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The Kelçyra area is emplaced in a foreland fold-and-thrust belt (FFTB), characterized by a westward thrusting with the Triassic evaporites as the major décollement level. Several secondary features related with this evolution, like backthrusting, folding, duplex structures, evaporite diapirism are present. During the FFTB evolution, the study area has been subjected to several fracturing events with associated stages of fluid migration. During the pre-deformational stage, complex textures such as crack-and-seal features most likely reflect expulsion of overpressured fluids. These fluids were dominantly host-rock buffered. Within the post-deformational stage, a meteoric fluid caused cementation and development of a karst network during a period of emergence after the thrust emplacement. Subsequently, Mg calcite reprecipitated in the more stable carbonate phase calcite and dolomite, which filled part of the karts network. The latter is finally dedolomitized and locally partially dissolved by a second meteoric fluid flow, which greatly increased the secondary porosity.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔中Ⅰ号坡折带上奥陶统良里塔格组礁滩灰岩发生了少量白云石化作用。白云石化主要发育在溶洞充填的钙质渗流粉砂,泥晶生物碎屑灰岩的泥晶基质,亮晶颗粒灰岩的钙藻屑、藻砂屑、藻泥屑等三种组构中。白云石化直接贡献了平均1%的孔隙度,同时产生的白云石晶间孔为进一步溶蚀提供了通道,对有效储层的形成起到了重要作用。高镁方解石生物是白云石化所需镁离子的重要来源。这套与生物白云石化相关的礁滩储层地质预测需要深入研究钙藻、海百合等生物的古生态、岩相环境及分布。  相似文献   
The Esino Limestone of the western Southern Alps represents a differentiated Ladinian-Lower Carnian (?) carbonate platform comprised of margin, slope and peritidal inner platform facies up to 1000 m thick. A major regional subaerial exposure event lead to coverage by another peritidal Lower Carnian carbonate platform (Breno Formation). Multiphase dolomitization affected the carbonate sediments. Petrographic examinations identified at least three main generations of dolomites (D1, D2, and D3) that occur as both replacement and fracture-filling cements. These phases have crystal-size ranges of 3–35 μm (dolomicrite D1), 40–600 μm (eu-to subhedral crystals D2), and 200 μm to 5 mm (cavity- and fracture-filling anhedral to subhedral saddle dolomite D3), respectively.The fabric retentive near-micritic grain size coupled with low mean Sr concentration (76 ± 37 ppm) and estimated δ18O of the parent dolomitizing fluids of D1 suggest formation in shallow burial setting at temperature ∼ 45–50 °C with possible contributions from volcanic-related fluids (basinal fluids circulated in volcaniclastics or related to volcanic activity), which is consistent with its abnormally high Fe (4438 ± 4393 ppm) and Mn (1219 ± 1418 ppm) contents. The larger crystal sizes, homogenization temperatures (D2, 108 ± 9 °C; D3, 111 ± 14 °C) of primary two-phase fluid inclusions, and calculated salinity estimates (D2, 23 ± 2 eq wt% NaCl; D3, 20 ± 4 eq wt% NaCl) of D2 and D3 suggest that they formed at later stages under mid-to deeper burial settings at higher temperatures from dolomitizing fluids of higher salinity, which is supported by higher estimated δ18O values of their parent dolomitizing fluids. This is also consistent with their high Fe (4462 ± 4888 ppm; and 1091 ± 1183 ppm, respectively) and Mn (556 ± 289 ppm and 1091 ± 1183 ppm) contents, and low Sr concentrations (53 ± 31 ppm and 57 ± 24 ppm, respectively).The similarity in shale-normalized (SN) REE patterns and Ce (Ce/Ce*)SN and La (Pr/Pr*)SN anomalies of the investigated carbonates support the genetic relationship between the dolomite generations and their calcite precursor. Positive Eu anomalies, coupled with fluid-inclusion gas ratios (N2/Ar, CO2/CH4, Ar/He), high F concentration, high F/Cl and high Cl/Br molar ratios suggest an origin from diagenetic fluids circulated through volcanic rocks, which is consistent with the co-occurrence of volcaniclastic lenses in the investigated sequence.  相似文献   
In south Cumbria, Permo-Triassic breccias and conglomerates (‘brockram’) are exposed only at Rougholme Point on the Cartmel peninsula. In 1973 the Institute of Geological Sciences Humphrey Head borehole penetrated 257 m of brockram before entering probable Upper Carboniferous sediments. The brockram consists of pebbles of carbonate, chert and basalt in a matrix of haematite-stained quartz sand. Carbonate and chert fragments were derived from the upper part of the Carboniferous Limestone sequence exposed today nearby. Basalt clasts were derived from lavas, which appear to have cooled in a subaqueous environment, at least in part. They were locally derived and are the only certain evidence for Carboniferous volcanic activity in south Cumbria. As volcanic fragments increase in abundance towards the base of the borehole they must have been derived from the top of the succession being eroded and are probably of Brigantian age. Carbonate fragments were dolomitized soon after incorporation in the brockram, probably by saline fluids derived from the evaporative Zechstein Sea. The dolomitization was incomplete, leaving remnant limestone cores to clasts which were subsequently dissolved. The resultant vugs were infilled by dolomite, calcite and gypsum cements, which have been partially weathered from outcropping brockram, leaving hollow pebbles.  相似文献   
The results of a laboratory experimental program aimed at better understanding the scour around and burial of heavy cylindrical objects under oscillating flow on a sandy bed are described. This study was motivated by its application to the dynamics of isolated cobbles/mines on a sandy floor under nonlinear progressive waves, such as that occur in shallow coastal waters beyond the wave-breaking region. In the experiments, nonlinear progressive waves were generated in a long wave tank of rectangular cross-section with a bottom slope. Model mines (short cylinders) were placed on the sandy bottom and the temporal evolution of the bed profile and the velocity field in the near field of the object were observed. Experiments were conducted at relatively high Reynolds numbers for a range of flow conditions, which can be characterized by the Keulegan–Carpenter number and Shields parameter. Depending on the values of these parameters, four different scour regimes around the cylinder including periodical burial of cylinder under migrating sand ripples were observed; they were classified as: (i) no scour/burial, (ii) initial scour, (iii) expanded scour, and (iv) periodic burial cases. A scour regime diagram was developed and the demarcation criteria between different regimes were deduced. Semi-empirical formulae that permit estimation of the scour depth with time, the equilibrium maximum scour depth and length, and conditions necessary for the burial of the cylinder as a function of main external parameters are also proposed.  相似文献   
白云岩化是影响储层发育是否的重要沉积-成岩过程。作者通过在对川西地区的中三叠统雷口坡组的雷三至雷四段的岩相学,碳、氧、锶、镁同位素以及元素地球化学等综合研究,划分出含膏的泥晶云岩AD0、泥晶云岩D0、泥粉晶云岩D1、粉细晶云岩D2、微生物云岩MD、含灰质藻云岩CD(交代结构)以及去云化的泥粉晶云岩(CD0CD1)等七类白云岩。白云石有序度及铁、锰含量较低。阴极发光以暗紫、暗紫红、蓝紫为主;次为玫瑰红、橙红及橙黄红色。δ~(13)CPDB=1. 95‰~2. 46‰,δ~(18)OPDB=-4. 05‰~2. 70‰;~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr=0. 70778~0. 70807,δ~(26)Mg=-1. 872‰~-2. 124‰,其中δ~(13)C_(PDB)、~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr的平均值与中三叠世全球海水相似;δ~(18)O_(PDB)为弱负漂及正偏移。从D2、D1至D0、AD0,Sr、Na和大部分微量元素含量及比值和δ~(18)O_(PDB)逐渐增加; AD0、少量D0或MD相对富含硅、铝,并与高(低镁)方解石、黏土、有机质等共生。离子组成反映出白云石的前驱物以方解石型为主,少量为文石、原白云石结构。存在广盐、稍咸和超盐度的碱性等沉积环境。白云岩形成主要受向上变浅米级旋回序列,干燥、炎热为主、偶夹潮湿古气候以及古地貌-古水文条件等因素影响。存在浅潟湖的萨勃哈(AD0或D0)、环潮缘至局限台地(D0-D1、微生物诱导MD)、潮间-潮下的微生物礁(席)构成的障壁的台缘带(MD-CD1-CD)、潮坪-开阔台地(D0-D2-CD1、MD)等环境,以萨勃哈和受蒸发泵-密度差驱动的"渗透-回流白云石化"模式为主。  相似文献   
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地马家沟组五段5亚段白云岩的岩石学和地球化学研究表明,主要岩性有泥晶白云岩、泥粉晶白云岩和粉晶白云岩等三类。泥晶白云岩类为泥晶结构,阴极发光为暗红光,白云石有序度低;Na、K和Sr值较高;δ~(13)C平均-1.23‰,δ~(18)O平均-7.59‰,锶同位素平均值0.709 81,形成于闭塞局限、盐度相对较高的环境,由准同生白云石化作用所形成,并发育少量晶间微孔。泥粉晶白云岩类为泥晶—细粉晶结构,不发光或发极暗的红光,白云石有序度0.75;常量元素、微量元素大幅降低;δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O的平均值分别是-0.43‰和-7.29‰,锶同位素平均值0.709 36,由准同生后回流渗透白云石化作用所形成,并发育晶间孔。粉晶白云岩不发光或发极暗红光,白云石有序度0.81;常量元素、微量元素有明显的突变;δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O平均值分别为-0.65‰和-6.46‰,锶同位素平均值0.709 67,由埋藏白云石化作用所形成,并发育晶间扩溶孔或溶蚀孔。  相似文献   
由岩石学和地球化学研究表明:马家沟组白云岩主要为泥微晶白云岩和晶粒白云岩两种。泥微晶白云岩常与石膏或岩盐伴生,阴极发光呈中等橘红色光,有序度低,具较高的Sr、Na含量,与泥晶灰岩具相似的δ13C分布区间及稀土元素配分模式,Sr同位素值接近同期海水,包裹体均一温度近于地表温度,表明白云岩化流体为与海水密切相关的高盐度流体,为准同生白云岩化,可用蒸发泵模式解释其成因。晶粒白云岩伴生矿物少,偶见黄铁矿,晶体结构多曲面他形,阴极发光为中-弱橘红色光,有序度高,Sr含量较低,Na、Mn含量与泥微晶白云岩相近,稀土元素配分模式与泥微晶白云岩相似且与泥微晶灰岩相近,δ13C分布区间与泥微晶灰岩趋于一致,包裹体均一温度较高,说明晶粒白云岩与泥微晶白云岩具相似的白云岩化流体,该种白云岩为埋藏白云岩化,上覆沉积物不断压实封存卤水使其侧向流动为白云岩化提供了源源不断的Mg离子。  相似文献   
In bioerosion, as in trace fossils as a whole, deeply emplaced structures have greater survival value than shallow structures. That is to say, tiering (the relative depth to which rasping, etching and boring organisms penetrate their substrate) is of paramount importance for the preservation potential of individual trace fossils. An Entobia ichnofacies is established for trace fossil assemblages dominated by deep tier borings and arising from long-term bioerosion, such as occurs on sediment-free submarine cliffs or hardgrounds. A Gnathichnus ichnofacies comprises assemblages containing all tiers, including superficial sculptures produced by radulation that have very little preservation potential. Such assemblages occur in short-term bioerosion situations as on shell surfaces and hardgrounds buried early by sedimentation. Correspondence to: R. G. Bromley  相似文献   
Marine dolostones of Carboniferous Huanglong Formation constitute major gas reservoir rocks in eastern Sichuan Basin. However, the investigation with respect to sources of dolomitizing and diagenetic fluids is relatively underexplored. The current study attempts to investigate the REE characteristics of dolomites using seawater normalization standard, and therefore discusses the origins of dolomitizing and diagenetic fluids, on the basis of continuous 47.33-m-long core samples from the second member of Huanglong Formation (C2h2) in eastern Sichuan Basin. Low Th, Sc, and Hf concentrations (0.791 × 10−6, 4.751 × 10−6, and 0.214 × 10−6, respectively), random correlation between total REE concentration (ΣREE) and Fe or Mn abundance, and seawater-like Y/Ho ratios (mean value of 45.612) indicate that the carbonate samples are valid for REE analysis. Based on petrographic characteristics, four dolomite types are identified, including micritic-sized dolomite (type Dol-1), fine-to medium-sized dolomite (type Dol-2), medium-to coarse-sized dolomite (type Dol-3), and coarse-to giant-sized saddle dolomite (type Dol-4). Dol-1 dolomites, characterized by positive Ce anomaly (mean value of 6.398), light REE (LREE) enrichment, and heavy REE (HREE) depletion with mean LREE/HREE ratio of 12.657, show micritic calcite-like REE patterns, indicating seawater origin of their dolomitizing fluids. Dol-1 dolomites were formed in sabkha environment whereas the dolomitizing fluids originated from evaporative brine water due to their micritic crystal sizes and tight lithology. Dol-2 dolomites, particularly subtype Dol-2a barely developing vuggy porosity, also show micritic calcite-like REE patterns, suggesting their dolomitizing fluids were seawater or seawater-derived fluids. This inference is confirmed by low Fe and Mn concentrations, which range from 651 μg/g to 1018 μg/g (mean value of 863 μg/g) and 65 μg/g to 167 μg/g (mean value of 105 μg/g), respectively, whereas homogenization temperatures (Th, mean value of 103 °C) indicate that Dol-2 dolomites were formed under burial environment. Dol-3 dolomites, in form of cements of Dol-2 dolomites, show similar REE patterns to their host minerals (i.e., Dol-2 dolomites), indicating their parent source was possibly derived from Dol-2 dolomites. Dol-3 dolomites have high Fe and Mn concentrations with mean values of 3346 μg/g (ranging from 2897 μg/g to 3856 μg/g) and 236 μg/g (ranging from 178 μg/g to 287 μg/g), respectively, indicating the involvement of meteoric water. Meanwhile, it confirms that the dissolution in Dol-2 dolomites was caused by meteoric water leaching. Positive Eu anomalies (mean value of 1.406) in Dol-4 dolomites, coupled with high homogenization temperatures (mean value of 314 °C), suggest that Dol-4 dolomites precipitated from hydrothermal fluids. High Fe and Mn concentrations (mean values of 2521 μg/g and 193 μg/g, respectively) in Dol-4 dolomites likely results from interactions of hydrothermal fluids with deep burial clastic rocks.  相似文献   
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