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In this work, enhanced poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM) bulk-heterojunction photovoltaic devices are achieved via slow-solvent-vapour treatment. The correlations between the morphology of the active layer and the photovoltaic performance of polymer-based solar cell are investigated. The active layers are characterized by atomic force microscopy and optical absorption. The results show that slow-solvent-vapour treatment can induce P3HT self-organization into an ordered structure, leading to the enhanced absorption and efficient charge transport.  相似文献   
利用自组织神经网络,对我国主要露天铁矿进行了禀赋优势等级划分。权利金大小的确定,应以铁矿资源的资产评估为基础,资产评估时合理成本的取值应是评估矿山所在同一等级矿山的平均成本。矿产资源的原有价值是权利金征收的对象。最后以歪头山为实例,计算了铁矿资源的原有价值和权利金。结果表明,目前对歪头山铁矿征收的税费仍然偏高。  相似文献   
从数值研究和个例分析两个方面讨论了斜压大气中双涡自组织与台风形成的关系.首先,利用PSU/NCAR 第五代数值天气预报模式(MM5),设计了6个弱环境流场下的理想试验,研究斜压大气中双涡自组织对台风形成的影响,结果表明:斜压大气中双涡自组织存在一个临界距离dc,其值在380 km左右.当双涡间距d≤dc时,双涡可以自组织形成台风环流,当d>dc时,自组织现象不能发生.其次,选取一个对我国有重要影响典型台风个例,分析双涡自组织对其形成的影响,结果表明双涡自组织过程是对我国有重要影响台风形成的典型方式之一.  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、地面加密观测资料和多普勒雷达等多种资料,分析2018年5月27日广西飑线过程的天气背景、环境条件、发展机制及大风的成因,结果表明:500 hPa冷舌叠加低层暖脊建立了较强的层结不稳定结构,同时环境具有较大的对流有效位能,为飑线的生成和发展提供有利的环境条件;广西沿海中尺度辐合线是导致此次飑线系统初始对流形成的触发机制;飑线低层暖湿入流到风暴顶形成辐散,中层后侧干冷空气入流使得飑线内下沉气流加强,下沉气流出流在风暴前侧形成辐合,触发新的对流,以及入流和出流错开形成飑线系统的自组织结构,使得飑线在弱垂直风切变条件下发展维持;近地面冷池的合并加强,造成的冷池密度流是大风形成的主要原因。

Many landforms on Earth are profoundly influenced by biota. In particular, biota play a significant role in creating karst biogeomorphology, through biogenic CO2 accelerating calcite weathering. In this study, we explore the ecohydrologic feedback mechanisms that have created isolated depressional wetlands on exposed limestone bedrock in South Florida – Big Cypress National Preserve –as a case study for karst biogeomorphic processes giving rise to regularly patterned landscapes. Specifically, we are interested in: (1) whether cypress depressions on the landscape have reached (or will reach) equilibrium size; (2) if so, what feedback mechanisms stabilize the size of depressions; and (3) what distal interactions among depressions give rise to the even distribution of depressions in the landscape. We hypothesize three feedback mechanisms controlling the evolution of depressions and build a numerical model to evaluate the relative importance of each mechanism. We show that a soil cover feedback (i.e. a smaller fraction of CO2 reaches the bedrock surface for weathering as soil cover thickens) is the major feedback stabilizing depressions, followed by a biomass feedback (i.e. inhibited biomass growth with deepening standing water and extended inundation period as depressions expand in volume). Strong local positive feedback between the volume of depressions and rate of volume expansion and distal negative feedback between depressions competing for water likely lead to the regular patterning at the landscape scale. The individual depressions, however, are not yet in steady state but would be in ~0.2–0.4 million years. This represents the first study to demonstrate the decoupling of landscape-scale self-organization and the self-organization of its constituent agents. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于SOFM神经网络的边坡稳定性评价   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
薛新华  张我华  刘红军 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2236-2240
针对边坡工程稳定性分析中参数的不确定性,在分析自组织特征映射神经网络(SOFM)基本学习算法的基础上,从提高算法收敛速度和性能出发,将自组织特征映射神经网络基本学习算法加以改进,据此建立了评价边坡稳定状态的SOFM神经网络模型。然后用收集到的边坡稳定工程实例作为样本,对该模型进行训练和检验,并与BP神经网络判别结果对比。结果表明,SOFM神经网络性能良好、预测精度高,是边坡稳定性评价的一种有效方法。  相似文献   
利用PSU/NCAR中尺度天气预报模式MM5,成功模拟了0604号热带气旋Bilis登陆后的移动路径和降水分布。在此基础上,讨论了不同尺度涡旋自组织过程对热带气旋Bilis产生局地暴雨的影响。结果表明:(1)引发强降水的对流系统不是来源于热带气旋螺旋云带内的对流云团,而是受热带气旋外围环流与局地地形影响下形成的多个中小尺度系统之间自组织的结果;(2)与0604号热带气旋Bilis登陆前后24小时的强降水相关的自组织过程是分阶段进行的,即第一阶段的双涡自组织过程和第二阶段的多涡自组织过程;(3)局地多尺度涡旋之间的自组织过程,是0604号热带气旋Bilis陆上强降水发生的主要动力机制。  相似文献   
This field and laboratory study examines whether regularly patterned biofilms on present-day intertidal flats are equivalent to microbially induced bedforms found in geological records dating back to the onset of life on Earth. Algal mats of filamentous Vaucheria species, functionally similar to microbial biofilms, cover the topographic highs of regularly spaced ridge–runnel bedforms. As regular patterning is typically associated with self-organization processes, indicators of self-organization are tested and found to support this hypothesis. The measurements suggest that biofilm-induced sediment trapping and biostabilization enhance bedform relief, strength and multi-year persistence. This demonstrates the importance of primitive organisms for sedimentary landscape development. Algal-covered ridges consist of wavy-crinkly laminated sedimentary deposits that resemble the layered structure of fossil stromatolites and microbially induced sedimentary structures. In addition to layering, both the morphological pattern and the suggested formation mechanism of the recent bedforms are strikingly similar to microbialite strata found in rock records from the Precambrian onwards. This implies that self-organization was an important morphological process in times when biofilms were the predominant sessile ecosystem. These findings furthermore emphasize that self-organization dynamics, such as critical transitions invoking ecosystem emergence or collapse, might have been captured in fossil microbialites, influencing their laminae. This notion may be important for paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on such strata. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
社会-生态系统适应性治理研究进展与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋爽  王帅  傅伯杰  陈海滨  刘焱序  赵文武 《地理学报》2019,74(11):2401-2410
社会—生态系统(SES)由社会子系统、生态子系统及两者的交互作用构成,具有不同于社会系统或生态系统单独具有的结构、功能和复杂特征。社会—生态系统适应性治理旨在通过适应性的社会权利分配与行为决策机制,使社会—生态系统能够在动态条件下可持续地保障人类福祉。适应性治理理论的形成受到“公共池塘资源管理”“韧性”和“治理”3方面理论的影响,并为“转型治理”与“协作治理”提供了建构基础。该理论具有以下3个主要目的:① 理解和应对社会—生态系统多稳态、非线性、不确定性、整体性以及复杂性;② 建立非对抗性的社会结构、权利分配制度以及行为决策体系,匹配社会子系统与自然子系统;③ 通过综合方法管理生态系统,使其可持续提供生态系统服务。因此,面对人类行为主导地表过程的“人类世”,实现适应性治理有助于应对社会—生态系统的复杂性与不确定性。鉴于中国的生态环境正处于迅速变化时期,且中国与世界各国间的相互影响日益复杂,未来研究可重点关注以下3个方面:① 理解耦合系统的多元互动过程,增强适应能力;② 强调社会—生态系统的整体性研究;③ 提高环境变化背景下理解和预测系统动态的能力。  相似文献   
Karstsystemsaredynamicsystemsinspontaneoussuc-cessiveevolutionarisenfromtheinteractionbetweenwaterflowandsolub1emedium-Thecircu1ationofwaterprogres-sivelyandcontinuouslymodifiesthestructureofmediumfield,consequentlymodifyingthehydraulicbehaviorofthesystemitself'Someauthors(e.g.,FordandWilliams,l989)believedthatmostcarbonaterockswillbecomeconduitaquifersifsurficialerosionisnegligibleorsufficienttimeisgiven.Karstsystemsfailtodevelopconnectedconduiteitherduetoincompleteextension(becauseinsuffici…  相似文献   
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