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渤海湾盆地沙河街组钙质超微化石古生态及沉积环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渤海湾盆地沙河街组中钙质超微化石的发现,表明这一时期渤海湾盆地与海水有过联系。对钙质超微化石古生态及沉积环境研究表明,化石主要产出时代为始新世晚期至渐新世早中期,属“间冰期”亚热带气候型。这一问题的深入研究,对于渤海湾盆地的石油勘探有重要意义。  相似文献   
首次记叙了发现于内蒙古阿拉善左旗呼鲁斯大地区上石炭统土坡组上部和羊虎沟组下部的鱼类鳞片,其种类与在宁夏中卫纳缪尔期地层中发现的鱼类相似,均属古鳕类(Palaeoniscoids);同时还记述了一枚产于土坡组上部的脊椎动物牙齿化石。  相似文献   
克里雅河下游及圆沙古城脊椎动物考察记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克里雅河发源于昆仑山脉,位置在新疆的南部。2001年10月18-11月22日,中法联合考察队对克里雅河下游进行了深入的调查。根据标本采集与资料统计,克里雅河流域的野生脊椎动物约有98种(包括已绝迹的几种),隶属于5纲,24目,48科。其中,鱼类约4种;两柄类1种;爬行类约4种;鸟类70种;兽类约19种。有一些动物的遗骸发掘自圆沙古城及附近的古墓地。本文探讨了物种绝迹的原因。  相似文献   
The Lapa do Santo archaeological site, located in the Lagoa Santa region, Brazil, represents an important hunter-gatherer occupation dated from the Early and Middle Holocene. Prior studies of archaeofauna dating to this period are few and most of them only provide basic faunal identification with limited information on taphonomic processes. The main goal of this study is to identify the archaeofauna, record the taphonomic processes, and make inferences about its natural (interpreted as the death of the animal in the rockshelter area due to natural causes or due to predation) or anthropic origins. No extinct species (including megamastofauna) were identified. Taxonomic analysis indicated that most faunal remains consist of taxa that may be of mixed origin (natural or anthropic), such as microvertebrates and carnivorous mammals. The Cervidae are the main vertebrate family found in the studied material and these are likely the result of hunting. The Cervidae Ozotoceros support the presence of a fauna that is typical of savannah environments, although the assemblage contains mostly generalist fauna that can thrive in a variety of environments. Very few remains showed clear evidence for taphonomic processes related to human interaction, such as burnt bones.  相似文献   
Coevolution between terrestrial ecosystem and Earth environment is a hot research topic in both biology and geology. Last progresses in these field are reported from following research subjects: evolution of jawed vertebrates(gnathostomata) from Silurian; occurrence of earliest forests from Devonian of Xinjiang; biodiversity of insects in amber from Cretaceous of Myanmar; Evolution of primates and geochemistry studies from Eocene/Oligocene; studies of Longdan fauna from Lingxia basin, Gansu Province of earlier Pleistocene and endemic cloven-breast fishes from Pliocene Tibet; the correlations thick-boned fish,Hsianwenia wui, and the aridification of the Qaidam Basin; monsoon climate and its impact on biodiversity; study on the flora from Mankang, Tibet of Miocene and its palaeoclimate; depositional environment and its impact on the preservation of fossils; contraction of high resolution Stratigraphic series by using data of paleomagnetism and mammal fossils.  相似文献   
西南极乔治王岛发育有一套高钾低铝的拉斑玄武岩,夹火山碎屑岩,属于岛弧火山岩系列。该岛还保存了南极最长的冰川沉积记录,是研究南极冰盖演化历史的重要证据。乔治王岛出露的新生代陆相地层中含有丰富的植物叶、孢粉、茎干、无脊椎动物化石及鸟类足印的痕迹化石等,从始新世到早中新世,化石逐渐减少,表明植物多样性呈明显下降趋势,幸存的稀疏植被被严格限制在冰川周缘的苔原物种上。冰海相地层与古生物研究表明,晚渐新世海相地层主要对应高能环境,早中新世海相地层对应低能环境。对乔治王岛新生代古生物特征及古环境的探讨,不仅理解了古生物及多样性的变化趋势,也为重建南极古环境提供证据。   相似文献   
Abstract Fossil pinnipeds in the extinct otariid subfamily Allodesminae are large, relatively highly evolved marine carnivores that became abundant and diverse in Middle Miocene time and were restricted to the North Pacific Ocean. Their record extends from early Middle Miocene through Late Miocene, with records from California, Oregon, Washington, Baja California and Japan. Allodesmines are characterized by extreme sexual dimorphism, a large orbit, retracted orbital margin of the zygomatic arch, a deeply mortised jugal-squamosal junction, wide palate, bulbous cheek tooth crowns, nearly flat tympanic bulla with wrinkled ventral surface, a large tympanohyal fossa, large ear ossicles and deep mandible. Eleven allodesmine species are known (eight of which are named), in at least four genera, and most belong to the typical genus Allodesmus Kellogg, 1922. The earliest and most generalized allodesmine known is from the early Middle Miocene (ca 16 Ma) Astoria Formation in coastal Oregon. The last known records are from Late Miocene rocks (ca 10 Ma) in California and Washington. New taxa proposed here are: the genus Brachyallodesmus Barnes and Hirota, to contain Allodesmus packardi Barnes, 1972; the genus Megagomphos Hirota and Barnes, to contain Allodesmus sinanoensis (Nagao, 1941); the species Allodesmus sadoensis Hirota, (Middle Miocene, Japan); the species Allodesmus megallos Hirota (Middle Miocene, Japan); and the species Allodesmus gracilis Barnes (Middle Miocene, California). Additionally, the genus Atopotarus Downs, 1956, and the species Allodesmus kelloggi Mitchell, 1966, are resurrected. Allodesmines were apparently a rapidly evolving group, and most appear to have been adapted to roles later filled by otariine, dusignathine and imagotariine otariids, and the Phocidae (true seals). They became extinct in Late Miocene time and left no living descendants. Although some of their characters evolved convergently with various living species of the pinniped family Phocidae, Allodesminae are an otariid group and not part of the evolutionary history of Phocidae.  相似文献   
A factor-analytic approach (varimax rotated factors) was used in studying the benthonic foraminiferal associations of the Mid-Tertiary Edegem Sands at Terhagen (near Antwerpen) Belgium. The fauna can be described by two groups. The lower and upper part of the stratigraphic section are characterized by one group and the middle transitional part by a second group. The results can be correlated with the number of the planktonic forms and with the fossil richness of the sediment.  相似文献   
Trachybasalt-alkali trachyte volcanism in the Yenisei Ridge was found out to be synchronous with deposition of coarse tilloids and flysch of the Chivida Formation of the Neoproterozoic Chingasan Group. New 703±4 Ma 40Ar/39Ar biotite and titan-augite ages of subalkaline basalts in the Chivida Formation indicated that they erupted in the Late Neoproterozoic. According to microfossil evidence, the Chingasan sediments correlate with Late Neoproterozoic strata in the type sections of the southern Siberian craton. The Chingasan deposition apparently lasted no longer than 30 Myr judging by the isotope ages obtained for the underlying Upper Vorogovka Group and subalkaline basalts in the Chivida Formation. The fault-parallel position of grabens and coarse grain sizes and variable thicknesses of their lithological complexes, as well as syndepositional trachybasalt-alkali trachyte volcanism provided evidence that the volcanosedimentary rocks of the Chingasan Group formed in an environment of active rifting.  相似文献   
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