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Cosmic radiation is an important problem for human interplanetary missions. The “Radiation Exposure and Mission Strategies for Interplanetary Manned Missions–REMSIM” study is summarised here. They are related to current strategies and countermeasures to ensure the protection of astronauts from radiation during interplanetary missions, with specific reference to: radiation environment and its variability; radiation effects on the crew; transfer trajectories and associated fluences; vehicle and surface habitat concepts; passive and active shielding concepts; space weather monitoring and warning systems.  相似文献   
 Satellite data offer a means of supplementing ground-based monitoring during volcanic eruptions, especially at times or locations where ground-based monitoring is difficult. Being directly and freely available several times a day, data from the advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) offers great potential for near real-time monitoring of all volcanoes across large (3000×3000 km) areas. Herein we describe techniques to detect and locate activity; estimate lava area, thermal flux, effusion rates and cumulative volume; and distinguish types of activity. Application is demonstrated using data for active lavas at Krafla, Etna, Fogo, Cerro Negro and Erebus; a pyroclastic flow at Lascar; and open vent systems at Etna and Stromboli. Automated near real-time analysis of AVHRR data could be achieved at existing, or cheap to install, receiving stations, offering a supplement to conventional monitoring methods. Received: 21 January 1997 / Accepted: 3 April 1997  相似文献   
Blazar 的X射线谱性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从Donato文献中选择了一个含有69个Blazar的样本,样本中每个源有多个X射线辐射流量数据,用该样本研究了流量密度和谱指数之间的关系,以及研究了三类源(HBL,LBL,FSRQ)的红移和谱指数的分布。结果表明:对于HBLs,谱指数和流量密度之间有一个较好的反相关关系存在,而对于LBLs和FSRQs却没有相关。因此认为HBL的X射线是同步辐射所致,而LBL和FSRQ的X射线辐射较为复杂可能是同步自康普顿过程导致。HBL显示软X射线谱,而FSRQ显示硬X射线谱,LBL居中。在谱图中HBL位于近端,rSRQ位于远端,LBL居中。  相似文献   
本文主要依据地形图和航空照片解译,并经已有地质、钻孔资料验证及野外实地考察的方法来研究地形面及其变形特征,由此确定渭河盆地活断层的分布、最新活动特征及活动规律,为地震预报及地震危险性分析提供依据。  相似文献   
渭河盆地北缘断裂带活动特征的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文从渭河盆地北缘断裂的形成和活动时代,活动特征等资料出发,结合北缘断裂带及整个盆地历史地震活动和新生界地层发育特征的综合分析,对北缘断裂带的活动期次,主要断层的运动幅度和滑动速率及其时空演变规律和机制等问题进行了探讨。文章指出,北缘断裂带的形成是一个由盆地中心向北逐渐扩展的过程,自上新世起,断层活动明显有东强西弱的变化特征,而且扩展方向也发生了偏转。这一转变及活动强度的东西差异与山西剪切带对渭河盆地的影响密切相关  相似文献   
We analyzed thin sections from two palaeoseismic trenches across the low-slip-rate Geleen Fault in the Belgian Maas River valley to help identifying the most recent large palaeoearthquake on this fault segment. In the first trench we sampled silty sediment below and above a prehistoric stone pavement that was supposedly at or near the surface at the time of the event, and subsequently thrown down. The samples below show a well-developed in situ argillic Bt soil horizon in parent sediment containing remnants of stratification, whereas the sediment above is a structureless colluvium reworked at least partly from Bt-horizon material. Below the stone pavement, we also found evidence of contorted stratification, which is in agreement with macroscopic observations of both the sediment and the stone pavement itself, and which is attributed to co-seismic soft-sediment deformation. In the second trench, we sampled a sequence of vaguely discernible soil horizons in the hanging-wall, interpreted as a buried soil profile (Bt, E, and possibly A horizons), overlain by a featureless deposit. Thin-section analysis supports the colluvial nature of the latter, and also provides evidence that both the base of this layer and the top of the poorly developed A horizon below have occupied a shallow position in a soil profile. A sample from the same depth in the footwall is composed of very different material. Instead of colluvium, we find patches of Bt soil, most likely representing the same pedogenic level as the in situ Bt horizon at larger depth in the hanging-wall, but displaced and subsequently degraded. Furthermore, thin sections confirm that vertical structures cutting this Bt horizon are sand dykes. These dykes could be traced macroscopically upward to the base of the colluvium. In both trenches, we have thus identified a stratigraphic boundary in the hanging-wall, close to the surface, separating an in situ soil below from colluvium above. We interpret this limit and the overlying colluvium as the event horizon and the colluvial wedge, respectively, of a surface-rupturing palaeoearthquake. In addition, in both cases we found evidence of soft-sediment deformation (related to liquefaction) contemporaneous with the event within the stratigraphic resolution.  相似文献   
丽江市地质灾害易发性遥感影像判译   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
JIANG Qin  杨世瑜 《云南地质》2008,27(1):114-119
丽江市地质灾害多发,在滇西北旅游城市中较典型。应用遥感技术对丽江市地质灾害易发性的遥感研究,可突破传统方法,发挥宏观、综合、直观、快速特点,取得较好效果。  相似文献   
Large-scale ancient landslides of the area of more than 5 km2 and volume exceeding 200 × 106 m3 are characteristic features of the valleys incised in the northern periphery of the Crimean Mountains (Ukraine). The largely affected area is located in the outermost cuesta range of the Crimean Mountains which consists of rigid Sarmatian limestones overlying weak Middle Miocene and Upper Palaeogene deposits. A giant landslide arose in the Alma water gap as a reflection of several coincident preparatory factors such as suitable bedrock stratification, smectite-rich bedrock exposed to swelling activity, presence of faults parallel to the valley trend, and river capture event which preceded the landslide event. The occurrence of such ancient megaslides is particularly interesting in the area which is characterized by low precipitation (<500 mm/year) and weak contemporary seismicity. It probably reflects a more dynamic environment in humid phases of the Holocene; however, seismic triggering along the Mesozoic suture zone cannot be rejected. Compressional features such as gravitational folds in the central and distal parts of the landslide, which probably correlate with the whole landslide genesis or its significant reactivation, arose, according to the radiocarbon dating, during the Holocene climatic optimum in the Atlantic period. The slope deformation has been relatively quiescent since that time, except minor historic reactivization which took place in the frontal part of the landslide. We suppose that the studied landslide could be classified as a transitional type of slope deformation with some signs of spreading and translational block slides.  相似文献   
The analysis of paleomagnetic data available for the southern Primiorye region revealed that the studied objects were magnetized under regional remagnetization presumably during the Late Mesozoic folding and this magnetization can be interpreted as being synfolding. The interpretation is based on the parameter that characterizes the folding completion degree immediately before regional remagnetization. It is shown that the relaxation of Late Mesozoic horizontal stresses was irregular. The obtained estimates of the degree of folding completion are consistent with the available geological data and Talitskii’s model for tectonic deformations.  相似文献   
Redefining active volcanoes: a discussion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The analysis of the current definitions of active volcanoes indicates that they are empirical, conventional, inaccurate, nongeological, and arbitrarily constraining. Redefinition is therefore needed. One possible approach is to refine the current empirical definitions. A statistically reasonable and practical redefinition using a geologically based time convention-Holocene or 10000 years-is suggested. A set of time conditions according to volcano typology-i.e. 1000; 10000 and 100000 years for high-frequency basaltic shields, andesitic-dacitic composite volcanoes and low-frequency large silicic calderas, respectively-as further refinement of the empirical definition is also envisaged. Devising a phenomenological definition as a theoretical approach is another possibility, but in practice extant diagnostic means are still unsatisfactory to discriminate accurately between dormant and extinct volcanoes. As a consequence of the redefinition, a classification of volcanoes according to their eruptive status is proposed. Redefinition of active volcanoes might increase accuracy in the usage of basic terms in volcanology and influence volcanic hazard assessment and risk mitigation projects.  相似文献   
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