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针对数字摄影测量学专业课教学,提出了开放式阅读和走出教室、走入企业的思想,并辅以具有针对性的设计性实验。引导学生阅读本领域内的相关文献,指导学生了解本学科的应用领域和研究热点与难点,了解当前企业在本领域的发展前沿,拓宽学生视野,为学生的就业和深造建立感性认识,设计性实验加强学生综合运用多门学科知识的能力,增强学生的探索能力和解决问题能力,为学生日后的生产应用和科学研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
Show caves are one of the most important targets in developing local ecotourism strategies. This work focuses on a tourism visit rate incidence through an Attractiveness Index concerning 12 selected show caves in Slovakia. Our study focuses on visitor counts published from 2000 to 2014. A set of eight criteria were selected in order to analyse and determine the appeal that each cave may have for visitors. Establishing the “degree” of appeal as an indicator of the tourism and geographic absolute attractiveness value is based on a principal components factor analysis; the resultant single factor was correlated with our selected criteria. We find a strong correlation between touristic cave attractiveness and cave locations, ease of cave passage access (vehicle and trail) infrastructures, cave location in main tourism regions, and the growth of urban areas as they encroach on show cave locations. Similar studies in valorization of show caves tourism have not been attempted in Slovakia or Eastern Europe. The data and result from this study are also clearly important from a managerial perspective. This general framework could be easily expanded to include additional attributes that might be relevant for other market segments or other vacation experiences.  相似文献   
应泰国气象厅的邀请,固定地震局派遣了由郑斯华、叶洪组成的中国国家地震局专家组,于1994年8月17日至9月4日访问考察了泰国。访问期间,泰国地震专家们向专家组介绍了泰国的地震活动性和地震工作现状;专家组访问了泰国Chulalongkorn大学的土木工程系,了解了泰国地震工程研究的情况。本文介绍了泰国的地震构造和地震活动性以及泰国的地震工作现状等。  相似文献   
This article describes a method to provide adapted visit tours in art museums according to the preferences expressed by the visitor and exhibits prestige. It is based on a dual approach with, on the one hand an automatic textual analysis of the official information available online (labels of exhibits) that allows to rank the exhibit attractiveness for a standard museum visitor. On the other hand, individual preferences are also taken into account to adapt the visit according to the personal cultural awareness of the visitor. We use operations research to solve a routing optimization problem, aiming at finding a visit tour with time constraints and maximization of the visitor satisfaction. Depending on the instance size and the problem scale, an integer linear programming (ILP) model and a greedy algorithm are proposed to recommend personalized visit tours and applied on two museums: ‘Musée de l’Orangerie’ in Paris and ‘National Gallery’ in London. The obtained results show that it is possible to recommend a good tour to visitors of an art museum by taking into account the common prestige of the exhibits and the individual interests, joining automatic text summarization and routing optimization in a limited geographical space.  相似文献   
2000年8月,以中国地震局分析预报中心主任陈建民为团长的中国地震局地震预报代表团一行9人赴法国和德国进行学术交流和访问,代表团在访问期间,先后参观了法国格勒诺布尔的多曼纳大学地球内部物理和构造物理实验研究室、斯特拉斯堡的地球物理研究所,德国波茨坦的地球科学研究中心,汉诺威的地球科学和自然资源联邦研究所,并与两国有关专家进行了学术交流和讨论。  相似文献   
根据中俄地震科技合作1993年度计划,国家地震局于1993年8月派出以国家地震局科技监测司司长孙其政为团长的中国国家地震局地震代表团赴俄罗斯参加双方联合举行的中俄地震预报研讨会。在俄逗留期间,代表团参观访问了一些有关单位。本文综合介绍了这次中俄地震预报研讨会的概况及地震代表团参观访问的有关单位的情况。  相似文献   
应新西兰国家研究科技部邀请,以国家地震局人事教育司司长李裕彻为团长的中国地震代表团于1993年10月10-20日访问考察了新西兰。本文介绍了这次访问考察的概况,并根据访问期间了解到的情况,较详细地介绍了新西兰的防震减灾工作、防灾减灾机构及其职能、防震减灾研究等方面的情况。  相似文献   
初步设计了地震监测雷达卫星的轨道参数,讨论了单颗雷达卫星的参数,以及3颗或4颗卫星组成卫星星座时重访周期的变化情况。  相似文献   
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