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Understanding the dominant force responsible for supercontinent breakup is crucial for establishing Earth's geodynamic evolution that includes supercontinent cycles and plate tectonics. Conventionally,two forces have been considered: the push by mantle plumes from the sub-continental mantle which is called the active force for breakup, and the dragging force from oceanic subduction retreat which is called the passive force for breakup. However, the relative importance of these two forces is unclear. Here we model the supercontinent breakup coupled with global mantle convection in order to address this question. Our global model features a spherical harmonic degree-2 structure, which includes a major subduction girdle and two large upwelling(superplume) systems. Based on this global mantle structure,we examine the distribution of extensional stress applied to the supercontinent by both subsupercontinent mantle upwellings and subduction retreat at the supercontinent peripheral. Our results show that:(1) at the center half of the supercontinent, plume push stress is ~3 times larger than the stress induced by subduction retreat;(2) an average hot anomaly of no higher than 50 K beneath the supercontinent can produce a push force strong enough to cause the initialization of supercontinent breakup;(3) the extensional stress induced by subduction retreat concentrates on a ~600 km wide zone on the boundary of the supercontinent, but has far less impact to the interior of the supercontinent. We therefore conclude that although circum-supercontinent subduction retreat assists supercontinent breakup, sub-supercontinent mantle upwelling is the essential force.  相似文献   
网络技术为科技期刊的发展提供了动力和渠道,促进了《古地理学报》办刊模式的转变。通过建立独立网站、为读者提供多样化的文章获取渠道、多样化的沟通方式、个性化的文章精准推送、加入OSID开放科学计划等,逐步形成了适应期刊发展的立体办刊模式。  相似文献   
The network technology has provided impetus and channels for the development of sci-tech periodicals and promoted the transformation of the publication mode of Journal of Palaeogeography(Chinese Edition). Through the independent website construction,providing readers with diversified access to articles,diversified communication methods,personalized accurate article push,joining the OSID open science program,etc.,a three-dimensional publication mode adapted to the development of periodicals has been gradually formed.  相似文献   
唐辉明  章广成 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):11-15
采用核磁共振(NMR)技术反演水文地质参数,在此基础上,基于非饱和土强度理论,对现有滑坡剩余推力法进行改进。以三峡工程库区赵树岭滑坡为例,对库水位以不同速度下降时不同时刻的滑坡稳定性进行了研究,结果表明:在库水位下降过程中会出现稳定性系数达到极小值的现象。下降速度越大,稳定性极小值越小,出现极小值的时刻也相对早。  相似文献   
人口迁移的时空分异与影响机制一直是人口学研究关注的焦点。本文基于社保关系转移视角,从时间和空间两个维度探究黑龙江省城镇工作人口省内的中长期迁移规律与时空分异特征,并且结合人口推拉理论与OD模型,综合考虑经济和就业政策因素,建立了能够反映以社保劳动关系转移为基础的中长期人口迁移动力学模型。研究结果表明:基于社保关系的城镇工作人口迁移符合截断指数幂律分布,呈现列维飞行特点;该省省内人口迁出呈现多层级跨区域分布格局,人口迁入呈现“四核心-环东南”格局,人口迁入与迁出空间格局具有一定程度的类似性;黑龙江省边境城市人口流失情况较为严重;城镇职工迁移行为的无序性不断加大,迁移的频率较高;但是经过通过模拟,该省城镇职工的迁移系统趋向于平衡发展。  相似文献   
软流层静压推力及其板块动力学意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
地幔软流层之上漂浮着地球板块,软流层对板块存在流体静压——软流层静压推力。对海洋板块而言,软流层静压推力在物理意义上与传统的分布力型洋脊推力没有差别。假定板块内部的应力场在水平和竖直方向上互相解耦,可利用二维球壳有限单元模型计算板内应力场的水平分量,并根据重力均衡理论计算其竖直分量,进而计算其差分应力场。利用软流层静压推力的概念,在研究有关的板块动力学问题时,能够充分利用观测资料中的应力状态信息作为约束条件,简明有效地解释部分海洋与大陆过渡区域及重力非均衡区域的复杂应力场图象。  相似文献   
The single tie (sleeper) push test (STPT) is a common method to evaluate the lateral resistance of a railway track sleeper. This methodology evaluates the lateral resistance phenomenon in a static manner despite the fact that the majority of the exerted loads on a railway track have a dynamic nature. For this reason, a mass–spring–damper numerical model was created to investigate the dynamic lateral interaction between an isolated sleeper and ballast layer in the presence of various lateral impact loads. On the basis of the model outputs, a pendulum loading test device (PLTD) was designed and developed in the laboratory. In this regard, a cylindrical hammer with modifiable mass and triggering angle was installed on a steel frame for imposing lateral impact load on an instrumented concrete sleeper. The graphs of the sleeper–ballast interaction force versus the sleeper lateral displacement were extracted for different masses and triggering angles of the hammer. Considering a same condition for sleeper, the maximum value of this interaction force was called the dynamic lateral resistance (DLR) and static lateral resistance (SLR) respect to the dynamic and static states of lateral loading. Comparing the values of the sleeper DLRs and SLR indicated that unlike the constant SLR of 6.5 kN, the DLR was in the range 2–10.2 kN in the impact load domain of 3–40 kN. However, as a key finding, the average slopes of the DLR and SLR graphs were equivalent in the dynamic and static tests.  相似文献   
本文介绍了Geoprobe7822DT、Geoprobe 8040DT、Geoprobe 3230DT三种型号直推式土壤钻机的结构、主要特点和应用情况,并与其他类型功能相近的取样钻机的使用效果进行了对比,分析了Geoprobe直推式土壤钻机在涌砂层钻进中存在护壁功能不足、整体稳定性较差、钻杆易损等主要问题,并对直推式土壤钻机后续的改进和使用提出了建议。  相似文献   
Push-pull factors in mountain resorts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The push-pull framework provides a useful approach for examining the tourist motivation. This paper takes the world heritage—Huangshan Mountain as a sample. From the two different aspects of pull and push factors, the underlying features of visitors’ motives to Huangshan Mountain are analyzed with the help of factor analysis. As a result, five push factors and four pull factors are identified. Further analyses investigate differences in the push and pull factors among different socio-demographic subgroups with one-way ANOVA analysis. The result of the study affords us useful references for development, protection and marketing expansion of mountain resorts. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 03BJY084) Biography: WANG De-gen (1973-), male, a native of Huangshan of Anhui Province, lecturer, specialized in tourist market and tourist planning. E-mail: dgwang73@263.net  相似文献   
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