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利用钻孔测井资料并运用地层倾角测量信息分析法,给出了江汉盆地地应力最大水平主压应力方向为NE60~65°  相似文献   
为建立社会主义市场经济的地矿工作新秩序,本文对国有地矿企业的经营者(厂长、经理)这一特殊群体进行了分析。着重研究了新形势下企业经营者实行年薪制的问题。指出年薪制就是以企业一个生产经营周期为单位确定经营者的报酬,这一周期通常为一年。进而阐述了为什么要实行企业经营者年薪制;企业经营者的收入应与职工工资完全脱钩;采用基础报酬加效益报酬的方法确定收入等等。并构想了实行经营者年薪制所需要的外部环境:建立经营者人才市场、经营者要能进能出、实行任职资格制度、建立风险机制、按劳动力市场经济规律办事。  相似文献   
A total of 67 samples from the upper and lower sediment traps in the central South China Sea were analyzed, which were collected during 1993~1996. It is indicated that the distribution of stable isotope values, surface primary productivity, fluxes of total particulate matter, carbonate, biogenic opal, organic carbon, planktonic foraminiferal species and their total amount exhibit obviously seasonal and annual fluctuations. High values of the fluxes occurred in the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons, and the low values occurred during the periods between the two monsoons. The fluxes of some planktonic foraminiferal species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) and their percentages also exhibit two prominent peaks during the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons respectively, while those of Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia menardii and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata only exhibit one peak in the prevailing periods of the northeastern monsoon. In addition, fluxes and percentages of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii as well as the fluxes of carbonate and total amount of planktonic foraminifera decrease gradually from 1993 to 1996, and those of Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata and biogenic opal increase gradually from 1993 to 1996. The fluxes of carbonate and organic carbon in the upper trap are higher than those in the lower one. The study indicates that the seasonal and annual variations of the sediment fluxes and planktonic foraminiferal species are mainly controlled by the changes of surface primary productivity and hydrological conditions related to the East Asian monsoon. The lower carbonate and organic carbon fluxes in the lower trap are related to the dissolution.  相似文献   
近海工程环境应用中各种风资料的平均时间分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从近海工程设计应用的需要出发,对于通常使用的不同来源的测风资料平均时间进行了分析,这些资料来源包括:岸边及近海探查与生产设施上的气象台站、天气观测船、浮标、商船气象报、从受灾情况估计出的极大风速以及动力诊断模型估计出的海面风速。  相似文献   
本文根据1960~1994年千里岩和青岛月平均气温资料,分析了千里岩与青岛35年来气温的年、季变化特征及差别,发现35年来,千里岩和青岛的年、季平均气温均呈变暖趋势,但千里岩增温幅度较青岛小。从分析中发现,与气温变暖趋势相对应,西北太平洋副热带高压(以下简称副高)面积、强度指数的年、季变化也呈明显的增强、增大趋势。且年平均气温与冬季副高面积指数相关最显著。最后依此关系建立回归方程,并预测了1996年千里岩年平均气温的变化趋势。  相似文献   
厦门东海域定置网渔获鱼类种类组成及其季节变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
2003年7月~2004年6月对厦门东部海域的定置网渔获鱼类进行采样分析.结果表明厦门东海域至少有鱼类242种,隶属于19个目81科145属,主要是沿岸近底层和底栖的小型鱼类.以鲈形目种类最多,共计127种,占总数的52.5%、经济种类有116种.主要优势种有:青鳞小沙丁鱼、孔鳞小沙丁鱼、斑鲦、马拉邦虫鳗、裸鳍虫鳗、中华须鳗、前鳞鲻、眶棘双边鱼、多鳞鳝、皮氏叫姑鱼、短棘银鲈、列牙垒幸4、黄斑蓝子鱼、褐蓝子鱼、锯塘鳢、锻虎鱼类、褐菖鲇、绿鳍鱼、鳄鲡、卵鳎、中华单角鲍等.渔获种类在秋季及冬初最多,夏季较多,而冬末和春初最少.渔获种类的季节变化比较明显,与海洋表层水温变化有关,种类的月更替率比较高.  相似文献   
南海东北部末次冰期以来的沉积环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南海东北部上陆坡处所取的D孔柱样进行硅藻分析,结合粒度与碎屑矿物分析结果,探讨该海域末次冰期以来沉积环境演变过程.结果表明:粒度与硅藻分析结果较为吻合,共同显示D孔柱样可分为上下两层.上表层(0~2 cm)的砂质沉积层为冰后期海进过程改造的晚更新世残留沉积层,即变余沉积;下层(2~130 cm)主要是末次冰期形成的浅海沉积.整个柱样可反映出海洋同位素MIS 4期海退至MIS 3期海进与MIS 2期海退至冰后期海进的沉积变化韵律.  相似文献   
A probability density function of surface elevation is obtained through improvement of the method introduced by Cieslikiewicz who employed the maximum entropy principle to investigate the surface elevation distribution. The density function can be easily extended to higher order according to demand and is non-negative everywhere, satisfying the basic behavior of the probability. Moreover because the distribution is derived without any assumption about sea waves, it is found from comparison with several accepted distributions that the new form of distribution can be applied in a wider range of wave conditions. In addition, the density function can be used to fit some observed distributions of surface vertical acceleration although something remains unsolved.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲潮滩发育时空谱系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究黄河三角洲潮滩发育的时空话系指出:在时间上,黄河三角洲潮滩系由不同时期河口滩发育而成,各段潮滩发育时间因素的差异在比较形态学上有清晰反映,在空间上,并存着处于不同发育阶段上的四种类型(阶段)。由此构成了黄河三角洲前沿所特有的湖滩形态时空体系。  相似文献   
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