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本文介绍了南极中山锚地的选择条件,勘测实施过程及水文、气象特点,并对测量区域作了分析研究与评价,科学地确定了适合科考船抛锚的锚地,致使“雪龙”船首次在中山锚地抛锚试抛成功,结束了中山站附近海域无锚地的历史。  相似文献   
将大气和海洋中f-平面上中尺度地形的扰动问题统一起来作为一个地球物理流体力学问题,应用涡度、能量和经圈动量守恒条件,将原来高度非线性方程变成一个二阶椭园型非线性方程,用数值模拟方法分析了大气中的过山运动和海洋中的沿岸上升流,给出了与观测接近的模拟结果以及运动过程对内部物理参数和外界条件的敏感性分析。所提方法可供进一步的动力学分析和数值研究参考。  相似文献   
埕岛油田海区海底地形变化及预防措施   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
综合在胜利石油管理局埕岛油田海区多年来工程测绘与地质勘察资料 ,对埕岛油田海区地形地貌特征及其变化与发育趋势进行了论述 ,同时讨论了埕岛油田海上工程中需要重视的问题以及有关的工程防护问题。  相似文献   
DGPS RTK技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的应用初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文简要介绍了DGPS RTK技术的基本原理和作业流程,阐明了该技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的适用性,并以除六泾水文大断面的测量为例介绍了利用该技术进行工程实测的过程,通过对实测数据成果的分析,得出一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
分析了上海石化总厂化工物料码头周围水下地形工程前后的变化。指出在淤泥质岸段,由于沿岸工程的影响,造成工程附近水域动力环境的改变,水下地形随之作出相应的调整。特别在淤泥质岸段附近流急、含沙量高的水域中构筑沿岸工程,工程的水流下方一侧,水流减缓,水流挟沙能力大大减弱,出现明显的局部淤浅地形,为提高工程效益,对各工程之间的相互影响,应予以重视。  相似文献   
The recent sea-ice reduction in the Arctic Ocean is not spatially uniform, but is disproportionally large around the Northwind Ridge and Chukchi Plateau compared to elsewhere in the Canada Basin. In the Northwind Ridge region, Pacific Summer Water (PSW) delivered from the Bering Sea occupies the subsurface layer. The spatial distribution of warm PSW shows a quite similar pattern to the recent ice retreat, suggesting the influence of PSW on the sea-ice reduction. To understand the regionality of the recent ice retreat, we examine the dynamics and timing of the delivery of the PSW into this region. Here, we adopt a two-layer linearized potential vorticity equation to investigate the behavior of Rossby waves in the presence of a topographic discontinuity in the high latitude ocean. The analytical results show a quite different structure from those of mid-latitude basins due to the small value of β. Incident barotropic waves excited by the sea-ice motion with large annual variation can be scattered into both barotropic and baroclinic modes at the discontinuity. Since the scattered baroclinic Rossby wave with annual frequency cannot propagate freely, a strong baroclinic current near the topographic discontinuity is established. The seasonal variation of current near the topographic discontinuity would cause a kind of selective switching system for shelf water transport into the basin. In our simple analytical model, the enhanced northward transport of summer water and reduced northward transport of winter water are well demonstrated. The present study indicates that these basic dynamics imply that a strengthening of the surface forcing during winter in the Canada Basin could cause sea-ice reduction in the Western Arctic through the changes of underlying Pacific Summer Water.  相似文献   
塘沽海区海底地形的SAR影像仿真与反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用袁业立、金梅兵(1997)提出的海底地形SAR影像仿真与反演模型,对渤海塘沽海区的一张Radarsat SAR影像进行了仿真和水深反演研究。研究结果表明:仿真影像与真实SAR影像基本吻合,反演水深与实际水深也有较好的一致性;进一步证实了袁业立(1997)SAR成像机理的正确性和在中国近海利用SAR影像进行浅海水深探测的可行性。  相似文献   
根据星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)浅海水下地形和水深成像机理,建立了浅海水下地形和水深雷达后向散射截面仿真模型.利用该模型模拟并分析了不同地形条件下,浅海水下地形的雷达后向散射截面.分析结果表明,水下地形高度越高,SAR可测量的水深越深;水下地形坡度越大,越易被SAR所观测.水下地形的星载SAR测量还与水下地形的方向有关,与卫星飞行方向平行的水下地形最易被SAR观测,与卫星飞行方向垂直的水下地形最不易被SAR观测.  相似文献   
The coastal regions of the northeast Pacific support large, economically valuable fishery resources and provide nursery areas for many fish species. Over the last few decades, there have been dramatic shifts in species abundance and composition in this area. In this paper, we examine the springtime spatial patterns in the ichthyoplankton of three oceanographically different regions, the Southeast Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska and the U.S. West Coast. The data examined are a subset of a larger database (comprising data from cruises conducted from 1972 to 1997) that is being used to investigate spatial, seasonal and interannual patterns in ichthyoplankton of the northeast Pacific in relation to environmental conditions. Ichthyoplankton were collected during seven cruises using 60-cm bongo nets. Spatial patterns of ichthyoplankton were examined using both classification and ordination techniques. Relative Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficients calculated from the log10 (n+1) of abundance data were used as input to the numerical classification of species and stations. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling was also applied to the abundance data to examine geometric patterns in the data. The numerical analyses of the species abundance data sets for each cruise revealed spatial patterns in the ichthyoplankton that suggest the occurrence of geographically distinct assemblages of fish larvae in each region. For all three sampling regions, the assemblage structure is primarily related to bathymetry, and Shelf, Slope, and Deep-Water assemblages are described. This shallow to deep-water gradient in species occurrence and abundance reflects the habitat preference and spawning location of the adult fish. Another degree of complexity is superimposed on this primary assemblage structure in each region and seems to be related to local topography and the prevailing current patterns. The patterns in ichthyoplankton assemblages of the three regions in the northeast Pacific Ocean described here form the basis for future investigations of spatial and temporal patterns in the ichthyoplankton of the subarctic Pacific.Regional Index Terms: Northeast Pacific Ocean, Southeast Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, U.S. West Coast.  相似文献   
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