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In a fluvial system, depending on sub‐aerial exposure, non‐pedogenic pond calcretes can be modified into pedogenic calcretes. The present study attempts to understand the effect of sub‐aerial exposure and pedogenesis on calcretes using carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. For this purpose, two profiles (profile‐A and profile‐B) from the same stratigraphic level in Rayka from the western part of India were selected. The profiles are separated by a distance of 500 m and showed differences in calcrete characteristics. In profile‐A, the calcretes showed pedogenic features (root traces and void filling spar) whereas calcretes in profile‐B showed non‐pedogenic characteristics (fine laminations). However, some of the calcretes in profile‐A exhibited remnants of fine laminations suggesting that initially the calcretes had a non‐pedogenic origin but were modified due to pedogenesis. In profile‐A, the carbon and oxygen isotope values of pedogenic calcrete (δ13CPC and δ18OPC) showed more variation compared with non‐pedogenic pond calcretes (δ13CSPC and δ18OSPC) in profile‐B. The δ13CPC and δ13CSPC values exhibited a spread of 3·0‰ and 1·3‰, respectively, and δ18OPC and δ18OSPC values showed a spread of 2·3‰ and 1·3‰, respectively. The differences in the isotopic composition between the two profiles suggest that pedogenesis controlled the isotopic inheritance in calcretes. In addition, the carbon isotopic composition of organic matter (δ13COM) and n‐alkanes (δ13Cn‐alk) that forms the basis of palaeovegetational reconstruction have also been measured to understand the effect of pedogenesis on organic matter in both of the profiles. The average δ13COM values in profile‐A and profile‐B are ?23·4‰ and ?21·1‰, respectively. The disparity in δ13COM values is a result of the difference in the sources and preservation of organic matter. However, the δ13Cn‐alk values show a similar trend in profile‐A and profile‐B, indicating that sources of n‐alkanes are the same in both of the profiles and δ13Cn‐alk values are unaffected by the pedogenic modifications.  相似文献   
The calcretes in the Thar desert occur in a variety of settings, including the piedmonts, sheetwash aggraded plains; and this study adds calcretes in regolith and colluvio-alluvial plains to the group of settings in which calcretes occur in the region. Field logs, morphological details and analytical data such as petrographic, cathodoluminescence and geochemical characteristics are described along with a discussion on their implications. Sand dunes and sandy plains dating to < 20 ka have weakly developed calcretes. The better-developed calcrete horizons occur in piedmonts, interdunes or in areas that have sufficient groundwater. Deep sections in the region show phases of calcrete development in aeolian sand aggradation at ∼ 150, ∼ 100, ∼ 60 and 27–14 ka. The extensive sheetwash plains have mature calcretes and date to mid-Pleistocene. Our studies indicate that these calcretes represent a hybrid process, where carbonate enrichment of the originally calcareous host occurred due to periodically raised groundwaters, and its differentiation into nodules occurred under subaerial environment i.e., after recession of groundwater. Deep sections also show a stack of discrete calcretes that developed in individual aggradation episodes with hiatuses as indicated by ESR dating results. Nodules display a multiplicity of carbonate precipi tation events and internal reorganization of calcitic groundmass. The process is accompanied by degradation and transformation of unstable minerals, particularly clays and with a neosynthesis of palygorskite. The ancient calcretes are dated from the beginning of the Quaternary to ∼ 600 ka and show more evolved morphologies marked by brecciation, dissolution, laminar growth on brecciated surfaces, pisolites and several generations of re-cementation. Mica/chlorite schists and such other rocks are particularly vulnerable to replacement by carbonate. In an extreme case, replacement of quartzose sandstone was observed also. The presence of stretches of alluvio-colluvial plains in an area presently devoid of drainage bespeaks of occasional high-energy fluvial regime, under a semi-arid climate. The mid-Pleistocene period saw a shift towards more arid climate and this facilitated sheetwash aggradation. Finally, during the late Pleistocene, aggradation of aeolian sands indicated a progressively drier climate. However, this does not find its reflection in stable isotope data. The amount of carbonate in the form of calcretes is substantial. The present studies indicate that aeolian dust or rainwater are minor contributors to the carbonate budget. A more important source was provided by the pre-existing calcretes in the sheetwash aggraded plains and detrital carbonate in the aeolian sediments. The original source of carbonate in the region, however, remains unresolved and will need further investigations. Electron spin resonance protocols for the dating of calcretes were developed as a part of this study and the results accorded well with geological reasoning  相似文献   
The south Uralian foreland basin forms part of the giant, yet sparsely documented, PreCaspian salt tectonic province. The basin can potentially add much to the understanding of fluviolacustrine sedimentation within salt‐walled minibasins, where the literature has been highly reliant on only a few examples (such as the Paradox Basin of Utah). This paper describes the Late Permian terrestrial fill of the Kul’chumovo salt minibasin near Orenburg in the south Urals in which sediments were deposited in a range of channel, overbank and lacustrine environments. Palaeomagnetic stratigraphy shows that, during the Late Permian, the basin had a relatively slow and uniform subsidence pattern with widespread pedogenesis and calcrete development. Angular unconformities or halokinetic sequence boundaries cannot be recognized within the relatively fine‐grained fill, and stratigraphic and spatial variations in facies are therefore critical to understanding the subsidence history of the salt minibasin. Coarse‐grained channel belts show evidence for lateral relocation within the minibasin while the development of a thick stack of calcrete hardpans indicates that opposing parts of the minibasin became largely inactive for prolonged periods (possibly in the order of one million years). The regular vertical stacking of calcrete hardpans within floodplain mudstones provides further evidence that halokinetic minibasin growth is inherently episodic and cyclical.  相似文献   
A large number of calcrete samples from topsoils of the Doukkâli area, western Morocco, were studied by U-disequilibrium series methods. The 230Th/234U ages are rather uniformly distributed between>350 and 2 ka BP. Homologous samples for occurrence and structure display quite different ages, the 230Th/234U ages are considered apparent. This is explained by repeated deposition of secondary calcite in the calcrete pores, which caused lowering of the original ages. However, the apparent ages may be considered minimum ages of the calcrete formation, indicating that calcium carbonate mobilization and deposition has been taking place repeatedly since >350 ka.

The age range obtained is quite comparable with that of calcretes from southern Spain, suggesting similar conditions for the calcrete formation in the two areas.  相似文献   

Ana M. 《Earth》2003,60(3-4):261-298
Interest in palustrine carbonates and calcretes has increased over the last 20 years since they contain significant environmental information. Much of the work performed in this area has focused on either of two types of terrestrial carbonate—palustrine carbonates or calcretes (pedogenic and groundwater)—yet their simultaneous study shows there may be a gradual transition from one form to the other, revealing the interplay between pedogenic, sedimentary, and diagenetic processes. Three main factors control the formation of these carbonates: the position of the water table, the host rock, and the period of sub-aerial exposure. In pedogenic calcretes, precipitation of carbonate takes places mostly in the vadose zone above the water table, and within a previous host rock or sediment. In groundwater calcretes, the precipitation of carbonate also occurs within a previous host rock and around the groundwater table. In palustrine carbonates, however, the precipitation of lime mud occurs in a lacustrine water body. Palustrine carbonates necessarily form on previous lacustrine mud, whereas both types of calcretes may form on any type of sediment or soil. The sub-aerial exposure time needed to form palustrine carbonates may by relatively short (even a season), whereas pedogenic calcretes need more time (several years to millions of years). Groundwater calcretes do not form on the topographic surfaces, so there is no need of sub-aerial exposure. However, stable surfaces favour the development of thick groundwater calcretes. Small fluctuations in the water table cause gradual transitions of these three types of terrestrial carbonates and the subsequent mixture of their characteristic features, causing difficulties in the interpretation of these carbonates.

The formation of these carbonates is controlled by palaeoenvironmental factors. Both commonly form in semi-arid climates. Arid climates are also suitable for calcretes, but sub-humid conditions are more suitable for palustrine carbonates. More indications of climatic conditions may be obtained through the analysis of the δ18O content of both calcretes and palustrine carbonates, and from the depth of the horizon containing carbonate nodules in pedogenic calcretes. Vegetation is also important in the formation of these types of carbonates. Data on the prevailing vegetation can be obtained from the analysis of the micro and macrofabric as well as from the δ13C signal of the primary carbonates, which, in pedogenic carbonates, has also been used to estimate atmospheric pCO2 during the Phanerozoic. These terrestrial carbonates are widely distributed on floodplains and distal areas of alluvial basins. Their presence and characteristics can be used as indicators of aggradation, subsidence or accommodation rates, and therefore as indicators of different tectonic regimes.

Even though the study of these carbonates has notably increased in recent years, much less is known about them than about marine carbonates. Presently, there is much emphasis on obtaining a general model for sequence stratigraphy in terrestrial basins, with a need to include the carbonates analysed in this paper.  相似文献   

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