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依托“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探技术”工程,对晋城矿区进行了旨在提高小断层,小陷落柱探测能力的高密度三维地震勘探。根据面元选择因素及该区地质任务,采用5m×5m网格进行野外数据采集;考虑炮检距、方位角、覆盖次数、排列片横纵比及煤层埋深(350~500m)等因素,采用中点放炮、60道接收,24次覆盖(横向4次,纵向6次)的8线16炮束状观测系统,基岩中激发。原始资料经同一处理流程后,获得5m×5m×1ms、5m×10m×1ms、10m×10m×1ms及2.5m×2.5m×1ms不同单元的三维数据体多个,通过对比可以发现小断层,小陷落柱在其小面元叠加时间剖面、顺层切片及相干切片都有清晰的反映。实例说明,小面元采集技术可以提高对小构造的纵、横向分辨能力,满足山区对三维地震精确勘探的要求。  相似文献   
屯兰矿南五采区地形复杂,最大高差达271m,地表大面积为第四系黄土覆盖,激发困难。为探索研究小面元三维地震勘探技术的应用效果。在常规三维地震勘区域内划出1km^2,采用5m×5m小面元进行采集。在地震数据采集过程中,采取了加大激发井深、提高覆盖次数、减小CMP面元网格和加大接收排列等技术措施,做到“四小三高、二中一深、两个等高面”。通过插值、抽线及扩大面元处理。获得2.5m×2.5m×1ms、5m×5m×1ms、5m×10m×1ms、10m×10m×1ms以及不同叠加次数的三维数据体。资料解释工作主要是在5m×5m×1ms、2.5m×2.5m×1ms两个数据体上进行,解释落差大于或等于5m的断层6条,落差3~5m的断层8条;查明长轴直径20~30m的陷落柱4个。30~100m的陷落柱1个,大于100m的陷落柱3个。与相邻区常规三维地震比较,小面元三维地震勘探有利于对小陷落柱、小断层的控制和解释。  相似文献   
The dynamics and thermodynamics of large ash flows   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
 Ash flow deposits, containing up to 1000 km3 of material, have been produced by some of the largest volcanic eruptions known. Ash flows propagate several tens of kilometres from their source vents, produce extensive blankets of ash and are able to surmount topographic barriers hundreds of metres high. We present and test a new model of the motion of such flows as they propagate over a near horizontal surface from a collapsing fountain above a volcanic vent. The model predicts that for a given eruption rate, either a slow (10–100 m/s) and deep (1000–3000 m) subcritical flow or a fast (100–200 m/s) and shallow (500–1000 m) supercritical flow may develop. Subcritical ash flows propagate with a nearly constant volume flux, whereas supercritical flows entrain air and become progressively more voluminous. The run-out distance of such ash flows is controlled largely by the mass of air mixed into the collapsing fountain, the degree of fragmentation and the associated rate of loss of material into an underlying concentrated depositional system, and the mass eruption rate. However, in supercritical flows, the continued entrainment of air exerts a further important control on the flow evolution. Model predictions show that the run-out distance decreases with the mass of air entrained into the flow. Also, the mass of ash which may ascend from the flow into a buoyant coignimbrite cloud increases as more air is entrained into the flow. As a result, supercritical ash flows typically have shorter runout distances and more ash is elutriated into the associated coignimbrite eruption columns. We also show that one-dimensional, channellized ash flows typically propagate further than their radially spreading counterparts. As a Plinian eruption proceeds, the erupted mass flux often increases, leading to column collapse and the formation of pumiceous ash flows. Near the critical conditions for eruption column collapse, the flows are shed from high fountains which entrain large quantities of air per unit mass. Our model suggests that this will lead to relatively short ash flows with much of the erupted material being elutriated into the coignimbrite column. However, if the mass flux subseqently increases, then less air per unit mass is entrained into the collapsing fountain, and progressively larger flows, which propagate further from the vent, will develop. Our model is consistent with observations of a number of pyroclastic flow deposits, including the 1912 eruption of Katmai and the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo. The model suggests that many extensive flow sheets were emplaced from eruptions with mass fluxes of 109–1010 kg/s over periods of 103–105 s, and that some indicators of flow "mobility" may need to be reinterpreted. Furthermore, in accordance with observations, the model predicts that the coignimbrite eruption columns produced from such ash flows rose between 20 and 40 km. Received: 25 August 1995 / Accepted: 3 April 1996  相似文献   
轻质填充墙异型柱边框架抗震性能试验研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
本文重点研究了轻质填充墙异型柱边框架的层刚度衰减过程,承载力和弹塑性性能.  相似文献   
巨型钢结构抗震研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了巨型结构及其特点,着重总结、论述了巨型钢结构在分析方法和抗震研究方面的发展现状,指出了这种钢结构形式在抗震研究中存在的主要问题及今后进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   
Soil liquefaction and associated ground failures have been a major source of damage during the past earthquakes. The risk of liquefaction and associated ground deformation can be reduced by various ground-improvement methods including the stone column (gravel drain) technique. This paper presents the current state of the stone column technologies as a liquefaction countermeasure. A comprehensive review is provided aiming to: (a) identify key considerations for the general use of stone columns as a liquefaction countermeasure, (b) provide insights for design and construction, (c) compile the latest research developments, and (d) identify sources of useful information. Case histories of field applications and observed field performance are cited to portray different stone column applications and observed effectiveness. The paper identifies areas where more research is needed and includes recommendations for future research and development.  相似文献   
基于济南S波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达探测数据,结合探空和地面实况资料,对2019年同一区域两次强降水风暴双偏振参量特征进行分析。结果表明:1)两次对流性强降水发生在弱垂直风切变环境下,具有较强的对流有效位能,低层湿度较大,0℃层高度较高,利于短时强降水的产生。2)两次强降水风暴都具有低质心热带降水特征,45 dBZ以上的强回波区主要位于环境0℃层高度之下。3)风暴低层强回波区都对应大的差分反射率因子Z_(DR)和比差分相位K_(DP),Z_(DR)≥0.5 dB,K_(DP)≥0.5°·km~(-1),相关系数CC≥0.95;反射率因子在50~54 dBZ之间,对应的K_(DP)1.0°·km~(-1),CC≥0.97,Z_(DR)适中,是两次强降水风暴导致高强度降水的主要双偏振参量特征。4)两次强降水风暴Z_(DR)柱和K_(DP)柱高度存在明显差异,7月27日强降水风暴前侧出现Z_(DR)柱和K_(DP)柱,高度接近-10℃层高度,8月10日强降水风暴Z_(DR)柱和K_(DP)柱略高于0℃层高度,Z_(DR)柱高度对雷暴强度具有指示作用。  相似文献   
煤层陷落柱高分辨率地震探测技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在华北、华东及西北地区近20多个煤田的石炭二叠系中,普遍存在着因煤系地层基底厚层灰岩古岩溶塌陷形成的煤层陷落柱,尤以山西省西山及汾河沿岸的煤田、河北省太行山中段的煤田更为普遍。煤层陷落柱发育形态分为圆锥形、筒形、斜塔形、不规则形等特点,应用高分辩地震勘探技术,根据陷落柱发育区反射波同相轴中断、扭曲、能量变弱、连续性变差、分叉合并或圈闭、产状突变等特征,可有效地探测其空间位置及形态。  相似文献   
常见的地质灾害如滑坡、泥石流、岩崩等通常都涉及不同形状的颗粒物质运动,这些形状不同的颗粒又多具有不同的尺寸和含量。基于典型的颗粒柱坍塌试验,首先根据试验方法确定了离散元模拟所需的各项参数,然后采用随机多面体方法生成了可控制长细比的大颗粒,利用离散元法就不同大颗粒含量下形态变化对二元颗粒柱坍塌特性的影响开展研究,研究结果表明:(1)利用离散元法可以较好地重现室内试验中小球和多面体组成的二元颗粒系统的颗粒柱坍塌过程;(2)在不同长细比的不规则大颗粒和小球组成的二元颗粒柱系统中,当大颗粒含量高于临界含量值20%时,二元颗粒柱坍塌持续的时间随非球形大颗粒长细比的增加而增加;(3)在不同长细比的不规则大颗粒和小球组成的二元颗粒柱中,当大颗粒含量高于临界含量值20%时,在相同百分比的大颗粒含量下,大颗粒长细比的增加会提高大颗粒平均配位数以及降低颗粒的运动能力,大颗粒间形成更强的互锁作用,降低了颗粒柱的整体流动性,使其最终堆积高度更高、最大跑出距离更短以及更小的归一化动能峰值。(4)在不同长细比的不规则大颗粒和小球组成的二元颗粒柱中,小颗粒可以较为明显降低大颗粒间摩擦及互锁作用,增加流动性,降低大骨料形态对坍塌过程的影响。  相似文献   
膨润土负载纳米铁去除地下水中六价铬研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李晨桦  陈家玮 《现代地质》2012,26(5):932-938
随着人民生活水平的提高和城市化进程的加快,有机污染物及重金属高强度场地污染对人类健康、生态环境及社会安全构成了严重威胁。地下水中的重金属Cr(Ⅵ)污染逐渐受到重视,纳米零价铁可以有效地将六价铬还原成三价铬,使其沉淀固定下来,从而将污染源区的污染物消减固定,防止其向周围扩散。然而由于纳米铁颗粒微小,易被氧化,极易团聚,自身活性受到限制,因此,纳米铁的分散性、稳定性、良好活性研究至关重要。采用低成本环境友好型粘土矿膨润土作为负载材料制备膨润土负载纳米铁(B-NZVI),批实验和柱实验研究B NZVI去除模拟地下水中Cr(Ⅵ)。结果表明:(1)自制的膨润土负载纳米铁个体呈球形,呈分散状负载于膨润土;(2)相同铁含量的B-NZVI处理Cr(Ⅵ)的效率远大于纳米铁,还原反应符合伪一级反应动力学模型,表观速率常数K随着B NZVI初始浓度的减小而减小;(3)B NZVI在石英砂柱中基本无迁移,适用于点源污染,Cr(Ⅵ)穿透曲线为B-NZVI的实际应用提供了理论和实验基础。  相似文献   
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