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Manzhouli is the largest land port city on the Sino-Russia border, transit cargo through the land port amount-ed to 5.95 million tons, transit tourists were 304 500 in 2000. It stands at the joint place of China, Mongolia and Russi-a, faces to Siberia area of Russia, receives direct support from the Northeast China and Bohai Sea Rim Area, and possess-es priorities in geographical location, land port infrastructure, water resources, coal resources, tourist resources andgreat potentiality in economic cooperation with Russia. The future urban function is a key port on the First Eurasia Continen-tal Bridge. Manzhouli Port will keep its first place between China and Russia land transport, and it is forecasted that thetransit amount through Manzhouli Port will go up to 10 million tons in 2005 and 20 million tons in 2010. It will be construct-ed to be a trade center of the peripheral area extending to Russia and Mongolia, a key export-oriented processing industri-al zone supported by industries such as export processing industries, export agriculture, trade services, technology trad-ing and the other service industries. It keeps being a well-known touring city for trade, shopping, sightseeing, vocation,local food, recreation and cultural events. To build Manzhouli Export Processing Industry Zone will improve city econom-ic structure, and the main sectors are organic food processing, livestock products processing, garment and furniture indus-try. Moreover, Manzhouli Export Processing Industry Zone will eventually be upgraded to be a border free trade zone.The city functional transition will inevitably affect urban spatial restructure and its expansion. The city space transforma-tion will develop as such: one development axis of No. 301 highway paralleling with Bin - Zhou(Harbin - Manzhouli) rail-way which cuts through central part of Manzhouli City, and links Zhalainuocr District with central city; three urban unitsincluding central city, Zhalainuocr District and Manzhouli Interchange Trade Zone; cohesion with Aoerjin and Cuogangpastures; regional dual-nuclei structure of Hailaer City and Manhzouli City; and the Manzhouli-Zabaykalsk Free TradeZone.  相似文献   
矿产资源开采中的供地方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄威 《国土资源》2002,(3):34-36
矿山企业是用地大户,往往也是占用耕地、污染环境、破坏生态的大户  对矿山企业用地实行有偿使用,并由其对占用的耕地进行复垦,对污染的环境进行治理,是用 地制度的一项改革。但这一改革还不尽完善,使矿山企业面临诸多新的矛盾  如何完善矿产资源开采中的土地供应方式,作者的一些设想颇有见地  相似文献   
奎屯河山前扇形地的地质灾害分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奎屯河山前扇形地(简称奎屯扇形地)特有的自然地理条件,存在地震、洪水、泥石流、滑坡、崩塌和尘暴等多种地质灾害,并具有特殊的发生规律和表现形式,本文通过调查研究对地段性的地质灾害活动进行了分析、评价,初步提出有方向性的躲避和有目标性的抗灾.以及主动控制的治理措施.  相似文献   
9月份,“国房景气指数”为104.83,比8月份下降O.33点。其中,土地开发面积分类指数为107.97,比8月份下降1.61点,比去年同月下降6.89点。今年1到9月份,全国房地产开发企业完成土地开发面积1.22亿平方米,同比增长8.1%,增幅同比回落30.8个百分点。前三季度累计完成土地开发面积2519万平方米,同比增长33%。  相似文献   
在豫西北晋、冀、豫三省交界,有一个闻名退尔的古老集镇,她西依林虑山,东绕太行余脉,地势平坦,交通便利,人杰地灵,她就是林州市姚村镇。这个古镇现有近8万人口,农民2.5万户,总面积100平方公里,耕地面积6万亩,新河公路穿境而过,举世闻名的红旗渠一、二干渠像两条绿色巨龙盘绕在姚村盆地的东、西山腰,98个自然村像一颗颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在两龙盘绕的青山绿水盆地之中。  相似文献   
年初召开的全省国土资源局长会议指出,今年是实施“十一五”规划的开局之年,要为保证我省“十一五”规划的顺利实施开好头、布好局。作为全省国土资源工作的决策机关、组织机关、执行机关、监督机关,省厅的责任尤为重大。为此,王松林厅长要求省厅各部门都要“想大事、谋大事、干大事”。  相似文献   
11月29日,全省国土资源普法依法行政会议在西安召开。朱小川副厅长主持会议并讲话,宋建国副厂长在总结“四五”普法工作的基础上部署了“五五”普法及“十一五”期间的依法行政工作。  相似文献   
“真不错,不但有节目看,还学到了不少知识,原来想用自家的承包田建厂房,国家是不允许的……”6月24日晚9:20,在密山市火车站广场看完市国土资源局庆祝第十六个“全国土地日”宣传演出,但余兴未尽的家住密山镇三合村的彭臣对着妻子和孩子说。  相似文献   
6月18日以来,景宁县普降大暴雨,洪水;中毁道路、房屋、桥梁、电力通讯设备等,造成重大经济损失。截止23日统计,这次洪灾共引发滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等各类地质灾害106起。在这次抗洪中,县国土资源局早准备、早部署,有效地组织抗洪,全局出动抗洪23次59人。县乡村各级干部战斗在抗洪一线,特别是负责地质灾害隐患点的乡镇村干部和国土资源所工作人员高度重视,紧急撤离63个隐患点中的1503人,  相似文献   
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