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根据山西宁武煤田某煤矿2#煤层采掘及钻孔揭露情况,发现该井田中部和南部存在古河流冲刷带。通过对比基于优选的4个地震属性的四元一次、四元二次多项式回归模型与BP神经网络预测模型,决定将BP人工神经网络模型预测煤层厚度数据应用于整个测区古河流冲刷带的预判工作。首先利用GeoFrame系统和Landmark公司Poststack模块,提取2#煤层反射波的各类沿层切片,分析并圈定出2#煤层古河流冲刷带的大致范围,在此基础上,利用垂直时间剖面中2#煤层反射波的各种波形特征,进一步判别2#煤层古河流冲刷带解释的可靠性,然后结合BP神经网络预测模型获得的2#煤层厚度变化趋势图,最终解释出2#煤层古河流冲刷带范围:勘探区内2#煤层厚度变化范围0~5.3m,根据其煤层厚度变化趋势,将全区划分出一大二小3个古河流冲刷带。  相似文献   
In this study, the failure mechanisms for Chiuliao 1st Levee and Gueishan Levee in Taiwan were re-examined comprehensively considering the uncertainty of different parameters. Results have shown that for Chiuliao 1st Levee, the slope sliding failure has a higher coefficient of variation (COV). For Gueishan Levee, retaining wall sliding and overturning failure have higher values of COV instead. It can also be found that the scouring depths affect the stability of the levee significantly, therefore, a protecting system for the backfill material may be necessary to increase the stability of the levee effectively.  相似文献   
在弯道水槽中开展6组试验,分别用非黏性土及黏性土填筑河床,研究相同水力作用下近岸河床组成对黏性岸坡崩塌的影响规律。研究发现,在试验给定的岸坡及河床组成情况下,非黏性河床凹冲凸淤且总体表现为淤积,近岸河床及凹岸岸坡冲刷强度大,凸岸附近床面上泥沙掺混较明显;黏性河床及凹岸岸坡均被冲刷,河床主流区冲刷强度比近岸河床及凹岸岸坡大。相较于黏性河床,非黏性河床近凹岸处较易冲刷,水流结构重新调整,凹岸坡脚处水流流速及紊动能可增至2倍左右,环流强度可增至11倍,加速了岸坡崩塌及崩塌体的分解输移;非黏性河床近凹岸坡脚处变形以及凹岸岸坡崩塌量均相对较大,岸坡崩塌强度为河床淤积强度的2~4倍,崩塌物质可充分补给河床的泥沙来源;经水力冲刷后非黏性河床组成情况下形成的河道滩槽高差相对较小,河道横断面相对宽浅。  相似文献   
从分析健跳港水文和泥沙特性出发,探讨了健跳港水动力和河床演变的基本特征,结果表明,尽管健跳港内落潮最大流速大于涨潮最大流速,但该港泥沙净输沙方向还是朝向港内;流域径流对健跳港海床稳定起着重要作用,维护健跳港冲淤平衡的主要动力来自洪水期的径流.利用水沙关系和河相关系模型预测了健跳港上游引水后对该港海床淤积的影响.  相似文献   
初新杰 《海岸工程》2005,24(3):19-25
通过室内试验,研究了采油平台的冲淘机理和防护措施,对仿生海底、仿生林、抛石块、抛石子袋等防冲淘措施进行了方案设计和试验,完成了导管架式、桶形基础式、沉垫式3种采油平台的冲淘及防护措施试验研究,提出和完善了多层次抛石防护技术,并将研究成果成功应用于海上防护工程.提出的研究思路以及得到的研究成果,对解决胜利油田海区粉土地基的防冲淘难题具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   
以2013年莱州三山岛黄金海岸海滩剖面等实测资料为基础,结合海图和遥感影像等历史资料,利用数值模拟、泥沙起动流速计算和沿岸输沙计算等方法对研究区的冲淤特征进行了研究,并在此基础上初步探讨了影响冲淤演变的主要因素。结果表明,2009—2012年期间王河口至黄金海岸东端之间岸线保持平衡,黄金海岸岸线全线后退,处于侵蚀状态,黄金海岸西段至刁龙嘴之间岸段由于养殖池建设部分岸线向海推进;1984—2004年期间研究区整体处于侵蚀状态,等深线呈不同程度后退;2004—2013年期间研究区整体呈侵蚀状态,近岸海域侵蚀量在0.5~1 m之间,7 m等深线以深海域呈微淤积状态,淤积量>0.5 m;人类活动是影响研究区近期冲淤变化的根本因素。  相似文献   
埕岛油田海上石油平台基础冲刷研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
海洋石油平台的建立会改变平台周围的水动力条件,其中平台的基础及与之连接的海底管缆(输油管道、注水管道、海底电缆等)附近产生冲刷现象,对平台和海底管缆的安全造成威胁。根据对研究区典型平台的4次实洲水深并结合以往资料,分析了埕岛油田海上石油平台基础冲刷的过程及其规律。  相似文献   
煤层冲刷带预测方法评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了沉积分析法、矿井物探法以及地质统计法三种煤层冲刷带预测方法.实例证明,根据煤矿生产的具体情况,选择一种或综合运用几种方法,能较好地预测冲刷带的位置和范围.  相似文献   
Although much is known about overall sediment delivery ratios for catchments as components of sediment production and sediment yield, little is known about the component of temporary sediment storage. Sediment delivery ratios focused on the influence of storm-related sediment storage are measured at Matakonekone and Oil Springs tributaries of the Waipaoa River basin, east coast of New Zealand. The terrace deposits of both tributaries show abundant evidence of storm-related sedimentation, especially sediment delivered from Cyclone Bola, a 50 year return rainfall event which occurred in 1988. The sediment delivery ratio is calculated by dividing the volume of sediment transported from a tributary to the main stream by the volume of sediment generated at erosion sites in the tributary catchment. Because the sediment delivery volume is unknown, it can be calculated as the difference between sediment generation volume and sediment storage volume in the channel reach of the tributary. The volume of sediment generated from erosion sites in each tributary catchment was calculated from measurements made on aerial photographs dating from 1960 (1:44 000) and 1988 (1:27 000). The volume of sediment stored in the tributary can be calculated from measurements of cross-sections located along the tributary channel, which are accompanied by terrace deposits dated by counting annual growth rings of trees on terrace surfaces. Sediment delivery ratios are 0·93 for both Matakonekone catchment and Oil Springs catchment. Results indicate that Oil Springs catchment has contributed more than twice the volume of sediment to the Waipaoa River than the Matakonekone catchment (2·75 × 106 m3 vs 1·22 × 106 m3). Although large volumes of sediment are initially deposited during floods, subsequent smaller flows scour away much of these deposits. The sediment scouring rate from storage is 1·25 × 104 m3 a−1 for Matakonekone stream and 0·83 × 104 m3 a−1 for Oil Springs stream. Matakonekone and Oil Springs channels respond to extreme storms by instantaneously aggrading, then gradually excavating the temporarily stored sediment. Results from Matakonekone and Oil Springs streams suggest a mechanism by which event recurrence interval can strongly influence the magnitude of a geomorphic change. Matakonekone stream with its higher stream power is expected to excavate sediment deposits more rapidly and allow more rapid re-establishment of storage capacity. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
大直径宽浅式筒型基础,阻水宽度大,在位工作期间受波浪海流作用,其周围土体易被冲刷。为研究单侧地基土体受冲刷后筒型基础的竖向极限承载力变化,通过引进冲刷率的概念,采用有限元方法研究了不同冲刷率下筒型基础的竖向极限承载力;并基于Meyerhof理论建立了计算不同冲刷率下筒型基础竖向极限承载力的极限平衡方法。研究结果表明,随着冲刷率增大,筒型基础的极限承载力出现不同程度的下降,当冲刷率为0.8时,即筒型基础单侧土体冲刷深度达6.4 m时,筒型基础的竖向极限承载力折减率为3.28%。建立的极限平衡算法可准确计算冲刷条件下筒型基础的竖向极限承载力。  相似文献   
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