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西藏东巧方辉橄榄岩的显微构造特征及其流变学意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
西藏东巧地区蛇绿岩套中橄榄岩是青藏高原出露的为数不多的地幔岩体之一, 对于揭示该地区的上地幔流变学特征具有重要意义.报道了该地区方辉橄榄岩中橄榄石的位错显微构造特征, 估算了上地幔流变学参数.显微构造研究表明, 东巧方辉橄榄岩发育残斑结构, 橄榄石中位错组态类型比较丰富, 包括自由位错、位错壁(包括宽阔型和紧密型)、位错弓弯和位错网, 表明橄榄石的主导变形机制可能为位错蠕变.该区地幔岩变形大致分为2个阶段: (1) 地幔缓慢塑性流动变形, 形成宽阔型位错壁; (2) 蛇绿岩侵位过程中的变形, 产生紧密型位错壁.根据2种位错壁估算的流动应力平均值分别为3 9.3MPa (宽阔型)和113.9MPa (紧密型), 计算结果获得东巧地区上地幔流动速率为1.13× 10-12 ~ 2.95× 10-11s-1, 有效粘度为4.44×1017~ 1.16×1019Pa°s, 这些参数为东巧地区上地幔物理特征提供了流变学的约束条件   相似文献   
大别造山带毛屋岩体的解体及古地幔性质的厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据详细的地球化学 (特别是稀土元素地球化学 )的研究资料 ,提出大别造山带毛屋岩体应该解体。毛屋岩体不是由多幕式镁铁 超镁铁质层状堆晶作用形成的一套岩石系列 ,而是由橄榄岩类、含石榴石方辉岩类、榴辉岩类和绿辉石岩类组成的一个混杂岩体。其中含石榴石方辉岩类与绿辉石岩类之间存在成因上的联系 ,含石榴石方辉岩类的原岩是本区原始地幔经约36 %的部分熔融后剩下的残余 ,而绿辉石岩的原岩是由该熔融体结晶的产物。根据含石榴石方辉岩与绿辉石岩之间的成分制约关系 ,对该区古地幔的稀土元素组成和地幔性质进行了反演 ,结果表明 ,该区原始地幔稀土元素成分与球粒陨石中的相似 ,为轻稀土略亏损的平坦型组成模式 ;该区原始地幔矿物成分为橄榄石 (72 8% )、单斜辉石 (12 4% )和石榴石 (14 8% ) ,属含单辉石榴橄榄岩的地幔。  相似文献   
中国东北地区上地幔组成、结构及热状态   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文通过对中国东北地区新生代玄武岩中超镁铁质包体的研究,根据地质压力计所估算的包体形成深度、玄武岩浆及辉石岩浆起源的深度等,建立了中国东北地区上地幔组成模式:1.壳幔过渡带;2.尖晶石二辉橄榄岩层;3.含有痕量硅酸盐熔体的低速层;4.尖晶石方辉橄榄岩层;5.石榴石二辉橄榄岩层。与此同时,根据地质温度计与地质压力计推算资料,作者认为中国东北地区上地幔属大洋地温。与典型克拉通地温相比,低速层位置较浅,上地幔处于过热状态,这与大陆裂谷的发育有关。  相似文献   
Yongfeng Zhu 《Island Arc》2008,17(4):560-576
A study of potassium‐ and silica‐rich glass (SiO2 = 65.3–67.4%, K2O = 7.1–9.8%, Na2O = 4.4–6.5%) in spongy clinopyroxene rims from anhydrous spinel harzburgite, collected from Damaping (Hannuoba, north China), is reported here. The corroded surface of clinopyroxene along with clear chemical zonation (homogeneous core and partially melted rim) suggests that incongruent melting of primary clinopyroxene is responsible for generating the Si‐rich glass in clinopyroxene rims. The degree of clinopyroxene melting is estimated to be higher than 15%. In order to generate glass with K2O contents of 7.0 to 9.8% by clinopyroxene melting at a degree of 15% in a closed system, K2O contents in the primary clinopyroxene should be greater than 1.0 wt%, suggesting a very deep origin for the Damaping harzburgite.  相似文献   
Sabah A.  Ismail  Shoji  Arai  Ahmed H.  Ahmed  Yohei  Shimizu 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):175-183
Ophiolitic rocks (chromitites and serpentinized peridotites) were petrologically examined in detail for the first time from Rayat, in the Iraqi part of the Zagros thrust zone, an ophiolitic belt. Almost all the primary silicates have been altered out, but chromian spinel has survived from alteration and gives information about the primary petrological characteristics. The protolith of the serpentinite was clinopyroxene-free harzburgite with chromian spinel of intermediate Cr# (= Cr/[Cr + Al] atomic ratio) of 0.5 to 0.6. The harzburgite with that signature is the most common in the mantle section of the Tethyan ophiolites such as the Oman ophiolite, and is the most suitable host for chromitite genesis. Except for one sample, which has Cr# = 0.6 for spinel, the Cr# of spinel is high, around 0.7, in chromitite. The variation in Cr# of spinel in chromitite observed here has been also reported in the Oman ophiolite. The peridotite with chromitite pods exposed at Rayat was derived from an ophiolite similar in petrological character to the Oman ophiolite, one of the typical Tethyan ophiolites (fragments of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere). This result is consistent with the previous interpretation based on geological analysis.  相似文献   
Ophiolitic sequences obducted onto continental margins allow field based observations coupled with petrochemical interrogations of upper mantle lithologies thereby aiding evaluation of compositional heterogeneity of oceanic mantle, depletion-enrichment events and geodynamic conditions governing oceanic lithosphere formation. The Naga Hills Ophiolite (NHO) suite preserves a segment of the Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere encompassing a package of mantle and crustal lithologies. This paper for the first time reports the occurrence of melt flow channels traversing the mantle section near Molen of the NHO and presents a comprehensive study involving chromite-spinel chemistry, bulk rock major, trace and PGE geochemistry to understand the petrogenesis and evolution in a geodynamic transition from mid oceanic ridge (MOR) to suprasubduction zone (SSZ). The spinel chemistry of peridotitic melt channels depicts both MOR-type and SSZ signatures underlining a transitional tectonic frame. Chromite chemistry and high Al2O3/TiO2 ranging from 15.98–35.70 in concurrence with low CaO/Al2O3 ranging from 0.03–0.53; and chondrite normalised LREE > MREE < HREE patterns confirm the influx of boninitic melts into the refractory mantle. The boninitic signature shared by melt channels and host rock invokes a geochemical and geodynamic transition from anhydrous melting of depleted mantle to hydrated fluid flux melting resulting in boninitic melts, that subsequently impregnate and refertilise the fore arc mantle wedge in a SSZ regime at the nascent stage of subduction. The high Ba/Nb, Ba/Th, and Ba/La for the studied peridotites highlight the influx of subduction derived fluids in the supra subduction mantle. Further higher Zr/Hf and Nd/Hf with respect to primitive mantle values in concurrence with lower Nb/Ta suggest progressive refertilisation due to fluid- and melt-driven metasomatism of the refractory fore arc mantle wedge. The chondrite normalised PGE patterns suggest positive Ir and Ru anomalies stipulating the source to be refractory while enriched Pt and Pd underpins the mobilisation of these elements by subduction derived fluids and melts. The elevated abundances of PPGEs than IPGEs as cited by PPGE/IPGE > 1; and Pd/Pt avg. 0.85 for melt channels and 0.84 for host peridotites indicate fluid-fluxed metasomatism of fore arc mantle wedge with a S-undersaturated trend coupled with boninitic affinity. The mineral, trace, REE and PGE chemistry collectively emphasizes that the mantle peridotites of the NHO formed in a transitional geodynamic tectonic setting caused by fore arc extension during subduction initiation followed by rejuvenation by subduction derived fluids and boninitic melts, which typically are of the SSZ tectonic regime. The harzburgitic melt channels and host rock are refractory in nature, reflecting multiple episodes of melt extraction of about 5–15% and ~10–20% respectively from a spinel peridotite mantle source. The occurrences of these melt channels indicate segregation and percolation of melt through porous and channelized network in upper mantle peridotites.  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探工程卫星孔PP6钻孔位于苏鲁超高压变质带的山东荣成滕家集马草夼橄榄岩体中。该橄榄岩出露于元古代花岗闪长片麻岩中,面积为300m×130m。地表岩石风化强烈,钻孔内岩石新鲜,劈理发育。孔深196m,橄榄岩厚度约110m,下部为花岗闪长片麻岩。橄榄岩主体呈块状构造,边缘呈条带状构造,靠近片麻岩的橄榄岩蛇纹石化强烈。除了10cm厚的岩脉原岩为岩浆分异的产物外,岩石主元素、微量和稀土元素地球化学显示,原岩为极亏损的地幔方辉橄榄岩。岩石主要矿物组成为橄榄石(85%~95%) 斜方辉石(3%~5%) 角闪石(3%~5%) 尖晶石(约0.5%) 镍硫化物(<0.1%),个别部位含有石榴石、单斜辉石和白云石。根据矿物的结构和成分,大体分为三个期次的组合。早期残余地幔矿物组合,由镁橄榄石、富铝顽火辉石、铬尖晶石和透辉石组成,具残余斑状结构,常含有包体,为高温低压组合;超高压变质期矿物组合,由镁橄榄石、镁铝榴石(Pyr=62~66)、低铝顽火辉石、铬尖晶石组成,具细粒变晶结构,无包体,变质温压为840~940°C、3.0~4.1GPa;麻粒岩相─角闪岩相变质期矿物组合,包括韭闪石、镁铝尖晶石、铬尖晶石、白云石、透闪石、蛇纹石,变质温度和压力为650~780℃、<1.8GPa。马草夼橄榄岩作为地幔楔,在印支期发生了超高压变质作用,并在折返过程中叠加了麻粒岩相-角闪岩相的变质作用。  相似文献   
在班公湖怒江蛇绿岩带的西端日土出露两种不同的地幔橄榄岩:①角砾状方辉橄榄岩,由80%橄榄石(Fo=90.76~91.84,平均91.09)、15%斜方辉石(Mg#=90.97~91.41,平均91.16)、2%单斜辉石(Mg#=93.24~94.60,平均93.96)、3%棕色尖晶石(Cr#=0.20~0.25,平均0.23<0.60)和磁铁矿组成,以低MgO(41.41%~42.02%)、高Al2O3(1.63%~1.94%)、CaO(1.34%~1.60%)和Ti(133.04~134.52μg/g)为特征,亏损REE,ΣREE为球粒陨石的17%~22%,估算其为原始地幔岩经过10%~15%部分熔融的残留物;②块状方辉橄榄岩,由85%橄榄石、13%斜方辉石、2%红褐色尖晶石(Cr#=0.69~0.74,平均0.71>0.60)和磁铁矿组成,不含单斜辉石,相对于角砾状方辉橄榄岩,高MgO(42.96%~44.69%),低Al2O3(0.23%~0.61%)、CaO(0.08%~0.11%)和Ti(68.55~68.82μg/g),强烈亏损REE,ΣREE仅为球粒陨石的3%~5%,估算其为原始地幔橄榄岩经过30%~40%部分熔融的残留物。初步研究认为角砾状方辉橄榄岩是古大洋岩石圈在板块汇聚过程中构造侵位于缝合带中的残留物,是MOR型蛇绿岩的地幔橄榄岩;块状方辉橄榄岩是古大洋岩石圈在俯冲消减过程中再度发生熔融的残留物,是SSZ型蛇绿岩的地幔橄榄岩,这与本区发育MOR型蛇绿岩熔岩洋中脊拉斑玄武岩(P-MORB)和SSZ型蛇绿岩熔岩玻安岩(Boninite)是一致的。  相似文献   
Abstract   Abundant peridotite xenoliths have been found in pyroclasitics of Avacha (Avachinsky) volcano, the south Kamchatka arc, Russia. They are mostly refractory harzburgite with or without clinopyroxene: the Fo of olivine and Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio of spinel range from 91 to 92 and from 0.5 to 0.7, respectively. They are metasomatized to various extents, and the metasomatic orthopyroxene has been formed at the expense of olivine. The metasomatic orthopyroxene, free of deformation and exsolution, is characterized by low contents of CaO and Cr2O3. The complicated way of replacement possibly indicates low viscosity of the metasomatic agent, namely hydrous fluids released from the relatively cool slab beneath the south Kamchatka arc. This is a good contrast to the north Kamchatka arc, where the slab has been hot enough to provide slab-derived melts. High content of total orthopyroxene, 40 vol% on average, in metasomatized harzburgite from Avacha suggests silica enrichment of the mantle wedge, and is equivalent to some subcratonic harzburgite. Some subcratonic harzburgites therefore could have been formed by transportation of subarc metasomatized peridotites to a deeper part of the upper mantle.  相似文献   
本文探讨了该区超镁铁岩化学成分的分带性;本区方辉橄榄岩与其它地区的化学成分的对比;以及与其密切共生的岩浆岩化学成分的互补关系;及本区上地幔可能的化学分带模式。得出结论:(1)从地质和岩石化学证据表明本区的方辉橄榄岩是地幔物质呈固态侵位的。(2)方辉橄榄岩与共生的岩浆岩有成因联系。(3)本区可能存在上地幔双层化学模式。  相似文献   
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