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Very low to zero shallow dip angles are observed at several moderately young subduction zones with an active trenchward moving overriding plate. We have investigated the effects of latent heat for this situation, where mantle material is pushed through the major mantle phase transitions during shallow low-angle subduction below the overriding plate. The significance of the buoyancy forces, arising from the latent heat effects, on the dynamics of the shallowly subducting slab is examined by numerical modeling. When a 32-Ma-old slab is overridden with 2.5 cm/yr by a continent, flat subduction occurs with a 4–5 cm/yr convergence rate. When latent heat is included in the model, forced downwellings cause a thermal anomaly and consequently thermal and phase buoyancy forces. Under these circumstances, the flat slab segment subducts horizontally about 350 km further and for about 11 Ma longer than in the case without latent heat, before it breaks through the 400-km phase transition. The style of subduction strongly depends on the mantle rheology: increasing the mantle viscosity by one order of magnitude can change the style of subduction from steep to shallow. Similarly, an overriding velocity of less than 1 cm/yr leads to steep subduction, which gradually changes to flat subduction when increasing the overriding velocity. However, these model parameters do not change the aforementioned effect of the latent heat, provided that low-angle subduction occurs. In all models latent heat resulted in a substantial increase of the flat slab length by 300–400 km. Varying the olivine–spinel transition Clapeyron slope γ from 1 to 6 MPa/K reveals a roughly linear relation between γ and the horizontal length of the slab. Based on these results, we conclude that buoyancy forces due to latent heat of phase transitions play an important role in low-angle subduction below an overriding plate.  相似文献   
前人在山西交城断裂带上开挖过多个探槽,揭露出全新世3次古地震事件,但其研究结果尚不能确定该断裂带全新世活动段的北部边界.近期在该断裂带北端和中段又开挖了3个大型探槽,其中在阳曲县泥屯盆地西界开挖的龙王沟探槽,是一个由多个探槽组合成的大探槽,该探槽揭示的地层断错信息,将交城断裂带全新世活动的范围向北延伸了20km.另外2个大型探槽分别为交城断裂带中段瓦窑沟东侧台地前缘的瓦窑探槽与市儿口沟西侧T1阶地前缘的新民探槽.这3个大探槽均揭示出全新世中期(14C测年值为距今5 ~ 6ka)的垆土和淤泥层,以及多组平行分布的断面,所揭示的全新世3次古地震事件具有断错事件活动的同步性,可与前人探槽揭示的全新世断层活动事件相对比.3次断错活动时间分别距今3.06 ~3.53ka、5.32ka左右或6.14ka左右、8.36ka左右;3次事件的时间间隔分别为2.02 ~ 2.84ka和2.22 ~ 3.04ka.这些断错事件的同震垂直位移为1.5~4.7m,显示了7级以上地表破裂型的强震活动.最后讨论了探槽中14C测年样品的影响因素.  相似文献   
Fault patterns at outer trench walls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Profiles across subduction-related trenches commonly show normal faulting of the outer trench wall. Such faulting is generally parallel or sub-parallel to the trench and is ascribed to tension in the upper part of the oceanic plate as it is bent into the subduction zone. A number of authors have noted that outer trench wall faulting may involve re-activation of the oceanic spreading fabric of the subducting plate, even when the trend of this fabric is noticeably oblique to the extensional stress direction. However, one previous review of outer trench wall fault patterns questioned the occurrence of a consistent link between fault orientation and such controlling factors. This latter study predated the widespread availability of swath bathymetry and longrange sidescan sonar data over trenches. Based only on profile data, it was unable to analyse fault patterns with the accuracy now possible. This paper therefore re-examines the relationship between outer trench wall faulting and the structure of the subduction zone and subducting plate using GLORIA and Seabeam swath mapping data from several locations around the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The principal conclusions is that the trend of outer trench wall faults is almost always controlled by either the subducting slab strike or by the inherited oceanic spreading fabric in the subducting plate. The latter control operates when the spreading fabric is oblique to the subducting slab strike by less than 25–30°; in all other cases the faults are parallel to slab strike (and parallel or sub-parallel to the trench). Where the angle between spreading fabric and slab strike is close to 30°, two fault trends may coexist; evidence from the Aleutian Trench indicates a gradual change from spreading fabric to slab strike control of fault trend as the angle between the two increases from 25 to 30°. The only observed exception to the above rule of fault control comes from the western Aleutian Trench, where outer trench wall faults are oblique to the slab strike, almost perpendicular to the spreading fabric, and parallel to the convergence direction. Re-orientation of the extensional stress direction due to right-lateral shear at this highly oblique plate boundary is the best explanation of this apparently anomalous observation.  相似文献   
两相饱和多孔介质的动力响应问题在地震工程领域具有重要的研究意义,由于涉及到固相和液相的动力耦合,使得该问题的求解尤为复杂。本文利用Comsol在求解多场耦合问题上的优点,针对Biot饱和多孔介质u-U耦合形式下的波动方程特征,经过一系列微分算子运算和矩阵变换得到导数形式下的波动方程,基于Comsol Multiphysics提供的广义偏微分方程模式对变形后的波动方程进行求解,并把改进后的无限元边界应用到无限域动力问题的模拟中。通过与饱和多孔介质动力响应的解析解进行对比,验证模型求解技术的可行性和正确性,并在此基础上讨论饱和土地基中空沟隔振效果与饱和土体参数孔隙率、泊松比的关系。通过研究分析,可以为饱和土地基中空沟隔振设计提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   
A two-dimensional numerical convection model in cartesian geometry is used to study the influence of trench migration on the ability of subducted slabs to penetrate an endothermic phase boundary at 660 km depth. The transient subduction history of an oceanic plate is modelled by imposing plate and trench motion at the surface. The viscosity depends on temperature and depth. A variety of styles of slab behaviour is found, depending predominantly on the trench velocity. When trench retreat is faster than 2–4 cm/a, the descending slab flattens above the phase boundary. At slower rates it penetrates straight into the lower mantle, although flattening in the transition zone may occur later, leading to a complex slab morphology. The slab can buckle, independent of whether it penetrates or not, especially when there is a localised increase in viscosity at the phase boundary. Flattened slabs are only temporarily arrested in the transition zone and sink ultimately into the lower mantle. The results offer a framework for understanding the variety in slab geometry revealed by seismic tomography.  相似文献   
As Andean glaciers rapidly retreat due to climate change, the balance of groundwater and glacial meltwater contributions to stream discharge in tropical, proglacial watersheds will change, potentially increasing vulnerability of water resources. The Shullcas River Watershed, near Huancayo, Peru, is fed only partly by the rapidly receding Huaytapallana glaciers (<20% of dry season flow). To potentially increase recharge and therefore increase groundwater derived baseflow, the government and not‐for‐profit organizations have installed trenches along large swaths of hillslope in the Shullcas Watershed. Our study focuses on a nonglacierized subcatchment of the Shullcas River Watershed and has 2 objectives: (a) create a model of the Shullcas groundwater system and assess the controls on stream discharge and (b) investigate the impact of the infiltration trenches on recharge and baseflow. We first collected hydrologic data from the field including a year‐long hydrograph (2015–2016), meteorological data (2011–2016), and infiltration measurements. We use a recharge model to evaluate the impact of trenched hillslopes on infiltration and runoff processes. Finally, we use a 3‐dimensional groundwater model, calibrated to the measured dry season baseflow, to determine the impact of trenching on the catchment. Simulations show that trenched hillslopes receive approximately 3.5% more recharge, relative to precipitation, compared with unaltered hillslopes. The groundwater model indicates that because the groundwater flow system is fast and shallow, incorporating trenched hillslopes (~2% of study subcatchment area) only slightly increases baseflow in the dry season. Furthermore, the location of trenching is an important consideration: Trenching higher in the catchment (further from the river) and in flatter terrain provides more baseflow during the dry season. The results of this study may have important implications for Andean landscape management and water resources.  相似文献   
When a sediment laden river reaches a flat basin area the coarse fraction of their sediment load is deposited in a cone shaped structure called an alluvial fan. In this article we used the State Space Soil Production and Assessment Model (SSSPAM) coupled landform–soilscape evolution model to simulate the development of alluvial fans in two- and three-dimensional landforms. In SSSPAM the physical processes of erosion and armouring, soil weathering and sediment deposition were modelled using state-space matrices, in both two and three dimensions. The results of the two-dimensional fan showed that the fan grew vertically and laterally keeping a concave up long profile. It also showed a downstream fining of the sediments along the fan profile. Both of these observations are in agreement with available literature concerning natural and experimental fan formations. Simulations with the three-dimensional landform produced a fan with a semicircular shape with concave up long profiles and concave down cross profiles which is typical for fans found in nature and ones developed in laboratory conditions. During the simulation the main channel which brings sediment to the fan structure changed its position constantly leading to the semicircular shape of the fan. This behaviour is similar to the autogenic process of ‘fanhead trenching’ which is the major mechanism of sediment redistribution while the fan is developing. The three-dimensional fan simulation also exhibited the downstream fining of sediments from the fan apex to the peripheries. Further, the simulated fan also developed complex internal sediment stratification which is modelled by SSSPAM. Currently such complex sediment stratification is thought to be a result of allogenic processes. However, this simulation shows that, such complex internal sediment structures can develop through autogenic processes as well. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Horizontal trenches (HTs) are constructed during the waste filling for leachate recirculation in bioreactor landfills. Leachate distribution depends on HT configuration (i.e., spacing between successive HTs), leachate injection rate, modes of injection, and hydraulic properties and MSW heterogeneity. Presently, the effects of these variables on the moisture distribution have not been studied systematically. This study provides a systematic evaluation of the effect of the HTs variables on the moisture distribution and pore fluid pressures. A two-phase flow model is used to model a bioreactor landfill having an HT leachate injection system. It quantifies the effects of the unsaturated hydraulic properties and MSW heterogeneity, trench configuration, leachate injection flux, and mode of injection on hydraulic behaviour. The results show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and MSW heterogeneity significantly shape the zone of influence and excess pore pressures. Under heterogeneous-anisotropic conditions, the leachate migrates more laterally and the developed pore-pressures are lower than for homogeneous MSW. A closely-spaced, multi-level, staggered HT system is found to provide uniform and adequate moisture distribution in MSW. An intermittent mode of injection that alternates between the shallow and deep trenches with a higher leachate injection flow rate is found to be effective to control the excess pore pressures.  相似文献   
Uncertainties are common in the dating of paleoearthquakes.To improve the credibility of the dating of paleoearthquakes,analysis was done on fault activity,sedimentary environment and seismo-geomorphology to investigate paleoearthquakes along the Zemuhe active fault zone.Grouped trenches were excavated near Daqingliangzi,which revealed three palaeoearthquake events aged 160a,3100a and 5500a~8900a,respectively,including recurrence intervals of about 3000a.Sedimentary processes related to strike-slip fault type earthquakes were discussed,and a sedimentary model was put forward for strike-slip faults at hillsides where drumlin and reverse scarp developed.  相似文献   
Nine earthquakes with M≥6 have stricken the northern segment of the Red River fault zone since the historical records, including the 1652 Midu M7 earthquake and the 1925 Dali M7 earthquake. However, there have been no earthquake records of M≥6 on the middle and southern segments of the Red River Fault, since 886 AD. Is the Red River fault zone, as a boundary fault, a fault zone where there will be not big earthquake in the future or a seismogenic structure for large earthquake with long recurrence intervals?This problem puzzles the geologists for a long time. Through indoor careful interpretation of high resolution remote sensing images, and in combination with detailed field geological and geomorphic survey, we found a series of fault troughs along the section of Gasha-Yaojie on the southern segment of the Red River fault zone, the length of the Gasha-Yaojie section is over ten kilometers. At the same time, paleoseismic information and radiocarbon dating result analysis on the multiple trenches show that there exists geological evidence of seismic activity during the Holocene in the southern segment of the Red River fault zone.  相似文献   
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