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分析了油页岩地层钻进中压差卡钻发生的原因,提出了预防压差卡钻的途径及处理方法,并通过工程实例来强调预防为主的重要性。  相似文献   
The black shale formed under anoxic conditions usually contains high concentrations of many metals. Weathering of such black shale might cause the emission of many metals. Moreover, soils derived from black shale (SBS) are believed to be affected by black shale weathering. In recent years, many studies such as Lee et al. (2002), Woo et al. (2002), Fang et al. (2002), Pasava et al. (2003), and Peng et al. (2004) have approached the heavy metal contaminations of SBS, but systematical geochemical study is rare. Presently, the SBS and its corresponding black shales (CBS) were both sampled from central Hunan (China), and analyzed for a large number of elements, using an Elan6000 ICP-MS/AES machine at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, CAS. In this paper, some preliminary results are reported. The analytical results show that the SBS in central Hunan contains very high concentrations of heavy metals such as Co, Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb, Zn, U, Th, Sb, T1, Cd, Cr, Sc, V, Sn, As, Se, and Ni.  相似文献   
Naturally acidic drainage associated with pyritic black shale has been observed in many locations in the Yukon Territory. While not necessarily linked to known mineral deposits, most of these natural acid rock drainage occurrences show elevated dissolved concentrations of trace elements, especially zinc, nickel, copper, cadmium and arsenic. Based on field observations, microbial investigation, chemical analyses and geochemical modeling, the fate and transport of potentially deleterious elements at two natural acid drainage occurrences with slightly different settings are examined. The Macintosh Creek is a small, acidic stream (pH 2.98-3.40), 2 km long, located in the Macmillan Pass area of east-central Yukon amidst known sedimentary exhalative massive sulfide mineralization but remains undisturbed by exploration activities. Its trace metal content is apparently derived from groundwater discharges, which gave as much as 5.0, 2.5, 0.7, 0.13 and 0.03 mg/L ofZn, Ni, Cu and As, respectively. Interaction and sorption reactions with algal mats, biofilms and iron oxyhydroxides appear to be the dominant mechanisms attenuating aqueous contaminant transport along the stream. Cryogenic precipitation further consolidates the ferricrete formation and reduces the mobility of the sorbed metals. The tributaries of the Engineering Creek along the Dempster Highway in northern Yukon drain through a series of dolomite, phyllite, argillite, limestone, black shale, sandstone and conglomerate with no known concentration of mineralization. In this area, the water chemistry fully reflects the local geology with acidic streams invariably associated with black shale occurrences. Groundwater seeps in the headwaters area of the km-180 Creek completely enclosed in black shale gave pH 3.0 and as much as 148, 39, 2.9 and 9.1 mg/L of Zn, Ni, Cu and As, respectively. Sorption with iron oxyhydroxide and organic matter appear to dominate the attenuation of contaminant transport along the stream. However, once entered into carbonate-dominated terrains, secondary carbonate minerals exercise additional geochemical control on the local water chemistry as a result of neutralization.  相似文献   
油页岩综合利用对周围环境的影响——以抚顺矿区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世界能源日益减少的局面为油页岩的开发应用带来广阔的前景,但油页岩工业所带来的环境影响亦不容忽视。以抚顺油页岩为例,从油页岩综合利用和油页岩工业对环境的影响等方面系统讨论了在我国发展油页岩工业时,如何本着节约能源、保护环境、实现可持续发展的观念,利用现有先进技术,科学发展油页岩工业,降低生产过程中的固、液、气污染物对环境的危害。  相似文献   
民和盆地中侏罗统煤-油页岩层系生油特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文简要论述了民和盆地中侏罗统含煤及油页岩层系的生油特征,探讨了盆地独特的石油地质和地球化学条件。原油主要地化特征为:Pr/Ph比值偏高(2.65-3.15)、甾烷/藿烷比值极低(0.03)、C27甾烷较丰富、Ts/Tm>1低硫芴/氧芴比值、较高含量的C29降新藿烷及重排藿烷类化合物及相对丰富的长链联苯及烷基四氢萘系列化合物。中侏罗统煤-泥页岩层系含生油潜力明显不同的多类型油页岩,多数油页岩属由藻类和陆生高等植物母质组成的混合型有机质,沉积环境为淡水-微咸水弱氧化条件,其地化特征也表现为高Pr/Ph比值(平均为1。98),低甾烷/藿烷及低硫芴/氧芴比值等特征。某些油页岩富含C29降新藿烷及重排藿烷系列化合物,它们应为主力源岩。油页岩多含再沉积型或沉积改造型有机质。异常地热作用对源岩演化及原油地化特征有重要影响。  相似文献   
铜陵地区老鸦岭层状钼矿床铅同位素组成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽铜陵老鸦岭矿床中二叠系大隆组(P2d)顶部的含矿(钼矿化)黑色页岩以及附近(立新煤矿)同一层位不含矿黑色页岩的实测铅同位素组成分别为:^206Pb/^204Pb20.20~22.37,^207Pb/^204Pb15.67~15.82,^208Pb/^204Pb38.47~38.60和^206Pb/204Pb18.83~20.80,^207Pb/^204Pb15.65~15.76,^208Pb/^204Pb38.84~39.22。对137Ma的放射成因Pb进行校正后的铅同位素组成表明,含矿黑色页岩和不含矿黑色页岩均与燕山晚期火成岩无关,老鸦岭含矿黑色页岩可能具沉积成因。对沉积(约250Ma)以来的放射成因Pb进行校正后的铅同位素组成表明:不含矿黑色页岩的Pb源自上地壳,而含矿黑色页岩的Pb(因而推测其他成矿金属)可能源于上地壳物质(与不含矿黑色页岩的Pb源相似)与下地壳物质的混合。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油勘探取得巨大突破,但是按照普遍认可的页岩油烃源岩评价标准,本区的烃源岩品质并不理想。为了科学评价玛湖凹陷烃源岩品质特征,本文在系统的岩心观察和有机地球化学分析的基础上,揭示烃源岩的形成环境,并按照矿物组成对烃源岩分类评价。玛湖凹陷风城组细粒岩主要沉积于正常半深湖、咸化半深湖、半咸化半深湖、含热液半深湖和滨浅湖环境中,各环境中细粒岩的有机质特征存在一定区别,其中半咸化半深湖有机质较为富集,w(TOC)均值在1%左右。进一步结合有机质类型判别图解,表明咸化半深湖和含热液半深湖有机质来源以湖泊生物为主,而其他环境中存在湖泊和陆源混合有机质来源。基于有机质生烃潜力评价和成熟度(Vre=0.74%)估算,表明目前风城组烃源岩中有机质正处于大量排烃的成熟阶段,且确定了细粒岩中的烃类为原生烃。由于不同矿物组成的烃源岩吸附能力的差异,按照陆相泥质烃源岩和碳酸盐质烃源岩开展分类评价,结果表明风城组沉积了累计厚度近250 m的的有效烃源岩,且富含以藻类体为主的有机质。  相似文献   
黔北下寒武统黑色岩系古地温及其指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用显微光度计测定黔北下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色岩系固体沥青反射率平均为5.89%,按相关经验公式折算出来的镜质体反射率平均为4.123%,在迈维尔图解、Karwell图解、Hood图解上投点,结合干酪根和孢粉颜色指数法,推断黑色岩系的古地温为60~250℃。结合黄铁矿热电系数法和包裹体均一法测温值,认为黑色岩系属中、低温沉积成岩成矿作用,以低温沉积成岩成矿作用为主。"热"的来源为海底火山喷溢,含矿热卤水提供了丰富的有用元素。黑色岩系有机碳含量高,属好烃源岩,有机质成熟度高,热演化程度高,属过成熟。黑色岩系古地温的研究,对阐明黑色岩系的沉积、成岩和成矿条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   
张成  夏露  李英杰  于青春 《地学前缘》2016,23(5):184-192
裂缝既是页岩气的聚集空间,同时也是页岩气的运移通道, 对页岩气成藏起着重要控制作用。裂缝的产状、密度、组合特征等很大程度上决定了页岩气是否具有开发价值。该研究对柴达木盆地东部的13个露头的岩石裂缝进行了野外观测统计,实测裂缝1 000多条,选取了三个具有代表性的页岩露头进行统计分析建模。通过野外观测和室内统计分析发现,工作区页岩裂缝发育有三组(某些地段一组不发育),各组裂缝的方向满足Fisher分布,迹线长度满足对数正态分布。确定了各组裂缝方向、长度的均值和方差,以及各组裂缝的密度,建立了三维裂缝网络模型,绘出了模拟的三维裂缝网络图。裂缝三维模型为圆盘模型,即假设单个裂缝三维空间上具有圆盘形状。建模过程采用了逆建模方法,其基本原则是通过拟合实测的二维露头观测数据,优化裂缝三维大小和密度参数,使模型能够准确再现野外所观测到的实际现象,包括露头面上不同裂缝的数量、密度和长度。该研究对柴达木盆地东部石炭系页岩裂缝描述达到了定量化,为研究页岩中油气运移提供了很好的基础数据。  相似文献   
Sorption of the organic pollutant 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) by pyrolyzed and activated Jordanian oil-shale was studied. Pyrolyzed oil shale was prepared using a fluidized bed reactor at 520 °C in the presence of nitrogen. Physical activation was carried out by treating the pyrolyzed oil shale with CO2 at 830 °C, while chemical activation was achieved by using KOH and ZnCl2 as impregnating agents. Batch kinetics and isotherm studies were conducted to evaluate the sorption process. Effects of contact time, initial sorbate concentration, sorbent concentration, temperature, pH and inorganic salts (NaCl and KCl) on the sorption process by the different sorbents were considered. Chemically activated oil shale, pretreated with ZnCl2, gave the highest uptake of 4-NP. The isotherm experimental data fit reasonably well to Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Paterson models. Three kinetic models, namely the Morris-Weber, Lagergren, and Pseudo-Second-Order model (PSOM), were applied to represent the experimental results for both pyrolyzed and ZnCl2-oil shale sorbents.  相似文献   
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