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Quick-look assessments to identify optimal CO2 EOR storage sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A newly developed, multistage quick-look methodology allows for the efficient screening of an unmanageably large number of reservoirs to generate a workable set of sites that closely match the requirements for optimal CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) storage. The objective of the study is to quickly identify miscible CO2 EOR candidates in areas that contain thousands of reservoirs and to estimate additional oil recovery and sequestration capacities of selected top options through dimensionless modeling and reservoir characterization. Quick-look assessments indicate that the CO2 EOR resource potential along the US Gulf Coast is 4.7 billion barrels, and CO2 sequestration capacity is 2.6 billion metric tons. In the first stage, oil reservoirs are screened and ranked in terms of technical and practical feasibility for miscible CO2 EOR. The second stage provides quick estimates of CO2 EOR potential and sequestration capacities. In the third stage, a dimensionless group model is applied to a selected set of sites to improve the estimates of oil recovery and storage potential using appropriate inputs for rock and fluid properties, disregarding reservoir architecture and sweep design. The fourth stage validates and refines the results by simulating flow in a model that describes the internal architecture and fluid distribution in the reservoir. The stated approach both saves time and allows more resources to be applied to the best candidate sites.  相似文献   
The redox cycle of iron and manganese is a major geochemica process at the boundary layers of lake sediments.Lake Aha,which lies in the suburbs of Guiyang City,Guizhou Province,China,is a medium-sized artificial reservoir with seasonally anoxic hypolimnion,Long-term sedimentary accumulation of iron and manganese resulted in their enrichment in the upper sediments,In the anoxic season,Fe^2 and Mn^2 ,formed by diological oxidation,would diffuse up to overlying waters from sediments.However,the concentration of oxidation,would diffuse up to overlying waters from sediments,However,the concentration of Fe^2 increased later and decreased earlier than that of Mn^2 .Generally,sulfate reduction occurred at 6 cm below the sediment-water interface.Whereas,in the anoxic season.the reduction reached upper sediments,inhibiting the release of Fe^2 ,The Fe concentration of anoxic water is quickly decreased from high to low as a result of reduction of the suplhur system.  相似文献   
The soil solution sampling by ceramic cups allows pesticide transfer monitoring in the soil during long times. The ageing of material involves a bias in the sampling results. In laboratory, the comparison of two types of ceramic suction cups, new and installed in situ during four years, shows a modification of the hydrodynamic properties and a possible evolution of the adsorption capacity of the matrix. The passage rate, as well qualitative as quantitative, is better for the old material. Recommendations about site management are finally exposed. To cite this article: N. Domange et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
基于扩增子的高通量测序技术广泛应用于微型生物多样性的研究, 不同的测序手段和数据分析流程, 影响着微型生物多样性与群落结构的分析结果。本研究以易于形态鉴定的砂壳纤毛虫作为研究对象, 比较DNA测序、RNA测序和形态学方法检获的多样性和物种组成等, 探究序列分析流程中关键步骤: 嵌合体处理、可操作分类单元分析方法选择、合并相似分类单元以及去除稀有类群等对多样性结果的影响。研究结果显示无论基于DNA还是RNA的分子手段与形态学方法检获的主要物种基本一致, 与DNA测序相比, RNA测序检获的物种数少, 但差异不显著。基于97%以上相似度聚类和单核苷酸变异所得群落结构相似, 无显著差异; 且所有分析方法都能在一定程度上反映出自然界中不同类群的相对丰度。相较于单核苷酸变异和其他相似度阈值, 99%相似度下聚类所得多样性更为接近形态学结果。去除嵌合体和稀有类群(去除阈值: DNA测序0.05%; RNA测序0.07%), 可明显改善分子多样性虚高的问题。本研究为纤毛虫等真核微生物的分子多样性研究提供了科学的数据分析流程, 对未来真核微生物多样性研究具有指导意义。  相似文献   
针对具有预测功能的矢量数据压缩方法效率低下的问题,提出一种基于扇形筛选法的矢量数据压缩方法。在预测区域内利用扇形筛选法,能显著减少待选点,从而提高压缩效率。实验结果证明,该方法的效率与改进前方法相比提升了30%~40%。此外,与传统的Douglas-Peucker算法相比,该方法在相同阈值下可以得到更大的压缩比,且在较小阈值下具有更高的计算效率。  相似文献   
文章根据概率图解法原理,利用VB可视化编程技术,完成了概率图筛分软件的研制.并通过该软件对东升庙矿床矿石品位混合总体进行筛分处理,探究其成矿期次信息.已有研究结果表明:一次成矿作用形成的矿床,其矿石品位的累积概率图是一条直线.而东升庙矿床的8条代表性勘探线中4种主要成矿元素TS、An、Pb、Cu品位的累积概率图均为曲线且出现明显拐点,经多次作图检验证实有效拐点数为1,由此得到新的成矿期次信息,揭示该矿床经历了两期成矿作用,即中元古代同沉积-海底喷气矿化期和后生改造矿化期,这对于研究其成矿物质来源和成矿机理具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
ATS(algal turf scrubber)系统是一种利用潮间带藻类高效去除富营养化水体中氮(N)、磷(P)元素的水质净化系统, 藻类是支持整个系统最重要的组成部分, 其群落结构与水质净化效果密切相关。该研究基于Illumina MiSeq平台的高通量测序技术对海水水族缸的ATS系统中藻板样品和自然礁石上的藻类进行多样性分析。18S rDNA研究结果表明, ATS系统中经筛选得到藻类优化序列21390条, 其中对丝藻属Antithamnion占主要地位, 占序列总数的22.79%, 其次19.07%序列归入斜纹藻属Psammodictyon; 宋井、展南亭、后宅3个地区的藻类经筛选分别得到88435、87129、106458条优化序列, 主要为分枝色指藻属Chroodactylon、宽果藻属Mastocarpus和日本马泽藻属Mazzaella。ATS系统和自然环境样品共有的优势藻为骨条藻属Skeletonema和仙菜属Ceramium。本实验在研究ATS系统与自然礁石上的藻类群落相似性的同时, 深入探究了其群落结构的差异性, 为进一步优化ATS系统的功能提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
象山港位于浙江省宁波市东南部沿海,属于半封闭式海湾,是以海水养殖区和海洋牧场示范区为主的重要多功能水域,近年来生态环境问题日益突出。为研究象山港海域在早春低水温环境中细菌的多样性,通过高通量测序方法对3月份的象山港水域进行检测。沿象山港南部海湾随机选取6个取样点(G04,G06,G08,G09,G011,G012),共检出836属和2 166种细菌,隶属33个门、91纲、186目和352科。其中优势细菌类群主要包括变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)。变形菌门在G04中占比最高(91.45%),拟杆菌门在G09中占比最高(18.05%);而放线菌门在G12中占比最高(7.95%)。在经度较高且离海岸较远的水域,细菌丰富度也越高;同时随着取样位点纬度的增加,γ-变形菌丰度逐步增高,其中在G04中最高(72.76%),在G12中最低(29.11%)。各取样点的细菌分离培养结果也表明弧菌属丰度较高,且主要集中在G04中。利用高通量测序方法揭示了象山港早春全水域的细菌结构组成框架图,可为象山港的水产养殖和可持续发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   
随着贝类底播增养殖产业的迅猛发展,为保证底播贝苗的成活率,养殖企业对天然苗种更加重视。天然苗种采用中间育成方法,需要对苗种进行筛选作业,但目前筛选作业仍以人工作业为主,存在作业效率低、劳动强度大等问题。作者通过对大连地区虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)天然苗种筛选作业调研的基础上,设计了满足生产实际需求的扇贝苗种筛选装置,可实现3种规格贝苗的筛选作业。试验分2阶段进行,第1阶段对影响筛选准确性的因素进行正交分析于验证,确定了最佳工艺参数;第2阶段在大连旅顺进行的生产性对比试验得出,机械筛选的平均准确率为91.33%,误差率低于10%,且5组筛选结果无显著性差异(P0.05);同时机械筛选的平均作业效率为80g/(人/min),约为人工筛选作业效率的8倍。由此说明扇贝苗种筛选装置具有较高的准确性、稳定性和高效性,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   
The influences of electron screening (ES) and electron energy correction (EEC) are investigated by superstrong magnetic field (SMF). We also discuss in detail the discrepant factor between our results and those of Fushiki, Gudmundsson and Pethick (FGP) in SMF. The results show that SMF has only a slight effect on ES when B < 109 T on the surfaces of most neutron stars. Whereas for some magnetars, SMF influence ES greatly when B > 109 T . For instance, due to SMF the ES potential may be increased about 23.6% and the EEC may be increased about 4 orders of magnitude at ρ/μe = 1.0×106 mol/cm3 and T9 = 1. On the other hand, the discrepant factor shows that our results are in good agreement with FGP's when B < 109 T . But the difference will be increased with increasing SMF.  相似文献   
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