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Diatom Skeletonema costatum Cleve is one of the main predominant phytoplankton species in the Changjiang Estuary in China. In order to provide some basic information for future assessment of the potential risk on phytoplankton communities in this estuary caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), this alga was selected as a representative to investigate the photoinduced toxicity of PAHs, in single and mixture. Four PAHs including three-ring phenanthrene and anthracene, four-ring fluoranthene and pyrene were tested in the laboratory. The single toxicity of each PAH on this microalga was compared with and without the simulated solar UV radiation. The results showed that this microalga was sensitive to PAH's photoinduced toxicity. Ratios of the 72 h median effect concentration obtained for fluorescent and UV light tests were about 8.4 for phenanthrene, 13.0 for anthracene, 6.5 for fluoranthene, and 5.7 for pyrene, indicating that UV light enhanced the PAH toxicity to this alga significantly. Under the fluorescent radiation (lacking UV), the dose-response curves based on chemical concentrations revealed that the order of toxic strength was fluoranthene greater than pyrene greater than anthracene greater than phenanthrene; while under the UV radiation (476 μW/cm2 for UVA, 6.5 μW/cm2 for UVB) it became fluoranthene approximately equaling anthracene greater than pyrene greater than phenanthrene, indicating that the UV light also changed its relative toxicity to this alga. The photoinduced toxicity of PAHs to the marine diatom S. costatum might be a synergistic effect of photosensitization reactions (e.g., generation of single-state oxygen) and photomodification (photooxidation and/or photolysis).The combined effects of six binary mixtures on the marine diatom S. costatum were investigated using the additive-index method. Four binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus anthracene; phenanthrene plus pyrene; anthracene plus fluoranthene; anthracene plus pyrene) were found to be synergistic joint action mode, while two binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus fluoranthene; fluoranthene plus pyrene) displayed antagonist, revealing a complex pattern of possible interactions. The combined action mode of PAHs might be related to various factors such as the mixture compounds, mixture ratios and test conditions, etc.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) distribution and microbial population changes in brackish sediments from an Italian lagoon included in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. The presence and level of PAH-degrading bacteria were estimated by the most probable number (MPN) enumeration technique, whereas degradation capability towards target compounds was checked against loss of spiked PAHs (Phenanthrene, Anthracene and Fluoranthene) in MPN tubes after incubation in optimal conditions. Chemical analyses and microbiological counts suggested a potential for PAHs biodegradation by natural occurring populations of sediment microorganisms, thus indicating an "optimal range" in sediment PAHs concentrations, outside of which the natural selection of the indigenous microflora did not occur. The MPN procedure here described, provided an effective and reliable way to simultaneously determine microbial population densities and subsequent confirmation of the biodegradation capability of sediment indigenous microflora when exposed to laboratory and environmental concentrations of PAHs.  相似文献   
Salt-water inflows into the Baltic Sea are important events for renewing the deep and bottom waters of the deep basins of the Baltic Sea. These events occur only at irregular intervals. The last strong event was in January 1993 followed by minor inflows in winter 1993/1994. As a result of these inflows, the deep water of the central Baltic basins was completely renewed.Based on extensive observations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water, fluffy layer material and surface sediments between 1992 and 1998, the transformation of PAHs and the modification of their distribution in the Baltic deep water is discussed in connection with the spreading of the inflowing highly saline and oxygen-rich water along its pathway from the sills into the central basins. In the course of the inflows in 1993/1994, the PAH concentration in the deep water of the different basins increased significantly. The concentrations were elevated, at least by a factor of 2 and as much as seven to eight times (for the four-ring PAHs) compared to the previous and the following years. Two hypotheses for the causes were discussed: the inflowing salt water may have entrained more highly polluted surface water in the western Baltic Sea, or it may have entrained contaminated fluffy layer material or sediment particles along the route of transport.  相似文献   
构造煤与原生结构煤的显微傅立叶红外光谱特征对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对平顶山、郑州和南票三大矿区石炭二叠纪含煤岩系中高煤级烟煤和无烟煤的显微傅立叶红外光谱分析,探讨了原生结构煤与构造煤的有机大分子结构演化特征及其影响因素。结果表明,构造应力有利于煤中氢发生化学环境转移,使脂肪烃含量相对减少、稳定的芳香烃含量相对增加,促进煤大分子结构缩合度和有序度增加。  相似文献   
In-situ Formation of Light-Absorbing Organic Matter in Cloud Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current climate models seem to underestimate the flux of solar energy absorbed by the global troposphere. All of these models are constrained with the assumption that cloud droplets consist of pure water. Here we demonstrate in a simple laboratory experiment that aromatic hydroxy-acids which are found in continental fine aerosol can react with hydroxyl radicals under typical conditions prevalent in cloud water influenced by biomass burning. The reactions yield colored organic species which do absorb solar radiation. We also suggest that the products of such reactions may be humic-like substances whose presence in continental aerosol has been confirmed but their source mechanisms are still much sought after. We also attempt to give a first order estimate of the enhancement of water absorption at a visible wavelength under atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   
随着太湖流域社会与经济的发展,多环芳烃(PAHs)在各种环境介质中逐渐累积,污染日益严重,可能对太湖生态环境及周边人体健康构成威胁。为探究太湖沉积物PAHs的来源及生态风险,于2021年12月在太湖采集30个表层沉积物样品,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)检测样品中16种PAHs含量;利用受体模型和苯并[a]芘(BaP)毒性当量法进行来源解析及生态风险评估,并将各来源贡献与毒性当量浓度相结合,量化源风险。结果表明,太湖表层沉积物中16种PAHs总含量介于124~592 ng/g之间,平均值为294 ng/g,中值为279 ng/g;高环多环芳烃(HMW PAHs)为主要组分,占∑PAHs的67%。高含量区域位于竺山湾、梅梁湾、贡湖湾和西太湖,与国内外其他湖泊沉积物相比,太湖沉积物PAHs含量处于较低水平。源解析的结果表明,太湖表层沉积物中PAHs交通排放源贡献率为29.1%、煤炭燃烧源贡献率为26.7%、生物质燃烧源贡献率为28.7%、石油源贡献率为15.6%。生态风险评价结果表明,交通排放源、生物质燃烧源、煤炭燃烧源和石油源的BaP毒性当量含量(TEQBaP)均值分别为19.34、17.81、16.33和9.1 ng/g,均小于70 ng/g,几乎处于无风险水平。西太湖、贡湖湾和梅梁湾的部分区域ΣTEQBaP大于70 ng/g属于潜在风险区,具有一定潜在毒性。在后续的污染治理中应重点关注太湖西北部地区污染物的排放。本研究可为沉积物中PAHs污染的研究提供数据支撑,为地方政府精准、高效地管控PAHs污染提供理论依据。  相似文献   
持久性有机污染物因其与环境和人类健康息息相关而受到国内外研究学者的持续关注。本研究以类持久性有机污染物—多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs)和新型持久性有机污染物—六溴环十二烷(hexabromocyclododecanes, HBCDs)为研究对象,于2019年1月和2月对九龙江河口表层水体进行了采样分析,采用固相萃取-气质联用(GC-MS)方法,分析其表层水体中18种溶解态多环芳烃及3种六溴环十二烷的含量分布特征和组分特征,探究其来源并进行污染评价。结果表明,表层水体中溶解态多环芳烃ΣPAHs含量范围为38.49~256.00 ng/L,各组分以2环和3环为主,4环次之,5环及以上仅有个别站位检出,其来源以石油源为主,主要来源于石油类化石燃料燃烧。ΣHBCDs的含量范围为ND~49.951 ng/L,以α-HBCD为主,γ-HBCD次之,β-HBCD最少。与国内外其他港湾及流域相比,九龙江河口PAHs含量依然处于较高水平,HBCDs含量则处于相对较低水平。  相似文献   
长期以来,研究者在探讨土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的降解及修复过程中,缺乏简便有效的手段对化合物的降解动态进行定量研究。前人尝试用投加实验、对比采用降解措施前后污染物的浓度变化、模型计算等方法研究PAHs的降解过程,其结果常互相矛盾,或不能真实反映复杂的实际环境。本文应用单体碳同位素技术对农田土壤中多环芳烃的植物降解过程进行定量表征,采集了某地农田表土作为供试土壤,选择玉米作为供试作物,开展了作物对土壤中PAHs降解及消除过程的研究。气相色谱-质谱分析结果表明,培养所用的玉米原始土及分4批收集的空白土、根际土、非根际土样品中16种PAHs的浓度总和(∑PAHs)平均分别为380.8 ng/g、(281.5±34.7) ng/g、(272.2±11.6) ng/g和(299.8±37.9) ng/g;玉米生长期间,各土壤样品 的∑PAHs均比原始土壤有所下降,但除3环化合物(苊烯、苊、芴、菲、蒽)外,其他化合物并未随玉米的生长表现出显著趋势。与玉米根、叶倾向于富集低环PAHs化合物相对应,可以判断植物对土壤中的低环化合物去除作用最为显著。各采样时期玉米根际土、非根际土和空白土壤样品中多环芳烃单体化合物的碳同位素分馏值(δ13C)在-34.31‰~-23.95‰之间,且除芘外的其他化合物的δ13C值随时间呈现逐步变轻的趋势,波动值位于-0.6‰~-9.0‰之间;本文对于PAHs单体化合物,尤其是4、5环化合物,在玉米降解过程中的碳同位素分馏与浓度变化之间未发现明显关系。考虑3环以下的PAHs化合物更倾向于被降解和清除,且其碳、氢同位素分馏情况更容易被观察到,因此稳定同位素分析更有助于探明该类单体多环芳烃污染物在环境中的迁移、转化规律。  相似文献   
鼎湖山自然保护区大气气溶胶中的PAHs   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
多环芳烃(PAHs)是环境中分布广泛、危害人类健康的有机化合物,通过对鼎湖山自然保护区自然地理和大气气溶胶中苯并(a)芘分析认为,春季样品中大气气溶胶中PAHs主要来源于高等植物排放,夏季来源于珠江三角洲经济区化石燃烧排放。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe Permian-Triassic ( Tr/P) boundary , datedto be (251 .4±0 .3) Ma ago ,is marked by the mostdrastic mass extinction of organisms in the Phanero-zoic .In order to explore the pattern and the cause ofthe mass extinction,extensive research has been fo-cused on biostratigraphy , isotopic chronostratigra-phy , event stratigraphy , ecostratigraphy and se-quence stratigraphy (Payne et al .,2004 ; Reichowetal .,2002 ; Yin et al .,2001 ;Jin et al .,2000 ;Zhanget al .,1996 ,1995 ;…  相似文献   
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