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常规处理方法往往漏掉一些有价值的薄油气储层。利用频率域反槽积方法、贝叶斯反褶积方法、反褶积与光滑滤波组合(DFSN)方法和分辨率匹配与非线性拟合方法对测井曲线进行了提高纵向分辨率处理,测井曲线的纵向分辨率可提高1~4倍,一些结果得到了证实,为准确地定量评价薄储居提供了较可靠的参数  相似文献   
葛店煤矿双庙扩大区位于豫、皖两省交界处。勘探区为一轴向北北东向的不对称向斜构造,地层倾角26°~30°,测区深部有岩浆岩侵入体,严重影响煤层赋存形态;地表条件复杂,村庄密集、河流较多,测区东侧塌陷区水塘大面积分布.三维地震勘探野外施工难度大。本区地震勘探观测系统设计为12线18炮制,为避免偏移归位及叠加次数降低等问题,在向斜轴部两侧、村子周边及河岸处适当加密炮点,并在塌陷区利用钢钎插置检波器以保证CDP点完整性。数据处理采取了叠前反褶积、叠前时间偏移等技术,数据处理效果显著。遵循多波组对比、多个数据体综合解释的原则,以纵向、横向和任意时间剖面相结合,充分利用三维可视化技术进行地震资料解释。本次勘探成果查明了主采煤层三2^2、二2煤层的构造形态及埋藏深度;解释落差5m以上断层34条,其中修改原有断层5条;另外新发现小于5m的异常断点22个。经巷道验证煤层底板标高误差0.43%~1.96%,巷道已揭露断层7条,与解释成果基本一致。  相似文献   
海底电缆多次波衰减是国外地球物理研究的热点之一,国内研究关注相对较少,相应理论和实验研究相对匮乏。介绍了OBC多次波的压制方法,对上下行波场反褶积衰减海底电缆表面多次波方法理论及相应技术流程做出了详尽阐述。该方法不需要震源信息、不需要去掉直达波和鬼波,即可达到衰减表面相关多次波的目的,通过理论模型和实际资料的验证,取得了理想的效果。  相似文献   
地震干涉技术可以将任意2个检波器接收到的数据合成为在若干检波器之间传播的波,就好像其中的一个检波器作为一个虚拟震源来发挥作用。它可以从混沌无序的地震信号中发现有用信息,从地震噪声中提取有用信号以此推断地震波穿过介质的地质构造。基于反褶积算法,对其理论公式进行了较详细的推导,实现被动源地震干涉成像,证明了反褶积算法的可行性;并将其结果与互相关算法的结果进行对比,分析了2种方法在信噪比和分辨率方面的差异。数值计算表明,反褶积算法的纵向分辨率比互相关算法的高。对其进行的加噪试算表明,震源叠加后的反褶积算法呈现出高信噪比的特点。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a new approach to estimate high-resolution teleseismic receiver functions using a simultaneous iterative time-domain sparse deconvolution. This technique improves the deconvolution by using reweighting strategies based on a Cauchy criterion. The resulting sparse receiver functions enhance the primary converted phases and its multiples. To test its functionality and reliability, we applied this approach to synthetic experiments and to seismic data recorded at station ABU, in Japan. Our results show Ps conversions at approximately 4.0 s after the primary P onset, which are consistent with other seismological studies in this area. We demonstrate that the sparse deconvolution is a simple, efficient technique in computing receiver functions with significantly greater resolution than conventional approaches.  相似文献   
Delineation of detailed mantle structure frequently requires the separation of source signature and structural response from seismograms recorded at teleseismic distances. This deconvolution problem can be posed in a log-spectral domain where the operation of time-domain convolution is reduced to an additive form. The introduction of multiple events recorded at many stations leads to a system of consistency equations that must be honoured by both the source time functions and the impulse responses associated with propagation paths between sources and receivers. The system is inherently singular, and stabilization is accomplished through the supply of an initial estimate of the source time function. Although alternative choices exist, an effective estimate is derived from the eigenimage associated with the largest eigenvalue in a singular-value decomposition of the suite of aligned seismograms corresponding to a given event. The relation of the deconvolution scheme to simultaneous least-squares deconvolution is examined. Application of the methodology to broadband teleseismic P waveforms recorded on the Canadian National Seismograph Network demonstrates the retrieval of effective Green's functions including secondary phases associated with upper-mantle structure.  相似文献   
VSP资料约束地层反滤波研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浅地表的低速带和地层滤波作用导致地震信号的能量衰减,地震子波的高频快速衰减,速度频散的子波变形,对地震底层分析带来了严重的影响。地层反滤波算法就是为了消除地层对子波的影响,利用VSP中的直达下行波推算出每个地层滤波算子,计算出各个地层滤波算子的反算子,然后利用这些反算子恢复出地表记录中损失掉的高频成分,减弱地层滤波对波形的影响,增加地表记录的频率成分和波形的准确度。分析实际地震资料表明,经过地层反滤波处理后的记录频率成分明显提升,地质构造更加准确、清晰。  相似文献   
一种改进的基于非高斯性最大化的预测反褶积算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The predictive deconvolution algorithm (PD), which is based on second-order statistics, assumes that the primaries and the multiples are implicitly orthogonal. However, the seismic data usually do not satisfy this assumption in practice. Since the seismic data (primaries and multiples) have a non-Gaussian distribution, in this paper we present an improved predictive deconvolution algorithm (IPD) by maximizing the non-Gaussianity of the recovered primaries. Applications of the IPD method on synthetic and real seismic datasets show that the proposed method obtains promising results.  相似文献   
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