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阿尔金断裂新生代活动方式及其与柴达木盆地的耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
肖安成  吴磊  李洪革  汪立群 《岩石学报》2013,29(8):2826-2836
位于青藏高原北缘的阿尔金左旋走滑断裂是世界上规模最大也是最重要的线性构造之一,其新生代以来的活动方式是限定高原生长机制的重要边界条件.本文在对阿尔金山中不同方向隆起构造进行分析的基础上,综合前人资料论证了阿尔金断裂在晚始新世-中中新世时以基底剪切为主,大规模地表走滑则发生在中中新世以后.对柴达木盆地内近东西向和北西向断裂系统的分布、形态、活动时间进行了详细的分析,发现它们是在不同时间、不同区域、不同控制条件下形成的两套断裂系统,与阿尔金断裂的两阶段活动方式存在很好的耦合关系.柴达木盆地西北侧的沉积和构造特征表明阿尔金山的隆升幅度和范围在中中新世达到最大,随后则逐渐减小,这种变化也与阿尔金断裂从基底剪切到地表走滑的转换非常吻合.  相似文献   
本文以冲绳海槽伊平屋北部热液区(126o53.80′,27o45.50′)的现场水文数据作为背景条件,使用k-ε湍流模型模拟热液柱的动力过程。模拟计算得到的羽流速度、温度和湍流耗散率等基本物理量展现了热液柱的时空演化过程。模拟结果显示,羽流最大上升高度及中性浮力面高度与海底的距离分别为83.62m和68.97m,和2014年先导专项在此附近热液区所观测的温度异常和盐度异常的深度位置(离海底约66—86m)接近。羽流的上升速度满足高斯分布,其半径b与距喷口高度z-H成正比:b=0.0985(z-H),其中z为距海底高度,H为热液烟囱体的高度。羽流的最大体积通量比喷口的初始值增加了878倍,达1.034m~3/s;在中性浮力面位置附近,动量通量达到最大值,为0.156m~4/s~2,比初始值增加了882倍;浮力通量在中性浮力面以下和BM2000(Bloomfield et al,2000)理论模型符合良好,在中性浮力面以上则呈现随高度先增加后减小的特征。本文计算得到的平均卷挟率为α≈0.0807,与背景流较弱的热液区的声学现场观测结果相符。  相似文献   
The impact of modern cold glaciers on arid periglacial landscapes has received little attention compared with other glacial regimes, and there is a widely held assumption that cold glaciers are not effective geomorphological agents, despite recent studies to the contrary. This paper focuses on the processes operating at the margins of a number of glaciers in the Dry Valleys of Victoria Land, notably the Wright Lower Glacier. The glaciers are entraining primarily older drift deposits and highly weathered regolith which texturally are sandy gravels, as well as well‐sorted sands of fluvial origin. Despite basal temperatures of the order of ?16°C, frozen layers and blocks of sand and gravel are being incorporated into the base of the glaciers by folding and thrusting. The sedimentary products are ridges and aprons several metres high within which the principal lithofacies are sand, gravel, foliated glacier ice, lake ice and snow. These facies are glaciotectonized strongly. Draped over these landforms is a veneer of well‐sorted aeolian sand up to half a metre thick. Supraglacial streams flowing off the glaciers incise these landforms and the sediment is redeposited as alluvial fans, lake deltas and lake‐bottomset deposits. Overall the sediment/landform association differs markedly from those of other glacial regimes, with sand and gravel being the dominant facies, while the usual indicators of glacier working (such as facets and striations on clasts) are lacking. The preservation potential for these landforms on a thousand‐year time scale is high, as modification in this arid regime by slope processes and running water is limited. Sublimation of buried ice is so slow that ridge features are likely to remain ice‐cored almost indefinitely, modified only by wind transport and weathering.  相似文献   
次表层上卷海温对改进ENSO(厄尔尼诺-南方涛动,El Ni o-Southern Oscillation)模拟水平及ENSO年代际变化均具有重要作用。利用一个中等复杂程度耦合模式(intermediate coupled model,简称ICM)和Nudging(张弛逼近)同化方法,重构了1856—2008年间热带太平洋地区的次表层上卷海温。统计检验表明,重构的次表层上卷海温与近50年的3种分析资料间具有较高的相关性和较小的均方根误差。此外,通过此重构的次表层上卷海温资料重新驱动ICM模式,模拟得到的海表温度距平(sea surface temperature anomaly,简称SSTA)可以真实地反映出ENSO的年际和年代际变化,表明此重构的次表层上卷海温资料可用于气候研究,特别是用于ENSO的大尺度低频变化或年代际气候变化研究。  相似文献   
影响南海混合层盐度季节变化的因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对1950-2012年的南海混合层盐度数据进行分析,发现影响南海北部和南部盐度季节变化的最主要因素存在很大的差异.在南海北部,影响混合层盐度季节变化的最主要因素是蒸发降水,其次是水平平流.随着逐步南移,蒸发降水对盐度季节变化的影响递减,水平平流的影响逐渐增大;而在南海南部,水平平流的作用超过蒸发降水成为影响盐度的季节变化的最主要因素.在整个南海区域,冬季海水垂直混合变强,混合层变厚,下层高盐海水进入混合层,使混合层海水盐度变高,从而对冬季海水盐度的上升趋势产生促进作用;夏季南海北部混合层底存在上升流,南海东南部由于Ekman输运导致混合层变厚,都会将混合层以下高盐海水带入混合层,使混合层海水盐度变高,从而对夏季海水盐度下降趋势产生阻碍作用,但垂直混合对盐度季节变化的影响不大,远小于蒸发降水和水平平流.  相似文献   
The vertical position of the streambed–water boundary fluctuates during the course of sediment transport episodes, due to particle entrainment/deposition and bedform migration, amongst other hydraulic and bedload mechanisms. These vertical oscillations define a topmost stratum of the streambed (i.e. the ‘active layer or active depth’), which usually represents the main source of particles entrained during long and high-magnitude bedload transport episodes. The vertical extent of this layer is hence a capital parameter for the quantification of bedload volumes and a major driver of stream ecology in gravel-bed rivers. However, knowledge on how the active depth scales to flow strength and the nature of the different controls on the relation between the flow strength and the active depth is still scarce. In this paper we present a meta-analysis over active depth data coming from ~130 transport episodes extracted from a series of published field studies. We also incorporate our own field data for the rivers Ebro and Muga (unpublished), both in the Iberian Peninsula. We explore the database searching for the influence of flow strength, grain size, streambed mobility and channel morphology on the vertical extent of the active layer. A multivariate statistical analysis (stepwise multiple regression) confirms that the set of selected variables explains a significant amount of variance in the compiled variables. The analysis shows a positive scaling between active depth and flow strength. We have also identified some links between the active depth and particle travel distances. However, these relations are also largely modulated by other fluvial drivers, such as the grain size of the bed surface and the dominant channel macro-bedforms, with remarkable differences between plane-bed, step-pool and riffle-pool channels. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Field and laboratory measurements of suspended sediments over wave ripples show, for time-averaged concentration profiles in semi-log plots, a contrast between upward convex profiles for fine sand and upward concave profiles for coarse sand. Careful examination of experimental data for coarse sand shows a near-bed upward convex profile beneath the main upward concave profile. Available models fail to predict these two profiles for coarse sediments. The 1-DV gradient diffusion model predicts the main upward concave profile for coarse sediments thanks to a suitable β(y)β(y)-function (where ββ is the inverse of the turbulent Schmidt number and y   is the distance from the bed). In order to predict the near-bed upward convex profile, an additional parameter αα is needed. This parameter could be related to settling velocity (αα equal to inverse of dimensionless settling velocity) or to convective sediment entrainment process. The profiles are interpreted by a relation between second derivative of the logarithm of concentration and derivative of the product between sediment diffusivity and αα.  相似文献   
A mass-flux approach is applied to observational data obtained in a convective boundary layer topped with stratocumulus clouds. The observational data were obtained from aircraft measurements during the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX). A conditional sampling method is used to calculate average updraft and downdraft values. The vertical fluxes calculated with the mass-flux approach are found to be proportional to the real (measured) fluxes, with a proportionality factor being about 0.6. This value is predicted by theory for two variables having a joint Gaussian distribution function; proportionality factor = 2-1 0.637. The horizontal fractional entrainment and detrainment rates calculated from the data ( 1–2 × 10-2 m-1) are an order of magnitude higher than the rates obtained by large eddy simulations for cumulus convection ( 2–3 × 10-3 m-1) and two orders of magnitude higher than those used in modelling cumulus convection with a mass-flux scheme in an operational weather forecast model ( 3 × 10-4 m-1). A numerical mass-flux model for the thermodynamics was developed and showed that results are in good agreement when compared with measured profiles of the liquid water content.  相似文献   
Nocturnal convection, originating in a well-mixed marine cloud-topped boundary layer, advected onshore, was observed using a Doppler sodar on the Tyrrhenian coast in Italy. The horizontal and vertical dimensions of the downdrafts were evaluated. The oscillation frequency triggered by the downdrafts at the inversion layer, derived from the harmonic analysis of the sodar measured vertical velocity (w), is compared with the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, obtained from the rawinsonde temperature profile. A similarity function for the 2w vertical profile was used to fit the sodar experimental data and to retrieve the depth of the mixing layer and the sensible heat flux at the top of the cloud layer. The results are in agreement with the convection layer depth observed in the sodar echoes facsimile record, and with the energy budget evaluated at the top of the cloud layer using the rawinsonde profiles.  相似文献   
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