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张家界水环境演变与旅游发展关系   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
全华  陈田  杨竹莘 《地理学报》2002,57(5):619-624
通过实地监测并全面分析张家界国家森林公园水环境演变趋势,发现金鞭溪水质下降最为明显,而且随着游客的逐年增多,呈现出加速恶化的趋势。金鞭溪水质恶化主要表现为蓝藻,绿藻迅速繁殖,感官质量下降,主要原因是上游接待区锣鼓塔排出的污水中总磷超标,通过建立基于环境脆弱因子的动态阈值模型,计算得出:在不超出张家界景区最为脆弱的环境因子-金鞭溪水质标准:总磷≤0.02前提下,金鞭溪上游接待区住宿设施生态阈值,春季临界床位数1186,夏季为3057,冬季为545,秋季为333。  相似文献   
城市湖泊富营养化问题日趋严峻,以往对水华的研究多集中于大型自然淡水湖库,而对小型城市浅水湖泊的水华动态相对较少.以宁波月湖为研究对象,探讨水华暴发期间浮游植物变化特征及与影响因子之间的关系,以期判别影响城市湖泊水华的主控因子.月湖水华期间营养盐水平处于中富营养至极端富营养之间,此次共检出浮游植物8门61属,藻种组成以绿藻门(51.79%)和硅藻门(21.43%)为主,各点位浮游植物生长主要受水温、光照驱动,经历了隐藻门→硅藻门→绿藻门→蓝藻门的演替.水华种为雷氏衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii),总藻密度最高达到1.55×108 cells/L,水华暴发后各点位衣藻属比例升高(最高达到81.10%),群落结构呈现单一化特征.通过Pearson相关性分析和RDA分析发现衣藻属生长与水温、pH、总磷浓度均呈显著正相关,春季气温回升、天气持续晴好,城市浅水湖泊高营养盐负荷、水体流动性差等特点为带鞭毛的衣藻属提供了适宜的生存条件,在环境条件均适宜的情况下拥有最大生长潜力的衣藻属在营养盐、光照等竞争中生长速率明显优于其他藻种,从而发生绿藻水华.  相似文献   
Chemical investigation of the ethanol extract of the marine green alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Setchell led to the isolation of a new sterol stigmast-4,28-dien-3α,6β-diol 1 in addition to the five known sterols of β-lawsaritol 2, saringosterol 3, 24-hydroperoxy-24-vinyl - cholesterol 4, β-stigmasterol 5, 29-hydroxystigmasta-5, 24 (28) -dien-3β-ol 6. Compounds were isolated by normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH - 20 gel colum chromatography, reverse phase HPLC and recrystalization. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including MS, IR 1D/2D NMR and X-ray analysis. Cytotoxicity of compounds was screened by using the standard MTF method. All these compounds were isolated from the green alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Setchell for the first time and they were inactive (50% inhibitory concentration was greater than 10 μg/cm^3) against KB, Bel -7402, PC - 3M, Ketr 3 and MCF-7 cell lines.  相似文献   
In the present study, genetic polymorphism and diversity in unicellular clones of Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck and Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick were studied with Inter Simple Sequence Repeats PCR (ISSR PCR). Samples including four clones of C. vulgaris and three clones of C. pyrenoidosa were purified by single-clone-choice method. For four C. vulgaris unicellular clones, the total number of the bands scored for 18 primers was 298; and the number of the polymorphic bands was 118, of which 39.6% were polymorphic. The size of PCR products ranged from 200 to 2 500 bp. The total number of bands scored for 18 primers, the number of polymorphic bands and the percentage of three C. pyrenoidosa unicellular clones was 194.83 and 30.8%, respectively. POPGENE analysis show that the average Nei genetic diversity (h *) and Shannon index of diversity (I *) in the four C. vulgaris unicellular clones was 0.2181 and 0.3208, respectively, which is slightly higher than those of the three C. pyrenoidosa unicellular clones (0.190 3 and 0.274 8), which agreed with the percentage of polymorphic bands in the mixed samples of the two species. The results suggest that ISSR is a useful method to Chlorella for intra-species genetic analysis.  相似文献   
中国黄、渤海常见大型海藻的脂肪酸组成   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
对中国黄、渤海沿岸的17种红藻、12种褐藻、7种绿藻的脂肪酸组成进行了分析研究,结果表明,黄海和渤海的绝大多数红都富含二十碳高度不饱和脂肪酸(主要是二十碳五烯酸,EPA和二十碳四烯酸,AA),一般都占总脂肪酸的40%以上;仙菜目的松节藻、细枝软骨藻,隐丝藻目的亮管藻、海萝、海膜、蜈蚣藻中的EPA含量均超过40%,其中海萝达到58%;杉藻目扁江蓠中EPA含量很低,但花生四烯酸含量达到58%。裸藻中16:0、18:1(n-9)、20:4(n-6)和20:5(n-3)含量占绝对优势,十八碳高度不饱和脂肪酸(PUFAs)和二十碳PUFAs是主要的脂肪酸。在每种褐藻中还含有一定量的14:0、18:2(n-6)和18:4(n-3)。褐藻中的十八碳PUFAs含量比红藻高,而二十碳PUFAs比红藻低。绿藻中的主要脂肪酸是16:0、十六碳高度不饱和脂肪酸(主要是:16:4(n-3)和16:3(n-3)、18:1以及C18PUFAs(主要包括18:2(n-6),18:3(n-3)和18:4(n-3),绿藻的C16、C18PUFAs含量较高。  相似文献   
本研究采用现场定量观测为主的研究方法,在2017年5月期间对苏北浅滩竹根沙收紫菜养殖筏架作业过程进行跟踪调查;对养殖筏架绠绳附生绿藻自然脱落和收筏架作业过程人为刮落附生绿藻,以及收筏架作业前后入海的漂浮绿藻生物量进行定量观测。结果表明:筏架绳附生绿藻自然脱落率低,为3.58%±0.78%;收筏架作业过程中绠绳上刮落绿藻生物量为(12±3)kg湿重/根,由此估算2017年整个苏北浅滩刮落的生物量估算可达到万吨湿重;收筏架作业后海域漂浮绿藻生物量是作业前的7.6倍。研究结果进一步明确了收筏架作业过程中人为刮落绿藻是目前筏架附生绿藻最主要的入海方式。刮落绿藻是海水中漂浮绿藻的主要来源,其生物量对南黄海绿潮的规模大小有重要的影响。研究结果为绿潮防控措施的制定和实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   
随着全球工业的迅猛发展,对能源的需求量大幅增加,由于不可再生的矿物能源储量有限,导致能源危机逐渐映现,因此,开发可再生的洁净新能源成为亟待解决的全球性问题.H2由于其能量密度高,燃烧后只生成水,不造成任何污染,成为最理想的可再生能源之一.在各种制氢方法中,绿藻制氢以太阳能为能源,以水为原料,通过光解水制取H2,是目前生物制氢技术研究的热点.  相似文献   
江苏近岸紫菜养殖筏架区定生绿藻群落结构及其受控因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于2010年10月至2011年4月对苏北紫菜养殖筏架区定生绿藻及环境因素调查数据,分析研究了紫菜筏架上定生绿藻种群结构和数量变化及重要环境因子对其的影响并估算了调查区绿藻总生物量.结果表明,筏架上定生绿藻种类有浒苔(Ulva prolifera)、盒管藻(Capsosiphon groenlandicus)、缘管浒苔(Ulva linza)、肠浒苔(Ulva intestinalis)、条浒苔(Ulva clathrata)和扁浒苔(Ulva compressa).绿藻生物量变化呈倒抛物线型,4月份为主高峰14898吨,11月份为次高峰2034吨,2月份最低,仅为729吨,3-4月份绿藻几乎呈暴发性增长.种类多样性随季节变化有很大差异,养殖筏架刚入海的9、10月份,绿藻种类丰富,生物多样性高;12月至笠年2月,尽管生物量很低,但仍是多种并存;3-4月份随着生物量的猛增,种类多样性降至最低,盒管藻优势地位明显,生物量比例最大能到80%,浒苔比例呈指数增长,达20%~40%.水温对绿藻生物量及种类演替有直接调控作用,在水温< 10℃时,绿藻即能快速生长;而盐度作用不明显.开展紫菜筏架上定生绿藻群落动态变化及其生物量的估算,为追溯南黄海大规模绿潮发源地提供佐证,为绿潮预防和治理提供基础数据支撑.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of light intensity and enhanced nitrogen supply on the growth and photosynthesis of the green-tide macroalga, Ulva prolifera. Thalli of U. prolifera were grown in natural or NH 4 +-enriched seawater under two different light intensities for 7 days, and then the growth rate, pigmentation, and photosynthetic performance of the thalli were evaluated. The results show that the relative growth rate(RGR) was markedly higher under the high light level than under the low light level. Enrichment with NH 4 + enhanced the RGR under high light intensity, but did not affect RGR under low light intensity. In low light conditions, NH 4 +-enrichment resulted in a marked decrease in the maximal photosynthetic rate( P m) and the maximum carbon fixation rate( V max), but it did not affect the half saturation constant for carbon( K 0.5) or the ratio of V max to K 0.5, which reflects the carbon acquisition efficiency. In high light conditions, P m, K 0.5, and the dark respiration rate( R d) increased under NH 4 + enrichment, but V max and the V max / K 0.5 ratio decreased. Regardless of the light intensity, NH 4 +-enrichment did not affect the apparent photosynthetic efficiency( α), which refl ects the ability of the alga to use light energy at low light levels. Under both low and high light intensities, the chlorophyll a(Chl a), chlorophyll b(Chl b), and carotenoids(Car) contents in thalli were higher in NH 4 +-enriched than in natural seawater, except that there was a decrease in the Chl b content of thalli in NH 4 +-enriched seawater under low light intensity. Therefore, NH 4 + enrichment improved the growth and photosynthetic performance of U. prolifera under high light intensity, but not under low light intensity. We discuss the possible mechanisms underlying these physiological responses.  相似文献   
绿藻水溶性多糖的研究概况和进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近年来绿藻多糖的提纯方法、组成结构及应用的研究进展进行了综述。绿藻多糖的提纯需要经过样品的前处理、提取和精制三个步骤,提取方法包括酸提、酶提、加入钙螯合剂提取、微波及超声波辅助提取。绿藻多糖是水溶性的硫酸化杂多糖。从石莼(Ulva)、浒苔(Enteromorpha)、礁膜(Monostroma)、小球藻(Chlorella)、蕨菜(Bracken)及刚毛藻(Bristles)中提取的多糖的化学组成及结构特征各不相同,而且多糖的化学组成和结构特征受提取方式的影响。绿藻多糖的生物相容性、生物可降解性及抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗凝血、抗炎、免疫调节等多种生物活性使其在食品、医药、化妆品及农业中具有广泛的应用。有关绿藻多糖的精确结构、提纯方法及化学修饰的进一步研究将使绿藻多糖的应用更加广泛。  相似文献   
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