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In southeast Anatolia, there are number of tectonomagmatic units in the Kahramanmaraş–Malatya–Elazığ region that are important in understanding the geological evolution of the southeast Anatolian orogenic belt during the Late Cretaceous. These are (a) metamorphic massifs, (b) ophiolites, (c) ophiolite-related metamorphics and (d) granitoids. The granitoids (i.e. Göksun–Afşin in Kahramanmaraş, Doğanşehir in Malatya and Baskil in Elazığ) intrude all the former units in a NE–SW trending direction. The granitoid in Göksun–Afşin (Kahramanmaraş) region is mainly composed of granodioritic and granitic in composition. The granodiorite contains a number of amphibole-bearing mafic microgranular enclaves of different sizes, whereas the granite is intruded by numerous aplitic dikes. The granitoid rocks have typical calcalkaline geochemical features. The REE- and Ocean ridge granite-normalized multi-element patterns and tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams, as well as biotite geochemistry suggest that the granitoids were formed in a volcanic arc setting. The K–Ar geochronology of the granitoid rocks yielded ages ranging from 85.76±3.17 to 77.49±1.91 Ma. The field, geochemical and geochronological data suggest the following Late Cretaceous tectonomagmatic scenario for southeast Anatolia. The ophiolites were formed in a suprasubduction zone tectonic setting whereas the ophiolite-related metamorphic rocks formed either during the initiation of intraoceanic subduction or late-thrusting (∼90 Ma). These units were then overthrust by the Malatya–Keban platform during the progressive elimination of the southern Neotethys. Thrusting of the Malatya–Keban platform over the ophiolites and related metamorphic rocks was followed by the intrusion of the granitoids (88–85 Ma) along the Tauride active continental margin in the southern Neotethys.  相似文献   
Digital elevation model (DEM) images provide synoptic views of the Earth’s surface allowing the analysis of landforms of still active tectonic and volcanic structures at regional scale. A DEM at 250 m pixel size constitutes regional scale data particularly efficient to investigate the late Miocene–Quaternary deformation of the Eastern Turkish–Armenian Plateau in the Arabian–Eurasian area of convergence. Geomorphic analysis of the DEM image associated with review of fault-plane solutions of earthquakes show that faults are mostly strike-slip with small vertical component. Here we show that the orientations of the tectonic and volcanic structures fit with a tectonic regime characterized by N–S shortening and E–W lengthening, consistent with westward escape of Anatolia perpendicular to the direction of the Arabia–Eurasia shortening. The uniform uplift of the plateau, the predominance of strike-slip faulting, the lack of major thrusts and the occurrence of normal faults do not support a model of going-on crustal thickening due to intracontinental convergence. On the contrary, our observations can be better interpreted in terms of lithospheric thinning and mantle upwelling related to gravity escape of Anatolia.  相似文献   
The 1999 Kocaeli earthquake brought serious damage to downtown of Adapazari. To study why strong motions were generated at the town, a bedrock structure was investigated on the basis of Bouguer gravity anomaly, and SPAC and H/V analyses of microseisms. It was revealed that, the basin consists of three narrow depressions of bedrock with very steep edges, extending in E–W or NE–SW directions along the North Anatolia faults, and the depth to bedrock reaches 1000 m or more. Downtown of Adapazari is located 1–2 km apart from the basin-edge. It is considered that, the specific configuration of bedrock amplifies ground motions at the downtown area by focusing of seismic waves and/or interference between incident S-waves and surface-waves secondarily generated at the basin-edge. Studying 3D bedrock structure is an urgent issue for microzoning an urban area in a sedimentary basin.  相似文献   
The AMS study has been performed on various types of the basement – Variscan granitic and surrounding – Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the Velká Fatra Mountains, Tatric Superunit of the Central Western Carpathians. The Velká Fatra Mts. provides good opportunity for AMS study because of composite S-type and I-type granite character of pluton and clear relations to Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the cover and nappe positions. The granitic massif consists of the three types of weakly magnetic peraluminous granites (350 – 340 Ma in age), ranging from two-mica granites to biotite granodiorites in composition and carrying accessory monazite and ilmenite; whereby they resemble common S-type and/or Ilmenite Series granite. This pre-existing granitic body was intruded by relatively young (304 Ma old) metaluminous to subaluminous, strongly magnetic (due to magnetite) tonalitic intrusion of the I-type and/or Magnetite Series granite. In all S-types investigated as well as in the I-type tonalite body, the magnetic fabrics are not uniform, but slightly variable within a body and differing from body to body. The magnetic fabrics in all granitic rocks can be classified as mostly magmatic in origin, only subordinately affected by ductile deformation. The Alpine overprint of the magnetic fabric of the Variscan granite frequent in the central areas of the Central Western Carpathians was only weak in the Velká Fatra Mts. and the magnetic fabrics of these granites thus mostly comprise the original Variscan magmatic fabrics. On the other hand, in the marginal parts of the Velká Fatra Mts. the magnetic fabrics in granites are locally conformable to the deformational magnetic fabrics in surrounding sedimentary rocks (Mesozoic in age) thus indicating at least local effects of the Alpine deformation. The magnetic fabrics in Mesozoic sedimentary rocks covering the crystalline basement are partially (Cover Formation) to entirely (Nappe Units) deformational in origin.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):283-297
Western Turkey is a place of active continental extension, characterized by the occurrence of several WNW-ESE-trending major grabens. The central part of the northern edge of the Edremit Graben is delineated by various geological units, namely the metamorphic Kazda? Massif, the Mid-Cretaceous Çetmi mélange, the sedimentary Küçükkuyu formation, and loose Plio-Quaternary deposits. Detailed structural and sedimentological study suggests a two-stage extensional evolution of the area, separated by a short break in the tectonic regime. The first stage, possibly related to back-arc extension and/or orogenic collapse, is marked by the activity of a newly described low-angle detachment fault, the ?elale detachment fault, from the latest Oligocene onward. The fault plane, separating the mylonitized rocks of the Kazda? Massif in the footwall from the unmetamorphosed Çetmi mélange and Küçükkuyu formation in the hanging wall, must have played a significant role in the initial exhumation processes of the Kazda? Massif at that time. The Lower Miocene syntectonic Küçükkuyu formation has recorded the initiation and filling up of a small basin, which has developed in a typical supra-detachment basin, above the detachment fault. After a short phase of possible compression and erosion, the second stage—which marks the onset of neotectonic activity—is marked by the development of Plio-Quaternary step-like normal faults, which cut through all the previous units. Coarse, loose sediments were deposited following the fault activity. These local results are extrapolated to apply to the entire Edremit Graben. In that case, its evolution is seen as the succession of two extensional stages, characterized by distinct structural and sedimentological patterns, and possibly separated by a short compressional phase.  相似文献   
The Sakarya River is one of the largest rivers in Turkey and is fed mainly from Sakaryabaşı springs. The Sakaryabaşı springs are located in the Central Anatolia and issue from confined/semi-confined karst having a thermal component and therefore, having quite different hydrogeological characteristics as compared to the Taurus Karst region, a typical example of the Mediterranean type of karst. The karstic carbonate rocks that form the groundwater reservoir are overlain by a thick semi-pervious overburden of mainly clastics of Neogene age. Tectonics is the major factor controlling the occurrence of the karst springs in the area where topography is rather flat. This study aimed at explaining the occurrence and movement of the karst groundwater within the system by use of hydrogeological, chemical, and isotopic tools. Isotopic composition of the waters revealed that all waters in the region are of meteoric origin and the thermal component is due to deep circulation. The catchment area of the hydrogeological system extends to the south and groundwater movement is towards the outlets, which are in a depression along a major fault. The movement of the groundwater, based on analysis of remotely sensed images, is controlled mainly by structural elements.  相似文献   
Erciyes stratovolcano, culminating at 3917 m, is located in the Cappadocian region of central Anatolia. During its evolution, this Quaternary volcano produced pyroclastic deposits and lava flows. The great majority of these products are calc-alkaline in character and they constitute Kocdag and Erciyes sequences by repeated activities. Alkaline activity is mainly observed in the first stages of Kocdag and approximately first-middle stages of Erciyes sequences. Generally, Kocdag and Erciyes stages terminate by pyroclastic activities. The composition of lavas ranges from basalt to rhyolite (48.4–70.5 wt.% SiO2). Calc-alkaline rocks are represented mostly by andesites and dacites. Some compositional differences between alkaline basaltic, basaltic and andesitic rocks were found; while the composition of dacites remain unchanged. All these volcanics are generally enriched in LIL and HFS elements relative to the orogenic values except Rb, Ba, Nb depleted alkaline basalt. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic composition of the volcanics range between 0.703344–0.703964, 0.512920–0.512780 for alkaline basalts and change between 0.704322–0.705088, 0.512731–0.512630 for alkaline basaltic rocks whereas calc-alkaline rocks have relatively high Sr and Nd isotopic ratios (0.703434–0.705468, 0.512942–0.512600). Low Rb, Ba, Nb content with high Zr/Nb, low Ba/Nb, La/Yb ratio and low Sr isotopic composition suggest an depleted source component, while high Ba, Rb, Nb content with high La/Yb, Ba/Nb, low Zr/Nb and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate an OIB-like mantle source for the generation of Erciyes alkaline magma. These elemental and ratio variations also indicate that the different mantle sources have undergone different degree of partial melting episodes. The depletion in Ba, Rb, Nb content may be explained by the removal of these elements from the source by slab-derived fluids which were released from pre-collisional subduction, modified the asthenospheric mantle. The chemically different mantle sources interacted with crustal materials to produce calc-alkaline magma. The Ba/Nb increase of calc-alkaline samples indicates the increasing input of crustal components to Erciyes volcanics. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and elevated LIL and HFS element content imply that calc-alkaline magma may be derived from mixing of an OIB-like mantle melts with a subduction-modified asthenospheric mantle and involvement of crustal materials in intraplate environments.  相似文献   
The volcanics exposed in the northeast Niğde area are characterized by pumiceous pyroclastic rocks present as ash flows and fall deposits and by compositions ranging from dacite to rhyolite. Xenoliths found in the volcanics are basaltic andesite, andesite and dacite in composition. These rocks exhibit linear chemical variations between end‐member compositions and a continuity of trace element behaviour exists through the basaltic andesite–andesite–dacite–rhyolite compositional range. This is consistent with the fractionation of ferromagnesian minerals and plagioclase from a basaltic andesite or andesite parent. These rocks are peraluminous and show typical high‐K calc‐alkaline differentiation trends with total iron content decreasing progressively with increasing silica content. Bulk rock and mineral compositional trends and petrographic data suggest that crustal material was added to the magmas by subducted oceanic crust and is a likely contaminant of the source zone of the Niğde magmas. The chemical variations in these volcanics indicate that crystal liquid fractionation has been a dominant process in controlling the chemistry of the northeast Niğde volcanics. It is also clear, from the petrographic and chemical features, that magma mixing with disequilibrium played a significant role in the evolution of the Niğde volcanic rocks. This is shown by normal and reverse zoning in plagioclase and resorption of most of the observed minerals. The xenoliths found in the Niğde volcanics represent the deeper part of the magma reservoir which equilibrated at the higher pressures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Two main volcanic events are distinguished between Saraykent and Akçakışla in the Yozgat province of central Anatolia: (1) early Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene effusive activity, that produced a sequence of intermediate to felsic ‘basal lavas’; and (2) marginally later Palaeocene explosive activity that formed a series of covering ignimbrite flows. Due to their close temporal and spatial relation, geochemical comparisons were made between the silicic members of the lavas and ignimbrites, to identify chemical groups and their relative petrogenesis. The basal lavas range from calc‐alkaline basaltic andesites to dominant rhyolites. Based on trace element correlations three main geochemical groups were identified: the Akçakışla rhyolites (present as domes); Akçakışla rhyodacites‐dacites (lava flows); and Ozan‐Saraykent rhyolites (lava flows). Large‐ion lithophile elements have been mobile in all the groups, but mainly in the Akçakışla rhyolites. Rare earth element (REE) patterns show marked similarity between the Ozan and Saraykent basal lavas. The Akçakışla dome rhyolites are more fractionated with lower LaN/YbN ratios (c.10), whereas the Akçakışla basal lavas have much higher LaN/YbN ratios (c.30). The chemical coherence and petrographic similarities between the Saraykent and Ozan lavas suggest a single suite related via fractionation. Three geochemical groups were also established for the ignimbrites: Saraykent ignimbrite; Bağlıca ignimbrite‐Toklu‐Kızıldağ crystal tuffs; and Keklikpınar ignimbrite. The ignimbrites, like the basal lavas, display a pronounced depletion in Ba on ORG‐normalized plots. Relative to the basal lavas, chondrite‐normalized patterns for the ignimbrites are different in displaying negative Eu anomalies that indicate feldspar fractionation. The lack of geochemical overlap or coherence between any of the lava and ignimbrite groups suggests that they represent distinct eruptive events and are not related in any simple volcanic development and cogenetic sense. Two geochemical features are common to all the volcanic rock groups: (1) the presence of a Nb‐Ta anomaly, which is generally accepted as a crustal signature; and (2) the relatively low Y abundances which appear characteristic for the region as a whole. These fundamental features of the local silicic volcanism largely reflect source composition and effects. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Late Cretaceous ükapili Granitoid including mafic microgranular enclaves intruded into metapelitic and metabasic rocks, and overlain unconformably by Neogene ignimbrites in the Ni de area of Turkey. It is mostly granite and minor granodiorite in composition, whereas its enclaves are dominantly gabbro with a few diorites in composition. The ükapili Granitoid is composed mainly of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite and minor amphibole while its enclaves contain mostly plagioclase, amphibole, minor pyroxene and biotite. The ükapili Granitoid has calcalkaline and peraluminous (A/CNK= 1.0-1.3) geochemical characteristics. It is characterized by high LILE/HFSE and LREE/HREE ratios ((La/Lu) N = 3-33), and has negative Ba, Ta, Nb and Eu anomalies, resembling those of collision granitoids. The ükapili Granitoid has relatively high 87Sr/86Sr (i) ratios (0.711189-0.716061) and low εNd (t) values (-5.13 to -7.13), confirming crustal melting. In contrast, the enclaves are tholeiitic and metaluminous, and slightly enriched in LILEs (K, Rb) and Th, and have negative Ta, Nb and Ti anomalies; propose that they were derived from a subduction-modified mantle source. Based on mineral and whole rock chemistry data, the ükapili granitoid is H-(hybrid) type, post-collision granitoid developed by mixing/mingling processes between crustal melts and mantle-derived mafic magmas.  相似文献   
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