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慕士塔格峰洋布拉克冰川消融的观测分析   总被引:6,自引:11,他引:6  
2001年7月4日至8月8日,在慕士塔格峰西侧的洋布拉克冰川海拔4600~4460m区间的冰舌段,进行了短期的冰面消融观测.慕士塔格峰冰川区暖期短,冰面强消融时期比较集中.观测期间,冰面纯消融厚度为640~1260mm水层,日平均消融厚度达26~39.6mm,推算冰舌区年消融量不低于1700~2000mm,比青藏高原内部的冰川消融强烈的多.7月21-22日出现最大消融值,在海拔4460m和4600m,日消融量分别为144.5mm和59.5mm.冰面消融随海拔上升而减小,日平均消融梯度:在裸露冰区为0.40~0.55mm·10m-1;在表碛覆盖区为0.21~3.53mm·10m-1,变幅较裸露冰区大.按裸露冰区的消融梯度计算出海拔4800m处的日平均消融量,和过去的研究资料比较,2001年冰面日平均消融量较1987年和1960年的消融量大,反映出慕士塔格峰区影响冰川消融的气候与全球气候变暖的特点是一致的.  相似文献   
塔里木河为中国第一大内陆河,由发源于天山的阿克苏河、发源于喀喇昆仑山的叶尔羌河、和田河汇流而成。全长2,179公里,流域面积19.8万平方公里,最后流入台特马湖。塔里木河自西向东蜿蜒流淌于塔里木盆地北部,上游地区多为起伏不平的沙漠  相似文献   
The variations of the meltwater runoff draining from Kartamak Glacier in Mt. Muztag Ata in China were studied by using the measured hydrological data from 1 June to 25 August 2003. The meltwater runoff is mainly affected by ambient temperature and precipitation. Meltwater and precipitation samples were collected from 10 to 23 August 2003. Their pH, EC (electric conductivity) and the major ions (Na~ , K~ , Ca~(2 ), Mg~(2 ), Cl~-, NO_3~-, SO_~4~(2-)) were determined. pH values showed a positive correlation with EC values for all samples. Meltwater samples were slightly alkaline. Sulfate and calcium were the dominant anion and cation in the measured ions, respectively. All the ion concentrations had inverse relationships with runoff or water level. In order to discuss the origins of dissolved chemical substances in the glacial meltwater, a principal component analysis was carried out. The results showed that water-rock interaction determined the ion components of the meltwater.  相似文献   
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