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The results of a laboratory experimental program aimed at better understanding the scour around and burial of heavy cylindrical objects under oscillating flow on a sandy bed are described. This study was motivated by its application to the dynamics of isolated cobbles/mines on a sandy floor under nonlinear progressive waves, such as that occur in shallow coastal waters beyond the wave-breaking region. In the experiments, nonlinear progressive waves were generated in a long wave tank of rectangular cross-section with a bottom slope. Model mines (short cylinders) were placed on the sandy bottom and the temporal evolution of the bed profile and the velocity field in the near field of the object were observed. Experiments were conducted at relatively high Reynolds numbers for a range of flow conditions, which can be characterized by the Keulegan–Carpenter number and Shields parameter. Depending on the values of these parameters, four different scour regimes around the cylinder including periodical burial of cylinder under migrating sand ripples were observed; they were classified as: (i) no scour/burial, (ii) initial scour, (iii) expanded scour, and (iv) periodic burial cases. A scour regime diagram was developed and the demarcation criteria between different regimes were deduced. Semi-empirical formulae that permit estimation of the scour depth with time, the equilibrium maximum scour depth and length, and conditions necessary for the burial of the cylinder as a function of main external parameters are also proposed.  相似文献   
通过对塔河地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩及其胶结物方解石的化学成分及方解石晶体微形貌研究后认为 :塔河一号S6 0井埋深 5 433.2 0~ 5 435m发育的岩溶角砾灰岩,属于高度大于 2m的大型古岩溶洞穴沉积;而埋深 5 435m中晶洞中的方解石是地表岩溶带的早中期的淡水与海水的混合带的产物。在本文中,作者指出碳酸盐岩矿物学及地球化学可有效地应用于表生岩溶作用中的深度、强度、期次以及成岩序列及古沉积环境判别等项研究中。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地晚寒武世台地沉积区发育大量的白云岩,其中蕴涵着大量白云岩储层。以柯坪地区肖尔布拉克剖面为例,首次提出了以地层单层厚度为划分依据划分层序地层的方法,结合岩石学分析结果,确定了肖尔布拉克剖面寒武系下丘里塔格组白云岩的层序地层四分方案,塔中地震资料表明该四分方案可能适用于塔里木盆地整个西部台地区。根据肖尔布拉克剖面下丘里塔格组白云岩的岩石学分析,埋藏岩溶作用产生的溶蚀空间为该白云岩段的主要储集空间,因此可将下丘里塔格组白云岩储层定义为"埋藏岩溶型白云岩储层",该储层发育位置与层序界面有密切关系,一般沿层序界面之下发育。根据上寒武统白云岩的层序地层四分方案,与层序地层对储层的控制作用,提出了塔里木盆地西部台地区上寒武统"埋藏岩溶型复式白云岩储层"概念,并给予了阐释。  相似文献   
从黔南、桂北的航天遥感图像上可以清楚地看出,地表的宏观岩溶地貌明显地受控于区域性大型“X”共轭节理系统,此类节理构成一幅巨型的渗滤网,成为大气降水下渗的主要通道,从而导致被其穿透的岩石遭受溶蚀,形成以线性岩溶谷地为主体的岩溶景观。即水平地层分布区,呈片状“X”形网络结构;直立地层分布区,呈羽状条带结构。水体下渗至潜水面后,将主要沿“X”节理走向向当地最低侵蚀基准面排泄,从而形成复杂的地下管道网络系统。首次利用网上Google Earth影像研究喀斯特环境,解决了只能依赖航片和卫星照片才能研究地球地貌的瓶颈,这对地貌研究和喀斯特石漠化的研究和治理提供了廉价便利的影像材料。  相似文献   
岩溶成因碳酸盐岩油气储层的展布预测,是全球石油地质家一直在探索的热点问题之一。下古生界岩溶型碳酸盐岩储层是盆地内极有潜力赋存大油气田的储集体。本文以岩溶类型研究为基础、以海平面波动史构建为切入点、以塔里木盆地下古生界为例,开展了海平面波动中的岩溶响应研究。分析表明,塔里木盆地早古生代海平面下降期均发育了准同生岩溶。准同生岩溶为埋藏岩溶和风华壳岩溶提供了良好的溶蚀介质输导孔隙。地球物理资料显示,塔北下奥陶统的两期风化壳岩溶叠加于先期的准同生岩溶作用之上。海平面波动史的重建及岩溶格架分析表明,塔里木地区早古生代海平面波动与岩溶发育呈现良好的耦合关系。海平面变化是控制塔里木盆地下古生界岩溶储层发育的一个重要的因素。  相似文献   
The Whippoorwill Formation is a gleyed diamicton that is present locally within bedrock depressions beneath the oldest glacial till in northern Missouri, USA. Stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, and cosmogenic-nuclide burial ages show that it was deposited between the Matuyama-Gauss magnetostratigraphic boundary at 2.58 Ma and the first advance of the Laurentide ice sheet into Missouri at 2.47 ± 0.19 Ma. High cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations also show that the constituents of the Whippoorwill Formation experienced long exposure at a stable landscape surface with erosion rates of 1-2 m/Ma. However, cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations are invariant with depth below the Whippoorwill Formation surface, indicating active mixing of the soil profile shortly before burial by till. The Whippoorwill Formation retains numerous features indicative of cryoturbation. Therefore, we interpret it as a buried Gelisol, a soil formed under periglacial conditions in the presence of permafrost. At the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, climate cooling established permafrost conditions and accelerated erosion by inducing landscape instability. Thus, weathered regolith materials were mobilized and redeposited by gelifluction shortly before the ice sheet overrode the landscape.  相似文献   
The Middle Ordovician Kelimoli Formation carbonate reservoirs in the northern Tianhuan area, Ordos Basin, China are main exploration targets. Subsurface core samples, logging, drilling and production data from the area were used to characterise the carbonate reservoir and to construct a genetic model for exploration. The sedimentary facies identified include trough–continental rise, upper–lower slope, platform margin reef-shoal, open platform and evaporation-restricted platform. The slope and platform margin facies are potential zones for high-quality reservoirs. Porosity in the study area comprises intergrain, intercrystal, intragrain and intracrystal pores, fractures and vughs. The Sr/Ba (0.40–4.87) and V/(V + Ni) (0.64–0.97) ratios indicate deposition in a brackish water-dominated environment under reducing conditions, associated with sea-level fluctuations during the deposition of the Kelimoli Formation. The Sr/Ba, V/(V + Ni), 87Sr/86Sr ratios, δ18O values and crystal texture of dolomite samples suggest that meteoric water was involved in the diagenetic fluid in the near-surface depositional environment. Isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) and trace elements (Fe and Mn) allowed the identification of seepage-reflux and mixed-water dolomitisation. The crystal textures of the samples consist of micritic, bioclastic and reefal limestones, and dolomite with gypsum, which were easily dissolved during the early diagenetic stage. The epidiagenetic stage was the key period for the development of high-quality reservoirs because of large-scale bedding-parallel karstification from meteoric water. The reservoir zones, dominated by partially filled and unfilled vughs, and fractures, are favourable exploration targets in the northern Tianhuan area.  相似文献   
在系统研究大量野外实测剖面和钻孔资料的基础上,认为本区寒武纪-奥陶纪岩相古地理演化可分为3个海侵海退旋回,构成了一套独特的、完整的沉积序列。沉积层的岩溶发育程度与沉积环境密切相关,从开阔海、潮下、高能、滩环境沉积层,到开阔海、低能、间歇高能环境沉积层,再到滨海、潮上、泥云坪和泥灰坪环境沉积层,岩溶发育程度逐渐降低,富水程度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
碳酸盐岩裂缝与岩溶作用研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
从构造与非构造作用角度出发,突出研究断层对裂缝的控制作用、断裂与岩溶的关系和裂缝与岩溶之间的关系,揭示碳酸盐岩裂缝与岩溶的发育规律。研究表明:构造裂缝为岩溶发育提供岩溶作用进行的有利通道,非构造裂缝则可以加速溶蚀作用的进行,促进岩溶的发育;裂缝与岩溶之间的关系始终是相辅相成、相互促进的关系。  相似文献   
In bioerosion, as in trace fossils as a whole, deeply emplaced structures have greater survival value than shallow structures. That is to say, tiering (the relative depth to which rasping, etching and boring organisms penetrate their substrate) is of paramount importance for the preservation potential of individual trace fossils. An Entobia ichnofacies is established for trace fossil assemblages dominated by deep tier borings and arising from long-term bioerosion, such as occurs on sediment-free submarine cliffs or hardgrounds. A Gnathichnus ichnofacies comprises assemblages containing all tiers, including superficial sculptures produced by radulation that have very little preservation potential. Such assemblages occur in short-term bioerosion situations as on shell surfaces and hardgrounds buried early by sedimentation. Correspondence to: R. G. Bromley  相似文献   
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