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准确掌握地球大气中的水气分布,了解水气变化趋势对天气现象、全球气候变化、数值预报具有理论研究及实用价值。以无线电掩星技术为基础,利用掩星数据反演大气参数剖面。对原反演模型的不足进行了论证,并给出了反演个例。详细地论述了通过引入MM5先验温度T再通过线性迭代的方法反演对流层下部水汽廓线原理,给出了优化后模型反演个例。并对模型优化后反演廓线中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了下一步优化方向。  相似文献   
Internet‐based mapping provides a powerful alternative for successfully establishing GIS technology in the K‐12 education community, while simultaneously avoiding the traditional barriers associated with desktop GIS. Internet‐based GIS can support standards‐based inquiry methods of teaching and learning while providing basic analysis tools for studying and exploring geographic or scientific data in the classroom.  相似文献   
The mineral industry is leading towards a technology driven optimization process. Drilling and blasting are such unit operations in a mine, which can alter the balance sheet of the mine if not planned properly. The development, improvement and utilization of innovative technologies in terms of blast monitoring instruments and explosives technology are important for cost effectiveness and safety of mineral industries.

The ever-growing demand for minerals has compelled the industry to adopt large opencast projects using heavy equipment. This has necessitated use of a few hundred tonnes of explosives in each blast. The bulk delivered fourth generation explosives have solved the problem of explosive loading to a large extent as it provides improved safety in manufacturing, transportation and handling. Bulk delivered emulsion is non-explosive until gasification is complete and a large quantity of explosive can be transported and loaded into blast holes efficiently and with safety. The priming of bulk delivered explosives in Indian mines uses the conventional PETN/TNT-based boosters. The conventional booster possesses safety problems in terms of handling and use, so Indian Explosives Ltd has developed an emulsion-based booster (Powergel Boost).

This paper explores the potential of an emulsion-based booster used as a primer to initiate bulk delivered emulsion explosives used in mines. An attempt has been made at a comparative study between the conventional booster and the emulsion-based booster in terms of the initiation process developed and their capability of developing and maintaining a stable detonation process in the column explosives. The study has been conducted using a continuous velocity of detonation (VOD) measuring instrument, the VODMate two channel system manufactured by Instantel Inc. of Canada. During this study three blasts were monitored. In each blast two holes were selected for study, the first hole was initiated using a conventional booster while the other one used an emulsion-based booster. The findings of the study advocates that the emulsion-based booster is capable of the efficient priming of bulk delivered column explosive with a stable detonation process in the column.  相似文献   
卫星遥感反演土壤水分研究综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
土壤水分是影响地表过程的核心变量之一。精准地测量土壤水分及其时空分布,长期以来是定量遥感研究领域的难点问题。简要回顾基于光学、被动微波、主动微波和多传感器联合反演等卫星遥感反演土壤水分的主要反演算法、存在的难点和前沿性研究问题,介绍了应用土壤水分反演算法所形成的3种主要全球土壤水分数据集,包括欧洲气象业务卫星(ERS/MetOp)数据集、高级微波扫描辐射计(AMSR-E)数据集、土壤湿度与海洋盐分卫星(SMOS)数据集,并结合目前存在的问题探讨卫星遥感反演土壤水分研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   
以"矿床成矿系列"理论为指导,利用"矿床模型综合地质信息预测"方法分析提取石墨典型矿床预测要素,结合典型矿床及石墨成矿地质特征提取区域预测要素,建立了区域成矿模式及区域预测模型。在陆缘海相对稳定的沉积环境下沉积形成的古元古代荆山群陡崖组徐村段含碳碎屑岩-有机质黏土岩-镁质碳酸盐岩建造、古元古代晚期区内的高角闪岩-麻粒岩相的中—高级变质作用是区内晶质石墨矿床形成的必要条件。区域性褶皱构造的翼部、次级褶皱构造的核部及转折端附近,角闪石、透闪石、透辉石、石墨、黑云母矿物组合特征是石墨矿床成矿、赋矿的重要要素,陡崖组徐村段石墨黑云斜长片麻岩或石墨透辉变粒岩是石墨矿床的重要找矿标志。石墨赋矿层位的高极化率、低电阻率、低磁异常特征是石墨矿床存在的重要指示标志。按照赋矿变质建造分布范围,控矿构造展布方向及区内电性、重磁异常特征等综合因素圈定预测区平面及深部延伸边界。全区圈定预测区85个,其中A级14个,B级11个,C级60个,分区域、地段、深度、级别(类别)定量估算500 m以浅资源量,预测晶质石墨矿物量1亿多t。  相似文献   
在分析现有的数据处理策略的基础上,将经过改进的基于二进制Goppa编码的McEliece密码体制与数据份额的产生相结合,提出了一种基于纠错码密码体制的数据分离算法(KPDA)。与经典秘密共享算法相比,该算法具有同等或更高的效率;而与同类的数据分离技术相比,基于编码的密码体制可以提供更好的安全保障。  相似文献   
2013年四川芦山7.0级地震烈度遥感评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0级地震发生后,在灾区应急获取了多种高分辨率航空和无人机遥感影像,并快速解译提取了灾区建筑物震害信息.采用地震烈度遥感定量评估方法,利用2008年汶川8.0级地震等震后震害遥感解译和现场调查研究确定的经验震害遥感定量评估模型,获得了芦山地震灾区126个主要居民点的地震烈度遥感评估结果,并据此圈画了地震烈度分布遥感评估图.结果显示,本次地震Ⅸ度区面积约150km2,Ⅷ度区面积约900km2.该结果在第一时间(4月21日晚)提供给了中国地震局地震现场应急指挥部.对比分析显示,地震烈度遥感快速评估结果与中国地震局4月25日公布的地震烈度图,以及与笔者在现场实地进行的建筑物震害详细调查结果基础上评定的地震烈度具有较高的一致性.表明强烈地震发生后,借助于快速获取的灾区高分辨率遥感影像,可以快速估计地震烈度分布,对地震灾区灾情估计和抗震救灾工作具有十分重要的参考意义.  相似文献   
Morphological features of braided rivers (bars, channels and pools) experience major changes in area, shape and spatial distribution as a response to (i) the pulsation of discharge during a flood and (ii) the bed evolution induced by floods. In this work, at‐a‐station relationships between water level and planform configuration were investigated on the Tagliamento River, a large gravel‐bed braided river in northeast Italy, over a 2‐year study period comprising three bankfull events and several small‐to‐medium floods. The analysis was performed on two 1‐km‐long reaches, characterized by different riparian vegetation cover. Ground‐based images with an hourly temporal resolution were acquired using software‐controlled, digital cameras. Bars, channels, pools and vegetated patches were manually digitized on more than 100 rectified images. Sequences of constant‐level images spanning the study period were used to quantify the impact of floods on the stability of at‐a‐station relationships and on the turnover rate of water bodies. The analysis shows that wetted area increased almost linearly with water level in both reaches. The average number of branches per cross‐section peaked at intermediate flow levels, increasing from 2 at low flow up to 6–7. The number of branches displayed the largest fluctuations over time, with significant changes produced also by moderate floods. Turnover rates were high in both reaches, with more than 30% of wetted areas at low flow converting into bare gravel in less than 2 months. Vegetation colonization was found to limit the mobility of the low flow channels over time by concentrating the flow in fewer, deeper anabranches. The number of channels per cross‐section was 30–40% less in the vegetated reach and the proportion of low flow water bodies in the same position after 12 months increased from 3% to 14%. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
潮沟是潮滩的主要地貌类型之一,潮沟信息的检测对湿地生态环境的监测和保护有着重要意义。本文以长江口九段沙下沙北部发育比较复杂的潮沟为研究对象,使用2016年1月26日Landsat8全色波段数据,采用了一种融合小波变换、最大类间方差法和数学形态学的方法对潮沟边缘信息进行了检测。小波变换中通过减小高层小波系数,达到弱化潮滩灰度变化的目的;通过增大低层小波系数,达到增强潮沟信息的目的;利用数学形态学和图像之间的几何(加减乘)运算,完成潮沟的提取;最后,分别在原始数据和检测结果相应的位置取样进行精度验证,样方潮沟面积一致性精度平均为92.1%。  相似文献   
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