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面对超层越界、无证采矿和以采代探等违法采矿行为屡禁不止这一“顽疾”,禹州市国土资源局主动探索,推陈出新,走出了一条行之有效的执法监察新路子,即实行局各资源所(站)、测绘大队和执法大队三级监察网络,避免了违法行为排查的被动性、巡查的盲目性、查处的滞后性,做到了有计划、有重点、早发现、早制止、早处理,将一大批矿业违法活动消灭在萌芽状态,煤矿违法开采活动数量明显减少。  相似文献   
2005年度全省矿产资源补偿费征收入库首次突破2亿元本刊讯2005年全省各级国土资源管理部门抓住经济快速发展、矿产资源需求旺盛、矿产品价格上涨等有利时机,采取得力措施,进一步加大了对重点矿种和矿山企业缴费大户的矿产资源补偿费征收力度,征收率、入库率再创新高。截至2005年12月31日,全省矿产资源补偿费入库22016.41万元,为国土资源部下达我省任务的275.21%,首次突破2亿元大关,创历史最好水平。(开发处)商丘局多项举措落实徐书记批示精神本刊讯商丘市国土资源局结合年终工作总结,采取多种形式,认真传达学习贯彻省委徐光春书记批示精神。…  相似文献   
The energy budget ofBellamya earuginosa in a shallow algal lake, Houhu Lake (Wuhan, China) was investigated by the measurement of flesh production (32.8 kJ/(m2·a)), egestion (337.7 kJ/(m2·a)), metabolism (246.7 kJ/(m2·a)), and estimation of excretion (21.4kJ/(m2·a)). The net growth efficiency of the species is about 10.9%, which accords with the generally reported value for gastropods. In addition, the relationships between starvation respiration (R, mgO2/(Ind·d)), body weight (Wd, mg in dry wt) and temperature (T, °C) were also determined. The regression equationR=0.044Wd 0.537 e 0.061T was obtained by the least square method, The measured SDA of the species is 26.51% of its gross metabolism. Project No. 3960019 and 39430101 supported by NSFC and also a granted for the East Lake Ecological Experimental Station, CAS, Wuhan.  相似文献   
In view of the situation of excavation of open coal mine for the underground water disaster,we should carry out simulation studies for the numerical value of the water lowering project and improve the accuracy and the level of the water lowering project.On the basis of the hydrological geological conditions of certain open mine digging,a more reasonable seepage numerical model was built according to MODFLOW.It was simulated in advance that the process of the confined water level descending with the time,and combining with the actual observations to test the correctness of the model.The calculation showed that the results coincided well with the results of actual measurement.Based on this,different water lowering numerical simulations were built for the open coal mine digging.It could be simulated and forecast that the changes of the groundwater level in drainage process within and outside the mine pit,and it was quantitatively assessed that the possible water lowering result of the opencast water drainage process,which provide an important basis for the actual water lowering project and the possible project disposal.  相似文献   
记者从河南省煤田地质局2007年工作会上获悉,2006年该局新提交各阶段煤炭资源储量13.023亿吨,其中可供煤矿直接建井的勘探资源储量12.185亿吨,超额完成了与河南省煤炭工业管理局签订的年提供3亿吨勘探储量的目标.  相似文献   
在自然因素和人为破坏下,新埠江流域旱涝灾害频繁交替,生活水源严重污染,生态系统结构不平衡,岩溶塌陷等地质灾害严重,水资源环境日益恶化.文章根据新埠江流域的水资源特点,从水土资源的利用、农业产业结构的调整和人口素质的提高等几个方面提出该地区社会经济持续发展与水资源综合开发利用的措施和建议.  相似文献   
在自然因素和人为破坏下,新埠江流域旱涝灾害频繁史替,生活水源严重污染.生态系统结构不平衡,岩溶塌陷等地质灾害严重.水资源环境日益恶化。文章根据新埠江流域的水资源特点.从水土资源的利用、农业产业结构的调整和人口素质的提高等几个方面提出该地区社会经济持续发展与水资源综合开发利用的措施和建议.  相似文献   
我省煤矿资源整合工作已经到了关键阶段,全省各市资源整合方案已经确定,整合后的煤炭矿山企业大部分已经进入确定新矿区范围、开展新矿区的资源储量核查阶段。2005年8月18日至19日,河南省国土资源厅资源处和河南省矿产资源储量评审中心在郑州召开了全省矿产资源储量评审工作质量保证研讨会,张和儒副厅长出席会议并讲话。  相似文献   
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