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Г.  ВФ 《海岸工程》1996,15(4):76-80
研究了天气频段非周期性水位振动与风和大气压力的关系,根据对水位振动,风和大气压力进行的谱分析,确定了大约在5,10,15 ̄20d周期存在天气最大值,为鹗霍次克海5个站建立了普通回归方程和谱回归方程,并对水位升高的观测值和计算值做了比较,可看出,使用谱回归方程的计算结果与线性回归方程计算结果相比较有实质性改善。  相似文献   
牛玉国 《水文》2003,23(5):13-15,19
从基本定义、研究对象、研究领域、研究手段、研究方法、研究目的以及数据采集、服务等多个不同层面,对传统水文(学)和现代水文(学)进行了比较,分析了二者的特征和区别,论述了从传统水文向现代水文转变是现代水利的必然要求,而空间数据采集技术是实现这一转变极其重要的途径和手段。  相似文献   
为了交流水文科学研究的新进展,活跃水文学术气氛,中国水利学会水文专业委员会将于2004年11月在南京召开全国水文学术讨论会,并于2004年2月18日发出了一号通知,具体事宜请查询中华人民共和国水利部网(http://www.mwr.gov.cn/index/20040220/30148.asp)、中国水利学会网(http://www.ches.org.cn/chesnews/newsview.asp?s=1510)和河海大学网(http://www.hhu.edu.cn/insites/ztbd/kxyjyl.htm)。  相似文献   
Runoff reduction due to environmental changes in the Sanchuanhe river basin   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Recently, runoff in many river basins in China has been decreasing. Therefore, the role that climate change and human activities are playing in this decrease is currently of interest. In this study, we evaluated an assessment method that was designed to quantitatively separate the effects of climate change and human activities on runoff in river basins. Specifically, we calibrated the SIMHYD rainfall runoff model using naturally recorded hydro-meteorologic data pertaining to the Sanchuanhe River basin and then determined the effects of climate change and human activities on runoff by comparing the estimated natural runoff that occurred during the period in which humans disturbed the basin to the runoff that occurred during the period prior to disturbance by humans. The results of this study revealed that the S1MHYD rainfall runoff model performs well for estimating monthly discharge. In addition, we found that absolute runoff reductions have increased in response to human activities and climate change, with average reductions of 70.1% and 29.9% in total runoff being caused by human activities and climate change, respectively. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that human activities are the primary cause of runoff reduction in the Sanchuanhe River basin.  相似文献   
Firstly,the hydrological and meteorological features of the upper reaches of the Yellow River above Tangnag are analyzed based on observation data,and effects of El Nino and La Nina events on the high and low flow in the upper Yellow River are discussed.The results show El Nino and La Nina events possess consanguineous relationship with runoff in the upper Yellow River.As a whole,the probability of low flow occurrence in the upper Yellow River is relatively great along with the occurrence of El Nino event.Moreover,the flood in the upper Yellow River occurs frequently with the occurrence of La Nina event.Besides,the results also show dissimilarity of El Nino event occurring time exerts greater impact on high flow and low flow in the upper Yellow River,that is,the probability of drought will be greater in the same year if El Nino event occurs in spring,the high-flow may happen in this year if El Nino occurs in summer or autumn;the longer the continuous period of El Nino is,the lower the runoff in the upper Yellow River is.  相似文献   
对无定河流域野外考察,在其下游苏家圪坨(SJGT)地点发现夹有古洪水滞流沉积物(SWD)的全新世剖面。古洪水SWD厚度30 cm,具有平行微薄层理特征,且直接覆盖在东汉文化层之上。室内分析结果表明古洪水SWD有着与2012年洪水SWD相似的沉积学特征,以粗粉沙为主,分选良好,磁化率和烧失量较小,说明它记录了一次无定河下游的大洪水事件。文化层光释光(OSL)测年结果显示该次古洪水事件发生在1 900~1 700 a BP。古洪水洪峰水位和洪峰流量分别为765.9 m和10 530 m3·s-1。同时利用2012年洪水洪痕水位验证,在同一断面用相同参数恢复洪峰流量为1 030 m3·s-1,实测洪峰流量为1 000 m3·s-1,误差为3.09%,说明古洪水洪峰流量恢复结果合理可靠。研究结果延长了无定河下游洪水数据序列,对水资源、水能源的开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
通过野外观察研究,在黄河中游晋陕峡谷永和县佛堂村(FTC)支沟口的回水湾内发现了全新世古洪水滞流沉积物。结合沉积学分析,判定它们是典型的全新世古洪水悬移质泥砂颗粒在高水位滞流环境中的沉积物。利用“古洪水SWD厚度含沙量法”恢复古洪水洪峰水位,借助HEC-RAS模型估算出4次古洪水事件洪峰流量在25 200~51 500 m3·s-1之间。OSL测年结果显示,FTC地点的古洪水发生在1 900~1 700 a BP、3 400~3 000 a BP。全新世气候变化研究表明,这两个时期气候恶化,旱涝灾害多有发生。FTC地点的两期四次洪水反映了这两个时期的气候异常变化成果,表明了黄河中游水文系统对气候变化作出的响应,也印证了季风区河流对气候突变的响应规律,为黄河中下游地区防洪减灾和水资源开发提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
生态水文研究前沿问题及生态水文观测试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
自1987年Ingram HAP提出生态水文学概念以来,生态水文学得到了快速的发展。2007年,“生态水文学与环境可持续性”已成为UNESCO/IHP第7阶段计划的主题之一。回顾了生态水文学概念的变迁,综述了有关术语及其科学内涵,简要分析了水循环与生物地球化学循环、水文与生态系统相互作用、水文过程与生命过程耦合、绿水及其生态作用等方面关注的科学问题及其观测研究进展;介绍了黑河流域生态水文学研究的初步认识。  相似文献   
为满足新形势下雨洪管理实践的需求,揭示有效不透水下垫面对城市水文过程的影响,需研发考虑有效不透水下垫面的城市雨洪模拟模型。将不透水下垫面分为道路和屋顶,综合运用地理信息系统、城市雨洪模型等技术手段,基于不同分类属性分步确定有效不透水面积;考虑模型复杂性、建模数据可用性和模型预测能力,确定模型结构。区分有效不透水下垫面和非有效不透水下垫面产汇流过程,将具有高度异质性的城市下垫面离散成具有均匀或准均匀特性的子汇水区,考虑不同下垫面各子汇水区内部及子汇水区之间汇流路径,采用不同的产汇流计算方法,构建了精细模拟模型,可为城市洪涝防治及海绵城市建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
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