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The relation between mass loss rate and pulsation period in carbon Miras is discussed. The dust mass loss rate is very low (about 2 × 10–10 M/yr) up to aboutP = 380 days, where there is a sudden increase. ForP > 400 days there is a linear relation between logM andP. The change in the mass loss rate near 380 days may be related to radiation pressure on dust becoming effective in driving the outflow.  相似文献   
论述了我国目前在长期、中期和短临预报中所面临的主要科学问题,提出了从哪些方面进行突破的建议。  相似文献   
Simulation of seismic response in a city-like environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the seismic response of idealized 2D cities, constituted by non-equally spaced, non-equally sized homogenized blocks anchored in a soft layer overlying a hard half space. The blocks and soft layer are occupied by dissipative media. To simulate such response, we use an approximation of the viscoelastic modulus by a low-order rational function of frequency and incorporate this approximation into a first-order-in-time scheme. Our results display spatially variable, strong, long-duration responses inside the blocks and on the ground, which qualitatively match the responses observed in some earthquake-prone cities of Mexico, France, the USA, etc.  相似文献   
Free tropospheric measurements of ozone, peroxyacetylnitrate andprecursors (CO, NMHC) that were made within the framework of the EUROTRACsub-project TOR (Tropospheric Ozone Research) between 1990 and 1995 at theGAW station Izana, Tenerife (28°18N, 16°30W) arediscussed. The average annual cycles reveal the importance of transport fromnorthern mid-latitudes and the role of photo-chemistry. According toair-mass trajectories, which were supplied to us from AEROCE(Atmosphere/Ocean Chemistry Experiment), transport from northernmid-latitudes is associated with high precursor concentrations in winter,whereas ozone concentrations in winter are not much influenced by transportpatterns, suggesting a rather uniform distribution over the northern part ofthe Northern Hemisphere around mean value of 43 ± 5 ppb. In summer,high ozone concentrations of up to 90 ppb are often encountered duringtransport from north, while the levels of precursors are much lower than inwinter, because of photochemical destruction. Trajectories from southerlylatitudes and the Sahara usually have the lowest ozone concentrationsassociated with them.  相似文献   

使用湖北1961—2012年70个站点逐日20—20时降水资料及相应时段入梅、出梅日期和梅雨期强度指数统计资料,通过最小二乘法拟合、滑动平均、趋势系数和气候倾向率分析等方法,从多年变化、空间分布、趋势变化、强度指数等方面,探讨近52 a湖北梅雨期降水的气候变化特征。结果表明:(1)湖北的入梅、出梅日期和梅雨期长度历年差异较大,梅雨期较长但呈减少趋势。2000年为湖北梅雨的转折点,该年之后入梅日期推迟,出梅日期提前,梅雨长度缩短,梅雨期降水呈现弱化的特点。(2)湖北年降水量、梅雨期降水量、暴雨量、暴雨站次数较多,梅年比、暴雨比较高,且历年差异较大。年降水量的年际变化表现为小振幅波动震荡,其他的波动震荡较大且除梅年比外的震荡趋势很一致。(3)梅雨期降水存在明显的区域性和年代际变化。52 a平均特征表明,鄂西南和鄂东为高值区,鄂西北为低值区。1990s和2000s的梅雨期降水量和梅年比分别较其他时段明显偏多、偏高和偏少、偏低,1970s的梅雨期暴雨日、暴雨量较其他时段明显偏少,暴雨比明显偏低。(4)趋势系数和气候倾向率分析表明,鄂东的暴雨比明显增加,湖北大部分站点的年降水量、梅年比、梅雨期降水量、暴雨量、暴雨日在增加,主要位于江汉平原南部和鄂东南,少部分站点在减少,主要位于江汉平原中北部和鄂西南,但趋势均不明显。(5)梅雨强度指数其呈弱增加趋势,其在典型的水涝年份的等级为强或偏强,在典型的干旱年份的等级为偏弱,且等级偏弱的年数最多,为20个。

The main aim of this research was to assess the mercury transport from an estuarine basin with a background of anthropogenic contamination during a spring tidal cycle (year 2009) and compare it with two previous tidal cycles (years 1994 and 1999), as part of a long‐term monitoring program. Results showed that effective mercury transport occurs both in the dissolved and particulate fractions (0.18 and 0.20 kg per tidal cycle, respectively), and despite an overall decrease in environmental contamination, results more than double previous findings on particulate transport in the system. These findings result essentially from changes in the tidal prism (net export of 2 million m3 of water), given that both dissolved and particulate concentrations did not increase over time. Hydrodynamic simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of physical disturbance (dredging) and weather events (increased freshwater flow) in these processes, and results suggest the increased freshwater flow into the system as the main forcing function for the mercury transport increment. These results highlight the importance of long‐term monitoring programs, since despite an overall improvement in local contamination levels, the enhancement of transport processes through hydrological changes increases environmental pressure away from the contamination source. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文利用采集于我国三大油田的五种原油样品开展了长达210天的溢油风化模拟实验,并依据相对偏差和重复性限数学分析法,进行溢油风化过程分析和诊断比值应用效果评估。研究结果表明:经过210天的风化,溢油鉴定诊断比值发生明显改变;其中来源于萜烷、甾烷和多环芳烃的诊断比值变化率要远低于正构烷烃,可用于中长期风化溢油鉴定。此外,研究发现,在这些有效诊断比值中有4个变化率较小,相对偏差低于5%,保持了较好的稳定性,更适合于重度风化溢油鉴定。  相似文献   
北斗卫星导航系统能全星座播发3个频率的观测值,有利于载波相位模糊度的解算。本文以传统的CIR方法为基础,分析了其在短基线和长基线计算时的优点和限制。针对于电离层延迟的影响,经典的CIR难以实现长基线模糊度固定的问题,本文提出了一种附有约束条件的适用于长基线的改进CIR算法,利用北斗三频数据对算法性能进行了验证。实验表明:提出的新算法能够提高长基线宽巷模糊度的固定成功率,并且能够很大程度上缩小窄巷模糊度的搜索空间,使其估值的波动能够在4周以内。  相似文献   
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