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OnsomeproblemsofseismiccrustalphaseHuan-ChengGE(葛焕称)(SeismologicalBureauofJiangsuProvince,Nanjing210014,China)Abstract:Inthis...  相似文献   
The five MTMD models, with natural frequencies being uniformly distributed around their mean frequency, have been recently presented by the first author. They are shown to have the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (more precisely, for a given mass ratio there is an upper limit on the total number, beyond which the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio occurs). In this paper, the eight new MTMD models (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1~US‐MTMD3, UD‐MTMD1 and UD‐MTMD2), with the system parameters (mass, stiffness and damping coefficient) being, respectively, uniformly distributed around their average values, have been, for the first time here, proposed to seek for the MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio. The structure is represented by the mode‐generalized system corresponding to the specific vibration mode that needs to be controlled. Through minimization of the minimum values of the maximum dynamic magnification factors (DMF) of the structure with the eight MTMD models (i.e. through the implementation of Min.Min.Max.DMF), the optimum parameters and values of Min.Min.Max.DMF for these eight MTMD models are investigated to evaluate and compare their control performance. The optimum parameters include the optimum mass spacing, stiffness spacing, damping coefficient spacing, frequency spacing, average damping ratio and tuning frequency ratio. The six MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1, US‐MTMD2 and UD‐MTMD2) are found through extensive numerical analyses. Likewise, the optimum UM‐MTMD3 offers the higher effectiveness and robustness and requires the smaller damping with respect to the rest of the MTMD models in reducing the responses of structures subjected to earthquakes. Additionally, it is interesting to note, by comparing the optimum UM‐MTMD3 with the optimum MTMD‐1 recently investigated by the first author, that the effectiveness and robustness for the optimum UM‐MTMD3 is almost identical to that for the optimum MTMD‐1 (without inclusion of the optimum MTMD‐1 with the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio). Recognizing these performance benefits, it is preferable to employ the optimum UM‐MTMD3 or the optimum MTMD‐1 without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio, when installing the MTMD for the suppression of undesirable oscillations of structures under earthquakes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
研究区自加里东期运动以来,经历了复杂的构造-岩浆-热演化过程。在分析岩浆活动特征及其形成的构造环境的基础上,探讨了研究区沉积岩系及其中有机质的热变质作用。  相似文献   
J. S. Mani 《Natural Hazards》2004,31(2):523-536
Chennai coast, right from the inception of Madras harbourin the year 1876, has been experiencinghostile conditions such as (i) coastal erosion, (ii) sandbar formation at the entrance to inlets, (iii) sea water ingression and (iv) change insea bed elevation, etc. In addition, construction of a new satellite harbour, about18 km north of Madras harbour has produced a negative impact on the delicatecoastal features such as (i) Pulicat lake, (ii) Ennore shoals, etc. Construction ofthis satellite harbour has led to the accumulation of sand south of the southbreakwater of the harbour and its accelerated growth is of concern to an inletlocated 2.6~km south of the harbour. `Coastal erosion', a perennial problemassociated with north Chennai sea front for the past 100 years has been addressedin this paper. The paper discusses on a long term solution and details of themethodologies to be adopted for effective management of the coast. Thesolution presented in this paper is based on numerical model study consideringthe nearshore currents and wave induced sediment transports.  相似文献   
龙首矿是金川矿区最早发现并开发利用的老矿山,经过50余年的开采,资源储备不断减少,近些年在主矿体的深边部和近断层区域开展了大量的勘探工作,找到了些隐伏盲矿体。2015年,在1 280~1 220水平23~25行巷道施工过程中,揭露到的岩石破碎,蚀变强烈,结合前期一些找矿经验,认为该区域具有存在矿体的可能性。通过运用坑探、钻探手段,在该区域内找到了接触交代型硫化镍特富矿体1个,矿体呈透镜状产出,走向约290°,倾向近乎直立,长约60~65 m,宽约9 m,延深约20 m,这一发现为龙首矿增加了硫化镍特富矿矿石量28 259 t。新发现的矿体附近岩石破碎,通过后期研究,为一断层的延伸区域,该区域岩石蚀变强烈,部分围岩可见草绿色、软、泥状,为超基性岩的绿泥石化。通过1 280~1 220水平23~25行巷道施工证明,构造+蚀变(通道+物源)是矿区成矿的必要条件,也是我们在主矿体附近找特富矿工作的一个重要思路。  相似文献   
成都市近地表大气尘的矿物学特征及其环境指示意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对成都市近地表大气尘X射线衍射、电镜扫描分析等研究显示:其主要由石英、长石、伊利石、绿泥石、方解石、石膏等矿物组成;就其形状看有致密的不规则粒状、片状单矿物、不规则粒状聚合体、浑圆形球状飘珠、聚合体放大观察可见片状的粘土矿物和细小的粒状单矿物,偶见藻类;矿物形貌特征及矿物组成空间分布特征的研究显示:球形状飘珠及伊利石、绿泥石、石膏的空间分布特征与工业布局和表层土壤的pH值密切相关,成都市近地表大气尘主要为地表扬尘和工业烟尘的混合物;与土壤的矿物组成比较可见,近地表大气尘重金属污染除土壤贡献外,还有其他污染贡献;石膏在本次研究中平均含量高达8.2%,推测可能成为成都市往年燃煤量大而无明显酸雨现象的原因之一。  相似文献   
赣南河草坑铀矿田蚀变特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
文章着重对河草坑铀矿田近矿围岩蚀变特征、分带特征以及蚀变期次进行研究,结果表明:因表生氧化作用,近地表蚀变岩石多表现为紫色,向下转变为绿色;碱交代以钾交代为主,而钠交代较弱;矿田蚀变依据时间先后可划分为5个阶段。剖面系统取样分析结果揭示:在蚀变、矿化及成矿过程中U与Fe2O3、Be、Pb、W等呈正相关关系;U与Cu、Zn因矿化类型不同而表现出不同的相关关系,而U与Mo无明显关系。  相似文献   
采用同步辐射光源和金刚石对顶砧(DAC)技术,对天然菱铁矿的压缩性和电子结构进行了原位X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线吸收近边结构谱(XANES)测试研究。在室温下随着压力逐渐升高至50.2 GPa,菱铁矿保持方解石型结构不变,但是逐渐向Na Cl型结构转变;刚性[CO3]2-基团平行于ab-平面定向排列使c轴的压缩性大于a轴。菱铁矿在44.6~47.1 GPa之间发生电子由高自旋态(HS)向低自旋态(LS)的转变,表现为体积塌陷8%。HS菱铁矿的等温状态方程参数为K0=112(5)GPa和K'0=4.6(3)。首次采用XANES技术对菱铁矿中Fe2+的电子结构进行了研究,结果表明:随着压力升高至37.3 GPa,Fe2+的配位和局域对称并未发生明显变化;此后电子结构开始转变,Fe2+的3d轨道分裂能降低,电子跃迁概率增大,呈现LS特性。  相似文献   
During the period between 18 August and 22 September 2006, an ultraviolet photometric O3 analyzer, a NO-NO2-NOx chemiluminescence analyzer, and a quartz micro-oscillating-scale particle concentration analyzer were simultaneously used for monitoring at three different heights each at Beijing (325-m tower) and Tianjin (255-m tower). These towers belong to the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and to the Tianjin Municipal Meteorological Bureau, respectively. These measurements were used to continuously measure the atmospheric O3 and NOx volume-by-volume concentrations and the PM2.5 mass concentration within a vertical gradient. When combined with meteorological data and information on the variation of vertical characteristics of the various atmospheric pollutants in the two cities, analysis shows that these two cities were seriously polluted by both PM2.5 and O3 during summer and autumn. The highest daily-average concentrations of PM2.5 near the ground in Beijing and Tianjin reached 183 μg m-3 and 165 μg m-3, respectively, while the O3 concentrations reached 52 ppb and 77 ppb, and NOx concentrations reached 48 ppb and 62 ppb for these two cities, respectively. The variations in the daily-average concentrations of PM2.5 between Beijing and Tianjin were demonstrated to be consistent over time. The concentrations of PM2.5 measured in Beijing were found to be higher than those in Tianjin. However, the overall O3 concentrations near the ground in Tianjin were higher than in Beijing. NOx concentrations in Tianjin were consistently lower than in Beijing. It was also found that PM2.5 pollution in Beijings atmosphere may also be affected by the pollutants originating in and delivered from Tianjin, and that Ti  相似文献   
本文利用2009年6月至2010年5月日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)、日本环境署(MOE)与日本环境研究(NIES)所等联合开发的全球首颗专用温室气体观测卫星“呼吸号”(GOSAT)上的被动红外探测器(TANSO)官方反演的近地面975hPa左右的CO2浓度L4B数据产品,采用ArcGIS地统计分析方法,对比瓦里关全球大气本底站地面观测数据进行真实性检验,分析中国区域近地面CO2浓度分布的时空变化特征。结果表明:中国区域近地面CO2浓度空间分布集中,东高西低,差异显著;CO2浓度具有明显的季节变化特征,月平均浓度4月份(春季)升至最高,7月份(夏季)降至最低。结合“中国统计年鉴2012”中的2009年人口密度、能源消费总量(煤)和GDP等辅助数据对比发现:导致中国近地面CO2浓度空间分布规律的原因多种多样,不可轻易定论是人为或自然使然,需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
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