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Vlag  P.  Vandamme  D.  Rochette  P.  Spinelli  C. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(1-2):21-33
For his PhD. thesis, Zijderveld (1975) studied the paleomagnetism of the Permian Esterel rocks (southern France). High-quality thermal and alternating-field demagnetization diagrams were interpreted to determine the direction of the characteristic natural magnetization. For the Esterel volcanics, a mean direction of Dec = 206.5°, Inc = –23°, 95 = 5.7°, k = 112 was found for this magnetization. The dispersion in this mean is remarkably low. Only the declination of the Reyran Rhyolite in the Reyran River quarry clearly deviated from this mean. This deviating direction is not found in our samples, taken at the same site. As many faults occur in this quarry, it is suggested that Zijderveld sampled this rhyolite on a small rotated block. To verify whether the small dispersion in the mean paleomagnetic direction of the Esterel rocks has a geomagnetic or a rock-magnetic origin, two conglomerate tests were carried out. One of these might be interpreted as positive. The results of the other conglomerate test (Agay Formation) are ambiguous: four of the six measured boulders show directions close to the mean paleomagnetic direction of the Esterel rocks. Rock-magnetic measurements show that the remanence is carried by a magnetite and a hematite fraction. The low dispersion in the paleomagnetic directions, the conglomerate tests, and hematite as remanence carrier suggest that the characteristic remanence in the Esterel volcanics was not instantaneously acquired during cooling, but might be affected by remagnetization due to weathering.  相似文献   
We report new zircon U–Pb age, Hf isotopic, and major and trace element data for rhyolites from the Duolong Ore Concentration Area of the Southern Qiangtang Terrane. Building on previous studies, we constrain the tectonic setting and propose a model to explain the geodynamics and crustal growth during regional magmatism in the Early Cretaceous. The analysed rhyolites yield laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U–Pb ages of 115 and 118 Ma. The rocks are K-rich (K2O = 6.66–9.93 wt.%; K2O/Na2O = 8.2–19.7 wt.%), alkaline and peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.02–1.46), and are characterized by high SiO2 contents (72.8–78.8 wt.%) similar to highly fractionated I-type granites. Fractionation of Fe–Ti oxides, plagioclase, hornblende, Ti-bearing phases, apatite, monazite, allanite and zircon contributed to the variations in major and trace element chemistry. High K2O contents are likely due to partial melting of the continental crust. The samples have positive zircon εHf(t) values ranging from +7.1 to +11.2. These features, together with young zircon Hf crustal model ages of 489–721 Ma, indicate that the K-rich rhyolites were derived from juvenile lower crust with an input of a mantle-derived component. We suggest that the Early Cretaceous K-rich rhyolites formed in a continental arc setting during northward subduction of Bangong Co–Nujiang oceanic lithosphere. Basaltic magma underplating was responsible for vertical crustal growth, triggered by slab roll-back in the Duolong Ore Concentration Area in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   
单强  曾乔松  罗勇  杨武斌  张红  裘瑜卓  于学元 《岩石学报》2011,27(12):3653-3665
阿尔泰南缘康布铁堡组酸性火山岩分布在麦兹、克朗、冲呼尔以及阿舍勒等火山-沉积盆地.本文对其中的钾质流纹岩(TM1,铁木尔特地区)和钠质流纹岩(KK7,可可塔勒地区)进行了SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年以及地球化学的研究.钾质流纹岩的年龄为400.8±8.4Ma(加权平均年龄为394.8±7.9Ma),钠质流纹岩的年龄为402.2±6Ma(加权平均年龄为396.8±5.1Ma).主元素分析结果证明研究区在时间和空间上紧密共生的高钾流纹岩和高钠流纹岩同属于高碱、高硅、低钙、过铝质的钙碱性岩系.相似的稀土元素分配模式和同样亏损高场强元素(Ti、Nb、Ta)的地球化学特征暗示二者的原始岩浆源于上地壳部分熔融.钾质流纹岩富集Rb,Ba、Pb,钠质流纹岩则富集Sr,这种元素分相富集的特征符合在岩浆液态不混溶条件下微量元素在共轭钠质熔体和钾质硅酸盐熔体中的分配原则.由此推论,本区产出的钾质流纹岩和钠质流纹岩可能是上地壳部分熔融形成的高挥发分酸性岩浆液态不混溶的产物.  相似文献   
塔尔气地区位于大兴安岭主脊中段,晚中生代广泛发育一套玄武岩、安山岩、英安岩、流纹岩及相应火山碎屑岩的岩石组合。以流纹岩为研究对象,进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄、岩石地球化学研究。测年结果显示,流纹岩形成于132±2Ma(MSWD=1.5,2σ),属早白垩世中期。岩石地球化学特征表明,流纹岩属于典型的弱过铝质高钾钙碱系列岩石,具有高硅(71.6%~77%)、富碱(Na2O+K2O=7.94%~9.64%)且富钾(K2O=4.5%~5.46%)的特征;轻、重稀土元素分馏明显,具中等Eu负异常(δEu=0.22~0.7),亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、P、Ti,相对富Th、U、Zr、Hf,富集大离子亲石元素K、Rb,相对贫Ba、Sr,显示A型流纹岩特征。岩浆源区与硬质砂岩相似,具有较高的锆饱和温度,可能为地壳部分熔融的产物,形成于后碰撞伸展的大地构造环境。  相似文献   
在青藏高原的演化历史中,班公湖-怒江洋的俯冲方向一直存在争议。现有的岩浆作用时空展布表明,大量早白垩的岩浆作用分布在班公湖-怒江缝合带(以下简称为班怒带)以南,但是近年来在该缝合带以北也发现了少量同时代的岩浆作用。本文研究了靠近班公湖-怒江蛇绿岩带以北、改则县北部热那错地区的流纹岩,获得了岩石的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素成分。热那错流纹岩年龄为~110Ma,与相邻地区报道的岩浆岩活动和缝合带以南的北拉萨地体地区大范围出露的早白垩世岩浆岩同期产出。岩石具有不均一且偏正的εHf(t)特征,与北拉萨地体同期岩浆岩Hf同位素成分相似。本文综合考虑了班怒带两侧发育同期岩浆活动、且南侧极大量而北侧很少量发育的特征,认为热那错流纹岩的成因可以置于班公湖-怒江洋向南俯冲的总体模式中,南向俯冲的班公湖怒江岩石圈在~110Ma发生板片断离,可以同时解释分布于缝合带两侧的早白垩世岩浆活动。  相似文献   
The rare earth elements (REE) have become crucial for modern industry, technology and medicine, with the increase in demand for these elements over the past few years currently being met by relatively few well-known mineral deposits. This lack of a secure supply of the REE has led to increased research into potential alternative sources of these in demand elements. The primary fractionation processes involved in the petrogenesis of highly fractionated high-silica rhyolites can cause the magmas that form these units to become preferentially enriched in the REE, especially in the more valuable heavy REE (HREE), although this is dependent on the mineral assemblages fractionated by the system in question, a factor that is in turn a function of the source and tectonic setting of a given magmatic event. The mineralogy of the REE is also important, with volatile exsolution and vapour-phase activity within highly evolved rhyolite systems potentially having a key role in concentrating the REE and other elements into concentrations (and more importantly potentially acid leachable and therefore processable minerals) that may be economically viable to extract. This, combined with the fact these rhyolites are often enriched in other critical and/or economically important metals (e.g., Y, Nb, Ta, Be, Li, F, Sn, Rb, Th, and U) means that these volcanic units should be considered as potential sources of these critical metals. In addition, the large volume nature of these rhyolites combined with the fact they frequently crop out at the Earth’s surface makes them ideally suited for more economical bulk open pit extraction. This suggests that these high-silica REE-enriched rhyolites should be considered potential REE analogues of bulk-tonnage, low-grade porphyry Cu deposits, warranting further investigation to determine whether these rhyolites are a viable new source of the REE (especially the HREE) and are potential targets for future mineral exploration.  相似文献   
The nature of the valley forms, and associated superficial deposits and soils of the South‐West Drainage Division of Western Australia are described. All the major rivers tap interior palaeo‐drainage lines associated with chains of salt lakes; thereafter, downstream, there is a succession of valley forms which are progressively more sharply incised and of steeper gradient. It is shown that this succession is repeated in all major rivers. The main palaeo‐drainage systems are named for the first time, and their catchments delineated. The changes in valley form which occur downstream of the palaeo‐drainage lines are interpreted as stages in rejuvenation of drainage of the epeiro‐genically uplifted Old Plateau of Western Australia. The relationship between the valley forms and patterns of distribution of soils, deeply weathered profiles and superficial deposits is described, and its agricultural, geochemical and hydrological significance briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Rhyolite-dominating bimodal volcanic suites (rhyolite/basalt), mafic dikes and A-type granites distribute from N Zhejiang to S Fujian over 800 km in the Southeast Coast Magmatic Belt (SCMB) – the Late Yanshanian (LY) orogenic belt in SE China. Data of 40Ar/39Ar and K–Ar whole-rock ages and LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon ages indicate that rhyolitic volcanism (101–72 Ma) is contemporaneous with the A-type granitic intrusions (100–90 Ma) and mafic dike injections (94–77 Ma). This time span is used to define the upper volcanic series in Zhejiang–Fujian areas. One striking feature of rhyolites in the SCMB is that many are strongly peraluminous (SP) and others, mostly restrict in Fujian, are peralkaline to mildly peraluminous (P-MP) and chemically resemble A-type granites. The SP character is unique among well-known large rhyolite provinces worldwide. Based on experimental works for a common thermal regime and inherited zircon age information, we suggest that SP and P-MP rhyolites represent low pressure melting of the felsic (quartzofeldspathic) granite (±metapelite) and the accompanied granodioritic, tonalitic and trondhjemitic member of the core complex assemblage, respectively, to account for the decreasing aluminosity. They could have also been contaminated by young igneous rocks, and ancient crust to a lesser degree, during ascent to the surface. Plate subduction and lithosphere extension processes, respectively, are numerically simulated for the magma generation of these rhyolites using the mafic underplating model. Results suggest that the most effective controlling factor to generate SP and associated P-MP (A-type) magmas during 95–80 Ma is thinning of the lithosphere thickness with a high exhumation rate. Under this circumstance, the core complex assemblage can be uplifted to lower level of the crust and match the constraint of experimental works.  相似文献   
张超  杨伟红  和钟铧  吴浩  吴庆 《世界地质》2014,33(2):255-265
对出露在大兴安岭中南段塔尔气地区的满克头鄂博组的流纹岩进行了详细的年代学和地球化学研究。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,流纹岩形成于143~141 Ma,时代为早白垩世早期,而不是以前认为的晚侏罗世。地球化学特征表明该时期流纹岩属高钾钙碱性过铝质岩石,球粒陨石标准化稀土配分曲线呈轻稀土富集的右倾形式,(La/Yb)N=2.55~12.82,具有明显负Eu异常。原始地幔标准化图解显示大离子亲石元素(LILE)Rb、Th、U、K、Pb的富集及高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta、Ti、P的强烈亏损,这是壳源岩浆的特征。流纹岩锆石εHf(t)=+4.6~+10.9,二阶段Hf模式年龄为501~905 Ma,反应其源区物质主要为早古生代—新元古代时期增生的年轻地壳物质。满克头鄂博组流纹岩形成于造山后伸展环境,可能与蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋闭合后的岩石圈伸展作用相关。  相似文献   
The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt(EKOB),which is in the northern part of the Greater Tibetan Plateau,contains voluminous Late Triassic intermediate-felsic volcanic rocks.In the east end of the EKOB,we identified highly differentiated peralkaline-like Xiangride rhyolites(~209 Ma)that differ from the wide-spread andesitic-rhyolitic Elashan volcanics(~232-225 Ma)in terms of their field occurrences and min-eral assemblages.The older,more common calc-alkaline felsic Elashan volcanics may have originated from partial melting of the underthrust Paleo-Tethys oceanic crust under amphibolite facies conditions associated with continental collision.The felsic Elashan volcanics and syn-collisional granitoids of the EKOB are different products of the same magmatic event related to continental collision.The Xiangride rhyolites are characterized by elevated abundances of high field strength elements,especially the very high Nb and Ta contents,the very low Ba,Sr,Eu,P,and Ti contents;and the variably high 87Sr/86Sr ratios(up to 0.96),exhibiting remarkable similarities to the characteristic peralkaline rhyolites.The primitive magmas parental to the Xiangride rhyolites were most likely alkali basaltic magmas that underwent pro-tracted fractional crystallization with continental crust contamination.The rock associations from the early granitoids and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks to the late alkaline basaltic dikes and peralkaline-like rhyolites in the Triassic provide important information about the tectonic evolution of the EKOB from syn-collisional to post-collisional.We infer that the transition from collisional compression to post-collisional extension occurred at about 220 Ma.  相似文献   
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