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针对超宽带定位系统中存在多种误差影响定位精度的问题,本文全面分析了超宽带室内定位的误差源,给出了超宽带室内定位基本函数模型,提出了将电子元件延迟这一系统差与三维坐标同时作为参数进行估计,并通过高斯-牛顿迭代算法得到定位结果的方法。试验结果表明,该方法能有效消除位置系统偏差,两组静态试验均以全站仪测量结果作为真值,点位误差分别为4.1、2.3 cm,相较于已有方法分别提高了64%和87%,而动态试验结果更接近于参考轨迹,最大误差小于10 cm。  相似文献   
The southern margin of Australia is a passive continental margin, formed during a Late Jurassic–Cretaceous rifting phase. The development of this passive margin is mainly associated with extensional processes that caused crustal thinning. In this work, we have measured the amount of extension and the stretching factor (β factor) across seven transect profiles approximately evenly distributed across the margin. The obtained results show that the amount of extension and the β factor along the margin vary from west to east. The lowest amount of extension, low–intermediate β factors and a very narrow margin are observed in the western part with 80 km of extension and is underlain mostly by the Archean Yilgarn Craton and the Albany–Fraser Orogen. The Gawler Craton in the centre of the south Australian margin is another region of low extension and low–intermediate β factor. The largest amount of extension (384 km) and the largest β factor (β = 1.88) are found in the eastern part of the passive margin in an area underlain by Phanerozoic Tasman Orogen units. Our results imply that there is a strong control of the age and thickness of the continental lithosphere on the style of rifting along the Australian passive margin. Rifting of old and cold lithosphere results in a narrow passive margin, with the formation of relatively few faults with relatively wide spacing, while rifting of younger, warmer lithosphere leads to wide rifting that is accommodated by a large number of faults with small spacing.  相似文献   
研究并实现中国区域北斗广域差分实时电离层延迟格网改正算法,针对北斗单系统实时建立电离层延迟格网的不足,提出联合BDS/GPS的北斗广域差分实时电离层延迟改正方法。比较BDS、GPS以及BDS/GPS观测的实时电离层延迟格网,并利用北斗单频单点伪距定位进行精度验证。结果表明,在有效格网点覆盖充足的地区,BDS与GPS实时电离层延迟格网定位效果相当;而联合BDS/GPS观测的实时电离层延迟格网极大提高了偏远地区的单频定位精度与可定位历元数,也使原本单系统格网覆盖充足的地区定位效果得到进一步增强和稳定。  相似文献   
The Otway Basin in southeastern Australia formed on a triangular‐shaped area of extended continental lithosphere during two extensional episodes in Cretaceous to Miocene times. The extent of the offshore continental margin is highlighted by Seasat/Geosat satellite altimeter data. The crustal architecture and structural features across this southeast Australian margin have been interpreted from offshore‐onshore wide‐angle seismic profiling data along the Otway Continental Margin Transect extending from the onshore Lake Condah High, through the town of Portland, to the deep Southern Ocean. Along the Otway Continental Margin Transect, the onshore half‐graben geometry of Early Cretaceous deposition gives way offshore to a 5 km‐thick slope basin (P‐wave velocity 2.2–4.6 km/s) to at least 60 km from the shoreline. At 120 km from the nearest shore in a water depth of 4220 m, sonobuoy data indicate a 4–5 km sedimentary sequence overlying a 7 km thick basement above the Moho at 15 km depth. Major fault zones affect the thickness of basin sequences in the onshore area (Tartwaup Fault Zone and its southeast continuation) and at the seaward edge of the Mussel Platform (Mussel Fault). Upper crustal basement is interpreted to be attenuated and thinned Palaeozoic rocks of the Delamerian and Lachlan Orogens (intruded with Jurassic volcanics) that thin from 16 km onshore to about 3.5 km at 120 km from the nearest shore. Basement rocks comprise a 3 km section with velocity 5.5–5.7 km/s overlying a deeper basement unit with velocity 6.15–6.35 km/s. The Moho shallows from a depth of 30 km onshore to 15 km depth at 120 km from the nearest shore, and then to about 12 km in the deep ocean at the limits of the transect (water depth 5200 m). The continent‐ocean boundary is interpreted to be at a prominent topographic inflection point 170 km from shore at the bottom of the continental slope in 4800 m of water. P‐wave velocities in the lower crust are 6.4–6.8 km/s, overlying a thin transition zone to an upper mantle velocity of 8.05 km/s beneath the Moho. Outstandingly clear Moho reflections seen in deep‐marine profiling data at about 10.3 s two‐way time under the slope basin and continent‐ocean boundary place further strong controls on crustal thickness. There is no evidence of massive high velocity (>7 km/s) intrusives/underplate material in the lower crust nor any synrift or early post‐rift subaerial volcanics, indicating that the Otway continental margin can be considered a non‐volcanic margin, similar in many respects to some parts of the Atlantic Ocean margins e.g. the Nova Scotia ‐ Newfoundland margin off Canada and the Galicia Bank off the Iberian Peninsula. Using this analogue, the prominent gravity feature trending northwest‐southeast at the continent‐ocean boundary may indicate the presence of highly serpentinised mantle material beneath a thin crust, but this has yet to be tested by detailed work.  相似文献   
在综述国际上为数不多的宽谱系岩墙群(WSDS)研究实例的基础上,以太行山板内造山带中的岩基后岩墙群为例,详细论证了WSDS的形成机制,并简要讨论其构造与成矿意义。研究认为,①WSDS是一类非常特殊的岩石组合,其岩石组成的多样性主要取决于岩浆起源,因而不同于已知的其他火成岩组合;②WSDS直接的构造指向是造山带岩石圈拆沉作用;③WSDS的产生必须有大规模流体活动的参与,因而是成矿作用的指示器;④岩浆系统是一种复杂性动力系统。在理想系统的框架下,由WSDS识别出的许多成因信息是相矛盾的。但是,在复杂系统的框架下,这些信息可以得到整合解释;⑤板内造山作用是一种特殊类型的造山作用,与板缘构造力没有直接的联系。WSDS同样适用于板内与板缘2种造山类型,具有普适性,都与岩石圈加厚拆沉有关。  相似文献   
大陆岩石圈导电性的研究方法   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
随着地球科学的进展 ,大陆岩石圈导电性结构的研究越来越引起人们的重视 ,而超宽频带大地电磁测深则是目前用于探测岩石圈导电性最有效的地球物理先进技术。它把现代性能优良的宽频带大地电磁系统 (MT 2 4NS或V5 2 0 0 0 )与长周期智能化大地电磁系统 (LIMS)配套使用 ,采集地面上频率范围为n× 10 -4~n× 10 2 Hz的天然电磁场信号 ,并通过一系列数据处理和反演计算 ,获得深达下地壳和上地幔的地下导电性结构模型。此模型不仅可以提供有关岩石圈地质构造轮廓的信息 ,更重要的是可以间接反映现今地下深部的热结构特征和物质状态分布特点。多年来 ,应用超宽频带大地电磁测深对青藏高原岩石圈导电性结构的研究表明 ,高原的中、下地壳确实是良导电性的 ;它可能说明西藏地壳中普遍存在岩石的局部熔融 ,或地热流体。沿着应县—商河剖面的大地电磁测深研究结果从电性的角度证明了太行山山前断裂为一组向东倾斜的深断裂 ,华北地区岩石圈以其为界划分为东、西两区 ;东区为低阻区 ,与构造活动区的岩石圈导电性特征相符 ;西区为高阻区 ,表现出稳定大陆区岩石圈导电性结构的特点。  相似文献   
组合码和相位观测值在线解双差模糊度的算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
如何在线精确地求解整周模糊度,是GPS高精度动态相对定位的关键问题。在线解算取决于很多因素:基线长度、数据处理方法、接收机的性能(如双频还是单频)以及抗AS和SA的能力等。现代双频GPS接收机能获得载波相位和L1、L2频道上的精度伪距观测值,组合这4个观测值可进行单历元整周模糊度解算。文中对组合码和相位观测值在线解整周度的算法进行了试验和分析,得出了很有实用意义的结合。  相似文献   
研究了移动测量系统宽幅影像的拼接与量测算法。通过建立三幅影像柱面全景投影的几何关系,能够直接拼接完成宽幅影像。利用宽幅影像和原始影像间反投影变换关系以及三幅原始影像的同、异步立体像对,可建立宽幅影像与物方空间坐标间一一对应关系,从而实现宽幅影像目标的量测算法。宽幅影像的投影拼接和量测实验表明,利用柱面全景投影拼接得到宽幅影像的方法可应用于移动测量平台宽幅影像序列的拼接;在原始影像具备同步立体像对的条件下,宽幅影像量测的绝对精度可达1 m以内,相对精度可达0.2 m以内,满足城市环境实景目标量测的精度需求。  相似文献   
在GPS广域差分系统中,参考站需要进行高精度导航信号监测接收,并获得良好的伪距观测数据。载波相位测量由于其测量精度高且观测噪声小,因此在伪距观测数据处理方面,发挥了重要作用。介绍了载波相位测量在高精度导航监测接收的伪距观测数据处理方面的具体应用,提出了一种综合利用三频电离层残差和裁波相位变化率,来实时可靠地检验并修复周跳的方法。  相似文献   
鉴于双频P码伪距结合相位观测值用于探测周跳存在的不足,提出了结合DCPC图像和相应的算法来分析周跳发生大小以及发生位置的方法。尤其是在载波L1与L2出现大小相同的周跳且宽巷载波失效的情况下,需结合DCPC图像来分析周跳发生的历元,通过M-W宽巷载波组合及其电离层残差组合,用两历元间的二元一次方程来修复周跳。该方法能够快速地探测及修复周跳,具有实用性。  相似文献   
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