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天山山区近40a年降水变化特征与南、北疆的比较   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
袁玉江  何清  喻树龙 《气象科学》2004,24(2):220-226
本文分析了天山山区近40 a来年降水变化的基本特征,并与南疆、北疆进行了比较,所得的主要结果如下:(1)天山山区在年降水量干湿变化阶段上与北疆的相似性强于南疆。(2)年降水量的空间分布的同步变化性以北疆为最好,南疆最差,天山山区居中,而年降水量的空间分布的反向变化性,以天山山区为最大,北疆最小,南疆居中。(3)天山山区与南疆从60年代到90年代,年降水均表现出了持续的增加的趋势,北疆年降水从60年代到90年代,除70年代外,不断增多。  相似文献   
吉林省近代火山的特征及成因讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省近代火山分布广泛,数量较多,有近10个火山群,数百座火山锥,均是新近纪中新世至全新世火山活动的产物。火山岩石为碱性(含钾高)玄武岩及其相同成分的火山碎屑岩,并含幔源包体。喷发类型从溢流式至猛烈式,其次尚有一种特殊类型——侵出式。火山成因受板内大陆深大断裂的控制,并与大洋板块自中生代以来向西俯冲的运动影响有关。  相似文献   
油气勘探中遥感方法新进展与趋向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
:文中介绍了遥感在油气勘探中的最新应用 :( 1)以遥感为主线的油气勘探集成技术应用 ,包括油气遥感直接勘探研究与应用、小型及隐蔽油气藏遥感间接勘探应用和钻探靶区的遥感、物探和化探综合评价 3个阶段的应用层次。 ( 2 )以高分辨率遥感数据与GIS技术相结合进行储层裂缝识别与有利含油气区块评价。未来几年的遥感技术将有更大的突破 ,表现在 :( 1)超光谱卫星遥感与直接探测地表油气微渗漏蚀变矿物 ;( 2 )热遥感成像资料等在油气直接勘探中的应用 ;( 3)卫星雷达干涉测量技术与重力资料相结合的油气勘探应用。  相似文献   
长江中下游近期河道演变及其主要影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
朱立  蔡鹤生 《地球科学》1995,20(4):427-432
长江河道变迁直接影响其两岩的经济开发和人民生活。本文较详细地阐述了长江中下游近期江岸的冲淤变化、江心洲的演变及岸崩塌变形的特征及规律,分析了影响其演变的主要因素,进而预测了江岸的冲淤趋势。  相似文献   
In a multi‐scale approach to the study of the organic and mineral components in an active barrage‐type tufa system of southern Italy, neo‐formed deposits, in both natural depositional sites and on inorganic substrates placed in the stream for this study, were observed and compared through one year of monitoring. Dams and lobes representing the basic morpho‐facies of the deposits are composed of two depositional facies: vacuolar tufa (a mixture of phytoclastic and framestone tufa) and stromatolitic tufa (phytoherm boundstone tufa). Three petrographic components comprise both facies: micrite and microsparite, often forming peloidal to aphanitc, laminar and dendrolitic fabrics, and sparite, which occurs as isolated to coalescent fan‐shaped crystals forming botryoids or continuous crusts. All fabrics occurring in all depositional facies are organized into layers with a more or less well‐developed cyclicity, which has its best expression in stromatolitic lamination. The precipitation of all types of calcite (with Mg 1·0 to 3·2 mole % and Sr 0·5 to 0·8 mole %) takes place more or less constantly during all seasons, in spite of the low saturation state of the water (the saturation index range is 0·75 to 0·89) within the active depositional zone; the latter extends for a few hundred microns through the external surface of the deposit. The active depositional zone has a particular micro‐morphology composed of porous micro‐columns (50 to 150 μm in size), separated by interstitial channels. Mineral precipitation occurs upon both external surfaces and within internal cavities of the micro‐columns, while further point sites of precipitation occur suspended within the masses of cyanobacterial tufts. Sub‐spherical mineral units, ‘nano‐spheres’ (10 to 20 nm in diameter) are the basic biotic neo‐precipitate; they commonly form by replacing non‐living degrading organic matter and at point sites along the external surface of living cyanobacterial sheaths. Nano‐spheres agglutinate to form first rod‐shaped aggregates (100 to 200 nm) which then evolve into triads of fibres or polyhedral structures. Successively, both triads and polyhedral solids coalesce to form larger calcite crystals (mainly tetrahedrons tens of microns in size) that represent the fundamental bricks for the construction of the micro‐columns in the active depositional zone. Precipitation is attributed to the presence of a widespread biofilm that occurs in the active depositional zone; this is composed of a heterogeneous community comprising epilithic and endolithic filamentous cyanobacteria, green algae, unicellular prokaryotes, actinobacteria and fungi, with a variable amount of extracellular polymeric substances. No precipitation takes place where the biofilm is absent, indicating that the biological activities of the biofilm are crucial, with its living organisms and non‐living organic matter. Basic aggregates of neo‐precipitates do not form in association with any one particular type of organic matter substrate, but appear to be related to the seasonal temperature variation: polyhedral micro‐crystals mainly precipitate in the colder season, short triads in the intermediate seasons, and long triads in the warmest conditions. These three basic crystal aggregates have a petrographic counterpart, respectively, in the spar, microspar and micrite.  相似文献   
The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Mn and Co were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry both in recent sediments from different locations of the Huelva littoral (SW Iberian Peninsula) and in their humic acid (HA) fractions in order to evaluate distribution and binding capacity of those trace elements to HAs. In addition, elemental composition (C, N, S) and δ13C values were determined to appraise the sources of organic matter in the area. This study involved the comparison of selected samples taken from different environments including the estuary of the Guadiana River, the main fluvial system of the region, the Tinto and Odiel estuary system and the proximal shelf. Significant positive correlations were found among Cu, Zn, As and Pb in bulk sediments, suggesting a common origin of all of those elements: the mining activities and pyrite deposits located hinterland. On the other hand, results for Cr, Co and Ni pointed to the basic rocks from the low basin of the Guadiana River as their main source. Elemental (C, N) and isotopic (δ13C) composition of sediments indicated a significant contribution of autochthonous plankton in coastal shelf sediments, whereas estuarine and riverine sediments showed a major contribution of terrestrial biomass. Geochemical values for their corresponding HAs suggested a greater terrestrial contribution in the sedimentary OM of the coastal shelf sediments than in bulk sediments, which evidenced the influence of coastal currents and sediment fluxes. Humic acids sequester considerable amounts of Cu and Zn contributing to reduce the bioavailability of these contaminants.  相似文献   
In this paper, the baseline variation and displacement vector was analyzed using the calculated results of GPS measurements carried out from 1995 to 1996 in North China. Based on these analytical results, we studied the recent tectonic activity. In general, the regional extension is dominant in the direction of proximately EW, but there is a difference in the SN direction. Extension is significant in the Shanxi fault-depression zone and Bohai region, while compression with strike-slip is characterized along the Yishui-Tancheng segment of the Tanlu fault zone. The baseline shortening zone is distributed along the Baotou-Zhangjiakou-Ninghe areas. It is a boundary zone of regional variation where many differences of crustal horizontal deformation are discovered between the southern part and the northern part of this zone. The baseline shortening zone in NE direction is distributed along the Jianchang-Tangshan-Gucheng area. It is consistent with the Tangshan-Xingtai seismic zone which indicates that tectoni  相似文献   
陆气相互作用及陆面模式的研究进展   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
较为全面地回顾了有关陆气相互作用的研究进展及陆面模式的发展现状,结合近年来开展的有关陆气相互作用的20多个大型国际研究计划和目前国内外具有代表性的陆面模式,分析了当前陆气相互作用及陆面模式研究中存在并有待进一步解决的问题,探讨了未来陆面模式的发展趋势。  相似文献   
通过对中国期刊全文数据库检索,选择在1996-2005十年间,有关壮族传统民居——干栏式建筑的期刊文献,从论文发表的时间及刊物、资助的课题、作者、理论与案例、学科角度等方面对文章进行了归类、分析,并对研究的现状做了一些评述,得出了当前研究角度广泛但是深度不够、课题资助的力度有待加强、开始关注对传统民居及其文化的保护、以旅游开发进行民居保护成为研究的新方向等结论。  相似文献   
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