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The foreland basin in West Sichuan is a tectonic unit that has undergone multi-periods tectonic movements of Indosinian-Yanshanian-Himalayan. Since late Triassic, it has been in a passive subsidence environment controlled by basin margin mountain systems and by the compression with abundant sediment sources. With the complex geologic setting, the main geologic characteristics of natural gas reservoir are listed as following:(1)Source rocks are coal-bearing mud and shale series with high to over maturity, and long and progressive hydrocarbon generation-displacement period. The key accumulation period is middle-late Yanshanian epoch.(2)There are three gas-bearing systems vertically, each of which has different reservoir mechanism, main-controlled factors and distribution law, so the exploration thoughts and techniques are also different.(3)Undergoing multi-period generation-migration-accumulation, oil and gas have encountered multi-period modification or destruction, and gas accumulation overpass multiple tectonic periods. So the trap type is complicated and dominated by combination traps. Because the main accumulation period of natural gas is early and the reservoir encountered the modification of strong Himalayan movement, there is great difference in the fullness degree of gas reservoirs and complicated gas-water relation. (4) Reservoir is tight to very tight, but reservoirs of relatively high quality developed under the super tight setting. (5) The key techniques for oil and gas exploration in west Sichuan foreland basin are the prediction of relatively favorable reservoirs, fractures and gas bearing; and the key techniques for oil and gas development are how to improve the penetration rate, reservoir protection and modification.  相似文献   
四川沐川县民主-太平-带含钼砂岩为一新矿化类型——沉积砂岩型铼钼(锇)矿点。X-射线粉晶衍射分析结果表明其中微-细晶鳞片状含钼矿物为晶质辉钼矿;高精度质谱分析发现辉钼矿中分散元素Re和铂族元素Os含量很高,具有重要的综合利用价值;高精度Re-Os同位素测年证明辉钼矿形成年龄与含矿的中生代红物学和矿床学均具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   
The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   
根据野外实地考察,综合前人的工作资料,从地层结构、层位、沉积体系、岩性及形成砂岩型铀矿的条件出发,概括了公婆泉盆地中生代地层的主要特征;确定了目的层并浅要分析了砂岩型铀成矿条件,对下一步铀矿找矿工作具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
大庆徐家围子地区深部致密砂砾岩气层识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大庆徐家圈子地区深部致密砂砾岩储层的骨架成分除了含有石英、长石外,还含有许多酸性喷发岩,而且各种骨架成分的含量随深度变化比较大;复杂的岩性使得气的影响被岩性的影响所淹没,从而造成常规气层识别方法失效。针对这一问题,应用神经网络方法准确求取地层颗粒密度和泥质含量,然后对中子和密度测井值进行岩性影响校正和泥质影响校正,使得求出的中子和密度孔隙度仅受地层气的影响,最后将得到的中子和密度孔隙度进行对比,应用中子和密度孔隙度的差异识别气层。  相似文献   
1976年唐山地震前,在距震源很远的地区内都观测到一些前兆趋势变化,如重力、重力位二次徽商W△、水氧、地电阻率、水位和油井出油量等变化。作者认为这些变化不是由震源体直接引起的,而是在区域应力场的作用下,在某些活动断层附近,浅层岩,尤其是含水砂岩层和含油层受挤压出现的一些与地震有关的异常现象。其特征是:(1)异常范围大,可能在距震源很远的地方发生,但就同一种方法的多个观测点来说却又是局部的,即只有其中部分测点才能观测到异常,不少测点观测不到异常。(2)异常发生的时间大致相同。有些异常有同步变化的特征,如同时上升或同时下降。(3)临震前多数异常有恢复的趋势。这些特征与引起异常的机理有关。作者还从理论上计算了这种趋势异常量级,重力变化100×10-6cm/s2左右,重力位二次微商变化(1~2)×10-9/s2,地电阻率变化2%~3%,Rn变化7.4~11.1Bq/L,这样的变化量在活动断层附近的一些台站可能观测到。作者还研究了干旱降雨对某些前兆的影响,其影响量级可以被一些方法观测到,因此在确定是否是地震异常时,必须注意利用综合分析的方法排除干旱降雨的影响,减少异常的多解性。  相似文献   
安山岩中黄铜矿矿石分析和制硫酸铜工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安山岩中的黄铜矿是庐江中生代陆相火山热液型铜矿床的原生矿,矿石中主要伴生黄铁矿及少量斑铜矿、赤铁矿和褐铁矿。物相分析结果,黄铜矿的粒度很细,只有细磨才能单体解离;它在矿石中分布极不均匀,且与脉石矿物接触疏松,适于粗磨抛尾。物性分析结果,黄铜矿在400~530℃、斑铜矿在450~600℃、黄铁矿在500~680℃氧化分解。实验研究表明,矿石经磨碎磁选,大部分的粗粒级的铁矿物能够回收;粗磨抛尾可获得铜、硫的粗精矿;然后再经硫酸化焙烧、酸浸、过滤、提纯、浓缩结晶可制得工业级硫酸铜。浸渣做炼铁原料,黄钾铁矾做Fe2O3颜料,有时还可回收金、银。  相似文献   
楚雄盆地铜、盐、有机质相互作用与砂岩铜矿生成   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
矿床的有机地球化学研究表明:楚雄盆地含煤、含铜和含膏盐建造中的有机质在来源、类型和成熟度上是不一致的。成岩期干酪根降解形成的短链羧酸是矿源层中铜活化的重要因素,石油烃是矿质搬运的重要载体。改造成矿期,天水淋滤膏盐展形成富SO_4~(2-)的下渗氧化性流体,为改造成矿提片供了硫源。另一方面,来自基底的含矿流体沿同生断裂上涌,混染煤系地层形成还原性流体,沿次级断裂进入到高渗透的砂岩储集层。当两种流体在砂岩中相遇时,发生氧化-还原作用而形成改造期矿体。  相似文献   
The known uranium ore and anomaly occur-rences are distributed mainly in the southwestern part of the Turfan-Hami basin. The focus of current explo-ration is placed on the leachable interlayered oxidation zone type of sandstone uranium deposits. Uranium deposits in the sedimentary basin can be classified into three types in accordance with their host rock types, i.e. the sandstone-type uranium deposits, the coal rock-type uranium deposits and the mud-stone-type uranium deposits. The sandstone…  相似文献   
砂质岩的孔隙和喉道被网格状粘土矿物和次生加大矿物充填成微细孔喉状结构时,形成具有较高毛细管压力的致密砂岩。它与地层水发生水锁效应,可大大降低渗透率,成为致密砂岩盖层。当含水饱和度在50%以下时,束缚水饱和度比较低,致密砂岩储层可以产气;当含水饱和度在50%~90%区间时,具有较高的束缚水饱和度,相对渗透率非常低,它既不能产气也不能产水,反映为渗透率瓶颈区(具有盖层性质);当含水饱和度大于90%以上时,致密砂岩储层仅微量产水。塔里木盆地英南2井侏罗系气藏盖层由致密砂岩构成,不含水时的气体渗透率在(0.027~0.081)×10-3μm2,不能构成封堵;当含水饱和度达到60%以上时,相对渗透率几乎为零,构成有效盖层。  相似文献   
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