to measure the permeability of the porous barricade bricks that are used to close the horizontal access drives in the mines, thus retaining the hydraulic fill. The measurements show that the permeability of the barricade brick is about two to three orders of magnitude greater than that of the hydraulic fill.  相似文献   
填土引发的桩基负摩阻力问题及其灌浆处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了填土地基的沉降计算方法,分析了填土引发桩基负摩阻力的机理及危害,探讨了采用压力灌浆技术加固填土地基、消除桩基负摩阻力、控制桩基沉降的加固机理、施工工艺和应用效果。  相似文献   
巫山县污水处理厂高填方地基湿化变形试验研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
傅旭东  邱晓红  赵刚  邹勇  刘祖德 《岩土力学》2004,25(9):1385-1389
结合巫山县污水处理厂高填方工程,选取压实粘性土样,在室内进行了接近实际应力路径下的“单线法”湿化变形试验,研究了土样在不同的压实度、固结压力和湿化历史下的湿化机理、湿化前后的应力.应变关系及强度变化规律。取得的湿化变形试验成果表明,湿化使土样的变形模量和强度均有所降低;湿化变形不仅包括湿化体应变,而且包括湿化偏应变;随着压实度的增加,湿化变形减小。试验成果为巫山县污水处理厂高填方地基的填筑设计、控制湿化变形的措施和附加压密措施提供了依据。  相似文献   
A model to simulate channel changes in ephemeral river channels and to test the effects of hydrological changes due to climate change and[sol ]or land use change was developed under the auspices of the EU funded MEDALUS programme (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use). The model, CHANGISM (Channel Change GIS Simulation Model), is designed to simulate the effect of channel flow events and of climate conditions on morphology, sediment and vegetation, through sequences of events and conditions, over periods of up to several decades. The modelling is based on cellular automata but with calculations for water and sediment continuity. Process rules have both deterministic and stochastic elements. An important feature of the model is that it incorporates feedback elements between each event. The main aim of the model is to indicate the likely outcomes of events and combinations of conditions. It is linked to GIS for both input and output. The modelling is based on a channel reach and state is input as GIS layers of morphology (DEM), sediment and vegetation cover and state. Other initial conditions of soil moisture, groundwater level, and overall gradient are input. Parameters for processes are read from tables and can be easily changed for successive runs of the model. The bases for decisions on process specifications are discussed in this paper. Initial tests of the operation and sensitivity of the model were made on idealized reaches. The model was then tested using data from monitored sites in SE Spain. Simulations using clearwater flow worked well but initial simulations using events with sediment loads showed some tendency for excess deposition. Further tests and modifications are taking place. Overall, the model is one of the most sophisticated that simulates the interaction of flows with sediment and vegetation and the outcomes in terms of erosion, deposition, morphology, sediment cover, vegetation cover and plant survival over periods of up to 30 years for the scale of a channel reach. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
某天然气井场坐落于一填方平台,由于土体填方施工时未达固结,致使该天然气井场3次发生滑坡灾害,并3次进行治理。采用的治理方案依次为地面排水 注浆加固 抗滑桩、抗滑桩 挡土墙加固、微型组合抗滑桩。在阐述该天然气井场填方滑坡特点的基础上,对治理工程及其效果进行了分析。  相似文献   
大连海港常采用高黏粒吹填土作为吹淤造陆工程土料,但高黏粒吹填土的黏粒含量大,真空预压处理地基时竖向排水体四周常常被黏粒淤堵,延误工程进度。为深入研究该类吹填土工程地质特性,基于室内物理模型采用80 kPa真空预压技术处理高黏粒吹填土,针对淤堵难题进行分析。通过测试土体的物理化学参数,建立含水率、易溶盐总量、钠离子含量、酸碱度、阳离子交换量、有机质含量等物理化学指标的特征分布曲线。结果表明:80 kPa真空预压处理的高黏粒吹填土含水率与易溶盐总量、酸碱度等化学指标呈反比;竖向排水体四周吹填土的易溶盐含量较大,有机质含量高;阳离子交换量与酸碱度呈正比。同时物化指标在排水板四周富集的现象反映80 kPa真空预压处理的高黏性吹填土固结状况,同时建议真空预压处理过程中采用分级真空预压方法,改进高黏粒吹填土地基处理,以降低淤堵状况。  相似文献   
充填材料是决定煤炭充填开采效益、效率、效果的最主要因素。为了掌握风积砂质高浓度胶凝充填材料的性能变化规律,本文以粉煤灰的质量掺入比作为变量,试验研究和理论分析了粉煤灰对该充填材料性能的影响规律。结果表明,粉煤灰的适量添加可以提高充填材料的强度,大掺量导致强度相对降低; 泌水率随着粉煤灰掺量的增大总体上呈减小趋势,较大掺量试样泌水速率相对较低; 分层度随着粉煤灰掺量的增大线性降低; 凝结时间随着粉煤灰掺量增大呈现指数增大; 坍落度总体上随粉煤灰掺量的升高而增大,但大掺量会使其出现相对降低。分析认为,适量粉煤灰的掺入,使风积砂质高浓度胶凝充填材料的颗粒粒度、水分分布和水泥分散均匀,而使材料的强度和输送性能适度改变,但掺量过大会稀释胶结料和改变颗粒相对级配而导致性能下降。  相似文献   


沉桩引起的超静孔隙水压力消散是产生管桩极限承载力时效性的主要因素之一。结合天津东疆保税港区物流加工区二期工程,利用有限元模拟分析沉桩后超孔压的消散规律及管桩的极限承载力随时间变化的规律,提出吹填土中管桩时效承载力公式供工程参考使用,并进行吹填土现场各测点沉桩过程及沉桩后孔隙水压力的监测,验证模拟结果的同时探讨超静孔隙水压力的分布及消散规律。模拟得到沉桩后桩底超孔压随时间消散, 20d后消散率达到97%; 管桩的时效承载力随时间增长,并与超孔压的消散有着明显的对应关系; 得到吹填土中管桩承载力的时效公式以供工程参考使用。现场孔压监测表明深度增加,超孔压增大; 离桩越近,超孔压越大; 土层渗透系数越小,超孔压消散越慢。施工对土体的有效影响范围为9~10倍桩径。  相似文献   
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