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THERIA_G: a software program to numerically model prograde garnet growth   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
We present the software program THERIA_G, which allows for numerical simulation of garnet growth in a given volume of rock along any pressure–temperature–time (PTt) path. THERIA_G assumes thermodynamic equilibrium between the garnet rim and the rock matrix during growth and accounts for component fractionation associated with garnet formation as well as for intracrystalline diffusion within garnet. In addition, THERIA_G keeps track of changes in the equilibrium phase relations, which occur during garnet growth along the specified PTt trajectory. This is accomplished by the combination of two major modules: a Gibbs free energy minimization routine is used to calculate equilibrium phase relations including the volume and composition of successive garnet growth increments as P and T and the effective bulk rock composition change. With the second module intragranular multi-component diffusion is modelled for spherical garnet geometry. THERIA_G allows to simulate the formation of an entire garnet population, the nucleation and growth history of which is specified via the garnet crystal size frequency distribution. Garnet growth simulations with THERIA_G produce compositional profiles for the garnet porphyroblasts of each size class of a population and full information on equilibrium phase assemblages for any point along the specified PTt trajectory. The results of garnet growth simulation can be used to infer the PTt path of metamorphism from the chemical zoning of garnet porphyroblasts. With a hypothetical example of garnet growth in a pelitic rock we demonstrate that it is essential for the interpretation of the chemical zoning of garnet to account for the combined effects of the thermodynamic conditions of garnet growth, the nucleation history and intracrystalline diffusion. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
F. GaidiesEmail:
依托中分辨率成像光谱仪完整的数据序列和丰富的光谱信息,遥感特征指数在湿地生态系统发展变化的状态、趋向和规律研究方面发挥着不可替代的优势.传统类间距离判别的遥感特征指数选取中常存在过分依赖数据统计特征、入选指数与目标地类间生态学意义不明确、分类模型普适性差等局限性.基于此,本研究以河北省白洋淀湿地自然保护区为例,提出类可...  相似文献   
徐国辉  梁俭  刘鹏  梅冬 《探矿工程》2015,42(10):42-44,54
介绍了CSD1800A型全液压动力头式钻机在青藏高原矿区内的应用效果,并对该型钻机在实际应用中的优点进行了分析;通过与国内外其它钻机的应用效果进行对比,认为CSD1800A型钻机是一款经济实用的中深孔钻机。  相似文献   
通过对珠江口盆地番禺4洼主要油层进行储量统计发现,断层控制了80%的已发现储量,断层圈闭勘探中断层封堵风险相对较小。针对番禺4洼断层封堵影响因素的实际情况,提出了泥岩发育结构的概念,通过对主要油层的泥岩发育结构的统计发现,当泥岩发育结构中厚度>2 m的泥岩含量占60%以上时,断层涂抹封堵效果较为理想;而当厚度<2 m的泥岩含量超过40%时,地层多表现为砂泥岩薄互层,对泥岩涂抹封堵不起建设性作用。综合认为泥岩发育结构是影响番禺4洼地区断层封堵效果的关键因素。  相似文献   
CSD1800ZD型自动化岩心钻机由北京天和众邦勘探技术股份有限公司研制生产,该钻机配置了钻进参数自动检测和控制系统,以及自动移摆管系统等,实现了钻进过程自动化和信息化,提高了钻探效率。该钻机2019年下半年在山东省平度市山旺—上马台矿区进行了施工应用,作为自动化岩心钻机其在钻进性能、使用便捷、自动化等方面的表现出很多优势,并就施工应用的数据和现场反馈情况进行了分析总结。  相似文献   
An intrusive granitoid pluton into TTG-Dharwar Supergroup greenstone sequence is being reported for the first time from the Dharwar Foreland region. Based on field and petrographic characteristics, these granitoids are classified as - quartz-monzodiorites and granites. Occasional mafic bodies of dioritic-granodioritic composition with size ranging from small microgranular magmatic enclaves to bodies of several centimeters are common in these granitoids.The granitoids are devoid of any crystal-plastic fabric as well as high-strain characteristics. The textural (CSD) studies indicate that the quartz-monzodiorites are derived from magma mixing whereas the granites are derived from equilibrium crystallization of the magma derived from the reworking of quartz-monzodiorites. The P-T estimates indicate that the quartz-monzodiorites were crystallized at higher temperature (>950 °C) and pressure (3.09–4.36 kbar) conditions in a reducing environment at mid-crustal levels. However, the granites indicate lower temperature (<750 °C) and pressure (0.89–1.88 kbar) conditions of crystallization in an oxidizing environment at shallow-crustal levels. The bulk rock chemical characteristics indicate that the quartz-monzodiorites were derived from the melt generated by the mixing of two melts - a melt derived from the differentiation of sanukitoids senso lato (s.l.) and a melt derived from the partial melting of TTG. On the other hand, reworking of the hot crystallizing quartz-monzodiorite due to its rapid upliftment to shallow crustal levels resulted in a decompression melting which gave rise to granitic melts.The relative age of the Dharwad granitoids is estimated to be ∼2580–2560 Ma and unlike the other older granitoids (> 2.61 Ga) reported from the northern part of the Shimoga greenstone belt, the studied granitoids marks the final stage of cratonization in the Foreland region.  相似文献   
晶体粒度分布(CSD)是定量化分析火成岩和变质岩结构的重要手段。在变质岩中测量的CSD提供了有关变质过程中晶体成核和生长速率、生长时间的定量信息。文章选取内蒙古霍各乞二号矿床含矿富石榴石岩样品中石榴子石晶体为研究对象,在GIS软件和R语言的支持下,应用空间点模式分析、CSD分析、空间最邻近分析、空间多距离分析、Fry分析等综合方法,探讨了晶体空间数据和点空间数据表征的微结构变化特征,将CSD曲线分段变化记录的信息与地质演化历史联系起来。分段的CSD曲线记录了变质事件的叠加。不同形式的晶体粒度分布直接反映了区域变质岩与接触变质岩演化历史的差异。由于接触变质作用的高温阶段持续时间较短,因此产生的CSD曲线是线性的,不受退火的影响。而区域变质作用涉及长时间升温及其之后的冷却阶段,所以最初的线性CSD后来被退火改造为钟形曲线。含矿富石榴石岩样品的核密度和CSD分析结果显示了两个晶体群密度。分析认为一类晶体群可能与造山过程中的区域变质活动有关,另一类晶体群可能与大面积区域变质期后发生在特定位置的岩体侵入迅速升温的接触热变质事件有关。   相似文献   
MOCK  A.; JERRAM  D. A. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(8):1525-1541
Growth histories and residence times of crystals in magmaticsystems can be revealed by studying crystal sizes, size distributionsand shapes. In this contribution, serial sectioning has beenemployed on a sample of porphyritic rhyolite from a Permo-Carboniferouslaccolith from the Halle Volcanic Complex, Germany, to reconstructthe distribution of felsic phenocrysts in three dimensions inorder to determine their true shapes, sizes and three-dimensionalsize distributions. A model of all three phenocryst phases (quartz,plagioclase, K-feldspar) with 217 crystals, and a larger modelcontaining 1599 K-feldspar crystals was reconstructed in threedimensions. The first model revealed a non-touching frameworkof crystals in three dimensions, suggesting that individualcrystals grew freely in the melt prior to quenching of the texture.However, crystal shapes are complex and show large variationon a Zingg diagram (intermediate over long axis plotted againstshort over intermediate axis). They often do not resemble thecrystallographic shapes expected for phenocrysts growing unhinderedfrom a melt, indicating complex growth histories. In contrast,the three-dimensional size distribution is a simple straightline with a negative slope. Stereologically corrected size distributionsfrom individual sections compare well with stereologically correctedsize distributions obtained previously from the same sample.However, crystal size distribution (CSD) data from individualsections scatter considerably. It is shown that CSDs can berobustly reproduced with a sampling size of greater than 200crystals. The kind of shape assumed in stereological correctionof CSDs, however, has a large influence on the calculation andestimation of crystal residence times. KEY WORDS: 3D reconstruction; crystal shapes; CSD; porphyritic rhyolite; quantitative petrography  相似文献   
The 1973 eruption of Eldfell volcano, Iceland, appears to have been a short, simple event, but textural and geochemical evidence suggest that it may have had three different magmatic components. The first-erupted fissure magmas were chemically evolved, rich in plagioclase (∼ 18%) and had shallow, straight crystal size distribution (CSD) curves. The early lavas were less evolved chemically, had lower plagioclase contents (∼ 13%) and steeper, slightly concave up CSDs. The late lavas were chemically similar to the early lavas, but even richer in plagioclase than the initial magmas (∼ 24%) and had the steepest CSDs. There was no chemical evidence for plagioclase fractionation, but compositional diversity could be produced by clinopyroxene fractionation which must have occurred at depth. We propose that the eruption started with old, coarsened (Ostwald ripened) magma left over from a previous eruption, possibly that which produced Surtsey Island ten years earlier. The early flows may be mixtures of small amounts of this old magma with a new, low crystallinity, uncoarsened magma or a completely new magma. The late flows are another new magma from depth, chemically similar to the early flows, but which has grown plagioclase under increasing saturation (undercooling) perhaps during its ascent. All three magmatic components may have originated from the same parent, but had varying degrees of clinopyroxene fractionation, plagioclase nucleation and growth, and coarsening.  相似文献   
Integrating isotopic microanalysis with other analytical techniques creates powerful new methodologies for understanding the evolution of rock samples at the sub-grain scale. Here we present Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) data for a 26,000 year old sample from Stromboli Volcano and accompanying isotopic microanalysis of the phenocrysts. A technique, called the ICSD plot, is introduced which given stated assumptions allows the integration of both sets of data to generate timelines of isotopic evolution through the volcanic system. The combined approach is powerful, allowing investigation of the magma supply, mixing, crystallisation and contamination processes prior to eruption of a volcanic sample. For Stromboli Volcano, the combined analysis suggests that the change in magma type following a cone collapse took roughly five years to complete, similar to the timescale of changes seen in recent decades.  相似文献   
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